In the test, shown in Figure 6, four nodes and six
configurations were used, as was described at the
beginning of Section 4. Each of the devices were
placed 1.25m above ground level and the tracked
node was carried in hand by a person. The test took
50 seconds while 271 rounds were measured
(altogether 1626 phase measurements were
The tracking algorithm was executed with
parameter values of limit = 0.1m, and confmin = 0.6.
Initially 169 possible locations were found.
The length of the actual track is 271, as shown in
Figure 6, with red line. The longest five phantom
tracks have lengths of 86, 71, 69, 69, and 69 steps.
In this paper a novel radio-interferometric object
tracking method was proposed. In contrast to former
radio-interferometric localization methods, the
proposed solution resolves the location ambiguity
while the object is moving and provides more and
more measurements.
The proposed solution is able to determine the
full track of a moving object, after the object has
covered a sufficiently large trajectory. Alternatively
it can follow the trajectory of an object in real time,
if the original position of the object is known.
The performance of the algorithm was tested in
simulations and real measurements. The proposed
method, according to simulation experiments, is
robust when the measurement noise is moderate.
The algorithm performed also well in a measurement
using prototype equipment.
Although the preliminary results are very
promising there are several open questions. It is not
known yet how long trajectory the object should
cover before all ambiguities can be resolved. The
dependence of the minimal trajectory length on
various system parameters is also unknown. The
current measurement rate (approximately 5 rounds
per second) should also be improved to allow
tracking of faster objects.
Possible improvements include acceleration of
confidence map generation with GPU based parallel
computing. Currently a simple image processing
algorithm is used to identify the possible locations;
with a tailor-made adaptive algorithm the
performance of the algorithm possibly can be
improved. The robustness of the tracking can also be
increased using model based approaches e.g.
Figure 6: Output of the tracking algorithm based on a real
measurement. The computed real object track is shown by
red line, while the phantom tracks are shorter blue lines.
The initial track positions are denoted by blue dots.
This research was supported by the Hungarian
Government and the European Union and co-
financed by the European Social Fund under projects
TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0073 and
TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0004. Gergely
Zachár was supported by the European Union and
co-financed by the European Social Fund in the
framework of TÁMOP 4.2.4. A/2-11-1-2012-0001
'National Excellence Program'.
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