A Model to Specify Inter-company Cooperation
Meriem Kermani
, Mahmoud Boufaida
and Emmanuel Paviot-Adet
LIRE laboratory, Constantine 2 University, Constantine, Algeria
LIP6 laboratoty, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France
Keywords: Interoperability, Inter-company Cooperation, Learning Agents.
Abstract: The impact of the evolution of the global economic ecosystem, has forced and still force again organizations
to either adopt new behaviour schemas and to deeply change their structure, also to be more open to their
environment as well. These impacts require a new cooperation philosophy from organizations side. Several
studies have focused on the problem of the intercompany cooperation, proposing approaches that provide
interoperability mechanisms. But this remains an open research domain. In this work we will propose a
mediation architecture between different companies. A mediator allows us to create an intercompany
cooperative process, the purpose of this solution is to keep the company architecture and ask the mediator
which is a software-based agent to play an intermediary role between companies, and involve it in making
the transformation between companies. We define a dynamic and cooperative inter-companies model that
combines the agent technology and the decision trees paradigm. This last facilitates making decision by
selecting the services that best meet customer needs, in order to create a composite service.
The company environment has strongly evolved in
recent years; it has become more complex and
unpredictable, moreover technological changes have
greatly influenced the organization of the
companies. The integration of these changes
becomes essential to ensure companies’ survival, not
only at a single company, a sector or a given
economy level but at global level (Grefen et al.,
2009) companies are now trying to “squaring the
circle” because they must firstly meet the
competitive challenges by improving industrial
performance in terms of cost, time, etc. Secondly
answer the openness problems. Many companies
have realized the importance of cooperation to
ensure their survival. Cooperative spaces, in which
companies work and react together have emerged in
various forms: virtual company, companies’ network
etc. The establishment and the management of this
type of organization are often based on technical and
information sharing platforms which support and
facilitate the cooperation (Grefen et al., 2009). We
will focus in our work in this kind of relationship
and more particularly to the notion of the on demand
cooperation. We take the definition proposed by
(Boukadi et al., 2010) of the on demand cooperation
as a temporary grouping of partners distributed in
space and time. This grouping is formed from
opportunistic alliances initiated by a company called
the initiator company of cooperation project which
will be dissolved once the opportunity finished.
Such a scenario involves the collaboration of
different parts of a cooperative process that consists
of several processes performed by different partners
in order to meet a common purpose or to seize an
opportunity in the market.
While the information technology innovates
increasingly, but the industrial world is still reluctant
to join dynamic cooperation scenarios, since the
companies’ information system is not suited to this
type of operation.
The service-oriented architecture and Web
service technology seem to provide credible answers
to the needs both internally (information system
support of the cooperation) and externally (services
available to partners). But in the current state,
several obstacles constrain the implementation of the
SOA within the company as well as the forming of
services-based cooperation. It is basically the lack of
implementation method to define the architecture of
services within the company information system. In
addition, there are few works about the construction
methods of the on-demand cooperative process
based on services composition paradigm. To these
Kermani M., Boufaida M. and Paviot-Adet E..
A Model to Specify Inter-company Cooperation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004841103180323
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 318-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-023-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
two problems a third one related to the dynamic
nature of the cooperation is added. The analysis of
the problem of services based inter-company
cooperation has led us to the decomposition into
three additional sub issues that shape our research
problem, which are respectively the building
problem of a new framework that ensures the
effectiveness and efficiency of the intercompany
cooperation based on service approach, the problem
of decision making in order to choose the best
services for a given query and the building problem
of the on-demand collaborative process (or the
composition of different services). Our contributions
answer the limitations and problems previously
described by offering mediation architecture
between different companies which are a
cooperation partners, the use of mediator ensures
interoperability between companies and some level
of security. To facilitate decision making and be able
to choose the services that best meet customer needs,
we propose the integration of decision trees in the
software agents of our mediator. The third part of
our contribution is the implementation of
cooperation; this cooperation necessarily passes
through an interconnection of processes of different
companies, using the service composition paradigm.
This paper is structured as following: Section 2
and 3 are consecrated to a study of our proposal
which will be illustrated by an example in section 4.
Section 5 is dedicated to a comparative study
between multiple research works finally in section 6,
we will make conclusions about our work and we
will talk about the extension of it.
After having introduced the concept of Inter-
enterprise cooperation that results in the formation
of business process built from the interconnection of
various processes and the partners have a partial
master on the business process. We propose in this
part mediation architecture between the services of
the companies that are participating to the
cooperation. According to J-L Lascoux (Touzi et al,
2008) the mediator “provides a framework with its
own benchmarks, consisting of operating and
communication rules, and steps process. It begins
with the acknowledgement of the parts position in
terms of legitimacy, to the formalization of an
agreement as satisfactory as possible for the parts”.
In our architecture the mediator is used to perform a
dynamic intercompany process. To ensure the
interoperability of the participating companies we
propose the integration of software agents in our
mediator, learning of these agents is done by
decision trees. The intercompany process (composite
service created) will be published to be used as a
web service, to permit the visibility and to be reused
by other customers. Figure 1 shows an overview of
our architecture.
Figure 1 shows our mediation architecture that
consists of:
Participating Companies: These companies offer
accessible services via the public part of their
information system. The Information about each
service is stored in a services directory of the
Mediator: is the core of the architecture, it is
acting as an intermediate between the requester
and the partners. It is composed of:
Interface Agent: it receives and makes the
processing of the applicant request to build a
decision tree, which will be sent to the
coordinator agent.
Services Directory: at this directory we have
services agents each of these agent is related to a
service proposed by a company. These agents
Figure 1: Architecture for intercompany cooperation.
represent information about each service, the
information is organized as: a local decision tree
in each agent service, and service address,
communication protocol, and the details of the
Coordination Agent: it allows creating a
composite service to meet the client request. It
has a global decision tree that is created from the
set of local decision trees.
This tree is used to
make a decision which allows choosing the best
services to meet customer demand.
Applicant service: it represents the launch
To enable the communication of different
heterogeneous companies we propose to combine
the software agents and decision trees.
Figure 2 shows the general structure of the
coordination agent, respecting the three properties of
independence, communication and intelligence. This
architecture is inspired from the modular theory of
(Fodor, 1983) that consists of five modules
managing knowledge, perception, communication,
control and the thinking of the agent.
Figure 2: Components of the Coordinator Agent.
Communication Module is a messages support
between the agent and its coordinator. All
interactions between the coordination agent and
the services agent or the interface agent pass
through this module.
Mailbox is used to submit messages. This queue
box type FIFO (First in First Out), is used for
storing messages in order to process them
Representation module receives the request sent
by the agent service as a tree, and then
reformulates the global tree (the tree that
includes all local trees published by the different
service agents) following the order of criteria
send by interface agent
Information Management Module contains
information related to the service published by
partners (protocol, address, message structure,
description of the roles of services). Each agent
service uses a local ontology to represent
vocabulary and concepts in its application
Ontology module deals with the search for
correspondences between agents to perform a
cooperative task.
The coordinator agent uses a decision tree to quickly
select the services that best meet customer needs, a
decision tree can be used to clarify and find an
answer to a complex problem. The structure allows
our coordinator agent to take a problem with
multiple possible solutions and display it in a simple
and easily understandable format that shows the
relationship between different events or decisions.
4.1 Structure of the Local Tree
The following figure shows the internal structure of
our local trees:
Figure 3: Internal structure of our local trees.
- Initial Node: each local tree initial node located
in an agent service represents a company service.
-Branches: they connect an interior node
parent” to a “child” node. They represent the
variable value tested in the parent intermediate node
to the child node. Each branch corresponding to a
question, allows choosing the path to follow.
Rule 1: the path to go in the tree: if the answer is
yes, then the left path will be taken, otherwise it
must move to the right one.
-Intermediate Node: represents the deals offered
by each service, each intermediate node
corresponds to a response to determine the deal.
Each answer then determines the next question.
Rule 2: each non-terminal node corresponds to a
test P(x) which evaluates the predicate P in Example
-Leaf: each leaf refers to a class.
4.2 Training Algorithms by Decision
The main training algorithms by decision trees are
CART (Breiman et al, 1994) and C4.5 (Quinlan,
1984). We present below some of their
characteristics. The first step is to build a small tree
which consists of the most of data. The idea is to
divide recursively and efficiently as possible the
training sets examples by defined tests using
attributes until we get subsets of examples which
contain only examples belonging to the same class.
This idea leads to a Top-Down construction methods
that’s mean constructing the tree from the root to the
recursive leaves. We can then define a general
scheme of algorithm.
Generic Training Algorithm:
We will treat in this part the realization of a response
process of an emergency case which is an accident,
using three existing entities named: Hospital, SAMU
and Police.
The Hospital service: each hospital propose
a description including its position, in our case we
will need a GPS coordinates of the hospital.
The SAMU service: provides a description
of its services such as the emergency care team, the
possible route and the expected duration of each
The Police service: provides the position of the
police stations and available patrols.
The description of each hospital the SAMU
and The Police services is published in an agent
service and represented by a local decision tree, and
the coordination agents representing the global tree
for each existing entities.
5.1 Operational Scenario
Using the three services mentioned previously, we
will elaborate an emergency response scenario to
carry out a sequence of actions for each accident
report. We wish to create here a response emergency
service which is called 333. This service will allow
users to report an accident at a given position. The
service will take the necessary steps and return to the
user the expected intervention delay in seconds. The
internal scenario which will lead the interactions
between services is the following:
The coordinator agent will firstly ask the
accident base to determine whether the reported
accident is known, if so a negative value is simply
returned to the service requester. Otherwise, we will
first find the nearest hospital to the accident position,
we use GPS data of the hospital and we determine
both the SAMU and the police to be sent. We then
add this to the accidents base before returning to the
user the intervention time that was given by the
5.2 Creation of Trees
We have chosen to use the SIPINA method for the
generalization of our local trees, SIPINA is software
but it is also a training method. It generalizes the
trees by introducing an additional operation which is
the fusion, during the induction of the prediction
model. The figure 4 shows the generalization of the
tree from Excel files, after following all method
steps we obtain the following tree. After creating all
local trees, the coordinator agent generates a global
tree that includes all local trees; this tree that has
been created manually, until the definition of an
algorithm which allows the fusion of the local trees
according to a test on each arc in order to create a
tree that includes other trees by category.
Figure 4: Generalization of the tree from Excel using
Sipina Version 3.2.
5.3 Some Implementation Aspects
Figure 5: Communication between agents JADE.
Figure 5. shows the structure of our agents, and
some messages exchanged between its, using the
Jade platform to create the behavior of agents and to
examine the feasibility of our proposition. For
example coordinator agent of SAMU service named
"CA-SAMU" sends a request to the service agents
"SA-SAMU" the representatives of the different
SAMU, then this services respond with a messages
"inform" given their position, the coordinator agent
selected the service that best meets the needs and
sends a message "confirm" to the service agent
concerned, the traces of the messages exchanged
between agents are made with the help of sniffer
agent. The third part of the figure shows the
structure of a message "request" sent by the agent
"CA-SAMU" to the "CA-SAMU" agent.
Several models have been proposed to establish the
enterprise collaboration. The proposed works have
the information system at the center of their
concerns and qualify it as an indispensable support
for the implementation of the company strategy. The
authors of some research work (Indulska et al, 2006)
(Henderson et al, 2007) (Rolland et al, 2009) were
attached to the analysis and design domain of
process-oriented information systems. Several
methods and tools of information systems
engineering have emerged such as component-based
approaches, MDA (Model Driven Engineering).
These methods have been proposed to meet the
evolution of the current information system context:
evolution in terms of the information system
architecture (heterogeneous and distributed),
evolution in its use (open and accessible for different
users). Since a few years the concept of Service
Oriented architecture (SOA: Service Oriented
Architecture) has been rapidly spread and widely
accepted as a supporting architecture of the company
information system. We studied the overall work
according to the approaches and technologies used
the nature of collaborative processes if it is static or
dynamic, and the field possible for the use of the
proposed solution.
(Touzi et al, 2008) adopt a non standardization
approach, which proposes the design of a mediation
system between information systems. The proposed
practices are similar to the MDE and allow one to
anticipate the tooling of a model transformation
workshop. This method was also adopted in (Truptil
et al, 2011), to solve a crisis management problem,
the approach used in (Hui et al, 2010) is a
standardization approach that consists on the
proposition of a framework where all the
participating company must respect it.
Among the works that have used the agent
paradigm for solving the inter-company cooperation
problems, the authors, (Brahimi et al, 2009) (Namin
et al, 2006) have proposed global architectures,
integrating the technology of web services. The
difference that (Namin et al, 2006) proposed the
integration of web services and software agents
within the internal structure of the company and by
adopting software agents within the UDDI registry;
from the company side. Few studies have treated the
notion of dynamic cooperation. For instance, the
work of (Boukadi et al, 2010) offers such a
mechanism of cooperation. (Mallek et al, 2011) have
a different vision. They proposed an approach to
detect problems before a real collaboration, then
analyzing and finding solutions to each partner. A
few studies cited above that have used software
agents and they have not addressed the decision-
making of these agents. In this work we propose a
distributed system, and when it comes to designing
this type of system, agent technology is suitable,
because MAS not only allow the sharing or
distribution of knowledge, but also the achievement
of a common goal. Agents in our work learn the
decision from the user in certain situations to
support him in other situations. The decision
problem in the case of the cooperative distributed
systems is a complex problem. Then, the training
algorithm of the agent must meet several
requirements: interactive, explicative, online, not
handling only the quantitative but also the
qualitative parameters. Also we must divide our
decision problem into several problems. In our case,
we choose to use decision trees, because they can
model simply graphically and quickly a complex
measured phenomenon. The aim of the use of
training agents with the paradigm of decision trees is
to select the best services that meet customer needs.
In this paper, we have proposed an architecture to
create a dynamic process of cooperation; our
architecture can be used in the case of B2B
(business-to-business), B2C (Business-to-Consumer)
or B2A (business-to- administration). This solution
is based on approach of no-standardization;
companies keep their structure and offer services.
The mediator is involved in making the
transformation between the services to create an
intercompany collaborative process. We have
integrated decision trees in a module of agents called
representation module. The use of decision trees can
reduce the response time to choose the best service.
In order to better improve our approach, we will use
the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, which
has long been promising methods for enabling an
autonomous agent to improve its behavior on
sequential decision-making tasks. The next step is to
specify a transformation model for integrating the
decision trees in the agent modules.
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