analyzing and finding solutions to each partner. A
few studies cited above that have used software
agents and they have not addressed the decision-
making of these agents. In this work we propose a
distributed system, and when it comes to designing
this type of system, agent technology is suitable,
because MAS not only allow the sharing or
distribution of knowledge, but also the achievement
of a common goal. Agents in our work learn the
decision from the user in certain situations to
support him in other situations. The decision
problem in the case of the cooperative distributed
systems is a complex problem. Then, the training
algorithm of the agent must meet several
requirements: interactive, explicative, online, not
handling only the quantitative but also the
qualitative parameters. Also we must divide our
decision problem into several problems. In our case,
we choose to use decision trees, because they can
model simply graphically and quickly a complex
measured phenomenon. The aim of the use of
training agents with the paradigm of decision trees is
to select the best services that meet customer needs.
In this paper, we have proposed an architecture to
create a dynamic process of cooperation; our
architecture can be used in the case of B2B
(business-to-business), B2C (Business-to-Consumer)
or B2A (business-to- administration). This solution
is based on approach of no-standardization;
companies keep their structure and offer services.
The mediator is involved in making the
transformation between the services to create an
intercompany collaborative process. We have
integrated decision trees in a module of agents called
representation module. The use of decision trees can
reduce the response time to choose the best service.
In order to better improve our approach, we will use
the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, which
has long been promising methods for enabling an
autonomous agent to improve its behavior on
sequential decision-making tasks. The next step is to
specify a transformation model for integrating the
decision trees in the agent modules.
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