The great potential offering this project is the
future line implementation because the technological
advances in semantic web are able to provide
improvements in the educational field. In a future,
this tool will be able to be implemented into different
environments and work in a collaborative way with
other ontologies and monitoring tools.
This article has described a solution to monitor
the student’s learning process. The general goal of
this work has been the development of a monitor
tool so-named STSIM, based on web and ontology
technology with the following main characteristics:
available for teachers and students, multilingual,
multiplatform, easily extensible, user-friendly
and developed using the framework ZK, a Web
application framework based on patterns and events,
and Jena framework.
Besides, it is worth mentioning the importance
of monitoring as information source to the human
supervision (tutor or the student throughout his
learning) or software supervision because it has a
great potential to detect weaknesses in the student’s
learning process using ontological inference and
monitoring information.
We should emphasize the importance of the
use of ontologies and its advantages, including the
the ability of inference from their knowledge. It
can benefit and enrich greatly the monitoring and
supervision of student’s learning and, ultimately,
encourage advance towards the improvement of
educational processes, essential goal of our work.
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Environments for Training/Instruction, whose
benefits have been proven in the field of education
(Mantovani, 2001) and, specifically, the IVETs,
already exists in the ontology network used in
STSIM tool that can be exploited and extended in the
future to achieve the final goal.
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