test cases. Taking into account the amount of effort
spent by problem setters in creating huge and exhaus-
tive private test cases, it is almost deceiving to see a
posteriori that only a few of these test cases are, in
fact, relevant.
These relevant test cases can improve the feedback
of educative online judges which, until now, just re-
port a negative verdict in the event of a wrong submis-
sion. However, an important question that remains to
be addressed is how to use these distilled sets in the
workflow of educative online judges.
A first option would be to disclose the distilled
test cases to students that request them after they
have submitted a bad submission. A similar approach
would be to disclose only one distilled test case for
which the student’s code fails (assuming there is at
least one, which should happen most of the times).
Although this could be a way to help beginners to spot
their errors and fix them, it also could induce a “trial
and error” behavior similar to the one already criti-
cized in the introuction of this paper. At the very least,
the counterexample where the code fails, being part of
the distilled set, should provide a deeper insight to the
users than just a random counterexample.
An alternative to mitigate the above option would
be to keep distilled test cases private from students,
but available to instructors. Looking both to the
code of their mentored students and to the distilled
test cases (where the code fails), instructors could be
able to provide better individual answers, including,
if deemed suitable, some of the distilled test cases.
The community of instructors using Jutge.org is
currently debating these options and some variations
of them.
We thank all the users of Jutge.org: without their nu-
merous mistakes, this work would have never seen the
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