Semantic Approach to WMO Codes
Enrico Fucile
European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts
Shinfield Park, Reading, RG27HQ, U.K.
Keywords: BUFR, WMO Codes, Observations, IWXXM, METCE, EcCodes.
Abstract: Two initiatives are presented to make the WMO codes usable by a wider community: a new decoding li-
brary (ecCodes) and new WMO data formats based on a logical data model and ISO standards. Both are
served by a web accessible registry as a source of semantics. The European Centre for Medium-range
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has developed a decoding software (ecCodes) providing unified semantic ac-
cess to the WMO codes through a web accessible registry. The software is very effective in providing easy
access to the existing codes and to support conversion to a new set of WMO codes based on a logical data
model (METCE) which enables wide interoperability support through a unified semantics conforming to
ISO/TC 211. The first of such codes is IWXXM (ICAO Weather Information Exchange Model) which is
the new worldwide standard for the exchange of meteorological information in the context of the Air Traf-
fic Management.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is
the specialized agency of the United Nations for
meteorology (weather and climate), operational
hydrology and related geophysical sciences. It has
developed the Global Observing System (GOS)
(WMO, 2010) as a coordinated system of methods
and facilities for making meteorological and other
environmental observations on a global scale. The
observations made in GOS comprise in-situ meas-
urements of atmospheric parameters from several
platforms, satellite and other remote sensing obser-
vations. The data produced in these observations are
exchanged on a co-ordinate global system of tele-
communication facilities named GTS (Global Tele-
communication System) (WMO, 2009).
GTS makes available to the National Meteoro-
logical Services and to their Numerical Prediction
Centres a constant stream of observations on the
state of the atmosphere used to produce weather
forecasts at local and global scale. As an example
the European Centre for Medium-range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF) is processing more than 300
million observational data elements every day to
produce forecasts of weather and chemical composi-
tion of the atmosphere.
To make effective use of such a huge number of
observations coming from a wide variety of sensors
an internationally agreed data format designed for
operational exchange is needed. At this purpose
WMO has developed a set of code forms with a
strong governance to make the exchange of infor-
mation possible in a worldwide scale. This set of
WMO codes constitutes an international standard for
the exchange of information on weather, climate and
hydrology. The importance of having a globally
governed set of code forms for the exchange of
observations is connected with the level of opera-
tional availability and quality of the data needed for
the use of National Meteorological Service opera-
tional activities.
WMO codes are a complex set of coding stand-
ards developed in more than fifty years and in con-
tinuous evolution. They are divided in two distinct
sets of alphanumeric and binary codes. The alpha-
numeric codes were developed for the transmission
on telegraphic lines and are made to be written man-
ually by a human observer and interpreted without
machine support. With the evolution of telecommu-
nications a new set of binary codes was developed
to improve the quality and to provide compression
algorithms which are needed in the transmission of
the high volumes of data produced by satellites and
some other remote sensing platforms as well as the
Fucile E..
Semantic Approach to WMO Codes.
DOI: 10.5220/0004843404090414
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks (MOEOD-2014), pages 409-414
ISBN: 978-989-758-001-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
forecast fields produced with numerical models.
Moreover the progressive replacement of the
manned observing stations with automatic stations
has made the binary production of observation re-
ports more convenient and effective.
The continuous evolution of the WMO codes
and the heterogeneous nature of the observing sys-
tem have resulted in a very complex set of codes
which makes very difficult for a user to access the
information requested in a consistent way across the
various parts of the coding system. To improve
consistency across the codes the Table Driven Code
Forms (TDCF) (WMO, 2003) have been developed
to replace the traditional alphanumeric codes (TAC).
There are 76 different traditional alphanumeric
codes (TAC) (WMO, 2012a). An example of TAC
message is the Aerodrome routine meteorological
report (METAR) (WMO, 2012a) which is the mes-
sage of observation produced every hour by the
airport observation station and used by the air traffic
control to inform the pilots on the weather condi-
tions at the airport. The code form is quite complex,
but is made to be interpreted by a trained operator.
Here follows an example:
METAR EDDF 120550Z 03015KT 1400
R07R/P2000N R07C/P2000N
R07L/1900U SN DRSN BR VV///
M04/M04 Q1000 R07L/11//90
R07C/15//90 R07R/15//90 BECMG
4000 NSW=
The code starts with the word METAR and ends
with the sing “=”. A set of numbers and letters are
divided in groups which are recognized for their
position and for their alphanumeric pattern. The
element EDDF is the four character code for the
airport, meaning that the observation refers to
Frankfurt airport. The second element 120550Z says
that the observation is for the 12
of the month at
5:50 UTC (the month and the year are not expressed
in the message). The third element 03015KT means
that the wind is coming from 30 degrees with a
speed of 15 Knots. It is clear that decoding of each
of the elements does not follow any general rule
except the fact that information is split in groups
with different meaning.
Another example of TAC is the SYNOP (Report
of surface observation from a fixed land station). An
example of this kind of message is the following:
AAXX 13094 03002 45462 /0514
10097 20073 30238 40256 58011
90850 333 88/11=
Where AAXX is the start of the report of this kind
and “=” is the end. Only numbers and “/” are al-
lowed in the body of the message, which are
grouped in groups of 5 with exception of the groups
marking new sections like the group 333 which
denotes the start of section 3. The first element
13094 means that the observation is valid for the
of the month (no explicit indication of month
and year) at 9 am and the number 4 means that the
wind speed is observed with an anemometer and is
reported in knots. Decoding the elements of the
message is out of our scope we only want to point
out that each group has a different meaning and each
number within the groups has quite complicated
decoding rules which are different group by group
and code figure by code figure.
A coding system like the one used in the TAC
without general rules, in which each element has
different decoding rules is difficult to extend, to
maintain and makes impossible the task of produc-
ing a general decoder. To overcome these limita-
tions of the alphanumeric codes it was decided to
produce a new system based on a unique set of ta-
bles providing a list of elements reusable in different
contexts. A unique set of rules to decode a message
were also provided in a form that is possible to im-
plement decoding software to access information
from the message. The fundamental concept of these
new codes called Table Driven Code Forms (TDCF)
was the separation between the coding rules and the
elements used in the code forms. The rules are ge-
neric and apply to all the different types of messag-
es, while the tables of elements and sequences are
provided as external support to the decoding soft-
ware in the form of a palette of elements to be re-
used in different contexts and a set of sequences of
elements with a special meaning to be used in the
definition of a single message. With the TDCF ap-
proach is possible to produce a decoder implement-
ing the decoding rules, which can take as input the
Tables and decode the message, allowing a big flex-
ibility and extensibility connected with the fact that
new messages can be defined through new elements
and sequences without changing the decoding soft-
WMO has developed two different TDCF named
BUFR (Binary Universal Form for the Representa-
tion of meteorological data) and GRIB (General
Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form).
To limit the scope of this paper we will consider
only BUFR which is also the more generic of the
two formats.
BUFR (WMO, 2012b) was developed as a con-
tinuous bit-stream made of a sequence of octets (1
octet = 8 bits). A general structure of the message
was defined and general rules for the decoding
where based on tables of elements in which the
number of bits used by that element and the parame-
ters to get an integer or a floating point value from
the content of the bits is given.
The message is composed of five sections. The
first three sections can be considered headers and
the last section is an end of message. The infor-
mation is coded in section 3 and 4. Section 3 is a list
of descriptors each of which occupies 2 octets and is
made of three parts: F (2 bits), X (6 bits) and Y (8
bits). The sequence F-X-Y identifies uniquely the
meaning and decoding rule for the descriptor. When
F=0 the descriptor is a simple element and is coded
as an integer I of N bits. To obtain the decoded real
value I must be multiplied by 10
and a reference R
must be added. A decoder will be able to decode the
data by knowing the three coding parameters: S
(scale), R (reference value), N (number of bits) for
each descriptor with F=0. Tables of descriptors are
provided in the WMO Manual on Codes [5] with the
meaning and the coding parameters to be used by
decoding software.
An example for the dew point temperature is
given in table 1. When in section 3 of the BUFR
message the element 0-12-003 is read by a decoder
it means that in section 4 (data section) there are 12
bits in which an unsigned integer I is stored, that
multiplied by 10
gives a “Dew point temperature”
in Kelvin (the reference value is 0 in this example
and therefore nothing needs to be added to the re-
BUFR decoding rules comprise also descriptors
with F=1, 2 or 3. F=1 called replication descriptors
and are used to realise repetitions of groups of de-
scriptors. Descriptors with F=2 are operators acting
on the following descriptors by changing their
meaning or their decoding parameters. Descriptors
with F=3 are called sequences and are used to define
sequences of descriptors having a particular mean-
ing and used in many cases to build other sequences.
It is not the scope of this paper to give a detailed and
comprehensive description of the decoding rules of
BUFR. We only want to highlight that BUFR is
based on general rules, which are very complex in
some aspects and are based on external tables of
descriptors which are published in the WMO Manu-
al on Codes and in text or XML format from WMO
web site
The approach implemented in BUFR provides a
great flexibility in the definition of new messages
and therefore in dealing with the growing set of
sensors and observation types. However the connec-
tion between the BUFR code (0 12 003 in table 1)
and its meaning has forced a generation of scientists
to learn the code figures and to use them in their
software. The fact that the meaning is connected
with the code figure and that the code tables are
external and can be easily replaced with convenient
tables compiled by the user has made the use of
BUFR code very difficult. The usability of a coding
system as BUFR is very important. Indeed the fact
that decoding is a process based on code numbers
can prevent the use of useful information by the
scientific community and slow down the implemen-
tation of new observations in the processing system
of a numerical prediction centre. There are several
initiatives to make BUFR more users friendly. They
are based on the importance of giving clear seman-
tics to the information in the message in a way that it
will be easily accessed by any user and that the
interoperability of different systems will be im-
ECMWF is producing new decoding software
(ecCodes) providing semantic elements to the user
rather than numeric codes. The semantics used by
ecCodes is going to be exposed in a web accessible
registry to the benefit of a wide community and to
make the decoding software independent from the
semantic source which will be external and accessed
by the software itself. On another initiative WMO
has started an activity of review of the codes to
enforce the semantics in the design of the coding
systems using UML modelling to produce data
models which are semantically rich and more
Table 1: BUFR table B entry for dew point temperature giving meaning and decoding parameters for the element
Code Name Unit Scale
of bits
0 12 003 Dew point temperature K 1 0 12
suitable to work in an integrated web environment.
The two initiatives aim to address the problem in
two different time scales: ecCodes and the web
registry are an attempt to give better accessibility to
the existing codes, while the model based develop-
ment of codes is a longer term initiative which will
require the replacement of the current code forms
with new data formats designed with different prin-
3.1 Decoding based on Semantics
The new decoding software developed at ECMWF,
called ecCodes, is based on the concept of making a
clear separation between the coding (binary) level
and the semantic level of a BUFR message.
The software is written in C and provides bind-
ings for FORTRAN, Python and Perl. It also pro-
vides a set of command line tools to perform simple
operations on the messages.
ecCodes is not only a BUFR decoder. It is a gen-
eral purpose decoder able to decode with the same
function calls alphanumeric and binary WMO mes-
sages. The software is made of two main compo-
nents: decoding engine and decoding rules. The
engine is written in C and able to read the appropri-
ate decoding rules from text files while parsing a
binary or alphanumeric input message. The decod-
ing rules are written in a language interpreted by the
decoding engine and they are cached for efficiency
reasons. Writing new decoding rules is fairly simple,
but is not part of the work that a user has to do to
decode a message. The decoding rules are provided
with the library and are used at runtime while decod-
ing messages. The interface provided to the user is
based on a key/value approach. In all the available
bindings there is a get function which is getting the
value of an element of information associated to a
key name. As an example to access the “dew point
temperature” in a METAR or in a SYNOP or in a
BUFR message, the function call is the same for the
three types of messages:
where m is the message previously loaded with an
appropriate function, dewPointTemperature is
the key name and the third argument is the variable
to which the value found in the message is assigned.
The example is of a FORTRAN function, but also
Python, Perl and C equivalents are provided with
similar syntax.
The function is actually looking for the element
0-12-003 in BUFR or for the corresponding ele-
ments in METAR and SYNOP to provide the value
of the dew point temperature.
There are two problems that the software has to
address in this operation. There can be more than
one dewPointTemperature element in the
message and the association with the unified seman-
tics is a complex and difficult operation requiring a
deep analysis of the BUFR tables and of the alpha-
numeric coding because they were not designed to
support a unified semantics.
The first problem is solved with a specification
of the information element. As an example if there
are two different dewPointTemperature ele-
ments corresponding to different hours of the day it
will be possible to distinguish them with
where dt1 and dt2 are the values of dew point
temperature at 6 and 9 respectively.
An analysis of the code forms is being performed
with the aim to provide a durable link between the
numeric codes and the key names allowing the se-
mantic access. It is evident that if the results of this
analysis are made available only to the decoding
software this will have the drawback of limiting the
semantic access to ecCodes. With the aim of build-
ing a semantic of general use and accessible to any
decoding software WMO is developing a web ac-
cessible registry to make the codes and its semantics
publicly available and persistent. ecCodes will use
the WMO codes registry as semantic source for the
message decoding and will provide to the user a
quick way of inspecting the meaning of each ele-
ment of the message by navigating the registry. The
WMO codes registry is already accessible at and provides at the moment only
support for a small part of the WMO codes (the
aviation codes) for which there was a requirement of
building an XML format and supporting it with web
accessible registry. The WMO codes registry will be
soon developed to support BUFR.
3.2 Building Semantics in the Message
It is sometimes very difficult to provide semantic
access to a coded message when it was developed
without the purpose of giving to it a clear semantic
structure. Therefore WMO is planning to change the
way a code form is designed by developing first a
logical data model and deriving the corresponding
physical coding with an automatic process. With this
technique a logical model providing clear semantics
is developed first and from this model a physical
coding is derived by means of an automatic process.
The same logical model can therefore produce
BUFR and XML format implementing the same
semantics. This will allow users of two very differ-
ent coding systems like BUFR and XML to share
the semantics and therefore to work independently
from the coding format.
The process of deriving a data format from a log-
ical data model has been applied by WMO for the
first time in the messages used for aviation purpos-
es: METAR (Aerodrome routine meteorological
report)/ SPECI Aerodrome special meteorological
report ), TAF (Aerodrome forecast) and SIGMET
(Significant Meteorological Information) [4]. The
project is being developed by the WMO Task Team
on Aviation XML (TT-AvXML), and the first re-
lease version of the logical model and the XML
schemas, automatically derived from the model
where publicly released in September 2013
A model has been developed METCE (Modele
pour l’Echange des informations sur le Temps, le
Climat et l’Eau) which is designed with the purpose
of enabling semantic interoperability in the fields of
weather, climate and water. At this aim it has been
decided to make it compatible with the ISO/ TC 211
Geographic information/Geomantic. METCE makes
use of the ISO 19156 Observation & Measurement
to provide conceptual definitions of meteorological
observations to be imported in domain specific ap-
plication schemas.
An example of domain specific application
schema is the ICAO (International Civil Aviation
Organisation) Weather Information Exchange Mod-
el (IWXXM) which was developed by TT-AvXML
to define the semantics for the aviation meteorologi-
cal messages for which an XML version was re-
quested by ICAO.
To illustrate the advantage of using a unified se-
mantics derived from a logical model to build the
code format we take a single group from a METAR
message reporting the wind observed at the aero-
Downloadable from
The logical model can be visualised from
the meaning of this group is that the wind is blowing
from the direction of 170 degrees with a mean speed
of 6 metres per second and gusts of 12 metres per
second. The corresponding XML conformal to the
schema produced from the logical model is:
<iwxxm:AerodromeSurfaceWindForecast vari-
this construct is using terms which are defined in the
logical model and are linked to a unified semantics
published in the WMO codes registry at The advantage of basing the code
system on a unified semantics is that the terms are
publicly accessible, reusable in different contexts
and used with the same meaning in different coding
systems. It is possible indeed to produce a BUFR
format from the same logical model to allow the use
of the same semantics from a very different coding
The evolution of WMO codes used to exchange
observations from a wide variety of sensors and
platforms is a continuous process. The original al-
phanumeric codes where based on specific and
fragmented decoding rules based on the meaning of
sequences of numbers and letters with lack of a
general unified semantics. TDCF were introduced to
provide general decoding rules separated from the
specific definition of the elements of information.
The large and growing number of different ob-
servation types requires a unified semantics to make
use of the information in different contexts. There
are several initiatives to provide access to the obser-
vations through a unified semantics. We have dis-
cussed two of these initiatives: development of a
decoding software (ecCodes) exposing unified se-
mantics for WMO TAC and TDCF messages,
changing the development process of WMO codes
making it dependant on the design of a logical data
model providing a unified semantics. Both initia-
tives are based on a web accessible registry as a
central source of semantic.
The two approaches complement each other be-
cause the decoding software will provide at a given
extent the same semantics that will be built with a
logical data model, provided that ecCodes will use
the same terms that will be used in the development
of the logical data model. At this aim a web accessi-
ble registry of semantic terms is being published by
WMO under to provide the semantics
for the decoding software and for the data model-
ling. This web registry will represent an authorita-
tive source of terms maintained by WMO usable in
different contexts and for different purposes.
WMO has started to develop a logical data mod-
el called METCE and the first specific domain ap-
plication schema IWXXM for aviation meteorologi-
cal data and the technique of designing a logical data
model to automatically produce an XML schema has
proven successful and will be applied to produce
BUFR formats.
Manual on Global Observing System, WMO No. 544
Manual on the Global Telecommunication System, WMO
No. 386 (2009)
Guide to WMO Table-Driven Code Forms FM 94 BUFR
and FM 95 CREX, WMO 2003. Available from
WMO Manual on Codes Part A - Alphanumeric Codes,
WMO No. 306 Vol. I.1 (2012)
WMO Manual on Codes, WMO No. 306 Vol. I.2 (2012)