Essential Elements of an SME-specific Search of Trusted Cloud Services
Andrea Horch
, Constantin Christmann
, Holger Kett
, J
urgen Falkner
and Anette Weisbecker
Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management IAT, University of Stuttgart, Nobelstrasse 12, Stuttgart, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Nobelstrasse 12, Stuttgart, Germany
Cloud Computing, Cloud Services, Trust, Semantic Search, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, SMEs.
Cloud computing holds tremendous potential for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) since it offers
technologies which can improve their strategic, technical and economic situation. However, along with the
benefits there are also risks which concern legal, technical and economic issues associated with cloud com-
puting, which cause concerns to the SMEs. These concerns can be reduced by improving the transparency of
cloud services including the understanding of the technology and knowledge about the service providers, al-
ready when searching for the appropriate services. To overcome these concerns and increase the transparency
cloud service search systems must assist the user during the search process and provide more details about
the cloud services, in particular about the attributes which influence the trust of an SME into a service and its
provider. The paper introduces a solution for searching appropriate cloud services by focusing on the essen-
tial elements. A unique element in this approach is the automated monitoring and evaluation of the provided
attributes of the cloud services.
Cloud computing is an information technology model
where resources, in terms of infrastructure, software
applications or data are deployed via the internet by
one or several service providers (Zabalza et al., 2012).
Following the service model of (Mell and Grance,
2009) cloud computing products can be categorized
into Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-
a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Cloud computing holds great potential for small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) since it can im-
prove the strategic, technical and economic situation
of an SME (Zabalza et al., 2012).
This paper focusses on the SaaS service model,
which covers the provisioning of software typically in
form of web applications (Mell and Grance, 2009). In
order to make such cloud services accessible for cus-
tomers the providers of the services have to register
in a service registry or a cloud service marketplace.
Whereas service repositories only provide an access
and collection point for publishing and finding ser-
vices, marketplaces offer a completely managed en-
vironment controlling business terms and conditions
(Menychtas et al., 2011).
Along with the benefits there are also risks and le-
gal issues associated with cloud computing causing
concerns to the SMEs. The study presented by (Sa-
handi et al., 2012) shows the main concerns, which
are a cause for the slow adoption of cloud computing
by SMEs. These concerns are about security and data
privacy. When outsourcing IT data, which may con-
tain critical data like business data or customer data,
security and data privacy are the key risks for an SME.
The SMEs do not have control over the data which
they have transferred into the cloud. As cloud ser-
vices can be accessed by a web interface SMEs fear
that this interface could be attacked to get unautho-
rized access to the application data. Another concern
of the SMEs is due to the multiple data centers of the
cloud service providers, which are located at different
places in the world. Customers do not know at which
location their data is stored and so they cannot con-
sider the legal and regulatory issues associated with
the physical location of their data.
In this paper we present the essential elements for
a trusted service search for SMEs which addresses
the user concerns described above. For this purpose
the essential elements include in particular (1) a user
query transformation and (2) an automated monitor-
ing and evaluation of trust criteria. This paper only
focuses the second point of trust monitoring and cri-
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
Horch A., Christmann C., Kett H., Falkner J. and Weisbecker A..
Essential Elements of an SME-specific Search of Trusted Cloud Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0004844000880094
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 88-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
presents related work, then section 3 describes the
methodology we did apply for designing a trusted ser-
vice search for SMEs. In Section 4 an overview of
the essential elements of the trusted search system is
given and these elements are described in detail. Fi-
nally section 6 concludes with a discussion and an
An example for a cloud services search is Asperado
which offers a marketplace for cloud services includ-
ing a service search. Asperado marketplace recom-
mends cloud services based on user ratings and the
Asperado seal of quality.
The Cloudberia website
acts as an open source
hub for general information about cloud computing
and related technologies. The website runs a service
repository where everybody can register own cloud
services. The repository offers an API, which acts
like a proxy for the clients of the provided services.
A further registry for public cloud services is
. It contains a built-in SOAP
client to browse registered services and to call their
operations. For quality assurance of the registered
services offers user ratings
and a continuous availability check. Services are reg-
istered by providing the WSDL description of the ser-
(Kang and Sim, 2010) present Cloudle, a multi-
criteria cloud service search engine, which offers a
search interface, which assists the user when search-
ing for cloud services. The search interface proposes
search criteria and search values provided by a cloud
is a cloud service marketplace and a
management platform as it connects application de-
velopers with small businesses through a network of
white-label marketplaces. It provides a suite of deliv-
ery solutions that enable partners to become a gate-
way for businesses to find, buy, and use cloud ser-
Table 1 compares the related work concerning the
features for improving cloud service search systems
which we have proposed in section 1. The table shows
that Asperado and Cloudberia do not implement re-
quirements transformation or automated monitoring
of trust criteria. Cloudle uses a cloud ontology for
transforming user queries and for offering search op-
tions to assist the user during the search process. Nev-
ertheless, the search options offered by the cloud on-
tology do not provide a flexible search input to the
user and the user is not supported in an automated
way during the specification of the functional require-
ments. implements a moni-
toring of the service availability and some user rat-
ings but other criteria relevant for the trust of users
are not covered. The same holds for AppDirect as
it also offers user ratings and comments leaving out
other relevant trust criteria.
Figure 1 gives an overview over the individual steps
that lead to the description of essential elements for
a trusted service search for SMEs as presented in this
paper. As a first step we did evaluate the literature
and different studies in order to get a feeling for hur-
dles of SMEs when adopting cloud computing. This
evaluation led to the motivation (as summarized in
section 1) to address the problems of cloud service
adoption with a trusted service finder for SMEs. In a
preliminary design step we did sketch the outline of
such trusted search system. In order to get to a more
detailed design we had to find solutions for the in-
dividual elements of this preliminary design. The re-
search in this step focused two crucial features of such
a search system: On the one hand, the solution for
gathering user requirements in natural language and
for transforming them into a formal language for ser-
vice search and, on the other hand, the identification
of promising approaches for an automatic monitoring
of trust criteria regarding services and providers. In
this paper we focus on topic 2 (Identification of ap-
proaches to monitor service criteria), topic 1 will be-
come the key issue of further work.
The essential elements of a trusted search system we
have identified are:
Requirements collection
User query transformation
Trust monitoring
Service repository
Result presenting
Table 1: Comparison of the related work.
monitoring of
trust criteria
Asperado # #
Cloudberia # # # # # G#
Cloudle # G# #
AppDirect # G#
Legend: # not implemented, G# partially implemented, implemented
Figure 1: The applied methodology for designing a trusted
search system.
In order to conduct a search the user requirements
need to be gathered by the system. However, as the
user may not have a high technical understanding this
has to be done in a language the user is able to un-
derstand. In a second step a transformation must be
applied where (based on the user input) a technical
search profile is deduced, which can then be used by
the system to find appropriate services. After per-
forming the service search the result of the search
must be presented to the user.
A repository is needed which stores the required
attributes to describe a service. Certain attributes
of a service and its provider influence the level of
trust of an SME (Kett et al., 2012). It is important
to increase the quality of the information of the ser-
vices’ attributes. Thus, techniques for trust monitor-
ing and evaluation must be applied, which consecu-
tively check and update service attributes automati-
The following section describes the system ele-
ment in detail, which is essential for improving trust.
This section describes our results regarding the
identification of promising approaches for automati-
cally monitoring trust criteria of cloud services and
5.1 Categories of Data Sources
As a first step we tried to find adequate categories for
possible data sources which can be used to gather in-
formation regarding a cloud service or its provider:
Website of the service/provider: A website cov-
ering a cloud service or its provider offers gen-
eral pieces of information. Typically only posi-
tive characteristics of a service are mentioned and
eventually the information is even sugarcoated.
Public registries (i.e. CrunchBase
): Such reg-
istries offer various information regarding a ser-
vice or a provider in structured kind of way (i.e.
year of the establishment of a company, number
of employees, product overview ...). A registry is
typically independent form a service/provider and
the information in it is relatively trustworthy and
up-to-date. Some registries also offer an Applica-
tion Programming Interface (API) which makes
accessing this information easy.
Official registries (i.e. Electronical Federal Bul-
letin of Germany
): Such registries offer eco-
nomic figures like the annual sales of a company.
Due to the official nature of such registry this in-
formation is trustworthy - though it can be out-
dated. However, it depends on legal regulations
if and how a service provider might be repre-
sented within such registry and which information
is presented. Also automated access to the registry
might not be desired.
Measurements: Specific operational figures of a
service can be directly measured. One example is
to measure the uptime of a service by accessing a
certain service URL on a regular basis.
Review by users or experts: On the one hand the
search system itself can offer an interface for user
feedback regarding cloud services. On the other
hand there are social networks, blogs or commu-
nities, which might offer valuable information re-
garding cloud services. Depending on the type
of user (random user, employee of the service
provider, auditor, certified accountant) the granu-
larity varies by which such evaluation is possible
and how trustworthy these results are.
Figure 2: Weighting of the trustworthiness of different data
sources for service/provider information.
In order to quantify the trustworthiness of these
data sources we used a simple model where the trust-
worthiness of a data source is directly linked to the
trustworthiness of the person/institution offering the
information. Furthermore, in our model the trust-
worthiness is improved if a data source considers the
opinions of many independent persons. Figure 2 de-
picts the trustworthiness of the described data sources
based on this model.
5.2 Identification of Monitoring
For each of these data sources we have looked at the
SME-specific trust factors described in (Kett et al.,
2012) and tried to find automatic approaches to mon-
itor these. The following list describes these ap-
Crawling of service and provider websites: The
website of the cloud service and of the service
provider can be crawled and relevant information
can be extracted.
Accessing public registries: Some public reg-
istries can be accessed through APIs, which offer
some information regarding a service/provider.
Monitoring of social networks and forums: Social
networks and forums can be monitored by aggre-
gating and evaluating the individual opinions re-
garding a service or a provider.
Evaluation of user interface: The user interface
of services can be evaluated by displaying screen-
shots of random services contained in the reposi-
tory to users of the search services. The users can
then decide if they think that the user interface is
visually appealing (similar to the rating website
Rating of trust aspects: The users of the cloud ser-
vices can rate and comment the individual service
descriptions. Furthermore, the assessment of such
ratings and comments (as described in (Noy et al.,
2005)) is now established in the internet and can
also be adopted by the search system.
Continuous benchmark: For each service a bench-
mark can be established (i.e. with a scripting lan-
guage) which covers typical operations of this ser-
vice. This benchmark can be run on a regular
basis, which allows insight regarding the perfor-
mance and availability. Furthermore, by checking
the protocols used for communication the security
of the data transfer can be monitored.
Measuring popularity: The popularity of a service
can be measured by utilizing user profiles and by
keeping track of the number of users of a certain
user group (i.e. the group of users working in the
same business segment) signaled interested in this
service. An indicator for interest could be i.e. if a
user follows a link provided on the results page.
Model-based evaluation of quality metrics: By of-
fering the service provider the possibility to pro-
vide additional information regarding the internal
processes within the service in the form of a Ser-
vice Effect Specification (SEFF), this SEFF can
be used by the search system to perform an evalu-
ation of the performance (and possibly other qual-
ity metrics) using i.e. the Palladio Component
Model (Rathfelder and Klatt, 2011).
5.3 Evaluation of Monitoring
In order to make sure that the monitored information
is trustworthy on the one hand and on the other hand
covers aspects of the cloud service/provider that are
relevant to the users, each monitoring approach was
Table 2: Evaluation of monitoring approaches regarding trustworthiness and relevance for users. The percentage value behind
the trust aspects is taken from (Kasper et al., 2012) and indicates the percentage of questioned people which did assign a high
relevance to this aspect. The trust level behind each data source is based on the model for the trustworthiness of the individual
data sources as visualized in figure 2.
Monitoring approaches
Crawling of service and provider websites
Accessing public registries
Monitoring of social networks and forums
Evaluation of user interface
Continuous benchmark
Rating of trust aspects
Measuring popularity
Model-based evaluation of quality metrics
Most relevant trust aspects based on (Kasper et al., 2012)
Security of data transfer (93 %) # # # # # # #
Security of data storage (92 %) # # # # # # # #
Security of data access (91 %) # # # # # # # #
Availability / resilience (90 %) # # # # #
Functionality meets requirements (83 %) # # # # # #
Ease of use (83 %) # # # # # #
Clear presentation of services range (81 %) # # # # # # #
Performance and speed (81 %) # # # # #
Backup and security concept (79 %) # # # # # # #
Easy to start with (77 %) # # # # # #
Coverage of aspects / relevance 10% 0% 0% 30% 30% 60% 0% 20%
Data sources
Independent expert/auditor (h) # # # # # # # #
Review by many users (h) # # # # #
Measurements (h) # # # # #
Public registries (m) # # # # # # #
Official registries (m) # # # # # # #
Website of the service/provider (l) # # # # # # #
Review by single user (l) # # # # # # # #
Trustworthiness due to data source l m h h h h h h
Legend: # no assignment, assignment, l = low, m = medium, h = high
evaluated by determining the following two charac-
Trustworthiness: The trustworthiness was derived
from the trustworthiness of the involved data
source (high, medium or low).
Relevance: The relevance of the monitored infor-
mation was determined based on the survey re-
sults of (Kasper et al., 2012). This study offers
the percentage of questioned people which did as-
sign a high relevance to various aspects of cloud
services and providers
. By selecting the aspects
with the highest percentage values we filtered out
the 10 most relevant aspects. In order to quan-
tify the relevance of a monitoring approach we
counted how many of these 10 aspects are touched
by the monitoring.
The survey in (Kasper et al., 2012) was conducted by
questioning employees in german craft businesses. Typi-
cally such craft businesses can be categorized as SMEs, so
this survey offers insight into the weighting of trust aspects
from the persective of SMEs.
Figure 3: Distribution of monitoring approaches based on the associated trustworthiness and their coverage of trust aspects.
In table 2 the result of this evaluation is shown and
figure 3 visualizes the distribution of all monitoring
approaches based on this evaluation. As described in
section 4 the trust monitoring is an essential element
of a trusted search system and due to this distribu-
tion the rating of trust aspects by users, the evalua-
tion of user interface and the continuous benchmark
are promising approaches for this trust monitoring, as
they cover relatively many important trust aspects and
their data source has a high level of trust.
The most trustworthy and efficient monitoring ap-
proaches are:
1. Rating of trust aspects: For this approach the data
source are the ratings of many users. There is a
need for a structured approach, where every trust
aspect is rated. Many user ratings produce high
quality results.
2. Evaluation of user interface: This approach re-
flects the subjective opion of a user. It is an un-
structured proceeding to get the average rating of
all users regarding to functionality and usability
of a service.
3. Continuous benchmark: Proceeding to get objec-
tive and reliable conclusions about trust aspects of
a service.
4. Monitoring of social networks and forums: This
approach holds significant potential to collect val-
ues for many trust aspects. Currently there are to
less communities where data could be collected,
but since there will be built up more communities
in future, the data which could be collected would
be a very good data source.
In this paper we have presented the essential elements
for a search system for cloud services with a focus on
business users from SMEs. The focus of our contri-
bution lies on the following aspect:
Identification of promising approaches for an au-
tomated monitoring of specific service/provider
attributes which are relevant to the trust of users.
It is the intention of the authors to actually build
such a search system using the described elements
as guidance for its design. This development will
be carried out in the context of the research project
and here the application domain for
the implementation will be craft business. Besides
the implementation of the search system we are go-
ing to examine the process of service selection of
SMEs in order to better support this process by of-
fering adequate information and guidance to potential
customers of cloud services.
This work was funded by means of the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Economy and Technology under the
promotional reference “01MD11041”. The authors
take the responsibility for the contents.
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