Beginning from the first half of 90’s, recommender
system research continues to grow in different appli-
cation domains. Nowadays it is not hard to see a rec-
ommender system working in the background of the
web site you have visited and recommends you music
or shopping items. Even though these useful appli-
cations of recommender systems exist, there are still
many challenges for a true personalized recommender
system. As the number of online news sources in-
creases it becomes harder for an end user to find what
she is looking for. Thus the need for a news recom-
mender system increases.
In this paper, the challenges and different meth-
ods of news recommendation domain are presented. It
is pointed out which approaches solve different chal-
lenges and how they do this. Our current frame-
work for comparing recommender systems in news
domain deals with content-based, collaborative and
hybrid recommendation approaches, though we in-
tend to expand it with recent results from semantically
based recommender systems. Including semantic rep-
resentations in the recommendation process helps us
to understand user needs and news content and can
be valuable when several of the challenges above are
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