A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment
based on UML Meta-model
Application to Blood Analysis Instrument
eric Le Corre, Charlotte Hoareau, Franck Ganier, C
edric Buche and Ronan Querrec
UEB/ENIB/CERV, 25 rue Claude Chappe, F-29490 Plouzan
e, France
Intelligent Tutoring System, Virtual Environment, Generic, PedagoGical Scenario, Knowledge Base, Learn-
ing, Training.
Training to learn the use and maintenance of biomedical devices have various constraints. In order to complete
these trainings, we proposed to use virtual reality based on pedagogical scenarios and Intelligent Tutoring Sys-
tems (ITS). In this paper, we first established the existing pedagogical scenario models and ITS. Subsequently
we presented our proposal of a formal model based on the concept of learning organization by extension of
UML in order to describre some pedagogical scenario and ITS. The use of this model is illustrated by an appli-
cation of a virtual biomedical analyzer with the aim of learning the technical procedures of the device. Finally,
we performed two experiments in order to verify the efficiency of virtual reality training.
In the biomedical domain, the traditional training
method consists of several learners in a classroom
with a live instructor manipulate the device alter-
nately: method one-to-many which is known to be
irrelevant (Bloom, 1956; Bloom, 1984) This is the
case for the STA-R
instrument (Figure 1) produced
by STAGO who sponsored this work. Unfortunately
there are several constraints inherent in this training
Figure 1: Picture of the biomedical analyzer STA-R
First, there is always a potential biohazard while
dealing with biological fluids. Second, learners have
to use reagents to prepare the blood tests, which in-
crease the cost and variability of the learning sessions.
In some cases, the biomedical instrument is trans-
ported to the site of the learning session, which could
damage it and again can impact the cost. Sometimes,
the learning session takes place in the customer’s site;
therefore the instrument cannot be available for train-
ing. Finally the use of diagnostic device is time-
consuming for the learner because of inherent time
needed during the analytical.
Considering the above, the use of informatics
tools for biomedical training sounds interesting. The
objective of this training is to manipulate the device
according to well-defined procedures. However the
successful completion of these procedures requires
biology knowledge. A learning strategy like “learning
while doing” is relevant : the learner has to manipu-
late the device. Therefore, we consider that virtual re-
ality is a major contribution in this context. Virtual re-
ality has proven to be efficient to solve those kinds of
issues (Mikropoulos and Natsis, 2010; Okutsu et al.,
2012). Pedagogical situation using virtual reality are
called Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
However in a lot of professional environment and
particularly in biomedical sector, there is a lot of staff
turnover. It became then pretty common for employee
to not go through the classical learning sessions. The
objective of this paper is to propose a solution to im-
plement the pedagogical strategy of the trainer inside
the VLE so that the learners could train without hav-
Le Corre F., Hoareau C., Ganier F., Buche C. and Querrec R..
A Pedagogical Scenario Language for Virtual Learning Environment based on UML Meta-model - Application to Blood Analysis Instrument.
DOI: 10.5220/0004845803010308
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 301-308
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing the initial training. Moreover, each individual
learner can have its own basal level. So, our VLE
have to be able to adapt itself to the learner in order to
be really efficient. In medical field, some work were
conducted like an application for medical problem-
based learning (Suebnukarn and Haddawy, 2007).
This paper is organized in five sections. In sec-
tion 2 we determined the existing solutions in the con-
text of pedagogical scenarios and ITS. In section 3
we proposed our model based on a definition of a
language for a pedagogical scenario (Koper, 2001).
The ultimate goal for STAGO was to make an applica-
tion based on the biomedical devices: VIRTUALANA-
LYZER, presented in section 4 and we also conducted
two experiments to verify the efficiency of virtual re-
ality training. Finally, we concluded, in section 5, by
listing the characteristics of our model that needed a
further improvement and detailed the terms of an in-
coming experiment.
We focus on the acquisition of declarative and pro-
cedural knowledge on complex systems (many types
of heterogeneous elements) in virtual reality. In
this field, the most popular and representative tu-
tor is STEVE (Rickel and Johnson, 1998), an an-
imated pedagogical agent. STEVE belongs to the
ITS field. Classically, ITS are structured on four
models : domain, pedagogical, learner and interface
(Wenger, 1987). One of the classic problems in ITS
is to provide a generic language to describe domain
knowledge. In our case, this knowledge is complex
and from a high level of expertise. We have al-
ready proposed a meta-model MASCARET (based on
SYSML, an UML extension) in order to acquire the
system specifications to learn, directly from the con-
ception(Querrec et al., 2013). This method allows us
to generate the domain model and execute it in the vir-
tual environment. It is not conceivable to rewrite this
knowledge in the domain model, so it will be directly
imported. Similarly, these specifications will directly
lead to the generation of the virtual environment. A
second problem in ITS is the link between the rules
governing the pedagogical behavior of the tutor and
the pedagogical course of training. Under the train-
ing procedures on complex systems, work has already
proposed learning scenarios templates (explanation of
the system and subsystem, explanation and organiza-
tion of the procedures, repetition more or less guided).
In our more specific context, learning scenarios have
already been defined, it is therefore necessary to im-
port it. In this paper, we propose a model to explain
this pedagogical scenario in the pedagogical model
related to the domain knowledge.
2.1 ITS
Our work belongs to ITS field. Classically ITS are
structured around four modules:
Domain : knowledge on the job to learn
Pedagogical : knowledge on the pedagogical
Learner : knowledge representation of the learner.
Very often, this knowledge is a subset of the do-
main knowledge where the learner had access.
Interface : knowledge representation that the tutor
may have on the actions that the learner achieves
and the actions that the tutor can make in return.
This paper focuses exclusively on the pedagogical
and domain models. Work on these models aim to
make them generic, adaptative and individual (hence
the link with the learner model). In the ITS domain,
many research works were made during the past few
years: some projects aimed at developing the generic
part of ITS (Sanchez and Imbert, 2007; Shi and Lu,
2006; Sorensen and Ramachandran, 2007). Some
projects aim at individualizing the simulation for each
learner. This could be done for example through emo-
tional agents (Ailiya et al., 2010) or by Hollnagel clas-
sification (El-Kechai and Despr
es, 2007). At lower
scale, some have highlighted the adaptability charac-
teristic of ITS (Dos Santos and Osorio, 2004).
Typically, these models are defined from cognitive
architectures like STEVE which is based on SOAR
or CTAT (Koedinger and Heffernan, 2003) which
is based on ACT-R (Adaptive Control of Thought-
Rational). Knowledge expressed in this system is de-
fined as a set of rules like in ANDES (Vanlehn et al.,
2005). In this context we have already proposed PE-
GASE which is based on the four classical models (do-
main, learner, pedagogical, inteface) (Woolf, 1992).
PEGASE also contains an error model and a defini-
tion of the pedagogical model (usable independently
of the exercise to do) in order to generalize it. One
last important part of PEGASE is its adaptability, al-
lowed by the auto-modification of the pedagogical
model. PEGASE proposes a pedagogical model based
on a hierarchical classifier system. This system orga-
nizes knowledge while taking the abstraction of the
data involved into account. It structures knowledge
according to three levels, from rules based on abstract
knowledge of educational methods (the pedagogical
approach), to the rules based on concrete knowledge
of virtual reality (pedagogical techniques), via an in-
termediary level (pedagogical attributes).
A major difficulty in the design of these models is
writing these rules. For this there are three technical :
Authoring tools like in CTAT (Koedinger et al.,
2004), but can not be as generic as desired due to
the proposed interfaces.
Model-tracing which observe the actions of ex-
perts to build the domain model.
Meta-model definition like the KBT-MM model
of Murray (Murray et al., 2003) which has how-
ever a too high level of abstraction.
From this meta-model, Murray proposed a specializa-
tion called EON. Knowledge is then defined using
ontologies. Many researches focused on some lan-
guages to describe the ontologies, like Resource De-
scription Framework (RDF) or Web Ontology Lan-
guage (OWL). The major problem of theses lan-
guages is that they do not allow to describe the dy-
namics of the situation when we precisely needed it to
teach how works the instrument. We are interested in
this approach but at an intermediate level compared to
KBT-MM. Indeed, we propose a model in the context
of learning procedures (handling, maintenance and di-
agnostic) on complex systems (industrial). Moreover,
these systems are so complex that it is not possible to
rewrite the system specifications (for the knowledge
base or for the conception of the virtual environment).
MASCARET is an extension of the meta-model
SYSML. It enables to describe the system structure
by blocks, attributes and compositions from SYSML.
The reactive behaviors of the system elements are de-
scribed by state machines and the domain procedure
are described by activities. MASCARET is a kind of
SYSML interpreter for virtual reality and provides an
operational semantic for every element of the meta-
model. This enables to make the knowledge explicit
for the agents during the simulation and to automat-
ically execute the system entities behaviors. As we
said in section 1, on this kind of system, work on the
training structuring has already been done and it is
therefore appropriate to incorporate the pedagogical
scenario knowledge in the pedagogical model.
2.2 Pedagogical Scenario
Prior to 2000, teaching scenarios were based primar-
ily on documentary approaches like Learning Ob-
ject Metadata
(LOM) or Sharable Content Object
Reference Model
(SCORM). From the 2000s Koper
(Koper, 2001) initiated the use of educational mod-
eling languages like Educational Modeling Language
(EML). The main feature of EML is, that unlike doc-
umentary approaches, EML focus on the description
of activities and not on educational resources.
Afterwards, Koper (Koper et al., 2003) con-
tributed to the IMS-Learning Design (IMS-LD) stan-
dard, based on EML. IMS-LD focused on the concept
of learning unit as a base element of the description of
the learning process. Indeed, in IMS-LD a scenario is
considered as a series of educational activities. Each
of these activities is described by a text or a set of doc-
uments explaining the purpose of the activity, the task
to achieve, the instructions to be followed, etc.
However, IMS-LD has its own limitation, like this
review of Ferraris (Ferraris et al., 2005) based on
the lack of expressivity regarding the description of
the interactions between users in collaborative tasks.
These models from VLE do not fully meets our re-
quirements, so we had to look more specifically the
existing models in virtual reality for training.
In the literature we could identify several virtual
reality models for training. The FORMID (FOR-
Mation Interactive Distance) (Gu
eraud et al., 2004)
project focus on pedagogical scenario activities in
which learners interact with an interactive pedagog-
ical object. Another proposal is called GVT (Generic
Virtual Training) and is intended for procedure learn-
ing. The disadvantages of FORMID and GVT are
that they are not generic, they are not reusable and
there is no distinction between the activity scenario
for the procedures of the environment and the peda-
gogical scenario.
Marion (Marion et al., 2009) proposed a model of
a pedagogical scenario called POSEIDON, which aims
to be directly reusable in different environments. PO-
SEIDON covers various points like: educational ob-
jectives, prerequisites, education activities, education
organizations and environments. We have decided to
base our own pedagogical scenario model on POSEI-
DON because of this generic side. However the nega-
tive point of POSEIDON is its lack of link with an ITS.
Our goal is to create this link so that the ITS can use
the pedagogical scenario knowledge to reason.
Classically, a pedagogical scenario is composed of
pedagogical objectives and prerequisites, pedagogical
organization (set of roles), pedagogical activities and
an environment (Koper, 2001). Following that defi-
nition, we considered that the trainer activity is a do-
main activity just like any other. Thereby we could
Figure 2: Workflow for application conception.
propose a formal model of the concept of a pedagog-
ical scenario by extended UML. A pedagogical orga-
nization is considered like collaboration composed of
Roles. A role is the UML concept of Interface. This
means that a role lists a set of services without actu-
ally providing an implementation. The agent (artifi-
cial or human) who will play this role will propose its
own implementation. Within this pedagogical organi-
zation, the role takes part to the pedagogical scenario
as an activity arranging the pedagogical actions which
could modify the virtual environment (composed of
the system or the pedagogical resources). These con-
cepts enable to create a pedagogical scenario and its
development is now presented.
3.1 Workflow
In order to achieve a complete virtual reality training
application (application, ITS, scenario), several peo-
ple of various fields must participate. The picture 2
summarizes all the contributors described in this sec-
First, an educationalist instructor assisted by a vir-
tual reality expert defines the ITS model. Indeed, his
instructor qualities enable him to define the best ped-
agogical strategies for the ITS, and the virtual reality
expert knowledge allows to implement the pedagog-
ical actions specific to virtual reality (set an entity in
transparence, switch the point of view,...) The knowl-
Figure 3: UML model of pedagogical scenario for system
knowledge acquisition.
edge is and must be generic. They are described and
implemented only one time and are reused for all ped-
agogical scenarios in all kind of fields. Second, an-
other contributor must participate to the application
development: the application domain expert who de-
scribes the entire domain model. The expert knowl-
edge is centered on the field on which the application
is based on. Finally, the domain teacher imports the
ITS model, described by the educationalist instructor,
and the domain model, described by the domain ex-
pert, in order to produce some pedagogical scenarios.
This three step development enables to separate the
pedagogical scenario conception and the system con-
ception. Thereby, our pedagogical scenario model is
generic and can be applied to other instruments and in
other fields.
3.2 Pedagogical Scenario and ITS
Thus, the trainer could describe some pedagogical
scenarios to learn from the system. This can be of
two types: for knowledge acquisition or for proce-
dure acquisition (use, maintenance and diagnostic).
Based on an example of a plug-in timer application,
we can present a pedagogical scenario for knowledge
acquisition (Figure 3) including a trainer role who is
responsible for presenting the plug-in timer and each
of its buttons (Figure 4).
The “present” operation could be defined by the
educationalist instructor in this manner:
set all the entities in transparence except for the
one to present
change the point of view on the entity to present
Figure 4: Picture of a plug-in timer in the virtual environ-
ment with the “present“ operation
display the annotation from the domain model on
the entity to present
So, the trainer should rely on this pedagogy and the
domain model in order to create his pedagogical sce-
nario. We could also describe some pedagogical sce-
narios for procedure acquisition: for example the
teacher role presents the procedure and the learner
role has to carry out the domain procedure.
Moreover, we could describe ITS behaviors in the
same manner as the pedagogical scenarios described
previously. This kind of modelisation ensures a high
modularity of the system, which enables to create ITS
behaviors more or less complex. For example, in pic-
ture 5, the trainer described the learner role which had
to carry out a procedure of setting time of the plug-
in timer. The teacher role monitors the environment,
highlight the learner errors and perform an “undo“ on
the current action (back to the previous state). The
advantage is that the trainer can easily remove or add
some actions, making our system very modular.
In the same way, we could create another appli-
cation: VIRTUALANALYZER which is applied to our
biomedical training problematic.
The proposed model has been applied to the problem
of training presented in section 1 in order to realize a
virtual reality application for STAGO.
Figure 5: UML model of a ITS behavior
4.1 Virtual Environment
While looking for replicating the real STA-R
in a
virtual environment, we made a virtual reality appli-
cation with the instrument in a 3D environment and
the control software modeled on ANDROID (Figure
Figure 6: Virtual STA-R
The environment includes a pre-operative blood
work procedure. This procedure is composed of 125
basic actions and is coupled with a simple ITS behav-
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10
Number of trials
Figure 7: Learning curve: total time.
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 10
Number of trials
Figure 8: Learning curve: instructions.
ior: vocal assistance and blocking wrong actions. In
order to verify the efficiency of virtual reality training,
we performed two experiments. The first one aimed
at verifying the procedure learning with 12 computer
science students during two days. The second exper-
iments goal was to verify the knowledge transfer on
a real STA-R
with 58 biology students during ten
4.2 Experiments
4.2.1 Learning
First, the learners had to perform seven times the pro-
cedure described previously. After a week time, the
learners came back to complete the second session of
the experiment: they had to do three times the same
procedure. In order to evaluate the learning proce-
dure we collected behavioral data: total time of the
procedure achievement, number of audio instructions
consultation, number of wrong actions (Figure 7 and
The total time of the procedure achievement and
Table 1: Results of the knowledge transfer experiment.
Traditional Virtual Control
Achievement 100% 100 72%
SOS 0.2 0.7 3.1
Interventions 1.4 2.3 3.9
Consultations 9.5 1.9 48.7
Total time 19’48” 30’02” 39’09”
the number of audio instructions consultation de-
creased over repetitions. After seven days, the learn-
ers partially consulted the instructions only during the
first try, and then their performance became similar
to the latest ones of the first session. This is a typi-
cal learning curve. Thereby, this study confirmed the
usability of VIRTUALANALYZER for learning proce-
dure. However, a large number of try would be nec-
essary to obtain a stabilization of performance and a
lower number on instruction consultation at the 8th
try, certifying the perfect acquisition of the procedure
and its storage in long-term memory. Learning by us-
ing a virtual environment is favorable only if the skills
acquired through this device can be used in a real sit-
uation. We attempted to verify this assumption in the
following experiment.
4.2.2 Knowledge Transfer
This experiment aimed to verify the knowledge trans-
fer on a real STA-R
with 58 biology students. The
students were divided into three groups: control, tra-
ditional teaching and virtual teaching. Each of these
groups had a theoretical training on STAGO, hemosta-
sis, biological tests and the instrument during one
hour. The traditional group had a classical train-
ing provided by a trainer from STAGO (six learn-
ers for one instrument) and the virtual group had a
training with VIRTUALANALYZER (one computer for
each learner): each group trained for two hours while
the control group had no training. Thereafter, each
learner had to individually perform the entire proce-
dure on the real STA-R
In order to evaluate the transfer procedure, we col-
lected some data: procedure achievement, number of
paper document consultations, number of technician
interventions, number of technician call for help and
total time (Table 1).
This experiment showed no significant differences
between the data of the traditional method and the vir-
tual method, except for the total time. This difference
can be explained by several ways: our android inter-
face is very different from the real interface of the
and the learners have no notion of time of
the working instrument. We hope to reduce this time
to a value close to the traditional one, by modifying
how to provide some information in our application.
The knowledge acquired with our virtual environment
is transferable in a real STA-R
STAGO wanted to use virtual reality and virtual envi-
ronments for training for their biomedical diagnostic
devices. Thereby, we proposed a training application
for a STAGO instrument called VIRTUALANALYZER.
This enabled us to verify the quality of the learning
during a training based on this application and also to
check if the knowledge is transferable in a real envi-
ronment. Therefore, our work met the objectives de-
fined by STAGO. However, the conducted experiment
did not enable to verify the contribution of our model
on the learning. Indeed, the experiments are based on
the application rather than a complex ITS behavior.
This is why we would like to evaluate, in the future,
the contribution of the ITS with a complex behavior
(like the PEGASE one) on the application VIRTUAL-
ANALYZER. We also pointed out that the language
ergonomic for describing the pedagogical scenarios
is not intuitive for the trainer. Although the interface
is graphical and formalized, the fact that it relies on
UML concepts does not help the ergonomic and does
not facilitate its use by domain trainers. Finally, the
long-term goal for STAGO would be to deploy this
work to their whole range of instruments.
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