Information System Support for Quality Management Applying
European Standards and Guidelines for Higher Education
Ulf Schreier, Marius Reusch, Marc Hüffmeyer and David Belzer
Furtwangen University, Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1, Furtwangen, Germany
Keywords: Quality Management, Document Management, Service Network, Organizational Networks, Service
Description, Structured Documents, Higher Education, Accreditation.
Abstract: Higher education institutions strive for high quality of study courses and programs. One important tool is
the introduction of a well-defined quality management system (QMS) supported by information systems.
Editing service and review documents with office tools is not sufficient; a consistent and coherent
management of all data is needed in an environment for authors. Data analysis, especially target-
performance comparisons, and flexible generation of a variety of web and PDF documents are required
tasks. This paper investigates the problems of simple file solutions in more detail and derives general
requirements for better software support. Based on the requirements we propose an object-oriented
framework that is able to handle core tasks around structured documents associated with organizational
networks on top of a relational database. Document and organizational structures can be adapted to serve
special needs of institutions. The system follows the European standards and guidelines for quality
Quality assurance and improvement of educational
services are essential tasks for universities and other
higher education institutions. A standard procedure
to accomplish quality management is accreditation
of study programs carried out by external
organizations (see for instance the description of the
U.S. system (Eaton, 2012) or the standards and
guidelines of the European system (ENQA, 2009)).
Internal structures and procedures should support
and extend this external review process. This
combination of internal and external procedures
leads to substantial quality management systems
(QMS) inside universities. For instance, German
universities can get a so-called system accreditation
(Akkreditierungsrat, 2013), if they have
implemented an internal QMS with specified
characteristics. Quality management systems are
understood as a bundle of business processes and
associated information at the organizational level.
Besides quality data itself detailed master data about
the study programs like module descriptions or
objectives of study programs are needed, as a QMS
can check quality only, if the expected achievements
of modules and programs are known.
Higher education institutions worldwide accept
in general QMS as a tool for quality assurance and
improvement, although sometimes concerns exist in
the introduction phase. A description of common
misunderstandings, viewed from the perspective of
an accreditation organization, can be found in
(Romero, 2008).
Many universities store the additional
information in document files and continue to use
classic database-oriented applications for course
management (containing basic course information
like name, extent or semester and mainly used for
course registration of students) concurrently. But
editing QMS document files is not enough. It might
be quite easy for everyone involved to write the
documents using standard office applications
supported by document templates and to generate
PDF files for publication. In addition, a centralized
directory system could be used to group the files, but
this simple solution comes along with some critical
problems. However, internal discussions at our
university, mainly at our quality management board
with experts from university administration and all
faculties, illustrated the problems of redundancy and
subsequent inconsistency of too many files in too
many versions. Moreover, experiences of board
members with external accreditation show that other
higher education institutions have the same
Schreier U., Reusch M., Hüffmeyer M. and Belzer D..
Information System Support for Quality Management Applying European Standards and Guidelines for Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0004846403090316
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 309-316
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
An example of a number based quality data item
with many implications is a credit point attribute of a
course module (e.g. following the European Credit
Transfer System (ECTS)). It needs a consistent
representation (summations should be correct or
breakdowns to specification of attendance and
learning times should add up correctly). It is used at
several positions (module description, study and
examination regulations) and quality analysis
compares it with actual student workload data.
Those kinds of data items should not be hidden in
document files. It should be under application
control, but still be integrated with text-based
information about modules.
For these reasons an adequate information
system for QMS should help to manage, to integrate
and to utilize all documents and data. Exploiting
these data for analysis of quality (like target-
performance comparisons) and for further
processing (like web site publishing or PDF
generation using the additional text based
information) would be very valuable. Furthermore,
an integrated information system facilitates the
uniform handling of quality management data and
documents at the entire university.
This paper outlines basic features of QMS at
universities and the correspondence to general
quality management. It is based on the European
standards and guidelines for quality assurance
(ENQA, 2009), but could be used elsewhere, if
similar tenets are applied. It investigates the
problems of simple file solutions in more detail and
derives general requirements for better software
support resulting in a design proposal. The
consequences for adequate software support are
extremely comprehensive. It turns out that the major
challenge for information system support of quality
management at higher education institutions is to
find a proper mixture of features known from
document management and data management. After
introducing related work we propose an object-
oriented framework based on structured documents
with associated organizational networks.
FINQUAS is an on-going project developing an
implementation in order to proof the proposed
concepts, based on the experience of our institution
with program and system accreditation, but it is
adaptable to special document and organizational
structures of other universities. A first release of the
system is available at our university supporting peer
In general, the established quality management
practices at universities (for the European variant see
(ENQA, 2009)) follow the basic scheme of PDCA
(plan-do-check-act) cycles known from industrial
management; see for instance (Deming, 2000). More
sophisticated schemes are well known, too, and are
applied as well. However, in the following we will
only sketch and summarize major activities of
quality management as preparation for the
presentation of requirements and solution
architecture. Specific institutions will vary
appropriately these activity structures and associated
information formats.
At the level of study programs the quality
management activities can be summarized as
Planning defines the output by setting objectives
like learning outcomes for study programs and
key figures like a dropout quota of students (to
take a simple example figure that does not take
into account the influence of grades of incoming
students) or professor/student ratio. Boards at
institution or faculty level are usually
responsible for setting the objectives.
Doing refers to the implementation of the
objectives. Higher education represents this as a
program curriculum consisting of modules and
their descriptions. In a broader sense it also
comprehends the documentation about required
technical (labs) and human resources with
organizational structures. Precise descriptions
are necessary as a base for quality assurance.
The exact description structure can differ
depending on the kind of study and university
specialities. Besides the core teaching service,
supporting processes and policies
(examinations, notification of credit transfer,
admissions, generation of certificates, course
scheduling, etc.) have to be documented as well.
A release process complements the
development process of descriptions.
Peer reviews are a standard practice for
checking program quality (for instance as
accreditation process). Based on documentation
of the study program, on-site visitations and
their domain knowledge, reviewers give a
structured judgment. Checklists are a common
way to support reviews. These lists are basically
document templates filled out by reviewers. The
written statements of reviewers can be
supplemented by comparisons of actual values
with planned values for a set of key figures (for
instance the dropout quota). The doing
(implementation) should satisfy the objectives
of the study program. Reviews and monitoring
of key figures should be performed in periodic
intervals. Before university boards approve
reviews, usually answers on review conditions
of persons in charge of a service (e.g. a program
director) are considered in addition.
Recommendations as review results lead to
documented action plans and their execution in
order to improve the quality of content and
structure of study programs. Action plans have a
common format as known from project
management. Actions could be changes of
program objectives or implementation.
Traceability from review statements to actions
and concerned learning services is an important
PDCA cycles occur at other levels too. At a
lower level quality assurance of modules is
important as well. A module description has plan
(objectives) and do (content, extent, examination)
sections. Objectives of modules should be derived
from objectives of the study program (which are
derived from university or faculty objectives).
Checking could be done by reviews or student
evaluation. At a higher level the aggregation of
programs to program families (at a department,
faculty or school level) or of a whole university are
under consideration. Objectives at a lower level
should derive or extend from higher level.
The main subject matter of QMS is the quality of the
educational services. An educational service can be
divided into smaller units at the next lower level.
Modules are usually the smallest considered unit.
They are the basic building blocks of a study
program, which can be perceived as a composed
educational service. Closely related study programs
build a service group indicated by organizational
units like departments, faculties or schools. Finally,
the entire university itself can be considered as an
educational service as well. All educational services
together build a service network connected by part-
of relationships. The services have a common
structure at all levels.
For each service a group of people is responsible,
usually organized as a board (e.g. a departmental
committee is responsible for a study program).
Composition of services and responsible groups
indicate the university organization from lecturers
towards university executive board. Furthermore, all
services have certain types of objectives and each
service type has an individual set of attributes
describing the special properties.
The checking activities of quality management
(like peer reviews or monitoring reports) themselves
have similar structures to educational services. Each
activity has an assigned responsible group (e.g. a
reviewer group is responsible for a peer review), has
objectives and an individual set of attributes. Hence,
these activities can be considered as services, too.
The quality services are also part of the service
network providing the interconnections with the
educational services. The service network altogether
describes the complete structural organization of a
university. The two service types differentiate
themselves by an emphasis on objectives
(educational services) respectively review results
(quality services).
Beyond these core attributes and relationships to
supporting concepts, services have many individual
attributes with textual and numerical descriptions as
described above. The service description as a whole
can be considered as a document, as a unit of work
that is edited, printed, read, archived or moved to
another point in the overall service network.
Therefore a careful analysis of the functional
requirements unveils many features known from
document management.
Document relationships: Documents (in the
context of QMS actually service descriptions)
have part-of relationships with other documents,
for instance a module description could be part
of one or more study programs. A review
belongs to a study program.
Version control: Study programs change over
time and new improved versions which are only
valid for a certain time period are continuously
being released. New versions of documents
could be valid only for new students, while
older versions are still needed for current
students. Versions no longer in use should be
Concurrent author access: Several authors might
work concurrently on the same documents (e.g.
a group of peer reviewers works on the same
peer review at the same time). The time frame
for work could be more than just minutes. It
could be hours or longer.
Flexible release workflow: New documents or
documents with need for changes should be new
versions in draft mode. Documents may only be
released after the approval of several boards or
responsible individuals. Interim statements of
reviewers and answers from document authors
might be considered. Only after approval the
documents can be applied. The workflow can
differ from organization to organization.
Therefore, an information system for quality
management should be flexible and adjustable
enough to satisfy the demands of various
Flexible authorization: Some members of some
boards are permitted to write on some
documents, others not. Especially accessing of
documents in draft mode should be disabled for
not related groups or individuals.
Auditing: It should be known who has changed
what data, but not at tracing level (for instance
at database operation level). The recording
should be domain oriented and should show
who called what application function and its
parameter values.
Furthermore additional requirements exist which
cannot be easily integrated into document
management systems. These requirements can be
achieved in a simpler fashion using solutions based
on the standard relational database paradigm
Structured flat content: All documents regarding
programs and their quality are highly structured
and contain not only text but also numeric,
enumeration, date and string data. The structure
is usually simple, a linear sequence of sections
and can contain lists of part information (e.g. a
service with a list of objectives as part
Extensible structure: It should be possible with
small programming effort to add and to remove
attributes from service documents in order to
adapt to special needs.
Data relationships: There are a lot of
relationships between data at the detail level
inside documents. For instance, learning
outcomes of modules could be derived from
learning outcomes of programs (sometimes
documented additionally in matrix form and
stored as a table sheet) or modules relate to
Data integrity: It is not possible to check data
integrity with office applications for documents.
While some input data are formatted text
without any constraints, other data have
number, date or enumeration types and require
integrity checks, e.g. number of ECTS credits of
a module, or the level of a learning outcome
item described with help of the Bloom
taxonomy (Kennedy et al., 2006). Constraint
checking can get very complex, e.g. describing
university boards responsible for study
programs with a variety of roles (with minimal
and maximal number of members) and member
Integration of other databases: Some
information might be available in other
databases or applications, for instance, master
data from course management systems like
weekly hours of a course, student progress or
grading statistics.
Data analysis: Obviously, quality management
needs evaluation of data from status reports of
documents for target-performance comparisons.
Generation of varied mixed documents from
partial files: It is quite easy to generate a PDF
file from a text document, but sometime users
like to generate a complete catalogue of module
descriptions or a program curriculum (using
partial data from module description).
An off-the-shelf document management system
would support or could be customized to satisfy the
first list of requirements (Päivärinta and Munkvold,
2005). But, they focus on documents as a whole
(which could be extended only with attributes for
meta information). The second list of requirements
is specific to QMS and needs a special
implementation. Furthermore it depends on the
specific needs of each university. Data analysis
could focus on just a few performance indicators,
but could consist of a very detailed analysis.
Convenient programming access to parts of
documents is needed like query access to attributes
in relational databases.
Content management systems are similar to
document management systems and focus in
addition on web publishing using XML and HTML
(Päivärinta and Munkvold, 2005). Partial structure
access is possible, but not fully integrated to
persistence APIs of object-oriented programming
Software support of QMS for industrial
management is closely related to production
planning and control (Gerber, 2008). For instance,
test plans needs to be integrated into work plans or
samples needs to be tested during production or at
delivery of goods. Therefore, these systems cannot
be easily reused for education services.
Management software for quality audits following
ISO 19011 is another approach and part of the ISO
9000 (ISO, 2013) standard family of quality
management. There are several software products
for audit management available (easy to find by
internet search with keywords like “quality audit
software” or “QM software”; a scholarly overview is
not yet available). They focus on any kind of audits
(like reviews) on any kind of service activities.
Adaption to university QMS would have to take into
account the special data structures, processing and
analysing at universities.
Although a lot of information about quality
management at higher education institutions is
available, there is only a small amount of scholarly
literature about its software support. Reprotool
(Pouyioutas et al., 2013) is a relational database
application that manages course and program
descriptions according to the European Credit
Transfer System. The system facilitates the work of
faculty members in a similar way as our system. An
additional student module supports the recording
and calculation of student workload. However,
Reprotool is not focusing on quality audits and
relationships to educational service descriptions.
PROCON (Dosbergs, 2011) is another system
specialised on managing curriculum descriptions.
(Pah et al., 2008) describe the system eUniv that
uses a general groupware software to manage QMS-
related documents and projects without specifying
details. e-EdU-Quality (Moisil et al., 2007) is an
extension on top of eUniv providing document
templates, workflow, integration of external data
like student performance indicators and student
questionaires. General groupware solutions have a
generic user interface not tailored for the needs of
quality management at higher education institutions.
It is furthermore difficult to integrate application
oriented data analysis, because groupware systems
are based on a generic data model.
Tools supporting course evaluation by providing
questionnaires, for instance (Mediero et al., 2010)
should be also part of a QMS, but are
complementary to our object of investigation.
In the next section we describe an object-
oriented framework that can be used for quality
management with structured documents with
relational access to parts of documents.
FINQUAS provides an object-oriented solution for
the requirements above. It is based on a relational
database management system accessed by an object-
oriented persistence layer. Consequently, features
known from content/document management systems
have to be created on top, but the implementation
can be reused for any kind of service description.
FINQUAS is a framework that implements standard
tasks of quality management, though it can be
customized by simple inheritance for data structure,
changed user interface descriptions, changed
workflow configuration or new data analysis
The basic idea is a concept of an abstract service
related to generic components providing the general
functions required for handling services. The
management of concrete service types deals only
with the special data. An advantage of this approach
is that generic functions (mainly content/document
management features) can be reused for all service
types. Another advantage is that extensions with
general database query access to special attributes of
services and their general processing in the
application program are still possible. In this respect
we get structured documents: document objects with
relational persistence access to parts (attributes and
partial objects).
Figure 1: Related components of abstract and special
Figure 1 shows a simplified view of the abstract
service concept. It explains how FINQUAS achieves
its framework capability to adjust to diverse
structure and organization details of higher
education institutions. An AbstractService
class provides the general features required in order
to treat service documents. It represents the super
class for concrete services like a study program, a
module or a peer review of a program. The concrete
service classes contain the actual data, texts and
numbers of the service description.
AbstractService is related to a couple of
generic components as shown in the next figures and
explained in the following paragraphs.
As described before, services could have
relationships to other services. A graph structure
helps to represent these relationships in a flexible
way. Several kinds of relationships have to be
considered. One example could be curricular
relationships. A single module for instance, might
belong to two programs. It could be a mandatory or
an elective module. Organizational relationships, for
instance between program and university, may exist.
Peer reviews and study programs have a special
control relationship representing quality assurance.
Figure 2 shows a sample object diagram with
university u1, programs p1 and p2, a module m1 and
a peer review r1 (simplified view without adding
levels like faculty).
Figure 2: A sample service graph (or network).
To handle this task FINQUAS has a graph
management component, illustrated in Figure 3.
AbstractService inherits from a Node class. A
GraphProcessor manages a set of nodes and
edges (not shown in figure 3) between nodes.
A service has links to objectives that should be
satisfied. Depending on the type of service, different
types of objectives can be distinguished. FINQUAS
uses subclasses of a general class for objectives to
describe learning outcomes and planned values for
key figures. Objectives should be coherent. This
means in this context that objectives of
superordinate services should be refined by services
at lower levels. In order to comply with this basic
principle of quality management the connections of
objectives between higher and lower service level
are captured at the definition time of services. These
connections build a graph, too. Hence, graph
management is reused for this task.
Each service has a group of people who are
responsible for it. Figure 4 shows this relationship
together with associated tasks. The configuration of
a person group (at some university levels called
board) could have to comply with complex rules.
Group members might have a variety of roles. The
number of instances for each role could be restricted
to a specific range of values. The duration of
memberships has to be considered, too. Additional
representations are helpful for this kind of constraint
processing. The group constraint processor in Figure
4 (class GroupConstraintProcessor) is a
simplified depiction of this task.
Figure 3: Graph management.
Figure 4: Authorization and group management.
A user who wants to perform an action on a
service document needs an authorization from the
system. The permissions depend mainly on some
attributes of the service and of the user as well as on
the group related to the considered service. In
particular the role of the user, type of service, status
(e.g. in draft mode only the authors have access) and
action type are essential for permitting or denying
access. Moreover, users belonging to a group
associated with a superordinate service could have
permissions on a service (depending on the
organization service authors can have action rights
for subservices, e.g. a member of the university
executive board can have permissions to edit a
subservice of the university like a program). Hence,
a sophisticated and flexible processing of access
control is necessary, as indicated in Figure 4 by the
class PermissionProcessor.
When groups of people collaborate on service
documents, auditing information is needed in order
to annotate who has changed what. The system does
not log information about the domain operation at
the database operation layer. For this reason an
auditing processor is implemented, which is directly
related to the AbstractService class. It is
implemented as a listener, which is triggered as soon
as a service has been created or removed or any data
of a service has been changed. The listener stores the
modification date as well as the originator of the
modification in the database. Besides the control
aspects, the tracked auditing information supports
the collaborative work on service documents by
providing the information via the user interfaces to
the collaborators.
Furthermore, our framework provides for the
first software version a locking concept in order to
ensure a consistent access on service documents.
The locking concept is implemented by an access
controller, which also belongs to the generic
functions, provided by the AbstractService
entity (see Figure 1). As soon as a user with
accordant permissions begins to edit a service, the
service will be locked. Thus, other users can’t edit
this service anymore as long as the locking author is
working on the document. However, it is possible to
read the service and see the current changes, made
by the lock owner. Future versions of our system
shall contain more sophisticated mechanisms in
order to support synchronous collaboration of
several authors on the same document. For the
beginning we preferred the more conservative and
proven approach of locking.
The lifecycle of a service is represented by a
workflow or at least a service is involved in
workflows from other services. For instance the
lifecycle of a peer review service begins with the
workflow state “DRAFT” and after passing several
states it results in the state “DETERMINED” as
soon as the accordant committee has approved the
preceding steps. In order to enable a simple and
flexible workflow concept for all services and their
related documents, a workflow processor
implemented as a state machine is needed, (see
Figure 5, class WorkflowProcessor).
FINQUAS handles versions in a simple way at
the level of an entire service. Creating a new version
of a document triggers the copying of all service
information. This is based on the observation that
curriculum descriptions are changed only on a yearly
base in average.
Figure 5: Version and workflow management.
The European Association for Quality Assurance in
Higher Education requires as a standard information
system support for QMS and demands “Institutions
should ensure that they collect, analyse and use
relevant information for the effective management
of their programmes of study and other activities.“
(ENQA, 2009, p.7). In order to satisfy this standard
with a complete and integrated system much effort is
necessary. Complex requirements have to be
considered and implemented. The definition of a
QMS that fulfils the system accreditation criteria is
already a challenging task in itself. But, since a lot
of documentation has to be managed in a consistent
and clearly arranged manner, it is important to have
information system support. Furthermore, there are
chances to exploit the knowledge for analysis of
quality status of the institution and to generate web
and PDF based information (which in addition
should no longer be written redundantly).
Our project is very useful for us in several ways.
It helped us to understand the requirements needed
in order to get a reasonable quality management
system. First experiences with users show that it
facilitates the uniform handling of quality
management at the entire university. It allows us to
treat the information needed for QMS with an
understandable and quickly accessible structure
without redundancy.
The first release of FINQUAS supports peer
reviews. According to the user feedback the main
benefit for this task is that the quality managers get a
clearly represented list of peer reviews and their
current states. Communication with peer review
groups is eased, since email addresses and mail
templates for standard information are known by the
system and available by one user interface click.
Next goals are monitoring reports for study
programs (which we internally refer to as quality
reports) and module descriptions. The developers
could already proof the framework concept of the
system. It is now simple to implement monitoring
reports and module descriptions. Progress of
programming is fast.
From a software-architecture point of view we
found an interesting approach to work with
extensible structured documents embedded into an
organizational network of people. The network is
quite flexible and can map any kind of hierarchical
or matrix organization. Our first prototype
implementation confirms our view of the
architecture for a quality management information
system. It is possible to extend the system to new
service types with only a small effort.
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