Educating the Future with Disruptive e-Learning Solutions
Merija Jirgensons
Distance Education Study Centre (DESC), Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Disruptive Innovation, Disruptive e-Learning, Discovery Driven Planning, MOOCs.
Abstract: e-Learning is having a strong impact on Higher Education. It is reinventing approaches to education and is
causing sharp debates among its practitioners about the future direction of learning. Advocates argue that e-
learning is a viable option to combat the high cost of higher education; that it extends educational
opportunities to a greater number of students; that it trains students for the emerging Knowledge Economy.
In fact, the e-learning education market has seen a continuous influx of new players; not only are traditional
universities going online, but for-profit universities are emerging, some having a global reach, and most
recently MOOCs (massive online open courses) that are offered as online education for free—many from
elite universities that were the last to go online. These developments have created debates over assessment
and accreditation. Educator Clayton Christensen calls e-learning “the great disrupted” that is transforming
the higher education landscape. Yet even with the steady increase of e-learning options, e-learning is still
regarded as inferior to traditional forms of learning. Critics regard is as too business and vocationally
orientated, unmindful of questions of quality. This paper looks at some of the issues surrounding the
controversy of e-learning options and makes some recommendations as to its improvement.
e-Learning has challenged fundamental assumptions
about how we learn and what we learn; how learning
is to be delivered and how accessed. It has even
opened up a sharp debate about the purpose of
education; the values for which it stands and the
competencies that it aims to teach. To quote
Harvard Business School Professor Clayton
Christensen, e-learning is proving to be the great
disrupter of traditional education reinventing
approaches to learning (Christensen and Eyring,
2011; Christensen, Horn, and Johnson, 2011). The
process is already underway and appears to be
accelerating. The reasons are not difficult to find.
Caught between the pressures of rising higher
education costs, the need for high level skills for the
emerging knowledge economy, and rapid
technological advances, new learning approaches are
being invented that seek to take advantage of
technological innovations and shape them into
credible learning tools. E-learning has benefitted
from this trend and has sought to present options that
are viable and offer innovative solutions at lower
cost and engaging forms of delivery. Increasingly
new methods and approaches are being explored by
this media: hybrid learning, virtual learning, mobile
learning, and most recently MOOCs. At Riga
Technical University in Latvia, the eBig3 project
combined the communication technologies of
computer, mobile, and TV to gain broad public
interest. Most recently the project also offered
MOOCs (ERDF, eBig3). But education via
technology has incited much controversy as well as
debates over the direction of education in general.
Provoking such fundamental questions as: is
technology learning too business orientated? What
about humanistic values? What about quality? Is
traditional education too elitist? Should education be
more vocationally orientated? Or can we somehow
combine some of these values or even should we? Its
advocates claim that technology promises a fantastic
future for educational engagement. Technology
based learning, however, is too new for longitudinal
studies; at this point, positive studies seem to
generate critical studies and vice-versa. Yet the
technology will not go away; it continues to spew
out innovations apace. Therefore it is worthwhile to
look at Clayton Christensen’s--one of the most
respected e-learning advocates--arguments
supporting e-solutions. He claims that prevailing
trends signal that online options are the inevitable
Jirgensons M..
Educating the Future with Disruptive e-Learning Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004846500650070
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 65-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-022-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
future of higher education (Christensen and Eyring,
2011: 328). Christensen has outlined his ideas in
considerable detail. These recommendations are
worth looking at although by no means do they settle
the controversy.
Clayton Christensen is the author of “Disruptive
Innovation”, a theory that he first outlined in the
Innovator’s Dilemma (1997). He had originally
meant it to apply to business (he holds a joint
appointment at Harvard in technology and
management). The idea had come out of his
dissertation, and he had meant it to apply to the disk
drive industry. But the idea was quickly co-opted;
many managers believed the process described their
own experience. Christensen came to realize that
“Disruptive Innovation” described a general
business model. And because he was engaged with
computer technology, he recognized that the model
also applied to e-learning. The way disruptive
innovation works, is that it is applied in areas where
there is no competition. Slowly, and out of sight the
company / organization improves its product. Soon
there is an alternative product on the market that is
cheaper and of better quality than the dominant one;
and if the alternative product is more attractive to
consumers, the dominant product can be toppled.
This is what happened to Kodak with digital films,
or how Cannon managed to trump Xerox or Sony
with its transistors clobbered RCA’s vacuum tubes.
Christensen cautions against taking major
competitors head-on--a good way for a company to
get bloodied. Instead, he claims, disruptive
innovation works against non-consumption—it
stakes out a new territory—and improves its product
step-by-step. When by its success a product or an
approach is shown to work, it becomes a fait
accompli and may even come to dominate the
market (Christensen, Horn, and Johnson, 2011: 141)
As applied to e-learning, Christensen refers to it as
“disruptive e-learning.” It is the crux of his strategy
for effective education that is democratizing and can
reach almost anyone. He believes that disruptive e-
learning can bring about student centered learning
that he argues is the focus of quality teaching. He is
opposed to traditional learning because he regards it
as a monolithic, top-down approach or teacher-
centered and refers to it as batch learning
(Christensen, Horn, and Johnson, 2011:175).
Christen argues for a modular course design where
the parts are interchangeable. He also calls for
modified “majors” where students may become
experts in several areas instead of concentrating on
one and where independently designed course
“modules” allow them to move easily between
different subjects. Microsoft is an example of the
“batch system”, the programs are interdependent;
they are part of a system. If you use one, you must
use the entire system. Moreover, they are expensive
to build. Simplify—argues Christensen—the byword
that informs his disruption strategy. He claims that a
simplified modular architecture such as offered by
Linux allows for the building of separate modules. It
is cheaper and more flexible and the heart of
disruptive design. Its simplicity and low price allow
it to be customized by users. A modular approach
also gives students the flexibility to move on to the
next module without wasting time on concepts and
materials they already understand. It is an important
option for bringing about student centered online
learning. The next step in this strategy is to make use
of popular apps and user generated content. Among
these are those generally well known to the public
such as eBay, YouTube, Pixar for digital animations,
and Second Life for 3D applications. He
recommends technology platforms that are suitable
even for nonprofessionals such as QuickBase for
designing user generated content. Parents and
teachers can develop programs that will help their
children learn. This mixture of disparate content, he
argues, can have wider application because it can
become the basis for shaping successful e-courses.
Central to this thinking are teacher and student
networks such as teacher online sites to exchange
information and lesson plans and student self-help
and tutoring sites, such as Megastudy in South
Korea (Christensen, Horn, and Johnson, 2011: 134-
145). Mentoring, but especially peer mentoring, is
central to Christensen’s concept of student centered
learning. Christensen, like many teachers, feels that
students have difficulty in grasping the relationship
between theory and practice; that they memorize a
theory but have difficulty understanding how it may
be applied to real life solutions. Peer mentoring, he
feels, can help students break down complex ideas
and show how they work in various real-life
contexts. Peer support is especially important for at-
risk students who may feel stressed by academic
materials. A number of the peer support sites are
available online, and Christensen feels they should
be included in an e-course design. Christensen
admits that this disparate, user-generated content
looks more like tutorial tools rather than courseware,
but over time, he claims, these modules can be
configured into complete courses. Disruptive
innovation starts small and gradually builds up as
the demand increases. It is a grassroots approach to
e-learning that expresses an intriguing departure to
standard academic learning.
Since disruptive innovation never applies the
head-on attack, Christian recommends that this user-
generated learning should take effect on the fringes.
He points out that innovations when officially
presented are often co-opted by organizations and
rendered innocuous by official policy or pulled apart
in turf fights. Instead, he suggests, disruptive e-
learning should take root in places where there is a
“consumption gap.” Students re-taking courses to fill
a “credit-gap,” home bound schooling, assisting at-
risk students, tutoring and enrichment programs, or
making available courses that cannot be added to
the curriculum because of budgetary constraints.
Rural, small schools, urban low-income schools,
could benefit from such an approach. This e-solution
is an alternative when there is nothing at all and is a
case in point how disruptive innovation, or in this
case disruptive e-learning, is embedded into a
system and can provide an alternative, a richer
education experience than the one that existed
before. The learning of the future, Christensen
predicts will be driven by student-centered
technology innovations (Christensen, Horn, and
Johnson, 2011: 99).
Christensen is a dedicated social crusader. His
Innosight Institute is committed to applying the
transformative power of disruptive innovation to the
social problems of the day. Educational reform at
all levels he regards as crucial. He details the
Pathway program at Brigham Young University at
Idaho (Christensen is an alumnus of Bingham
Young University, Utah and remains closely
associated with the university’s activities) as a
model for upward mobility for the academically
challenged and at-risk student group. It is an online
program that requires weekly face to face meetings
and encourages peer interactions. It reflects the
indirect, non-aggressive approach of disruptive e-
learning that is the cornerstone of Christensen’s
thinking. The Pathway program seems a sensible
step by step plan for the inclusion of the
academically challenged and socially and
economically disadvantaged. Pathway runs parallel
to the regular university curriculum. The standards
of admission are low. It is intended for older, at risk
students who need to support themselves and a
family. The program designers understand that the
primary concern of these individuals is the need to
earn a living. The first part of the program offers
technical competence courses in basic accounting,
web media design, basic legal and library research,
skills that are immediately marketable. Upon the
successful completion of the program, students
receive a certificate. They may then go on the next
level that is an Associate Degree, and, if that is
successfully completed, a Bachelor’s (Christensen
and Eyring, 2011: 315). It is a Matryoshka doll
structure where each significant academic
achievement is nested within the next. It gives
students the option at the end of each learning level
to finish or to continue to a more advanced degree
while at the same time being able to provide for
themselves and their families. The cost of a
Bachelor’s degree is about $8,000, a fraction of the
cost what it would cost at a medium level, accredited
university (What is Pathway).
How relevant are Christensen’s ideas today in the
field of technological innovation? Jena McGregor
claims very. In her interview with Christensen for
Bloomberg Businessweek she describes him as is a
giant in the field of innovation thinkers (McGregor,
2007). What has changed since 1997 when the
Innovator’s Dilemma was first published is that the
landscape has gone global. It is in flux and the
behavior of the players is unpredictable. Yet the
notion of disruptive innovation still resonates
although the model is felt to be too simple to explain
this complex scenario. Moreover, Christensen did
not originally provide a solution for his model; he
only described phenomena that he had observed and
that is now being played-out on a global scale. The
Rita McGrath and Ian MacMillan model (McGrath
and MacMillan, 1995) presents a method to structure
phenomena when outcomes are uncertain and could
be used to structure disruptive innovation.
Traditional planning projected outcomes for
projects; if the outcomes matched the projections, it
was considered valid; if not, it was regarded as
deficient. But Discovery Driven Planning seeks to
promote innovation. It turns conventional thinking
on its head. It encourages the new in a controlled
way. Results are tested at benchmarks, assumptions
are questions and articulated and then the next steps
are planned from the results (McGrath and
MacMillan, 1995). It means a commitment to
continuous learning on the part of project managers.
Moreover, just because an innovation is in place
does not mean it will maintain itself in the future;
instead it must be reassessed on an ongoing basis.
Christensen feels when his ideas are combined with
those of Discovery Driven Planning a sounder
assessment of an innovation is arrived at as well as
its potential for success (McGregor, 2007). These
ideas could be applied to disruptive e-learning to
give it a more structured development that at present
seems erratic.
Currently, there are many emerging models for
higher education. Most of these are online. Besides
online courses offered by traditional universities,
there are the for-profit universities mostly with
online options, some of which have become global
giants such as Laureate whose honorary chancellor
is Bill Clinton (Redden and Fain, 2013). This
development has also set up a credentials debate and
proposals for alternative credit assessment. Even
President Obama has entered the fray and made
recommendations to combat rising college costs that
include competency credit and MOOCs (Obama,
2013; Levin, 2013). Richard Vedder, author of
Going Broke by Degree: Why College Costs So
Much (2005), argues for a pro-business, no frills
program that makes use of lower priced online
options such as the new entrants MOOCs, a three
year Bachelor’s program as in Europe, and most
controversial of all, a National College Equivalence
Test similar to GED for the High School
Equivalence test (Vedder, 2013). Needless to say,
such a reductionist program has elicited howls of
protest from educational purists who claim that these
HiTech reformers leave out questions of quality and
the importance of education as an intrinsic value
leaving only a thin vocational, pro-business veneer
(Walters, 2013). Moreover, they point out that the
proposed system of online reform would increase
student / teacher ratio 50:1; a dramatic increase that
is endorsed by pragmatists such as Christensen but
decried by the quality advocates. Yet there are issues
that reformers of all shades of opinion agree: (1) that
higher education costs are too high; (2) that there is
a proliferation of majors that are proving costly and
often force students to postpone graduation to meet
requirements; (3) that students are not prepared to
deal with the requirements of university courses and
need structured support embedded in the program
(What is Pathway; Christensen and Eyring, 2011).
These three points are the main challenges that must
be met to achieve realistic educational reform.
Technology must be a major driver, not only
because it helps to reduce costs, but even more so
because it gives students access to the emerging
Knowledge Economy and its potential for
In the mist of so much controversy the signals about
the future of e-learning are mixed, although
generally favorable for long-range growth. As many
as 69.1% higher education institutions in the United
States report that online learning is critical to their
long term strategy (Allen and Seaman, 2013). In the
United States where technological solutions to
learning are most actively embraced, online learning
has steadily increased over the past ten years, so
that currently thirty-two percent of the students are
taking a least one e-learning course. Yet last year
there was a perceptible leveling off of enrollments,
increases dropping from an 11.2% to 9.3% although
university officials agree that online learning is
critical to their long- term strategy (Allen and
Seaman, 2013). Europe has been more conservative
in adopting e-learning; in 2011 (published in 2013)
for the EU-27, 11% of their populations (ages 16 to
74) were engaged in online learning. In the same
time period, Latvia was one of the more active with
16% of its population (ages16 to 74) were engaged
in online learning, exceeded only by its Nordic
neighbors (European Commission, 2013). The most
recent entrants to the technology learning market are
MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). They
have been touted as the next educational paradigm;
yet currently there is a great debate if they are
sustainable (Allen and Seaman, 2013). These are
open access courses that cut across a wide range of
disciplines including technology, philosophy and
even music. Besides course materials that include
various media formats, MOOCs seek to establish
online forums and learning communities similar to
what traditional e-learning courses already offer. An
interesting development in this regard is that the
elite universities that were slow to adopt online
learning, were first to jump on the MOOCs
bandwagon. Harvard as recently as 2013 and is
currently engaged in developing its first regular
online courses for the Business School—“we are
being disrupted online,” HBS claims (Nissen, 2013).
There are online listings of elite USA universities
that start with Harvard and MIT and include Apple’s
list that is a comprehensive MOOCs listing
(MOOCs). Most of these use Coursera or Udacity or
another popular platform. Currently there is much
debate if MOOCs are sustainable. Academics
generally think that MOOCs will cause much
confusion about university degrees and credentials
(Allen and Seaman, 2013). The shrillness of this
debate indicates that there is indeed a transformation
taking place and that the stakeholders have not
settled on the terms of the outcome.
In spite of resistance and challenges, the statistics
show a steady increase of e-learning for the future.
Christiansen no doubt is right that it will lead to a
disruption of traditional forms of learning as it
already seems to be doing. Transformations are
taking place that are affecting even the most highly
respected Higher Education Institutions. Yet barriers
and prejudices remain. Many people, including
academics, resist accepting e-earning as the equal to
face-to-face learning. Employers often regard it as
inferior. Moreover, the record of the retention rate of
on-line students has been poor. Many drop out
before finishing the course (Allen and Seaman,
2013). It is possible that these students are
academically poorly prepared and lack self-
discipline although other studies have shown that the
technology does not usually pose a barrier to the
current generation of students, but rather they may
lack motivation, study skills and have family
responsibilities (Concannon, Flynn, Campbell,
2005). The immediate issues that need to be
addressed in Higher Education reform is controlling
the costs and making education more affordable—an
issue that can effectively be addressed by e-learning.
The second issue is about the proliferation of course
for majors that often hold up graduation.
Christensen’s modular approach that is spread out
over several disciplines seems far more sensible to
replace the traditional major and gives students more
options in planning careers. And finally, users who
are at risk need help and support, including financial
support; they need a gradual, clearly benchmarked
program such as Pathway or another structured
approach to be able to succeed in a e-learning
This paper was partially funded by the European
Regional Development Fund (ERFF), Project Jauzi
(Eng. Trans.: New User behavioural interpretation
algorithms to facilitate an efficient transfer of
knowledge within an e-ecosystem)
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