The extension of the conventinal CEP architecture by
decoupled dynamic partitions overcomes the problem
of limited flexibility due to pre-partitioning. It thereby
allows for applying the proposed DCEP approach to
highly dynamic and high volume DLM scenarios. By
seperating simple CEP pattern matching tasks from
dynamically changing complex analysis tasks, we in-
crease the computing efficiency of DLM processing.
In a next step, the prototypical realization of the
DCEP architecture will be evaluated using several
data sets of AMI data from a smart grid test field
in northwestern Switzerland. The provided PV mea-
surement data will be combined with simulated cloud
movement data, based on empirically tested assump-
tions about the signal behaviour of the PV devices
under the effect of cloud shading. Existing studies
show that PV arrays under partially shaded conditions
exhibit characteristic signal patterns, cf., e.g., (Ve-
muru et al., 2012). These signal characteristics can be
used for cloud recognition when combined with back-
ground domain knowledge on typical cloud shapes,
shape change, movement patterns and the geographic
charactersitics of PV locations that influence the shad-
ing patterns. Other challenges that must be addressed
in the generalized DCEP framework design such as
the fuzzy matching of time lags between situations
of interest will be addressed in future work, cf. also
(Schaaf, 2013).
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