Teaching Web Programming
An Approach Rooted in Database Principles
Francesco Maiorana
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Catania, Viale A. Doria, 6, Catania, Italy
Keywords: Web Programming, Database Driven Applications, Security, Transaction, Stored Procedure.
Abstract: The World Wide Web has become a medium not only for delivering information but also for providing
applications that can be used by a variety of instruments, including mobile devices. For these reasons the
importance of teaching these skills as well as the difficulties of organizing a vast amount of concepts and
technologies in a fast-paced environment driven by strong industrial interest and competition are widely
recognized. This work discusses a case study on teaching web programming, presenting an approach
suitable for both high school and university courses. The main innovation of the curriculum is the content
presentation, which focuses on small incremental steps, spanning the majority of term lab sessions, as well
as a teaching a case study which centres on user login management. The case study covers all the major
topics in web programming and teaches students to develop, as well as apply and integrate, major database
concepts such as transactions, stored procedures and security issues. This lays the foundation for developing
a larger project, which is suggested as the final step of the curriculum.
According to the National Science Foundation
(2012), (Bureau of Labor Statistics), the
occupational outlook for Information Security
Analysts, Web Developers, and Computer Network
Architects between 2010-2020 is expected to
increase at a rate of 22%, which is faster than
average. The strong interest is confirmed by the
increase in web technologies. In (Gundotra, 2009),
for example, during his keynote speech at the
Google I/O 2009 conference, the Vice President of
Engineering at Google stated that, “The web has
won. It has become the dominant programming
model of our time”.
At the same time, Academia has given web
development an increasing level of importance,
reflected by the large number of related courses,
from entry level to more advanced. Also in research
there is a flourishing of conferences and special
issue journals such as (Connolly and Miller, 2013)
with “two inter-related aims. The first of these is to
communicate current approaches to teaching web
development. The second is to reignite the
conversation about what role, if any, that web
development should have in current computing
curricula”. The same trend is also evident in K-12
education, where web development is recognized as
an important topic in all recently revised curriculum.
These include (CSTA 2011), (Computing at
Schools, 2012), (New Zealand Ministry of
Education 2010), as well as new curricula designed
at the national level, such as (Astrachan, 2012) or
initiatives developed around innovative ideas on
how to teach introductory programming using web
technologies such as Code Avengers
(http://www.codeavengers.com/) or CodeHS
(http://codehs.com/). Web development is also
present in undergraduate and graduate curriculum
such as (ACM/IEEE, 2013), (ACM/AIS, 2010),
(ACM/IEEE, 2008).
From the above cited works, the interest in the
subject is evident. However, an analysis of the
curricula reveals that it is difficult to cope with all
the content and technologies within a single course,
especially in high school or in introductory
university courses. As proposed by (Connolly, 2011)
and (Maiorana, 2013 (a)), the topics should be
covered in three courses: basic markup languages
and Cascading Style Sheet in the first course; client
side programming in the second course; and server
side programming in the third course, with usability
and interface design issue spanning all three courses.
Other research such as (Wang, 2009) points to the
Maiorana F..
Teaching Web Programming - An Approach Rooted in Database Principles.
DOI: 10.5220/0004849300490056
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 49-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
need for subdividing the web programming
curriculum into more courses, suggesting a two-
course curriculum.
This work presents a curriculum suited for either
a university course on web programming or for a
third-level high school course, in accordance with
the CSTA curriculum. The curriculum was field
tested in a high school at the 13
grade with
students enrolled in a Computer Science
specialization course. The curriculum, by leveraging
on prerequisite database knowledge such as Entity
Relationship model (E/R) and Data Manipulation
language (SQL), focuses on server side web
programming and offers the possibility, using simple
examples and guided practical lab sessions, to
present and practically apply, as well as verify,
advanced database concepts such as stored
procedures, transactions and security issues, both at
the database and at the web application levels.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2
briefly reviews the literature on teaching web
development; section 3 presents the context of the
teaching experience, the pedagogical model, the
contents and how the course was taught; section 4
discusses a first course evaluation, highlighting
positive and negative aspects; and section 5 presents
the conclusions and highlights future work.
In the research carried out by (Grove, 2007), the
authors review ten years of research articles on
teaching web development in colleges and
universities. The authors report that the diversity of
protocols and programming languages required for
web development presents a problem. Mastering all
the knowledge required is deemed “unreasonable”
while some practical level of understanding in all the
technologies is considered necessary. This
conclusion correlates with the necessity to divide,
especially in high school, the curriculum into at least
three courses. This is reinforced by (Park, 2013)
where a taxonomy of student errors in HTML and
CSS is analysed, reinforcing the pedagogical idea
that even entry level languages, not considered as
“computationally expensive” as many other
languages, require developing computational skills
such as checking syntax errors and debugging. The
work makes use of an educational tool, openHTML,
a web editor developed by the authors. Another e-
learning system designed for improving web
programming skills, is presented in (Elgamal, 2013),
and offers an integrated environment for web
Among recent case studies and teaching
experiences on web programming at the university
level, it is possible to recall the following notable
research: (Liu, 2011) presenting challenges and tools
used; (Laverty, 2011) where the authors highlight
the challenge of an “efficient delivery of a dynamic
web development, database-driven platform”;
(Baatard, 2007) presenting a course using the PHP
language and addressing security issues; (Noonan,
2007) (Wang, 2006) and (Olan, 2009) presenting a
course focused on server side programming and
database interaction; (Tao, 2010) reporting on the
positive effect of encouraging students to use code
developed by others; (Hollingsworth, 2010) where
the Google Cloud App was used along with servlets
and Java Server Pages (JSP); (Gousie, 2006)
reporting on an interdisciplinary approach to
teaching web programming, graphics and design in a
course for non-majors; (Stepp, 2009) presenting a
CS 1.5 web programming course, and suggesting
that educators present form and PHP scripting as
early as possible; and (Adams, 2007) presenting a
course developed around a Web project. The use of
frameworks, recently reviewed in (Chao, 2013), is
not recommended in introductory web programming
From this brief literature review it is possible to
highlight the following points:
the difficulty and challenges in selecting the
topics and providing sufficient depth (Liu,
the rich set of technologies used, the lack of
their integration and their development at a fast
the importance of delivering a dynamic,
database-driven web development
the necessity to span the content of the topics
among several courses and the interdisciplinary
aspect of the topic.
This work reports a detailed practical experience
suited for a web programming module and focuses
on how these activities offer the possibility to
practically explore and experiment with advanced
database concepts such as stored procedure,
transaction and security in the realm of web
programming. The use of these advanced database
concepts in web programming represents a unique
case compared to other courses described in
literature. The application of the blending of the
proposed pedagogical approach, although
representing a well-established practice, is presented
in a particular context and within a particular
discipline and will hopefully provide an initial
insight in the described setting.
This work presents a case study dealing with an
educational experience in teaching web
programming in an Italian high school. The class
comprised 14 students, 12 male and 2 female,
between the ages of 18 and 20. The students in Italy
typically start school at the age of 6, with a few
exceptions who start at 5, and after 13 years of
school, finish at 19. Among the students, there were
two who had to repeat several years of school. The
class was the final course of a computer science
curriculum lasting five years. In the last three years
the students attended two types of courses each year:
the first type of course centers on programming and
software development and the second type of course
centers on hardware and networking. In the third
year programming course, the students have to learn
basic programming, problem solving and algorithm
design in an imperative language such as C, as well
as basic web page design using HTML and CSS. In
the fourth year the students learn object- oriented
programming along with event driven
programming. The students extend the web design
topic by writing JavaScript code on the client side.
In the fifth year the students in the programming
course deal with Database design and SQL language
in the first term and web programming in the second
term. This content is accompanied by the second
course where students learn networking architecture,
both hardware and software, client server
programming and security issues, such as
cryptography. The reported teaching experience
deals with the second term of the software course
focused on web programming technologies, where
the students are required to master database design
with E/R diagram and SQL languages both for Data
Manipulation and for querying. The course in the
fifth year was divided into 28 weeks, 12 of which
were dedicated to the web programming curriculum.
The final two weeks allowed for individual and
group project finalization. Each week consisted of a
two-hour session for theory, ground discussions and
assessment, and three one-hour lab sessions divided
into two hours plus a one hour meeting, for a total of
three meetings per week.
The course schedule for the first term is reported
in Table 1. For a deeper discussion of the database
curriculum the reader can refer to (Giordano, 2013
(c) ).
Table 1: Course schedule for the first term.
Unit Argument Hours
E/R, entity, primary key, attribute 2
Projection and filtering using one table.
Regular expressions
User defined functions 6
User interface for parametric queries 4
Associations 1-N, 1-1; association
attribute, multiple associations, association
with role.
Join and set operations 8
Associations N-N. 6
Sub-queries. Nested and correlated sub-
Ternary and n-ary associations 8
Group by and nested queries 6
Associative entity, Normalization. 2
Having clause 4
6 Recursive associations. 6
Total 70
The bibliography for students comprised an
Italian book together with selected parts from two
leading database books (Atzeni, 1999) (Elmasri,
2011), as well as teacher notes. The adopted
pedagogical model, in accordance with modern
constructivist theory (Duffy, 1992), was student-
centered, where the students in each lab session are
required to design and implement a solution to small
problems, presented as specific questions requesting
to perform a particular task. The questions guide the
students to a final lab session goal of producing an
application solving a specific problem or applying a
new technology. An example of such questions for
the 7
session, as listed in Table 3, is given in Table
2. This approach has the advantage of guiding
students in the complex task of mastering different
technologies, programming languages, as well as in
learning and understanding the deep and
fundamental concepts of database and web
According to the revised Bloom taxonomy
(Anderson, 2005), the questions guide the students
in climbing all the levels of the taxonomy: students
using self-directed work along with the lab
assignment questions are guided in the cognitive
process of remembering, understanding and
applying. More gifted students are able to analyze
and evaluate, while a guided inquiry approach is
used during the lab session to allow the other
students to analyze and evaluate their solutions. The
creative aspect is saved for the end of the lab, in the
form of deeper questions, self-directed exploration
and experimentation and, most importantly, in the
final project, where it is suggested that the students
apply all the course knowledge in building a
complete, self-chosen web application. The final
project can also be done in self-selected groups of
Table 2: An example of a lab session assignment.
N Questions
1 Create, using the SQL language a database called store.
2 Create, using the SQL language, the following logical
Person (id, Lastname, Firstname, age, sex, BornDate,
salary, StartTime, CivilStatus)
Login (id, idP, username, password)
where CivilStatus can only have a value chosen from
(single, nubile, conjugated, separated)
3 Insert data in the Person and login table. Verify that the
reference integrity constraint works.
4 Create a stored procedure to insert a person. Create a
function to insert a person returning the ID of the last
inserted person. Verify that the stored procedure and
stored function work by calling them
5 Create a stored procedure to insert in the login table and
verify it. Verify that the reference integrity constraint
6 Create an HTML page containing a form to insert the data
of a person including username and password.
7 Create a PHP page to insert in the database the data
relative to the person including the login information.
Verify that the transaction mechanism works by forcing
the insertion in the login table of a row with a non-existent
value for the foreign key.
8 Write a stored procedure that, by using the transaction,
inserts a row in the person and login table, thus inserting
all the information pertinent to the person. Simplify the
PHP code in order to perform a single call to this stored
procedure. Compare the solutions developed in steps 7
and 8.
The lab sessions were designed in an incremental
way around the management of the login process
and user registration. It was decided, for didactic and
security reasons, to divide the user data and the login
data (username and password) into two tables
allowing the students to present and practically
apply important concepts such as stored procedure,
transaction, security issues and security advantages
in using stored procedure.
A modern object-oriented API such as the Portable
Database Object (PDO) was used for database
access. The login process allowed students to deal
with the main aspects of web programming: HTML,
forms, PHP, SQL, session and cookies to keep track
of the data across the web pages; data validation
took place both on the client side using JavaScript
and regular expressions, and on the server side using
PHP function and database stored procedures. The
choice of the model allowed for the application and
verification, with few lines of code, of sophisticated
mechanisms such as transactions and stored
procedure invoker and creator security models, as
well as SQL commands for security management.
Possible lab extensions to the basic login page could
provide forgotten password functionalities, date and
time of last login, count of unsuccessful logins on
the basis of the username and a personalized
welcome message, just to name a few.
Throughout the entire term an inverted classroom
approach (Gannod, 2008) was used where the
students were asked to pre-read the material, thereby
leaving time for practical work during the lab
sessions and discussion during the theory sessions.
These discussions included solutions to exercises
and case studies with critical comparisons of
different approaches to solving the problems. The
material was based on the textbook as well as the
teacher's notes. Modern web 2.0 technologies
(www.blogger.com/ ) (sites.google.com/ ) were used
to deliver content, encouraging students to use wiki
technologies to develop a personal e-portfolio where
solutions to case studies and projects were posted to
allow peers and instructors to leave formative
feedback (Giordano, 2004), (Giordano, 2013 (a, b).
The free Easy PHP (http://www.easyphp.org/)
Windows Apache MYSQL PHP (WAMP) was used
on a Windows platform. Table 3 reports the course
schedule with the major lab assignment topics.
The lab sessions were very fruitful and allowed
for student self-discovery. For example, during a lab
session a student working on a machine with an
early version of PHP verified that the foreign key
constraint does not work with the MYSQL MyISAM
engine. It was suggested that the students use the
manual to find a way to change the engine and
verify that the foreign key constraint is implemented
in other engines such as the InnoDB. The side effect
was to push students to improve technical manual
reading capabilities, particularly for SQL syntax
such as DML instructions (MySQL, 2013).
This approach was extended to the PHP manual
(PHP, 2013), thus improving a technical skill
required in working environments. Overall, the
Table 3: Course schedule and lab assignments.
N Topic Lab assignment #h
Three tier
Install and configure a
WAMP framework
2 HTML review Login form creation 3
Database connection
and data insertion
through stored
Stored procedures for
insertion in one table and
their use with PDO.
Parameters. Insert into the
person table.
Stored procedure for
updating and
deleting data.
Use of HTML forms and
stored procedure to update
and delete data. Manage
the person and login table.
Get and POST method.
Stored procedures
for retrieving data
with and without
Retrieving data using
stored procedures and PDO
and presenting them in
HTML table. CSS review.
List of registered users.
Transaction: begin,
commit and rollback
PHP code for managing
transaction. SQL code for
managing transaction.
Insertion in the Person and
login table
Use of transaction to
insert, update and
modify data across
multiple tables
Use of transaction to insert,
modify data in multiple
tables. Management of the
person and login table
Cookies and
Keep track of username
and ID across multiple web
SQL command for
Granting and revoking
privileges to users. Stored
procedure for granting and
revoking privileges
Security model of
stored procedures:
definer and invoker
Use and comparison of
different security models to
automatically manage user
creation and management.
Cryptography functions in
Client side form
validation using
JavaScript and
regular expressions
Validate the Person and
login data at the client side
Server side data
Using PHP and stored
procedure to validate the
person and login data at the
server side
Total 60
approach was useful in guiding the students in the
complex process of designing web applications,
allowing for an incremental project that pushed the
students to develop limited but working projects in
each lab session, refining the solution throughout the
semester. This approach avoided teaching each topic
individually but rather fostered step-by-step
teaching, through incremental integration.
Initially, the students were reluctant to follow the
approach due to the added level of abstraction
introduced by the stored procedures and hence the
higher cognitive effort required to master them.
While proceeding with this approach, their opinions
changed positively and the students appreciated the
benefit of the method in terms of performance and
security. Likewise, they appreciated the reduced
burden in writing PHP code and the possibility to
resolve the basic database management task with the
same approach and by using a similar design
The teachers' evaluation of the experience, by
comparison with previous classes with the same
coursework and the same teachers, where more
emphasis was given to physical database design,
indexing and query performance (Maiorana (b),
2013) thus leaving less time for more extensive web
programming, was positive, mainly due to the
possibility of exposing the students to a richer set of
technology with a tighter link to database
technologies and concepts. Overall, 6 students were
able to complete all the guided lab exercises
independently, with little guidance in the first lab
session, 2 students completed the lab session but
required more support from the teachers, 6 students
struggled due to the difficulty and deficiency both in
concepts such as procedure and functions that were
covered in the previous years, and to a deficiency in
the mastering of some topics related to the first part
of the course and finally 1 student was not able to
complete the course and pass the year due to the
numerous insufficient results in other disciplines.
The final student grades in the discipline were: 4
students received an A, 3 students a B, 5 students a
C, 1 student a D and 2 students an F.
The course was evaluated by using student and
teacher feedback, obtained by informal discussion
and formal colloquia inside the class meetings and
by assessing and evaluating student work in each lab
session. The feedback from students as well as
teachers was positive.
Students were initially overwhelmed by the
complication introduced by stored procedure and the
necessity to manage and discriminate different
working environments such as the MYSQL
database, the PHP scripting languages as well as
HTML. When the initial difficulties were overcome,
thanks to a series of lab sessions focusing on similar
concepts and technologies (e.g., stored procedure for
inserting, deleting, updating and retrieving data from
a single table), the students particularly appreciated
using stored procedure and advanced database
concepts which allowed them to use less code,
perform canonical tasks such as inserting, updating,
deleting and retrieving data in a canonical and
recurring way, changing only the SQL command to
be used in the stored procedure as well as the
number and type of parameters.
From our colleagues' point of view, the approach
allowed us to present and master advanced database
concepts. The approach allowed for the sharpening
and augmentation of database knowledge required
by all the students in the final nation-wide state
examination. The step-by-step approach avoided
students getting lost in the multiple environment
scenario typical of Web programming, despite the
coverage of advanced topics.
The approach allowed students to experiment
and easily verify important topics, such as
transactions, by verifying their effects. Examples of
this verification approach include: inserting a
violating reference key data as the second step in a
transaction, thereby allowing students to verify the
missing effect in the first step; looking for the data
stored on the client side (the cookie) and on the
server side (the session file), thus allowing students
to distinguish between the two concepts and their
effects; verifying the different foreign key
mechanisms with different MYSQL engines, and
consequently mastering this important topic.
The assessment of the lab sessions revealed,
through analysis of the results and of the grades
assigned, three levels of achievement: the more
gifted students were the first to proceed alone and
expand the proposed lab session assignments; a
second group of students were able to follow the
steps and work through a solution to each step with
minimal guidance; finally, a third group of students
required particular attention and support to work
through the exercises, with some of them falling
behind and not meeting the deadlines. This division
was reflected in the final grade of the module, as
noted before. Despite the increased complexity of
the course topic, the results correlate with and are
slightly better than past experiences.
Overall, compared to a previous course taught by
the same teachers, a deeper mastering of the web
programming material was observed. Whereas only
two students from the previous course were able to
apply and discuss stored procedures and transactions
in their final project (Maiorana (b), 2013), up to
eight were able to do so in this course. This was due
to the different teaching approach used, one that did
not use the step-by-step assignment method in the
lab session and which also dedicated fewer hours to
the web programming module in order to explain
another important topic, i.e., indexing, which is now
an elective course in the new CS curriculum
(ACM/IEEE, 2013).
A web programming curriculum was proposed,
based on the results of a teaching experience in the
final year at an Italian high school. The pedagogical
approach was based on lab sessions requiring
students to design and implement a solution with a
small sequence of steps leading to a working artifact.
The lab sessions subsequently refined each other by
presenting and applying new concepts or techniques
and incrementally improving a project spanning all
the lab sessions which centered on the management
of the login information on a website. In solving the
login problem, the students were able to cover all the
major topics of web programming, linking them to
advanced database concepts such as transaction,
stored procedure and security models, topics not
usually covered in a high school or undergraduate
setting. At the same time the concepts, mastered by
the majority of the students, allowed for an easy
framing of a solution pattern for the management of
data in Web applications. A preliminary course
assessment has also been presented.
The presented curriculum, according to Maiorana
(2013 (a)) is suited for a third-level course dealing
with server side programming. The course represents
the concluding phase, following a tag-based
language and Cascading Style Sheet in the first
course and client side programming in the second
course. The proposed approach presents the
advantages of a strong relationship with database
concepts, allowing at the same time to present initial
issues related to web interfaces and usability.
The proposed curriculum and pedagogical approach
can be used in both high school and university
courses, allowing the students to present and
practically apply all the concepts suited for the third-
level curriculum in the proposed three-level course
architecture. Regarding further research, the
following is planned: a deeper qualitative and
quantitative course assessment compared to a
previous class with the same coursework and the
expansion of the curriculum by using frameworks,
such as jQuery Mobile (
http://jquerymobile.com/), to
develop mobile web applications (Costanzo, 2013).
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