The Elderly and Competence in e-Learning
Leticia Rocha Machado and Patricia Alejandra Behar
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Graduate Program in Computer Education/PPGIE, Center for Digital
Technology Applied to Education /NUTED, Paulo Gama Avenue, 110 - Building 12105, 3rd floor, room 401,
90040-060, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Keywords: Lifelong Learning, Distance Education, Teaching/learning Strategies.
Abstract: The increase in population age is undeniable today. At the same time, technologies are increasingly present
in daily tasks. In this scenario, the role of continuing education courses to enable showing the full
development of the subject. E-learning can be one of these possibilities, since it covers a wide range of older
people. Thus, it is necessary to discuss the necessary skills DL in the elderly. This research was developed
in a virtual course of workshops with different themes for the elderly at the Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul in Brazil. From the results obtained in this study it was possible to map the skills of older
students in a virtual environment. We list as interaction skills , autonomy , digital literacy , virtual literacy ;
digital information ; virtual resilience , organization and cooperation. Therefore, we see the need for greater
depth in relation to e-learning for seniors and what is required to allow for constructive action on this issue
in this kind of education skills. Currently the increase of elderly led to questions and social change. Thus the
results show the need to rethink new educational practices that may include older people in today's society.
It is undeniable increase of population with
advanced age. In Brazil the elderly population
represents 20,590,599 individuals (IBGE, 2010).
This high life expectancy provides social and
especially educational changes.
Continuing education is a right of the population.
A possibility of providing social inclusion and
lifelong learning is through digital inclusion. This
type of course can awaken and engage the elderly to
explore the digital world, encouraging them to
experiment, revise, repeat, construct, deconstruct
and share experiences. Many researchers have been
conducted in this field allowing the formation of a
significant number of elderly in the use of
technologies of information and communication
In this panorama, and from the need to find new
offers for this audience, offering online courses in
different subjects is shown as innovative and
feasible for the elderly. This modality involves
continuing education and the use of technology and
ultimately proves as a rich source of possibilities for
a different audience that has social, emotional and
motivating characteristics to learn and build new
There are few studies that discuss the e-learning and
the elderly (Reis, 2006), which provides questions
and the need to delineate what would competences
in this public virtual courses.
From this scenario, it started at the Federal
University of Rio Grande do SUL/UFRGS, Brazil,
offering virtual classes specifically for the public
aged 60 years or more. In 2012 was offered in the
state of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil course “QualiViE
- Quality of Life: Virtual workshops for active
aging”. The QualiViE was composed of six
workshops. Each workshop had a subject of interest
to older. These workshops were taught by specialist
teachers. Each workshop lasted two weeks in virtual
form. These were offered in virtual mode. Seniors
who participated in the workshops participated in
discussion forums, chats and activities. Data
collection was conducted from the participation of
older persons in workshops, through questionnaires
and interviews. These data allowed discussing the
necessary competences in Distance Education for
the elderly. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
investigate what are the skills necessary for the
elderly to participate effectively in online courses.
Rocha Machado L. and Behar P..
e-Competence - The Elderly and Competence in e-Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004850003460353
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 346-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Then we will address the theoretical framework
regarding the skills, the elderly and ICT
Reflections on skills in recent years have increased
significantly, which caused the dissemination of
research, publications in journals and books that
discuss the definition. However, the research
conducted on the subject is not of an educational
character, since it has started in the business.
In educational terms, Perrenoud (2000; 2002)
began discussions about working with competencies
in education, where he resumed the panorama of
changes resulting from technological advances and
what are the actions needed to address them.
Concerned about the pedagogical aspects and
development of skills Zabala and Arnau (2009), Coll
and Monereo (2010) also discuss the same topic in
From the discussions in the literature and related
research, this article will use the concept that defines
the competencies as a set of Knowledge, Skills and
Attitudes (named KSA), which provide subsidies
enough to the individual to face situations and solve
problems that emerge during the process of teaching
and learning (Behar, Ribeiro, Schneider, Silva,
Machado, Longhi, 2013).
Thus, it is necessary to think about the use of
ICT at all levels of education and skills necessary for
an effective and constructive use, especially with a
different audience as the elderly. Therefore this is
inevitable in this panorama to integrate in the
concept of competencies few features that put into
action the elements of the KSA. For this, Behar,
Ribeiro, Schneider, Silva, Machado, Longhi (2013)
lists three features: a) Support resource: it's
biophysiological, refers to the body and its structure,
b) Evolution resource: refers to creativity, which in a
Piagetian perspective is considered the evolution
levels of knowledge c) Mobilization resource:
considers the role of affectivity in the construction
of knowledge.
Some research has outlined the necessary.skills
in using ICT. The European Union, supported by the
European Commission and Council of Ministers, set
up cyberskills, or e-competences for the XXI
century. Based upon the justification of the changes
arising from technology, was created the "European
e-Competence Framework", a document that cites
36 skills needed in a corporate vision (CWA, 2010).
Discussing the same topic, different skills are
cited for the use of ICT, as the case of information
skill, knowing how to use the information in a given
context (Dudziak, 2003; Bawden, 2001), digital skill
in which the user must know to conduct digital
research (Santos, 2009), among others as digital
literacy and virtual skill. In this perspective, some
skills can be listed in relation to the use of digital
tools in e-learning:
Digital fluency: goes beyond knowing how to
use ICT, but it's knowing how to create meanings to
this subject in order to provide permanent learning
(Resnick, 2002; Takahashi, 2000; Machado, Longhi,
Behar, 2013);
Digital literacy: is the use of basic skills in
reading, writing and mathematical problems as a
way to understand the content and everyday
relationships developed in e-learning (Kirsch, 1993;
Machado, Behar, 2013);
Interaction: refers to the interrelationship
between teacher/student in e-learning involving
interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships (Moore,
Kearsley, 2008). In this competence the mobilization
resource of affection is essential because it allows
the student to a self-analysis to interact with
colleagues and teacher shamelessly.
Cooperation: is the competence that instigates
forms of interpersonal relationships through
teamwork towards a common goal, through digital
technologies (Machado, Longhi, Behar, 2013);
Autonomy: is the ability of self-guiding and
refers to self-responsibility and self-organization in
DL (Mattar, Maia 2007; Moore, Kearsley, 2008;
Litto, 2010);
Organization: it is established by ordinance,
structuring and systematization of time, available
materials, information and group work in virtual
(Machado, Longhi, Behar, 2013);
Communication: there are two styles of
communication: oral and written (Villa, Poblete,
Oral communication implies the ease and
effectiveness of communicating ideas, feelings, and
knowledge through the spoken words. This is
required for video conferencing or other tool that
requires user speech. Written communication refers
to the ability to convey ideas, feelings and
information through writing, including the use of
support as graphics, illustrations and more. This is
essential, since most tools of e-learning uses this
type of communication;
Virtual resilience: refers to the need of
knowing about limitations and reassessment
regarding the attitude to continue learning in online
mode in order to face the new (Machado, Behar,
Informational: initially was linked to the
search for information. The term is widely used by
American librarians regarding the search and use of
information (CWA, 2010). In recent years
incorporated the use of technology in support of this
research. But it is clear that research in digital media
should be differentiated from the usual research in
physical libraries. Therefore, refers to search and
access information efficiently and effectively
available in the digital medium.
Thus, this study demonstrates the importance of
enhancing regarding to the skills of the elderly in
distance learning and its importance in the society of
information and knowledge.
In this scenario the search was conducted by
research related on skills, the elderly, continuing
learning and the use of ICT. Few studies were found
and are generally searches or reports on how to
assess competence in the elderly in legal terms. That
is regarding the older person being able to keep or
not active in daily activities (Willis, 1996;
Widdershoven, Berghmans, 2002; Law, Yau, Gray
In terms of communication skills of the elderly,
Underwood (2010) challenged the studies reporting
the high linguistic decline. When there are really
problems of expression, the elderly seek to
communicate affectively (gestures, facial and body
expressions, etc.).
Other references found not clearly pointed the
definition of competence and its involvement in the
continuing education of this public. Machado and
Behar (2013) published a survey which showed
eight competencies for older students in virtual
courses, including: virtual resilience, digital fluency,
autonomy, virtual literacy, organization,
cooperation, interaction and communication.
Therefore, this perspective asks what skills are
needed in the elderly to participate in online courses.
To elaborate on the subject, the following will detail
the methodology used to achieve the mapping skills
of elderly people in e-learning.
This research was developed in a quantitative and
qualitative premise focused on case study. The
investigation was built on a theoretical and practical
approach to enable an immersion of the researchers
to collect the data.
In 2011, work began on the development of an
extension course "Introduction of DL for seniors"
with the goal of empowering the elderly in the use of
virtual tools such as virtual learning environment
(VLE) and its functionalities and as learning objects
(LO) built. The LO concept adopted is Behar,
Macedo, Souza, Bernardi (2009) who considers any
digital material with educational purposes.
During the year of 2012 it was offered the virtual
course "QualiViE - Quality of Life: Virtual
workshops for active aging". Altogether, there were
15 individuals who participated in the workshops. In
this course were offered six workshops: Workshop
Soundtracks Composition (Figure 1), Color
Workshop (Figure 2), History and Memory
Workshop (Figure 3), Workshop of Physical
Therapy (Figure 4), Spanish Workshop (Figure 5),
Photography Workshop (Figure 6). All workshops
are taught by specialist teachers in each subject
worked. Classes were taught in Portuguese, except
Spanish. The duration of the workshop was two
weeks. The classes were where we used virtual
interaction and communication tools. LO was also
shown in the figures.
Figure 1: Interface of LO workshop of Soundtracks
Figure 2: Interface of LO Color Workshop.
All workshops had two weeks in length, being only
the first class live and the rest virtual. The only
exception was the Spanish workshop that was
offered lasting four weeks for its complexity in
content. These were developed by expert teachers in
the same areas, these being the ones who built the
LO, activities and content covered. For classes we
used the virtual learning environment (VLE)
ROODA - Learning Cooperative Network
(https://ead.ufrgs.br/rooda/) (Figura 7). This
environment has 26 features, from these, were used
during the workshops QualiViE: Forum: enables
asynchronously discussion on a particular theme;
Diary: place to express their feelings in written
format; Chat: place for synchronous interactions;
Webfolio: allows posting activities and teacher
feedback on them; Library: allows sending
supplementary class materials; Tab Lessons: posting
place for the activities content; RoodaPlayer:
functionality for viewing videos online and A2: form
of synchronous Messenger.
Figure 3: Interface of LO History and Memory Workshop.
Figure 4: Interface of LO Workshop of Physical Therapy.
Figure 5: Interface of LO Spanish Workshop.
Figure 6: Interface of LO Photography Workshop.
Figure 7: Interface of VLE ROODA.
In order to cover the purpose of this article,
identifying the skills of the elderly in virtual, it was
used a triangulation of methods for data collection:
observation, interview and questionnaire and
technological production. The observation,
interviews and questionnaires occurred during the
course QualiViE. In order to collect the information
of the technological production it was used digital
tools exerted by the elderly in VLE ROODA.
Therefore, for the quantitative data analysis it
was used frequency distribution represented in
percentage and mean. The analysis of qualitative
data was achieved by means of content analysis,
including critical or hidden understanding of
communication. To do so, we used the steps
suggested by Bardin (2010) in relation to content
analysis. Thus, the following will treat the data
collected during the research to enable
understanding of skills, elderly and distance
From the data collected in this research defined the
profile of older people in e-learning and define the
necessary skills in virtual mode.
The study subjects were 15 elderly with a mean
age of 67 years, being two males. In relation to
education, predominance of college degree (44%),
followed by school (38%). These data indicate the
predominance of a public with high education, what
will distinguish this group from the rest of Brazilian
Considering the development of class planning
the elderly showed that the teacher should consider
mainly difficulties and skills that students will find
in technology tools (Figure 8). It was noted during
the workshop that one of the great difficulties of the
students was the use of digital technologies,
including VLE itself by still lack of knowledge
enough to dexterity in using them. This evidence
shows how important are Digital Fluency
competence and Virtual Literacy competence.
Although it was performed many tutorials and
videos related to digital tools, the elderly prefer to
contact the teachers or instructors of the workshops.
This denotes how the affective resource of
competences is critical to this audience. According
to the testimony of the elderly we can analyze that
they could evaluate the preparation of teachers for
the classes considering the potentialities and
limitations of the student: "What I find most
important in any workshop for seniors is the
patience of the teacher with the students because we
are slower".
Digital fluency and Digital literacy are important
in this type of course, since before knowing the ease
using of this technology is important to be literate
and critically understand the usage of it.
With seniors this literacy requires an earlier
competence called digital literacy in which the
subject should have the first learning in the use of
ICT and further develop digital fluency and literacy
necessary in virtual courses for this audience.
Figure 8: Graph of planning of virtual classrooms.
VLE ROODA, as already pointed out in this
article, was used in the interactions between
teachers and students, which makes it necessary to
investigate the difficulties encountered in its use.
Therefore, regarding ROODA tools the students had
more difficulties with RoodaPlayer and Chat. The
RoodaPlayer functionality is coupled to VLE
ROODA where you can play video available on
internet sites.
The difficulty pointed out by the students is
mainly due to the fact that it is a new tool for the
course and also due to technical difficulties in the
operation of it since it was still in testing phase. The
other features were evaluated with more difficulty
according to needs (activities and content) that
teachers used in each workshop.
In addition, elderly showed that they prefer
communication tools (84%) in virtual courses. These
data show the importance of developing a
Communication Competence with this audience.
Communication is primordial in online courses,
both orally and in writing. For seniors the two
communications are important and complementary.
Communicating in virtual requires the older
audience know to "listen" and know the time to
respond and their forms, since the virtual
communication is different and unknown to the
Forum was the ROODA tool pointed as the most
used during the workshops. Each forum (totaling 11)
had an average of 15 students' participation.
However, this participation was limited to only
respond to the teacher and not interact with
colleagues. So in this scenario would be important to
develop the Interaction Competence, since that
public is not accustomed to using the technology to
keep in touch with each other, much less to express
themselves emotionally and create / maintain virtual
social ties.
Regarding activities, the elderly showed to prefer
simple activities that use virtual resources and
enabling research. The workshops that used
unknown tools were the most valued, since they
were more practical and useful for their everyday.
They pointed out that the long activities were
discouraging during the workshops.
The workshops that used the social network
Facebook or a text editor, have not been evaluated
positively because it was a tool known and learned
by the elderly. According to the testimony of one of
the elders: "We really didn’t have Spanish classes,
we only fill in the blank portion of a song and then
Activities requesting conducting research were
well evaluated, as the research on specialized sites,
as those needed to recall historical facts of the
subjects involved. The workshop of History and
Memory, for example, dealt with the past historical
issues of the elderly which generated a lot of
movement both in family and friends to collect
information such as the internet to supplement the
data. So in this prism two skills are important for the
elderly: Digital Information Competence and
Competence of Autonomy.
Building informational competence in older
audience requires a collaborative effort between the
digital fluency and literacy, as it the (re)learn how to
search. Unlike the elderly were accustomed, virtual
research requires knowing to define objectively what
you want, select and analyze in more detail the
information available on the internet. And
Autonomy should be encouraged by the teacher,
tutor and monitors, mainly because students were
not accustomed to the type of virtual classroom.
Asked about the timing of the activities, students
reported it should be of three or more days for each
task (46%). This evidence corroborates with other
studies which show the need for a longer time to
achieve these activities, both in classroom courses
and virtual (Oliveira, Oliveira, 2007; Machado,
2007). These data are confirmed by the testimony of
the elderly: "I thought the time very short, it could
have been two weeks with two virtual classes”.
The Organization Competence in this context is
relevant, since the elderly - because they are mostly
retirees - no longer have the accuracy in time and
tasks deadlines that require greater dedication. The
organization is critical in virtual courses and one of
the main factors that hindered the elderly during
classes, because many forgot to perform the
activities or didn’t schedule classes which caused
their absence.
The format of the media pointed out as
preferential by the elderly is printed, even in virtual
courses (46%). Even with virtual activities they
prefer to receive them in print, which shows the
need for the security of paper, which is a form of
technology known by them.
A surprising result was that in relation to the
dynamics of activities, since 57% of students
indicated they prefer to work individually. Among
the reasons was that "Because everyone can do at
the time we want or can at our house". Another elder
said: "Because the elderly can do the activities when
available". Complementing: "You can search more".
Therefore refers mainly to issues of availability of
participants to combine schedules (virtual and
presence). Thus, developing Cooperation
Competence is important, but we wonder how far it
is interesting to the elderly. The elderly showed that
there is no exchange between colleagues. Therefore,
the cooperation competence can be considered cross
and not general jurisdiction. It is noteworthy that this
is a particular study in a small group of older people.
Each group of older students has its social and
cultural profile that should be considered when
talking about competence.
Regarding the language activities, they showed a
preference for the combination of text and image
(87%). Although the workshops work with
audiovisual content such as video and music still
textual language is chosen by the elderly. According
to the testimony of the elderly: "Its page was very
good, attractive and without that figure drawing,
which I found ridiculous of other workshops, with
nothing to do with the rest", "Every technological
feature that was shown was prepared for elderly".
From these statements we can see that the language
used by teachers is constantly evaluated by older
students and they have criticisms concerning the
form and format of the same.
The elderly showed that the content should be
challenging and make them search and supplement
their learning (92%). These data show that despite
the older student be academically educated in the
traditional perspective of memorization, they prefer
building knowledge activity which becomes
meaningful to their lives.
To finish, we asked a general evaluation of the
workshops, in which the elderly showed a high
satisfaction, followed by states of happiness and
sadness. These data show that there was the
construction of the Virtual Resilience competence,
once they knew to face the new and continue to
participate in virtual workshops.
Although the evaluation is positive, the
experience in virtual workshops, students still
prefers courses that combine presence and virtual
classroom. According to the testimony of one of the
elderly: "The presence classroom is very complete
and enlightening and when I have doubts the virtual
is also important". So we can see that older people
are prepared to participate in online courses, but it is
up to the managers and teachers of this type of
course to plan adequately to meet the demands of the
target audience.
The data collected and discussed in this article
denote a profile of elderly active and who wants to
participate in courses for continuing education. From
the survey data and compared with those described
by Machado and Behar (2013), it was possible to
map the primordial competences in virtual courses
for seniors.
So it was listed seven essential skills: Interaction,
Autonomy, Digital Literacy, Virtual Literacy;
Digital Informational; Virtual Resilience and
Organization. From the reflection based on data the
Cooperation Competence was not outlined as a key
to that public, since depending on the profile of the
students it will not be considered relevant in virtual
The Digital Informational competence was one
of the highlights of this research, since the students
indicated the need for them in activities that foster
research, investigation, contradicting the view that
courses for this audience should follow traditional
lines of education. The Cooperation Competence,
from the data collected, was considered transversal,
once the public pointed out that prefer to work
individually. Individuality is very present in the
elderly, for different issues, ranging from the loss of
loved ones (friends) to the abandonment from the
It should be noted that this study was conducted
with a peculiar group of seniors, where the profile
denotes subjects who want enhancement and new
learning, and want to use ICT in their daily lives.
This kind of group of elderly specifically does not
allow a generalization of skills regarding older
audiences of Brazil, mainly by financial difficulties
or lack of education. Therefore, there must be other
skills, mainly the transversal, in order to meet the
different audiences that are around the world.
The data discussed here are positive for the
application performed. According to the testimony
of one of the elderly: "All elderly who want to stay
active should do virtual courses. Old age is the
future of everyone, so it is important courses that
stimulate the creativity of older people". Thus, there
is the need for greater depth in relation to e-learning
for elderly or disclosure of this type of education
courses for older people. With the rise of older
people is up to everyone involved in education to
rethink new practices that can effectively include the
public in this society that is constantly changing.
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