The HumanoidLab
Involving Students in a Research Centre Through an Educational Initiative
Guillem Aleny
, Jos
e Luis Rivero
, Aleix Rull
, Patrick Grosch
and Sergi Hern
Institut de Rob
otica i Inform
atica Industrial (CSIC-UPC), Llorens i Artigas 4-6, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Open Source Robotics Foundation, 419 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94043, U.S.A.
Project based Learning, Mentoring, Humanoid Robots, Introduction to Research.
The HumanoidLab is a more than 5 year old activity aimed to use educational robots to approach students
to our Research Centre. Different commercial educative humanoid platforms have been used to introduce
students to different aspects of robotics using projects and offering guidance and assistance. About 40 students
have performed small mechanics, electronics or programming projects that are used to improve the robots by
adding features. Robotics competitions are used as a motivation tool. A two weeks course was started that
has received 80 undergraduate students, and more than 100 secondary school students in a short version. The
experience has been very positive for students and for the institution: some of these students have performed
their scholar projects and research in robotics and continue enrolled in the robotics field, and some of them are
currently in research groups at IRI.
The Institut de Rob
otica i Inform
atica Industrial
(IRI) is a joint research centre between Spanish Re-
search Council (CSIC) and Universitat Polit
ecnica de
Catalunya (UPC). In 2007, a SWOT analysis revealed
that there was a lack of capacity to involve new stu-
dents, principally undergraduate and Master students.
IRI is located into one of the UPC university campus,
but it was relatively unconnected from university ac-
tivities and the visibility of IRI research areas in the
university was very small.
With this in mind, in 2007 the HumanoidLab ini-
tiative was created with these objectives:
Introduce engineering, compute science, and
mathematics students to robotics.
Promote multidisciplinarity in students’ educa-
Increase the number of students in the IRI
Robotics Laboratory.
Increase the visibility of IRI research activities in
the university community.
Contribute to the community with open software
and hardware projects.
Undergraduate educational robotics can be di-
vided in three areas: robotic clubs, formal university
courses, and collaboration into a research project. The
HumanoidLab initiative combines a bit all three.
In the first place, some Universities and Research
institutions host robotic clubs grouped under dif-
ferent initiatives, like student sections of the IEEE
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS)
or the Board of European Students of Technology
. These clubs are maintained by students and
usually base their activity in organize or participate
at national or international robotic competitions, like
(that takes place from 1998). This com-
petitions propose a set of challenges, and each team
designs and builds custom robots with different me-
chanic, electronic and software solutions. The Hu-
manoidLab wanted to use competitions as motivation
tool, but not as primary objective.
In the second place, regular robotic courses in-
volving engineering topics are common (Matari,
2004; Rus, 2006), where simple robots are assembled
and programmed with basic reactive algorithms. A
good idea to focus the efforts in software development
is to use standard and non-expensive robot platforms.
In this line, undergraduate experiences using LEGO
and AIBO have been reported (Sklar et al., 2007),
Alenyà G., Rivero J., Rull A., Grosch P. and Hernández S..
The HumanoidLab - Involving Students in a Research Centre Through an Educational Initiative.
DOI: 10.5220/0004850502130220
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 213-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and more recently using Roomba based robots like
the TurtleBot (Gerkey and Conley, 2011). However,
in these platforms is sometimes difficult to embed
more sophisticated computer science topics that un-
derlie perception, planning, and control mechanisms
in modern robots (Touretzky, 2012). We liked the idea
of using robot kits because they provide a quick start
platform for people interested principally in program-
ming, but we also wanted to keep the freedom to cus-
tomize and replace mechanical and electronic parts,
and embedded software.
In the third place, there are lots of students col-
laborating on scientific projects at university depart-
ments, but this is usually not performed as a formal
educational activity further than master theses and
undergraduate works. Besides, departments and re-
search groups have the capacity to participate in com-
petitions that require complex and expensive equip-
ment. Maxwell (Maxwell and Meeden, 2000) re-
ported an intensive summer project where 10 un-
dergraduate students should collaborate to develop a
complex robot used to serve hors d’oeuvres in a so-
phisticated manner. The RoboCup competitions
founded in 1997, promote teams involving students
not only on the classical soccer competition but more
recently the rescue leagues (from 2001) and in the
robocup@home (from 2006). On 2010 it engaged
more that 3000 participants from 500 different teams.
We considered these activities interesting because
they are long term projects where hardware and soft-
ware platforms are evolved during different years and
where collaboration and code reuse is promoted. We
also wanted that the students could have the oppor-
tunity of develop their Master thesis, undergradu-
ate projects, and collaboration grants under the Hu-
In this paper, the HumanoidLab initiative is de-
scribed and the results of 5 years of activity are eval-
The HumanoidLab group decided to use small hu-
manoid robots in all the activities. Time has revealed
that this was a key decision because provided us with
a distinctive position. In our area of influence, there
was a moderate activity in university and bachelor de-
grees using wheeled robots, but we were the first us-
ing humanoids. Humanoids were (and are) a growing
topic in the robotics community and give the oppor-
tunity to work both in software and hardware and do
(a) Original Robonova robot (b) Twiki robot
Figure 1: Twiki robot includes many modifications devel-
oped as student projects, as additional d.o.f. at legs, pan-tilt
unit, foot pressure sensors, color camera, Gumstix process-
ing unit, improved battery system, and a new C program-
ming library.
it in a wide range of different areas: mechanics, elec-
tronics, perception, locomotion, kinematics, manipu-
lation, etc. International market offers the possibility
to get a fully working educational small humanoid by
a reasonable price (800Eur) and consequently with a
reduced funding the HumanoidLab could start their
activities. Most of the activities use these educational
humanoid robots as a base, and foster their capabili-
ties by adding new features.
The project has 4 project administrators, each one
specialized in a different area: mechanics, electronics,
low level programming, and perception and planning.
Each administrator is the responsible for an activity
and for different groups of students. As robotics is
multidisciplinar, the tight collaboration between dif-
ferent administrators is usually required and is ac-
tively promoted in the group. The HumanoidLab is
developing 5 different kinds of activities that are de-
tailed below.
2.1 Small Projects
This is the main activity. It involves a small group of
students, between 2 and 3, and it is performed dur-
ing the scholar University period. We organize meet-
ings between students and some of the administrators
to determine the previous knowledge of the students,
the topic that they would like to work with, and the
time that they could spent. Project administrators pro-
pose small projects that fit in the current Humanoid-
Lab interests, and students can also propose their own
projects. Once an agreement about the project scope
and the execution time has been reached, the project
starts with the supervision of one administrator. Each
new project provides new capabilities to incremen-
tally obtain more complex and capable robots. In sec-
tion 3 a detailed list of some of the carried out projects
is presented.
2.2 Competitions
Competitions are not a goal by itself, but an oppor-
tunity to put in practice and show the progress of
some projects. The HumanoidLab regularly presents
some student teams that after the competition write
a report (Pons et al., 2010). As it is not a cen-
tral goal, can happen that the proposed solutions
are not the best suited to win the competition, but
serve to demonstrate new developments. A clear ex-
ample is the Twiki robot, who participated at the
2009 CEABOT competition. In the stairs challenge,
where stairs have to be recognized and traversed up
and down, Twiki used embedded computer vision
for obstacle avoidance and pressure sensors to detect
downstairs (Pegueroles and Simo-Serra, 2010) (see
Fig. 1(b) and 2(a)), while other competitors used sim-
ple and effective infra-red sensors. However, it was
recognized there as the most technological evolved
robot and get the second prize.
In the Spanish national scope, small humanoids
competitions are mostly reduced to one or two tour-
naments per year with events distributed on several
days. Each small humanoids contest is composed by
several challenges, which can be group into two main
categories, depending on what is especially required
to the robot:
Mechanical skills: events designed to probe the
robot mechanic design and actuators. An example
of this kind its the stairs competition or the sumo
Perception abilities: events oriented to resolve
problems using mainly the robot sensor capacity
on the environment. Obstacle race is a good ex-
ample of this category.
2.3 Introduction Course
UPC University offers the possibility to include a
workshop or activity as part of its studies plan. Get-
ting directly into the University studies and partici-
pate as an active member has been a good opportu-
nity to have contact with students. A two weeks in-
troductory course/workshop was designed, presented
and finally approved by the University. That was the
birth of ”Introduction to Humanoid Robotics” course.
Practice paid a role as important as theory. Partic-
ipation of students from different schools was one
of the strongest proposal points so multidisciplinary
teams could be composed. The kind of robots used to
perform the practical assignments has evolved from
the beginning, and currently from 8 to 10 customized
Bioloid robots are used. A maximum of 2 students
for each available robot that we have is allowed to
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Pressure sensors and pan-and-tilt unit on a
Robonova robot.
join this course at each edition. The course takes
4 hours by day, that is a total amount of 40 hours
per course. Past students came from Computer Sci-
ence, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, Mathe-
matics and Physics areas.
After the great success of this activity we have
been asked to propose a shorter introduction activ-
ity, of about 2 hours of duration. We have used this
shorter activity as outreach in local conferences, sec-
ondary school visits, and the European robotics week
activities. We have made an effort to develop libraries
and tools to facilitate the access to this technology to
all kinds of students. Nowadays, the requirements to
participate in this course are very basic: knowing the
concepts of variable, conditional and loop.
Based on the Introduction course we have also for-
malized a course in a set of 5 sessions for secondary
school teachers, that gives them knowledge and pro-
poses activities to introduce robotics in the secondary
school curriculum.
2.4 Curricular Projects
After its participation in some of the Humanoid-
Lab activities, some students decide to perform their
curricular projects with us, and sometimes in other
robotic groups at the IRI institute. They are basically
the final career project (PFC) and the Master Thesis
(MTh), but also some undergraduate courses assign-
ments. Some of the works that where performed di-
rectly in our group are detailed in Sec. 3.
2.5 Outreach Activities
We have participated in some outreach activities. We
have performed some talks at Open Software confer-
ences and to secondary school teachers. we have par-
ticipated at robot exhibitions like Robot exhibition at
Sonar 2010 (Barcelona), IRC 2010 (Korea), and Fi-
comic (2012). We have appeared on TV and radio
programs, and also appeared several times in local
newspapers. We regularly participate in the Science
Week and in 2012 also in the EU robotics week.
(a) IR foot sensors to
detect up and down
(b) Rotating IR sensor at the
Figure 3: Two different modifications on the Bioloid robot.
Figure 4: New sensor board for the Bioloid robot.
In ve years there have been more that 20 small
projects performed. These involve different skills and
students have the opportunity to learn different as-
pects of robotics. A list of some them with code
is available on the developers site of the project
Here we list some of the most representative, from the
beginning of the project to the latest developments.
Along each project it is specified whether it was an
students project, a grant, curricular works or coordi-
nators project. We have identified that keeping coor-
dinators motivation is important, and maintain some
challenging projects is a good mechanism for such.
3.1 Robonova
The Robonova platform is a 16 dof robot (Fig. 1(a)).
It has an embedded micro-controller and can be pro-
grammed using a basic-like programming language.
It has some analog channels available to use simple
Inverse Kinematics (students project). This was
one of the first activities, defined as a software project.
The objective was to define the equations of the
Inverse Kinematics (IK) of both arms and legs of
the robot, and to implement the corresponding algo-
Motivation. IK is important to switch from motions
based on pre-computed positions to the complete con-
trol over the motion range.
Organization. A group of three students was formed,
with complementary knowledge on mathematics an
engineering. The project required about 150 hours of
work, and 20 hours of supervision based on regular
Evaluation. Administrators did not correctly evalu-
ated the previous knowledge of the students, and the
project required more time than expected. Student
were moderately satisfied because they had the op-
portunity to learn the mathematical background of se-
rial robot kinematics, and the different solutions. One
student left the group, and a new project was assigned
to the other two in a pure software project following
their concerns. An issue was that the project could not
be fully completed because the algorithm could not
run on the embedded micro-controller. Consequently,
the final evaluation was performed in simulation. This
motivated the definition of a new electronics project
for the addition of a new computing unit.
Extra Dof for Robot Legs (student project). This
is a hardware project to modify the leg architecture
to allow the inclusion of an extra rotational degree-
of-freedom while maintaining almost the same robot
height (Fig. 1(b)). This was necessary to not compro-
mise the overall equilibrium.
Motivation. The original Robonova robot has 5 dof
at each leg (Fig. 1(a)). Consequently, turns are only
possible taking advantage of foot slippage, that is im-
precise and with low repeatability.
Organization. The project was assigned to one stu-
dent with interest in mechanical engineering. The
minimum requirements were defined, and the student
presented different alternatives that were evaluated,
and the best one was implemented on a real robot.
The project required about 200 hours of work, and 20
hours of supervision based on regular meetings. The
help of the workshop personnel (20 hours) was cru-
Evaluation. The evaluation was based on the ob-
tained mobility executed by the real robot, and the re-
peatability of the turning motion. The student found
this project as a great opportunity to improve his abil-
ities in mechanical design an related software. He
continued in the group, and is now one of the super-
visors. The design was published as open source in
our website, and several other groups presented simi-
lar designs in the next robotics competition.
Feet Pressure Sensors (student project). In a previ-
ous project a new foot to place force-resistance sen-
sors (FSR) in the bottom and the front, and its as-
sociated electronics (Fig 2(a)) was designed. In this
project, and thanks to a CSIC grant, a student per-
formed a formal study of the most convenient position
and and physical mounting of the sensors, and devel-
oped a calibration hardware and software (Barbadillo
and Aleny
a, 2010).
Motivation. Pressure sensors were used satisfacto-
rily in the skill of climbing up and down stairs. How-
ever, we wanted to used them to develop walking al-
gorithms, and more precision was required.
Organization. A single student performed the
project. The project was defined taking into account
the student background in sensors and electronics. It
required 300 hours of dedication. The supervision
was based on regular meetings and took 10 hours.
Evaluation. A new evaluation method for us was in-
troduced in this project, based on defining 4 different
intermediate checking points with the student. The
method worked very well, and let to assess different
evolution stages and evaluate the student . It is worth
to mention that the knowledge acquired by the stu-
dent was used in a subsequent research period he per-
formed in another institution (Barbadillo et al., 2011).
3.2 Bioloid
The Bioloid robot is a 18 dof humanoid robot (see
Fig. 3) made of modular parts that can be easily
changed. Compared to the Robonova, the motors
have more torque, and are protected against overload
damage. The micro-controller has also basic compu-
tation capabilities, and has some analog channels for
connecting simple sensors. It come equipped with a
small inertial unit intended to aid to the walking mo-
tions. The robot is relatively cheap ( 800$) so we
have 12 of such robots that are used in small projects
but also in the Introduction to Humanoids course and
related outreaching activities. A project was proposed
to add a new extension board (see Fig. 4) to expand
the robot controller with different buses and mount
new sensors, like a compass. Currently this project
has been transferred to a local company that will com-
mercialize it.
Human Motion Transfer (Master thesis). This
project uses a depth camera, based on the Time-of-
Flight principle, to acquire human motion of an op-
erator and transfer that motions to a Bioloid robot.
The student had to implement vision algorithms, 3D
segmentation, and implement a communication chan-
nel between the vision computer and the robot. Later,
with the appearance of Kinect based sensors, the hu-
man acquisition part has become more easy, and oth-
ers have reproduced this work using this sensor (Pfeif-
fer, 2011).
Motivation. The main objective is to develop a mech-
anism to create new robot movements that are human-
like and easy to create.
Organization. The project was assigned to a student
with interest to learn image processing algorithms and
interest in control. The project required 400 hours
of dedication divided in 3 different stages: 150 hours
working in the perception and body segmentation, 50
hours for the adaptation of the IK algorithms and the
communication with the robot, 150 hours developing
the graphical interface to acquire and reproduce mo-
tions, and the rest for writing. It required 35 hours
of supervision, and 10 extra hours to solve problems
with the image segmentation and robot communica-
Evaluation. This was a Master Thesis project. The
student published a report (Siscart, 2011), and the
work was publicly presented and evaluated by a jury.
The student received the highest qualification. The
student was very satisfied because the project entailed
closing the perception-decision-control loop, and it
had the opportunity to learn perception algorithms.
3.3 Darwin
The Darwin robot (Fig 5) is a 18 dof platform that in-
cludes one micro-controller, an embedded PC running
Linux, a color camera and an inertial unit. The hard-
ware and the software is open source, and the inter-
action with the robot is using a C library. Compared
to Bioloid, Darwin has a complete PC inside and it
is capable of using more complex sensors like color
cameras. The architecture is also more robust. How-
ever, it costs approximately 10 times the price of a Bi-
oloid. We use this platform for small projects, but it
is not possible to have several and use them in the In-
troduction course. Again, with this platform it is also
possible to propose mechanical, electronic, and soft-
ware projects. For example, in the sensor part a depth
camera has been added(Fig 5), and different projects
have proposed different solutions to include grippers
(Fig 6(a)).
ROS Integration (coordinator project). Currently
the ROS framework is widely used and many robots
are supported, among others small humanoids. In
this project the necessary layers to interface the Dar-
winOP robot with ROS have been developed.
Motivation. The integration of the robot in the frame-
work enables the use of state-of-the-art algorithms
implementations compatible with ROS, for example
for walking (Hornung et al., 2012).
Organization. This project was a coordinator initia-
tive, and assigned to a coordinator because it was a
long-term strategical project. It required 200 hours
to obtain the first working version. In periodic co-
ordination meetings the evolution was presented and
discussed with the other coordinators. The software
has been published under LGPL license, following
the philosophy of the HumanoidLab. This project is
still alive, and requires 5 hours/month of a coordinator
for maintenance and to include new features.
Evaluation. The software has been presented in a
Darwin competition
. Other projects using this soft-
ware are being proposed, and are used to evaluate and
occasionally propose new improvements. The soft-
ware is also being used by other groups and we re-
ceive periodically questions and requirements for im-
provements that we try to answer.
3.4 Other
Leg Redesign (Master thesis). In this project we in-
vestigated how to build a custom pair of legs using
powerful motors. The student had to design all the
frames and mechanical parts, built the legs, and pro-
grammed them to obtain examples of walking gaits.
The overall size of the robot was 70cm.
Motivation. Evaluate the complexity and cost of
creating custom robot legs to build new robots from
Organization. The project was assigned to a student
with interest in mechanics and hardware abilities. The
project required 400 hours of dedication, 30 hours of
supervision, and the assistance of the workshop per-
sonnel to use the machinery and tools to build the pro-
Evaluation. This was a Master Thesis project. The
student published a report (Cortada, 2010), and the
work was publicly presented and evaluated by a jury.
He received a high qualification. The evaluation in-
cluded the demonstration of walking gaits and maxi-
mum weight capacity measures.
To support the activities of the HumanoidLab we have
received different kinds of funding. This has been pri-
marily used to acquire robotic platforms and equip-
ment like computers, additional sensors, and parts,
but also to travel to robotic competitions.
Figure 5: The DarwinOP robot has been modified with grip-
pers and a depth camera. The control system has been
completely rewritten to take advantage of the embedded
PC/micro-controller architecture.
(a) Simple gripper and addi-
tional dof
(b) 3-fingered hand model cur-
rently being implemented
Figure 6: Different developments for giving the DarwinOP
robot the ability to grasp objects.
Generally students in the lab are volunteers. How-
ever, we have obtained funding for grants in three dif-
ferent programs. The first was from the regional gov-
ernment and was intended to foster open source com-
munity. We obtained two student grants. The sec-
ond was from the Spanish Council of Investigation
in a program to introduce undergraduate students to
research. The third was a program to generate educa-
tional contents oriented to secondary school. In total
6 students have obtained a grant.
We started our activities with a reduced number
of robots, and we performed some with them small
projects and developments. However, this changed
when we decided to start the Introduction course and
the related outreach activities. More robots were
needed to being able to make these activities, as we
planned to use one robot for each two students. We
obtained the rest of the robots we needed by buying
some new units, but also with a donation from a local
The HumanoidLab has been mainly funded by
a program of the Polytechnic University of Catalo-
nia devoted to strength department activities with
20KEur. Currently, the IRI is funding the develop-
ments on the DarwinOP platform of the Humanoid-
Lab with an internal project of 15KEur.
The Robotics Introduction Course has had a great suc-
cess. 80 students have participated in this intensive 2
weeks activity. After each course the opinions of the
students are summarized using reviews. Such reviews
reveal that before the course the knowledge about IRI
activities was 1 in a scale from 1 (unknown) to 7 (to-
tally known) and before was evaluated as 6. The same
applies for the knowledge of the HumanoidLab activi-
ties. Concerning the evaluation of the course, students
declare that will recommend the course to other col-
leagues between 6 and 7. Of such students, 5 have
performed their PFC in the Humanoid Lab and 1 in
another group.
The reviews also ask about knowledge acquired
in the course. Students consider that the concepts
learned will be useful in their career between 5 and
6. The reviews also include specific questions about
the concepts divided in 4 sections: (a) kinematics and
actuators, (b) sensors, (c) vision, and (d) robot pro-
gramming. Questions ask for the knowledge before
and after the course, and also the satisfaction after the
course. Students declare in (a), (b) and (d) a previ-
ous knowledge of 1-2, a present knowledge of 5-6,
and a satisfaction of 4-5. Surprisingly, regarding (c)
previous knowledge is declared the same 1-2, present
knowledge is declared low (3-4), but satisfaction is
declared high (5-6). We believe that this is because
the robots we are using are quite simple, but computer
vision are perceived as very powerful tools. Some
students have asked, in a free comment space, for a
specific activity about computer vision for robotics.
The Introduction course has been served as a ba-
sis for creating a course for secondary school teach-
ers, and also a short version is being currently used
for outreach activities of the IRI. More than 100 sec-
ondary school students have participated in this activ-
ity, always in collaboration with their teachers. Stu-
dents are in general very satisfied, and their teachers
have always expressed that the activity has been very
positive and helpful.
More than 40 students have been involved in small
projects, and contacted the HumanoidLab thanks to
word-of-mouth marketing. This has reported a wide
list of improvements to our platforms. Some of these
new features have been successfully adopted by other
groups working with the same robotic platforms.
Women in engineering and robotics are a minority,
at least in Spanish education system. Surprisingly, of
the 9 active students nowadays in the HumanoidLab
7 are women. We have been asked sometimes for the
reasons by researchers in Sociology, but unfortunately
we do not have yet the answer.
We have some special cases that is worth to men-
tion. Three former students of the HumanoidLab have
performed its PFC in one research group of the IRI,
and currently have become PhD students. One of
them is still involved with us and has become admin-
istrator. Additionally, 3 students have performed their
Master thesis in the HumanoidLab.
We have tracks of 3 former students performing
research activities related to robotics in research in-
stitutions in other countries.
Currently, we have a DarwinOP robot and 12 Bi-
oloid based robots working. Other robots have be-
come obsolete and no further development is per-
formed on them.
Even if it not an objective, participation in com-
petitions has been very successful. The first year our
teams obtained the second and the fourth place at the
Spanish humanoid competition. The next year we
win the second place again, and in the two last com-
petitions the Humanoid Lab team has obtained the
first place. These two teams are actually formed by
We believe that, for being useful to the objectives
of the HumanoidLab initiative, the participation in
competitions should be conceived with the following
objectives in mind:
Multidisciplinary collaboration: autonomous con-
tests requires always from both, hardware and
software, development. They represent a good
motivation to encourage collaboration between
groups of students performing different tasks in
order to get a robot working or improve them.
Promote group spirit: since Humanoid Lab hosts
several group of students whom compose differ-
ent teams, some measures were taken to ensure
all people feels like belonging to the same orga-
nization. It was the tutor mission to explain new
teams that all the previous work they were using
was made by their co-workers at IRI, but rivals
during the competition. It’s a golden rule that any
prize won by any of the IRI teams is spent on
improving robots and laboratory material. This
avoid any problem or ambition with respect to the
money and helps a lot on spreading the work re-
sults sharing. For competitions which imply dis-
placement to other cities, the own travel and coex-
istence helps a lot to create bonds among all stu-
dents, no matter what team they are.
Provide long and mid-term explicit goals: the res-
olution of different competitions events can in-
spire both, tutors and students, in the search of
goals to reach. From an specific competition
challenge teams can start working on different
projects, from mechanical design to artificial in-
telligence algorithms, in order to be part of tour-
nament competitors.
The HumanoidLab initiative was funded to introduce
students to robotics and give visibility to the research
activities of IRI in the student community. After 5
years, nearly 100 undergraduate students have partic-
ipated in one of the organized activities. Of that, 40
have participated in long term activities. Several of
them have continued to work in robotics either in IRI
or elsewhere. It is worth to mention that 7 of the cur-
rent 9 students are women.
Using humanoid robots has revealed to be a good
decision, because of the distinction with other activi-
ties but also because the inherent problems are chal-
lenging. Historically different humanoid robots have
been used and improved using open hardware and
open source paradigms. The set of performed activ-
ities include small projects, curricular projects, com-
petitions, courses and outreach activities.
The synergies between mechanical and electronic
engineering, computer science, and mathematicians
has been very positive and have been explicitly pro-
Finally, as it is a volunteer activity it is important
to keep coordinator’s motivation. One suitable way
we have found is to propose challenging projects also
to the coordinators that allow to learn from other ar-
eas or expand their knowledge in new areas. How-
ever, it has to be taken into account that long term
projects, suitable to be assigned to a coordinator, can
require sustained dedication over the time, like soft-
ware maintenance.
Barbadillo, G. and Aleny
a, G. (2010). Dise
no de un pie
para un robot humanoide. Technical Report IRI-TR-
10-08, Institut de Rob
otica i Inform
atica Industrial,
Barbadillo, G., Dautenhahn, K., and Wood, L. (2011). Us-
ing fsr sensors to provide tactile skin to the humanoid
robot kaspar. UH Computer Science 511, University
of Hertfordshire.
Cortada, S. C. (2010). Requirements and design of a hu-
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