main) we need 8.53ms and 21.5ms to offer 1 and 10
required rewritings, respectively. A similar execution
time is needed for 40 services, 4 ranks per domain,
since in both cases we have 1 service per rank. No-
tice that before executing ProduceRewriting (Algo-
rithm 1), the iterator generates all the combinations
having the same priority. In this case, even if one so-
lution is required, all of them are published. In Fig-
ure 2, for 40 services, 2 ranks per domain, we have
rewritings to propose.
Figure 2 also shows the running time for Refine-
ment1 when dealing with 10 and 20 services. For 10
concrete services only one solution exists: both meth-
ods have the same performance (≈ 9ms). For 20 ser-
vices, since there are 2 services per domain, Refine-
ment1 computes all the 2
rewritings in 550ms.
With our method we can compute the 2
ings in about 170ms when we have one rank per do-
main and 2 services per rank. In this case all the solu-
tions are computed in one shot as they have the same
priority. In the case with 2 ranks per domain and
one service per rank, our method needs about 5ms,
70ms and 210ms to compute one solution, 100 solu-
tions and all the solutions, respectively. Notice that
the time generation of the 1024 solutions in the first
case is slightly smaller compared to the latter case as
the iterator computes at each step only one rewriting
(no two rewritings have the same priority). This dif-
ference illustrates the small price introduced by our
priority-oriented method.
Given the abstract specification of a composition, our
method produces combinations of services available
in the Cloud, in order to refine the specification. The
algorithm presented here extends improves our previ-
ous work in (Costa et al., 2013) by classifying solu-
tions according to an user’s profile. This new pro-
posal generates solutions in a preference order and
avoids the production of a combinatorial number of
rewritings. Our experiments show that efficiency has
been greatly improved w.r.t. (Costa et al., 2013). An
important perspective is to consider web intelligence
techniques to better explore user’s preferences.
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