Collaborative, Dynamic & Complex Systems
Modeling, Provision & Execution
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Santiago G´omez S´aez, Dimka Karastoyanova and Andreas Weiß
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Collaborative, Dynamic & Complex Systems, Service Orchestration & Choreography, Pervasive Computing,
Service Networks, Context-awareness.
Service orientation has significantly facilitated the development of complex distributed systems spanning mul-
tiple organizations. However, different application areas approach such systems in domain-specific ways, fo-
cusing only on particular aspects relevant for their application types. As a result, we observe a very fragmented
landscape of service-oriented systems, which does not enable collaboration across organizations. To address
this concern, in this work we introduce the notion of Collaborative, Dynamic and Complex (CDC) systems
and position them with respect to existing technologies. In addition, we present how CDC systems are mod-
eled and the steps to provision and execute them. Furthermore, we contribute an architecture and prototypical
implementation, which we evaluate by means of a case study in a Cloud-enabled context-aware pervasive
Complex software systems involving multiple, inde-
pendent partners/software components collaborating
in order to achieve one or more goals find predomi-
nant application in the current IT landscape. Cases of
such systems from different domains are for instance
business applications targeting enactment of complex
business transactions and service networks, scientific
workflows providing one approach for scientific ex-
perimenting in eScience, and pervasive systems rep-
resenting one flavor of ubiquitous computing. Based
on our research work towards building support sys-
tems for the development and execution of such appli-
cations in these domains, we conclude that while all
the above-mentioned application areas concentrate on
creating complex systems with very specific features
critical for the corresponding domain, there are re-
quirements valid across all domains. Our experience
also shows that synergies between these domains can
be exploited and potential benefits realized through
reuse of research results and available software sys-
In this respect, in this work we investigate the
requirements towards software systems in the above
mentioned application areas with the purpose of iden-
tifying overlaps and differences. As we are going to
show, the overlaps are significant and the differences
are mainly due to the special focus on critical aspects
in each domain, and not because the solutions are not
relevant in the other domains. Based on these find-
ings we introduce the innovative notion of Collabo-
rative, Dynamic and Complex (CDC) systems aiming
to cover all identified requirements and allowing to
apply already existing technologies and software sys-
tems. CDC systems exhibit the aspects of modeling,
provision and execution.
The contributions of this work target enabling the
modeling, provision and execution of CDC systems
and can be summarized by:
The synthesis of existing technologies and ap-
proaches from the service-oriented computing
paradigm and beyond, into a new, unified type of
Collaborative, Dynamic and Complex (CDC) sys-
The specification of the architecture for a frame-
work that supports the various aspects (modeling,
provision and execution) of CDC systems.
The realization of this framework into a prototype
called CoDyCo, and its use for the evaluation of
our approach based on a case study.
The remaining paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 looks into different application areas that deal
with relevant for this work systems in order to high-
light their similarities and establish the minimum set
Andrikopoulos V., Goméz Sáez S., Karastoyanova D. and Weiß A..
Collaborative, Dynamic & Complex Systems - Modeling, Provision & Execution.
DOI: 10.5220/0004852402760286
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 276-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of requirements for our work. Section 3 presents our
proposal for CDC systems and positions them with
respect to existing approaches. Section 4 introduces
the architecture of a CDC-supporting framework re-
quired for implementing CDC systems. Section 5 re-
ports on the overview and current state of CoDyCo.
Section 6 summarizes a case study we performed us-
ing CoDyCo for purposes of evaluation. Finally, Sec-
tion 7 presents related works, and Section 8 concludes
the paper.
In the following, we look into the areas of pervasive
systems, service networks and scientific workflows.
Our experience in research projects
shows, that de-
spite the differences, the available approaches from
these areas have many commonalities.
Pervasive Systems. Pervasive systems strive to-
wards enabling the paradigm of ubiquitous comput-
ing and have been a subject of interdisciplinary re-
search. Advances in pervasive systems have focused
on the aspect of context-awareness, i.e. taking into
account the context of physical and virtual entities,
which is in fact a view of the physical environment,
and the influence of the context on the applications the
entities are using or participating in (Baldauf et al.,
2007). A major requirement in these systems is the
ability to adapt their behavior with respect to the con-
text. Another major challenge is the optimization of
the distribution of applications based on context data
and resource consumption. The distribution of perva-
sive applications across multiple software system and
hardware devices require their integration and coor-
dination towards enabling a collaboration among par-
ticipating devices and systems. Due to the dynamic
characteristics of the environment of pervasive appli-
cations, with participants and devices appearing and
disappearing constantly, supporting context sharing,
adaptation, and scalability are particularly challeng-
ing. Since recently, Cloud Platforms in the scope
of the Internet of Things and Smart Systems initia-
tives have been investigated from the point of view
of enabling scalability, multi-tenancy and adaptabil-
ity (Distefano et al., 2012). Later in this paper, we
present a detailed description of a pervasive context-
aware application for booking a taxi nearest to the lo-
cation of a user based on the information provided by
For example SimTech http://www.simtech.uni-, S-Cube,
4CaaSt, ALLOW Ensembles http://
mobile devices available to the taxi drivers. We also
use the taxi application for purposes of evaluation as
a case study.
Service Networks. Service Networks (SNs)
(Caswell et al., 2008) are considered a specialized
view on business processes, which focus on assisting
business experts to evaluate the value of participating
in a collaborative business activity. SNs are mod-
eled as a network of business services exchanging
offerings; basically, the composite perceived value
of the exchanged offerings with the other services
determines the value of participating in the network
to one participant. Typical examples of SNs are
supply chains; the taxi application described later can
also be viewed as an SN. There is a significant gap
between the meta-models used by business experts
when designing the SNs, and the technological
realization that needs to be bridged by means of
software engineering techniques like model-driven
development and code generation, whereas both
top-down and bottom-up approaches are required.
In addition, service networks are inherently collabo-
rative activities and therefore imply efforts towards
integration of applications across organizations.
A SOA-based realization of service networks, as
well as a meta-model and graphical notation are pre-
sented in (Danylevych et al., 2010) and (Bitsaki et al.,
2008). The interoperability of service implementa-
tions in an SN have been addressed by means of
Web services and the high-level meta-model has been
mapped on choreographies of composite service (i.e.
organization-specific business processes). Addition-
ally, choreographies take over the role of coordinat-
ing the services in a network, which addresses an-
other important requirement. Changes in the per-
ceived value of a network to a participant may initiate
changes in the individual partners or in the network as
a whole, which have to be propagated to their techno-
logical realization. We therefore identify the need for
adaptation of service networks; some preliminary at-
tempts to support only some types of service networks
adaptation (Wagner et al., 2012) are already available.
Monitoring the value of an SN for a participant is not
directly measurable, but can only be derived based
on monitoring data provided by the execution envi-
ronment for choreographies, orchestrations and ser-
vices. Approaches based on business activity moni-
toring, like (Guinea et al., 2011) and (Wetzstein et al.,
2012) are only first steps towards the necessary tech-
nological support.
Scientific Workflows. Scientific workflows enable
the modeling and execution of scientific experiments
and are part of the technology landscape in eScience
(Sonntag and Karastoyanova,2010). A major require-
ment in this field is first and foremost the user friend-
liness of the approach, so that scientists do not face a
high learning burden when using the experiment mod-
eling tools. The division between the way scientists
model an experiment and the meta-models used in the
supporting IT systems is significant and there are dif-
ferent approaches towards eliminating it (Sonntag and
Karastoyanova, 2010). Both top-down and bottom-
up approaches are required to enable the use of ex-
isting software and the development of experiments
from scratch. The distributed nature of complex sci-
entific experiments requires integration and composi-
tion of scientific computing software, which presents
an additional challenge due to the lack of clearly de-
fined software engineering principles for building sci-
entific applications, including scientific workflows.
Reusability is hampered by the heterogeneous land-
scape of applications and integration is of high com-
plexity, because of the large number of available
techniques for composition. Since scientific discov-
ery is based on exploring physical phenomena, huge
amounts of data are collected via numerous types of
mobile devices and sensors (e.g. simulations of the
distribution of CO
in the soil, weather forecasts, bi-
ological system simulations, simulations of manufac-
turing systems, etc.), and need to be processed. Com-
putations in scientific workflows are time-consuming
and also distributed, and most often they do not ex-
hibit characteristics of pervasive applications. Adap-
tation during the modeling and execution of scien-
tific workflows is a must, as evidenced by existing
work (Sonntag and Karastoyanova, 2010), (Sonntag
and Karastoyanova, 2012).
Despite the different focus of the application sys-
tems described above, they all exhibit overlapping
characteristics that can be leveraged in a unified man-
ner across the various areas. The following section
presents our proposal toward this goal.
We define Collaborative, Dynamic and Complex
(CDC) systems as distributed systems enabling col-
laboration among participants across different orga-
nizations. Participants of CDC systems are services,
representing software systems of different granularity,
virtual and physical devices, and individuals. CDC
participants join and leave the system at will in order
to fulfill their individual goals. CDC systems are ca-
pable of adapting with respect to different triggers in
the system and/or in their environment. CDC systems
consist potentially of a large amount of participants
dealing with large amounts of data as part of multiple
interactions between them, following one or more co-
ordination protocols. CDC systems have three funda-
mental aspects: Modeling, Provision and Execution.
With respect to modeling, we use choreographies
to define the high-level, domain-specific models of
CDC systems. Choreographies describe the inter-
action protocol of the involved participants and the
participant roles’ definitions. In SOA environments,
individual participant roles are implemented by ser-
vice orchestrations exposed as services, whereas their
service interfaces are compliant with the participant
role definitions modeled in the choreography. The
services composed by the orchestrations are either
available in the software landscape of the participat-
ing organizations, or are discoverable in global ser-
vice registries. Utilizing these SOA-based approaches
provides a flexible way of composing applications in
complex systems and facilitates application integra-
tion. To enable context-awareness, choreographies
and orchestrations, as well as involved services, have
to incorporate in their models context information and
define its use and reaction to potential changes. Since
context information may be part of correlation data of
orchestrations belonging to an enacted choreography,
a mapping between context and correlation mecha-
nisms has to be in place.
Performance indicators, like KPIs, utility, value,
etc. are an inseparable part of the CDC system mod-
els. On the one hand, they are used to define the in-
dicators according to which users will measure and
evaluate whether they achieve their goals in a collab-
oration. On the other hand, this is the information
needed to derive the data to be monitored during the
execution of the CDC system. Therefore choreogra-
phies, orchestrations and services models have to con-
tain elements defining the necessary monitoring in-
formation. In order to enable the dynamic features of
CDC systems, constructs accommodating adaptation
mechanisms in the choreographies and orchestrations
have to be incorporated. Available approaches from
the fields of workflow adaptation, flexible scientific
workflows and pervasive dynamic flows, e.g. (Wet-
zstein et al., 2012) or (Sonntag and Karastoyanova,
2010) can be applied individually or in combination.
Change propagation across all levels of the CDC sys-
tems and thus adaptation of choreographies can be
identified as a major research challenge.
As identified in Section 2, two types of approach
in modeling are required: top-down and bottom-
up. Top-down CDC system modeling entails starting
the development of the system with a choreography
representing a realization of a high-level (domain-
specific model), like a SN, scientific workflow, or per-
vasive application. Techniques required to map the
choreography into orchestrations and services, like
code generation and transformations, are available
from software engineering and various existing SOA-
enabling systems. The bottom-up approach involves
deriving a meaningful choreography model based on
existing orchestrations and/or services. In this case,
deriving fault handling, monitoring and adaptation in-
formation is based on the corresponding capabilities
of the involved services and correctness of the derived
The provisioning aspect of CDC systems entails
the provision of the choreography,which also requires
the deployment of orchestrations onto execution en-
gines, their provisioning as services, populating the
system with the corresponding context and correla-
tion data, and configuring the monitoring infrastruc-
ture with the requirements from the CDC model.
Mechanisms in service composition systems and sci-
entific workflows for the provisioning of orchestra-
tions and services are already available. Solutions
for mapping monitoring requirements to monitoring
probes are available in pervasive systems and service-
based applications. The provision of a choreography
results into adaptive and context-aware orchestrations
available as a service. The choreography can be initi-
ated multiple times for multiple interactions and can
be started by any of the participating orchestrations or
services, if they are allowed to do so by the choreogra-
phy definition. Any underlying infrastructure should
therefore enable sharing of resources across different
CDC systems while correlating interactions to tenants
and their users.
Running a choreography is therefore realized as a
distributed execution of the collaboration among par-
ticipating orchestrations and services. Since context-
awareness is inherent to the CDC system model, the
execution environment has to be able to support this
property. Adaptation mechanisms, predefined in the
system model (like abstract activities, binding strate-
gies for services, reactions to context change, etc.)
and such that are orthogonal to the model (like man-
ual adaptation, forced termination, substituting a ser-
vice endpoint, etc.) need to be realized by the exe-
cution environment. Furthermore, the execution envi-
ronment of CDC systems must scale with their num-
ber of participants and their interactions, as well as the
volumes of data exchanged. Monitoring information
is necessary in order to enable such scaling.
Figure 1: CDC-supporting framework Architectural
Figure 1 provides an overview of our proposal for a
framework supporting the modeling, provision and
execution of CDC systems. Starting from the mod-
eling aspect, a Choreography Editor is required to
create, visualize and manage the choreography mod-
els of the CDC systems. A Transformer component
can then either generate orchestration templates that
the CDC participants are meant to implement (in the
top-down approach in the previous section), or derive
possible choreographies from existing orchestrations
(in the bottom-up approach). In either case, an Or-
chestration Editor (not necessarily but preferably in
the same environment as the Choreography Editor)
should be available for orchestration visualization and
manipulation. The transformer components also re-
quires as input the service descriptions of the used or-
chestrations in the bottom-up approach or generates
(abstract) service descriptions for derived orchestra-
tions. Moving to the provisioning aspect, the Deploy-
ment Manager allows the assignment of the neces-
sary for operation computational resources to the or-
chestrations involved in the modeled choreographies.
Beyond physically deploying the necessary artifacts
on an Execution Engine, this additionally entails the
creation of all service endpoints necessary for access-
ing the orchestration logic by the system participants.
The Deployment Manager also handles the informa-
tion needed for late and dynamic binding to concrete
service endpoints and provides it to the ESB during
the execution of orchestrations.
In principle, multiple organizational domains may
be using the same instantiation of this framework for
different CDC systems. It is therefore necessary to
offer multi-tenancy capabilities out of the box for all
components in the provision and execution aspect of
the framework. A Tenant Manager is responsible for
this role, and implements administration and manage-
ment capabilities for existing and new tenants (or-
ganizational domains) and their users (individuals or
sub-systems in the same domain). The Tenant Man-
ager is also meant to implement access control to both
choreography and orchestration models, and to the
computational resources corresponding to them dur-
ing the execution of CDC systems, as assigned to
them by the Deployment Manager. Only authorized
parties should be allowed, for example, to participate
in a given choreography. Furthermore, any collected
contextual information relevant for tenants and users
in terms of a representation of their environment, e.g.
their physical location or the quality of observed data,
is stored and accessed through the Tenant Manager.
While the Deployment and Tenant Managers play
prominent roles in the provision aspect of CDC sys-
tems, they are also heavily involved during CDC sys-
tem execution, since both of them need to interact
with the actual Execution Engine that runs the orches-
trations defined during modeling. Furthermore, the
Execution Engine has to provide fault handling capa-
bilities, both for pre-defined fault and compensation
handlers in the orchestration models, and for failures
during execution like service failures and unavailabil-
ity of other components in the framework (e.g. access
to the Deployment Manager).
The Adaptation Manager is responsible for trig-
gering and managing the adaptivity features of CDC
systems by providing mechanisms for different types
of adaptations across the levels of the systems. It im-
plements and/or coordinates the actions necessary to
enable the adaptation constructs from the CDC sys-
tem model and the ones implemented only on the level
of the execution environment. The Adaptation Man-
ager collaborates also with the Deployment Manager
when necessary, e.g. for re-binding service endpoints,
and with the Execution Engine, e.g. for injecting a
new activity and control connectors into an existing
orchestration or deploying a new orchestration in case
a choreography has been changed. The Adaptation
Manager acts on information provided by the Monitor
component which monitors and analyses the behav-
ior and performance of the executed orchestrations,
of the enacted choreographies, and also of the execu-
tion components in the framework. The Monitor must
be configurable based on the monitoring information
required for the CDC system and is responsible for
providing to the users of choreographies and orches-
trations personalized views of the relevant monitoring
information on their devices.
Leveraging the SOA paradigm, all components in
the framework relevant to execution should be pro-
vided as services and communicate through an En-
terprise Service Bus (ESB) solution to facilitate their
integration. Furthermore, each component should be
designed and implemented allowing for both types
of scalability: horizontal (modify number of avail-
able instances as required) and vertical (adjustment
of available computational resources for each compo-
nent) (Vaquero et al., 2011).
In this section we present CoDyCo, a realization ap-
proach of the CDC-supporting framework presented
in the previous section. As shown in Fig. 2, two sep-
arate environments are distinguished in the CoDyCo
architecture: a Modeling and Monitoring Toolset, and
a Runtime Environment.
Starting from the Modeling and Monitoring
Toolset, CDC choreographies are specified in the
BPEL4Chor language using our BPEL4Chor De-
signer. BPEL4Chor was first introduced by (Decker
et al., 2008) as an extension of the WS-BPEL
language (OASIS, 2007) and stemming from the
business transactions field. However, BPEL4Chor
choreographies are by definition not executable and
therefore the transformation of BPEL4Chor defi-
nitions to WS-BPEL process (orchestration) skele-
tons (Reimann, 2007) is supported in CoDyCo by
a BPEL4Chor Transformer (Fig. 2). Based on the
choreography topology, the participants’ grounding
definitions, i.e. their WSDL interfaces, and their mes-
sage links, this transformation generates the exe-
cutable BPEL orchestrations for each participant in
the choreography. The skeletons only model the in-
teractions between partners so that together they can
enact the choreography. Manual refinements can be
performed on the created orchestrations, using our
Mayflower BPEL Designer (Sonntag et al., 2012) de-
veloped in the context of the SimTech project
as an
Eclipse-based BPEL designer. These refinements al-
low defining specific process logic for each partici-
pant, for example by reusing predefined process frag-
ments from a process fragment library, as demon-
strated in (Sonntag et al., 2012) and (Schumm et al.,
2010). Both choreography definition and transforma-
tion functionalities are wrapped as an Eclipse Graph-
ical Editor, and provide a palette with the graphical
elements of the choreography language (Weiß et al.,
2013). Only the top-down modeling approach (see
The SimTech project: http://www.simtech.
Modeling and Monitoring Toolset
Runtime Environment
Mayflower BPEL
Execution Engine
BPEL Designer
Figure 2: The CoDyCo System: Overview and Current State.
Section 3) is currently supported by the Modeling
and Monitoring Toolset; supporting the bottom-upap-
proach is part of our future work. For more informa-
tion on the status of the tools the interested reader is
referred to (Weiß et al., 2013).
The deployment and instantiation of the BPEL
processes generated by the Modeling and Monitor-
ing Toolset is done on our Mayflower BPEL En-
gine. This engine is an extended version of the open-
source Apache ODE Engine. It provides an inter-
face for event publishing and configurable filtering
and a BPEL event model
(Khalaf et al., 2007), which
have been specialized for the purposes of monitor-
ing and triggering dynamic adaptation of process in-
stances(Sonntag et al., 2012). Functionalities pro-
vided by the Mayflower BPEL Engine address the
requirements of the CDC execution environment in
terms of orchestration execution, storing of histori-
cal information, failure and compensation handling,
and in combination with the Adaptation Manager also
enable some dynamic adaptation patterns. For in-
stance, dynamic adaptation of process instances trig-
gered by humans are supported in CoDyCo through
the Modeling and Monitoring Toolset. More specif-
ically, the Mayflower BPEL Designer interacts with
the Mayflower BPEL Engine and the Adaptation
Manager and so allow the users to view the status of
process instances and trigger their adaptation. Based
on this users can adapt the process instance by chang-
ing its graphical representation.
The adaptation operations that can be performed
on a process instance in our current implementation
are, e.g. re-execution or forced iteration of activ-
ities (Sonntag and Karastoyanova, 2012), insertion
and deletion of process elements, or their substitu-
tion. The changes made on the viewed process in-
stance are then propagated to the Adaptation Man-
ager Component, which is responsible for performing
the actual adaptation on the concrete process instance
in the engine. This is also made possible by auxil-
iary functions in the Mayflower BPEL Designer, mir-
rored in the Mayflower BPEL Engine, like enabling
user subscriptions to monitoring events published by
the engine, and hence retrieval of real-time informa-
tion about a concrete process instance, and built-in ac-
tions per process instance like stop, suspend, resume,
etc. (Sonntag et al., 2012). Automatic adaptation of
running process instances, like injection of process
fragments is currently not supported by the Adapta-
tion Manager in CoDyCo
Communication between participants collaborat-
ing in the scope of a specific choreography instance,
and between the different components comprising the
runtime environment is established through the multi-
tenant open source ESB solution ESB
et al., 2012a), (Strauch et al., 2012b). ESB
enhances an existing ESB Solution, Apache Ser-
with multi-tenant awareness both at the ad-
ministration and management, and messaging levels.
Management and administration functionalities im-
plemented by a Tenant Manager enable the dynamic
deployment and configuration of service endpoints
with tenant- and user-specific information, while
tenant-aware messaging capabilities isolate tenants’
messages routed to the service endpoints (Strauch
et al., 2012b). As tenants represent organizational
units, e.g. Taxi Company A, which has N taxi drivers,
Note that this is possible only manually, as described
Apache ServiceMix:
and M potential taxi customers, their communication
in the scope of a choreography is supported in the
through tenant-aware service endpoints. At
the moment we are working on the integration of our
execution engine with the ESB
as a JBI Service
Engine, to enable multi-tenancy support for orches-
trations and choreographies, too.
The Management Dashboard is the component in
the Modeling and Monitoring Toolset responsible for
providing analyzed and personalized monitoring in-
formation to users and tenants about the execution
state of choreographiesand orchestrations. Our proto-
type visualizes the execution status of orchestrations,
the data they produce and consume, and the adapta-
tions that have been performed (Sonntag et al., 2012).
This is possible due to the interaction of the Manage-
ment Dashboard with the Mayflower BPEL Engine
via its event publishing interface, as described above.
Our approaches for monitoring choreographies (Wag-
ner et al., 2012) and KPIs (Wetzstein et al., 2012) are
not yet integrated into CoDyCo.
The Context Management System stores the sys-
tem context (i.e. a set of context properties of all ac-
tive tenants) and constantly synchronizes its current
configuration with the tenant specific applications by
retrieving context data from each of the tenant users
created in the system, e.g. from a location provider
embedded system in a specific taxi cab. Context infor-
mation is used in the execution of choreographies by
the corresponding orchestrations through Context In-
tegration Processes (CIPs) (Wieland et al., 2007) and
may trigger their adaptation. Context-aware adapta-
tions will be handled by a collaboration of the Adap-
tation Manager, the Mayflower Engine, the Context
Management System (CMS), and the Tenant Manager
and is part of our future work on the implementation.
The modeling tool is currently also missing features
supportingmodeling of context in the choreographies.
In the scope of project 4CaaSt
, the Taxi Scenario use
case has been defined, where a service provider of-
fers a taxi management software as a service to dif-
ferent taxi companies, i.e. tenants. Taxi company
customers, who are the users of the tenant, submit
their taxi transportation requests to the company they
are registered with. The taxi company uses the taxi
management software to contact nearby taxi drivers.
Once one of the contacted taxi drivers has confirmed
the transportation request, the taxi management soft-
The 4CaaSt project:
ware sends a transport notification containing the es-
timated arrival time to the customer. As discussed in
Section 2, the Taxi Scenario constitutes a pervasive
context-aware application and therefore, in the scope
of this work, an ideal candidate for the evaluation of
our proposal.
Figure 3 shows the processes the Taxi Scenario
application realizes. The simplified BPMN diagram
has three lanes depicting the three participants of the
application choreography: Customer, Taxi Company,
and Taxi Service Provider. If a Customer wishes to
book a Taxi, he sends an initial request to the Taxi
Company call center (usually through a Web GUI),
which forwards it to the Taxi Service Provider. The
Taxi Service Provider process determines the nearby
available taxis and the contact information of the taxi
drivers using CIPs (Wieland et al., 2007) (not shown
here for brevity). Subsequently, the transport request
is sent to each available taxi driver, and their re-
sponses are collected for a specified duration. The
gathered transport informationis sent back to the Cus-
tomer. Implementing the Taxi Scenario required the
manual design of all involved processes as orches-
trations for each participant and their interactions, as
well as the implementation of most services involved
in them (except from those that already existed, e.g.
a context provisioning framework exposed as a ser-
vice (Knappmeyer et al., 2010)).
For the evaluation of our approach we started with
the BPMN diagram in Fig. 3 which we translated into
BPEL4Chor. Figure 4 shows the processes depicted
in Fig. 3 as participants in our BPEL4Chor Designer.
The rectangular shapes in the editor view in Fig. 4
stand for the choreography participants, whereas the
message links and their directions are depicted by la-
beled arrows. The set of taxi drivers are represented
by the Taxi Transmitters participant, standing for the
devices carried by the drivers. Inside each partic-
ipant, the control flow regarding its communication
behavior such as receive or send activities is visible.
The resulting choreography model was then trans-
formed into a series of BPEL4Chor artifacts by the
BPEL4Chor Designer: a participant topology speci-
fying the involved participants in the choreography,
the participant types, and the message links between
The BPEL4Chor artifacts are used by the
BPEL4Chor Transformer to generate Abstract BPEL
processes and WSDL files. These WSDL files con-
tain the technical information about the interfaces be-
tween the participants, i.e. the port types, operations,
messages, and partner links. Each previously mod-
eled participant was transformed into exactly one Ab-
stract BPEL process. Basic executable completion of
Taxi Service
Call Center
Taxi Driver
Initiate Taxi
Forward Taxi
Get Taxi
Nearby Taxis
Get Taxi
Driver Contact
Nearby Taxis
Figure 3: The BPMN process diagram of the Taxi Application.
Figure 4: Excerpt of the Taxi Application choreography modeled with the Chor Designer.
the Abstract BPEL processes, i.e. their transformation
into executable ones, is supported by the BPEL4Chor
Designer, as well as the manual refinement of the pro-
cess logic in each participant that is not part of the
choreography. The resulting (executable) processes
were then deployed and executed successfully in our
Mayflower BPEL Engine. Through this process we
have also identified a number of technical issues with
the current implementation of the BPEL4Chor De-
signer and Transformer (Weiß et al., 2013). For exam-
ple, not all BPEL activities are currently supported,
and the generated WSDL files need manual definition
of the involved message types. We are already work-
ing on addressing these deficiencies.
As discussed in (Barker et al., 2009), the interac-
tion between participants in a choreography can be
modeled following the interaction, or interconnection
modeling approaches. The former approach models
atomic interactions between participants through in-
teraction activities, while the latter interconnects the
communication activities of each participant of the
choreography. The WS-CDL
language standard
supports the interaction approach. Using the WS-
CDL language as the basis, the Savara
project aims
to provide tooling support for a top-down choreog-
raphy modeling approach. Interconnection model-
ing approaches are supported in the CHOReOS In-
tegrated Development and Runtime Environment
in the Open Knowledge European project
, and in
BPEL4Chor (Decker et al., 2007). The CHOReOS
environment supports the choreography specification
using BPMN 2.0 collaborations (CHOReOS Consor-
tium, 2011), and encompasses choreography adapta-
tion based on service availability and QoS assurance.
The Open Knowledge framework employs a mul-
tiagent protocol to control the interactions between
participants in the choreography. Therefore, partic-
ipants must be specified and deployed prior to the
choreography enactment, and adaptation based on
context modifications is not considered. As dis-
cussed in the previous sections, BPEL4Chor wraps
the choreography specification in a layer atop of WS-
BPEL which contains the choreography control flow,
its participants description and message links be-
tween them, and the mapping support to their concrete
communication descriptions (WSDL). BPEL4Chor
does not support the explicit specification of rules
for context-aware adaptation purposes, but decouples
the choreography specification from communication
specific details, enabling extensibility for dynamic
context-aware choreography adaptation.
Context-aware systems have been widely stud-
ied in the scope of Ubiquitous Computing. In (Bal-
dauf et al., 2007) a set of context-aware systems are
presented, and a comparison focusing on the archi-
tectural principles of context-aware middleware and
framework to ease the development of context-aware
applications is provided. The CoWSAMI middleware
infrastructure utilizes Web services for managing lo-
cation context in open ambient intelligence environ-
ments (Athanasopoulos et al., 2008). The utilization
of an ESB as the centralpiece for communicationsup-
port in context-aware systems is discussed in (Chanda
et al., 2011), where a Context-aware ESB (CA-ESB)
is proposed to discover and orchestrate services based
on the users’ location and available services in spe-
cific regions.
Concerning different context views in pervasive
environments, in (Abdulrazak et al., 2010) micro and
macro context-awareness modeling approaches are
presented. The former describes the users’ surround-
ings and aims to provide access to local context data,
while the latter aggregates local context data to pro-
vide a global perspective of different spaces. Self-
configuration operations in micro context-awareness
models involve coordination of peers in a decen-
tralized manner, making choreographies suitable for
modeling the coordination between peers. Further-
more, in (Roy et al., 2008) high system availability
EU Project CHOReOS:
Open Knowledge:
is achieved by decentralizing the coordination of enti-
ties collaborating in context construction and decision
making activities in open intelligence spaces ensures.
Context-aware workflows as an approach for eas-
ing the development of context-awareapplications are
presented in (Wieland et al., 2007). Thus, they pro-
pose Context4BPEL, a WS-BPEL
extension for ex-
plicitly modeling the influence of context on work-
flows. However, WS-BPEL supports orchestration of
services within a business process, while choreogra-
phy modeling approaches demand a further seman-
tic support for specifying process interactions from a
global view. Further research on workflow flexibility
has been conducted by integrating support of human
interactions during the execution of scientific work-
flows in (Karastoyanova et al., 2012). This approach
triggers human interactions for non-automated activi-
ties via a framework supporting a multi-protocolcom-
munication between a scientific workflow manage-
ment system and pluggable communication devices.
All these approaches are focusing on only one partic-
ular aspect of CDC systems.
Our investigation into different application areas
like pervasive systems, service networks and scien-
tific workflow systems that have been influenced by
service-orientation illustrated a series of overlapping
characteristics that have not been leveraged so far. To-
ward this purpose, in this work we introduced the no-
tion of Collaborative, Dynamic and Complex (CDC)
Systems as dynamic distributed systems that allow
participants from different organizations to collabo-
rate to fulfill their goals. We discussed three fun-
damental aspects of CDC systems: modeling, pro-
vision and execution, and presented the architecture
of a framework that supports these aspects. We then
showed the current status of the prototypical imple-
mentation of CoDyCo, a system that realizes this
framework. A case study on a context-aware perva-
sive application was then presented for purposes of
evaluating our proposal.
Currently, we are working on improving the state
of the CoDyCo prototype by addressing the deficien-
cies identified during the case study. Future work is
aimed at finalizing the different aspects of our pro-
posal. Concerning modeling and provision CDC sys-
tems, the bottom-up modeling approach has to be
realized, as well as enabling context-awareness in
WS-BPEL 2.0:
choreographies and orchestrations for both type of ap-
proaches. This also entails the realization of the con-
text management system. In addition, multi-tenancy
awareness has to be enabled for choreographies and
orchestrations, and reflected in the Execution Engine.
The Management Dashboard has to be integrated with
approaches to monitoring KPIs and business transac-
tions which is a step towards enabling the monitor-
ing of choreographies. In terms of adaptation, avail-
able approaches context-aware adaptation and auto-
matic adaptation of orchestration has to be integrated
in CoDyCo. Finally, the scalability features of the
CoDyCo components have to be investigated further
in the scope of our Cloud computing research.
This work is funded by the projects FP7 EU-FET
600792 ALLOW Ensembles and the German DFG
within the Cluster of Excellence (EXC310) in Sim-
ulation Technology.
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