variety of files in various formats. Future work will
focus on improving the granularity of policies to al-
low for selective disclosure of data. This granularity
could be extended to database entries where the one
single row can be identified by DataID and selective
disclosure can be provided for various items repre-
sented by columns of that row. A private cloud was
used as a testbed to perform the validation of the sys-
tem. Future work will examine the issues around run-
ning the authorization system on public clouds. For
example, in a federated cloud scenario, how well do
the region boundaries of each provider correlate with
those of the others?
Future work will also focus on how to integrate
location awareness into open cloud platforms such
as OpenStack. For OpenStack, obvious integration
points include: Horizon, the web-based dashboard
that controls all OpenStack components; Keystone,
which manages the authentication and authorization
of services and users; Swift, which provides object
store funtionality; and Cinder, which provides block
storage. OpenStack supports the concepts of geo-
graphically dispersed regions with separate endpoints
(Jackson, 2012), providing a good fit with the data
control model described in Section 4. Under this sce-
nario, one Keystone and Horizon is shared between
the regions to provide a common access control and
dashboard, while distributed Swift and Cinder com-
ponents allow for complete separation of storage by
region. The object storage functionality provided by
Swift provides an easier starting point for the integra-
tion of location control compared to Cinder as it deals
with named, atomic units of data. A first step will
to be to allow location preferences to be associated
with users and Swift objects, and to provide an API
that allows developers to check the permissibility of
copying objects from one region to another.
The research work described in this paper was sup-
ported by the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing
and Commerce, an Irish national Technology Centre
funded by Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Industrial
Development Authority.
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