termarking achieves its target of deterring copy and
usage without owner’s permission.
Watermarking digital objects such as image, au-
dio, video, text and software enables the proof of
ownership on copyrighted objects preventing thus the
intellectual property infringement.
Contribution. In this work we present an efficient
and easily implemented technique for watermarking
audio signals. What is important of the proposed
technique is the fact that it suggests a way in which
an integer number w can be represented first as a
self-inverting permutation π
and then as an one-
dimensional array (or, equivalently, 1D representa-
tion). The idea comes from our previous work on im-
age watermarking where the integer watermark num-
ber w is represented as a two dimensional array.
More precisely, our proposed algorithm embeds a
self-inverting permutation π
over n elements into an
audio signal S by first mapping the elements of π
an n ×n matrix A
and then, based on the information
stored in A
, marking specific areas of audio S in the
frequency domain resulting thus the watermarked au-
dio S
. An efficient algorithm extracts the embedded
self-inverting permutation π
from the watermarked
audio S
by locating the positions of the marks in S
it enables us to reconstruct the 1D representation of
and, then, obtain the watermark w.
At this point we would like to point out that the
primary purpose of the paper is not to fill a gap of the
existing audio watermarking methods by proposing
a new embedding technique, but to expand the idea
used on our previous work and show that it can be
efficiently applied for audio watermarking depicting
thus the high versatility of the whole concept.
Evaluation. We have evaluated the embedding and
extracting algorithms by testing them on various and
different in characteristics audio signals that were in
WAV format and we had positive results as the wa-
termark was successfully extracted. What is more,
the method is open to extensions as the same method
might be used with a different marking procedure.
Note that, all the algorithms have been developed and
tested in MATLAB (Ingle and Proakis, 2010).
In this section we present the structural and algorith-
mic tools we use towards the watermarking of an
audio signal. We first briefly discuss a codec sys-
tem which encodes an integer number w into a self-
inverting permutation π, and then we present a trans-
formation of a self-inverting permutation into 2D and
1D representations.
2.1 Self-inverting Permutations
In a formal (i.e., mathematical) way, a permutation of
a set of objects S is defined as a bijection from S to
itself, that is, a map S → S for which every element of
S occurs exactly once as image value.
Permutations may be represented in many ways,
where the most straightforward is simply a rearrange-
ment of the elements of the set N
= {1,2,... ,n}; for
example, the permutation π = (4, 7, 6,1, 5,3, 2) is a re-
arrangement of the elements of the set N
and Flajolet, 1996; Golumbic, 1980).
Definition 2.1.1. Let π = (π
,. . ., π
) be a permu-
tation over the set N
, where n > 1. The inverse of the
permutation π is the permutation q = (q
,. . ., q
with q
= π
= i. A self-inverting permutation (or,
for short, SiP) is a permutation that is its own inverse,
that is π
= i.
There are several systems that correspond integer
numbers into permutations (Sedgewick and Flajolet,
1996). Recently, we have proposed algorithms for
such a system which efficiently encode an integer w
into a self-inverting permutation π and efficiently de-
code it; our algorithms run in O(n) time, where n is
the length of the binary representation of w.
2.2 2D and 1D Representations
In the 2D representation, the elements of the permu-
tation π = (π
,. . ., π
) are mapped in specific cells
of an n × n matrix A as follows:
number π
−→ entry A(π
or, equivalently, the cell at row i and column π
is la-
beled by the number π
, for each i = 1 , 2, .. ., n.
Figure 1(a) shows the 2D representation of the self-
inverting permutation π = (4, 7, 6,1, 5,3, 2).
Based on the previously defined 2D representa-
tion of a permutation π, we next propose a two-
dimensional marked representation (2DM representa-
tion) of π which is an efficient tool for watermarking
images. In our 2DM representation, a permutation π
over the set N
is represented by an n ×n matrix A
◦ the cell at row i and column π
is marked by a
specific symbol, for each i = 1, 2, .. ., n;
where, in our implementation, the used symbol is
the asterisk, i.e., the character “*”. Figure 1(b)
shows the 2DM representation of the permutation
π = (4,7, 6,1, 5,3,2).