A Survey on Approaches for Interoperability and Portability of Cloud
Computing Services
Kostas Stravoskoufos, Alexandros Preventis, Stelios Sotiriadis and Euripides G. M. Petrakis
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Cloud Computing, Cloud Interoperability, Cloud Portability.
Over the recent years, the rapid development of Cloud Computing has driven to a large market of cloud
services that offer infrastructure, platforms and software to everyday users. Yet, due to the lack of common
accepted standards, cloud service providers use different technologies and offer their clients services that are
operated by a variety of proprietary APIs. The lack of standardization results in numerous heterogeneities
(e.g., heterogeneous service descriptions, message level naming conflicts, data representation conflicts etc.)
making the interoperation, collaboration and portability of services a very complex task. In this work we
focus on the problems of interoperability and portability in Cloud Computing, we address their differences
and we discuss some of the latest research work in this area. Finally we evaluate and point out relationships
between the identified solutions.
According to the NIST (U.S. Government’s National
Institute of Standards and Technology) Cloud Com-
puting definition (Mell and Grance, 2009), the Cloud
is composed by three Service models: The Infrastruc-
ture as a Service (IaaS) model, which is used to man-
age the underlying hardware in order to provide the
consumers with computer resources such as storage,
processing power, or network. The Platform as a Ser-
vice (PaaS) model which virtualizes a computer envi-
ronment supporting the development and deployment
of consumer applications and, finaly, the Software as
a Service(SaaS) model which gives consumers the ca-
pability to use applications running on the cloud.
The term of interoperability has many definitions
in literature (Petcu, 2011) and is often misused to in-
clude the term of portability. In order to get a more
clear view we focus on the three cloud service models
and the different conceptions interoperability refers to
in each model. This also applies for applications that
are not already ported to the cloud: developers who
want to port an application to the cloud must con-
sider all the different options offered by cloud service
providers and find the most suitable for their applica-
tion. On the other hand, in case where a client com-
bines two SaaS (this leads to more complex service
composition), interoperability refers to the ability of
the services to communicate and be compatible by
overcoming message level heterogeneities like nam-
ing conflicts or data representation conflicts. the ser-
vices to communicate and be compatible by overcom-
ing message level heterogeneities like naming con-
flicts or data representation conflicts.
The NIST makes a clear distinction between in-
teroperability and portability by defining service in-
teroperability, system portability and data portability
(Bohn et al., 2011). Service interoperability is de-
fined as “the ability of cloud consumers to use their
data and services across multiple cloud providers with
a unified management interface” while portability is
further distinguished into Data Portability and System
Portability. Data Portability is defined as “the ability
of cloud consumers to copy data objects into or out of
a cloud or to use a disk for bulk data transfer” while,
System Portability is defined as “the ability to migrate
one of a fully stopped virtual machine(VM) instance
(that represents a cloud service or an application) or
a machine image from one cloud infrastructure to an-
other cloud, or migrate applications and services and
their contents from one service provider to another”.
The NIST also defines the concept of the “hy-
brid cloud” which is a composition of two or more
clouds that remain as distinct entities but are bound
together by standardized or proprietary technology
that enables data and application portability. In gen-
eral, portability and interoperability between the var-
ious cloud service models resort to standards.
Stravoskoufos K., Preventis A., Sotiriadis S. and Petrakis E..
A Survey on Approaches for Interoperability and Portability of Cloud Computing Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0004856401120117
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 112-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In the following sections we present the various
approaches for solving the problem. In Section 2 we
discuss interoperability and portability and in Sec-
tion 3 approaches on this. In Section 4 we present
a cross comparison study of the discussed approaches
to characterize the most crucial requirements for fu-
ture developments. At last, in Section 5 we highlight
the future research steps of this work.
Service Interoperability allows customers to use ser-
vices across multiple clouds using common manage-
ment API. The general requirement to achieve service
interoperability, since world-wide standards haven’t
been defined yet (Petcu et al., 2013), is the seman-
tic description of services which is vital to create the
middleware towards a common management API to
override the proprietary ones.
Service Interoperability applies to all three Cloud
Computing service models but the meaning of it (and
also the requirements) varies in each model. Achiev-
ing interoperability in the IaaS model means that
clients have the ability to use the infrastructure of dif-
ferent clouds and control them as if they were one.
A simple example is when the client has control of
several virtual machines that encapsulate the compu-
tational resources from different clouds. In PaaS, ser-
vice interoperability is about enabling the clients to
use different APIs, tools, libraries etc. from differ-
ent platforms ported in different clouds in order to
create applications. Finally, in the SaaS model, in-
teroperability refers to enabling cloud applications to
exchange messages or data. Below we present some
of the latest research work on this subject.
System portability refers to the ability of cloud
services to be deployed on other cloud services of a
lower service model (e.g. the ability of a SaaS ser-
vice to be deployed on different PaaS services). In the
IaaS model, portability refers to the ability to migrate
and run Virtual Machines along with data and con-
figurations, across different infrastructure providers.
In the PaaS model, portability refers to the ability to
deploy applications across different platforms (across
different virtual machines). Finally portability in the
SaaS model refers to the ability of clients to move
their data across equivalent SaaS applications. This is
also known as data portability and is further analyzed
Another case of portability is when an external
application needs to be ported in the cloud. In such
case, an application description is required along with
the description of the platform services. According to
(Nagarajan et al., 2006) there are 4 types of semantics
describing applications:
1. System semantics are semantics pertaining system
characteristics (deployment and load balancing).
2. Data semantics are semantics pertaining to data
(typing, storage and manipulation restrictions).
3. Non functional semantics which are semantics
pertaining to QoS characteristics (performance,
4. Logic and process semantics which semantics per-
taining to the core functions of the application
(programming language, runtime, exception han-
The basic requirement to achieve system portabil-
ity, as in service interoperability, is the description
of services. The concept of data portability applies
only on the SaaS model and refers to the ability of
customers to move their data along equivalent cloud
applications hosted on different providers. Since the
“vendor lock-in” also affects data portability, the main
problem in this task is the variety of data represen-
tations used among the different cloud applications.
This requires transforming the representation of data
which is the output of one cloud application to the
representation of data required as input by the tar-
get application. Another important problem to deal
with is the different import and export functionalities
of cloud applications (the mechanisms used to export
or import data from and into cloud applications). The
description of those functionalities is required to en-
able migration of data from one application to another
(standardization plays an important role in this part).
This section describes the analysis of the related ap-
proaches in the area of service discovery in cloud sys-
tems. The works deal a) with the service descrip-
tion problem (a vital requirement to achieve service
Interoperability) and b) with message level hetero-
geneities. Although messages may be described in
the same way (i.e., using SOAP) they may differ in
the domain level (Nagarajan et al., 2006). This kind of
differences is described as heterogeneity at the mes-
sage level. Dealing with message heterogeneities is
very important if we take into consideration all the
Table 1: A summary of the cloud interoperability and portability approaches for service discovery.
Approach Focus Key operations
WSDL-S, OWL-S Approaches that provide the vocab-
ulary for describing services.
Introduce semantics for the descrip-
tion of services (including cloud).
Unified Cloud Interface
Standardization for interacting be-
tween clouds using an interface.
Common management API for
cloud services.
Open Cloud Computing In-
terface (OCCI)
Standardization approach that pro-
poses a common management API.
API for common management tasks
e.g. cloud resource deployment.
OWL-S based Broker Cloud service description and dis-
covery approach using a broker.
OWL ontology for service discov-
ery, providers need to be compliant.
Cloud Computing Ontology
Cloud service description and dis-
covery using a broker.
OWL ontology for service descrip-
tion (IaaS model) and discovery.
Cloud Service Generic
Search Engine
Description and discovery of ser-
vices using a broker.
OWL ontology that uses a service
discovery mechanism.
mOSAIC Service description approach and
service discovery and composition
using a broker.
OWL-S ontology for service de-
scription. Interoperability through a
common management API (OCCI).
PSIF Framework for semantic interoper-
ability conflicts on the PaaS layer.
Description of services for captur-
ing and representing the conflicts.
different proprietary APIs that are used in cloud com-
puting. In Table 1 we present a summary of the cloud
interoperability and portability approaches for service
The Unified Cloud Interface (UCI)
goal is to create an interface to interact with various
cloud API’s. The main idea is to create an API to
handle all other API’s. The UCI abstracts the usage
of any cloud API and unifies them in one layer that
is agnostic to cloud providers. It uses ontologies and
OWL (van Harmelen and McGuinness, 2004) in order
resolve any heterogeneities between the cloud based
APIs and the existing protocols and standards. OWL
is also used for describing the cloud data models and
the UCI uses this description to make resources from
multiple cloud providers available.
The Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI)
is an API and Protocol that supports different kinds
of management tasks (e.g. deployment, monitor-
ing etc.). The API acts as a service front-end to a
provider’s internal management framework, for con-
trolling the cloud hardware resources and it can also
be used as a management API for all kinds of re-
sources (virtualization, networking and storage). It is
highly extensible and focuses both on interoperability
and portability. OCCI is one of the first approaches
towards standardization and was first introduced as a
remote management API for IaaS model based ser-
vices. Since then, with the support of the Open Grid
community it evolved to support all three
cloud service models. Many academic and industry
members currently support OCCI (e.g. OpenStack,
GoGrid etc.).
OWL-S (Martin et al., 2004) is an OWL ontol-
ogy that provides the vocabulary for describing ser-
vices. It enables automatic service discovery, com-
position and invocation. The main OWL-S ontol-
ogy consists of three sub-ontologies, the “ServicePro-
file”, the “ServiceModel” and the “ServiceGround-
ing”. The service profile is an upper level description
of the service. It is mostly used for describing what
the service does, in order to be discovered by agents
and determine if it fits their needs.
The service model gives a detailed description of
how the service works. It describes a) the semantic
content of the service’s inputs and outputs b) the con-
ditions that have to be satisfied under which the ser-
vice can be performed c) step by step processes that
lead to the outcome of the service and d) the result
of the service, meaning the effects of the service in
the world (i.e., change in the balance of an account).
Service grounding describes how a service can be ac-
cessed. It specifies the communication protocols, the
message formats and other specific details such as the
port that is used for accessing the service. OWL-S has
such a structure that can be used with WSDL (Chris-
tensen et al., 2001) by extending the existing bindings
of the later.
The Cloud Computing Ontology (CoCoOn)
(Zhang et al., 2012) is an OWL ontology for de-
scribing cloud infrastructure services. Although they
currently focus on the IaaS model, CoCoOn creators
claim that the ontology will be extended in the future
to discribe the PaaS and SaaS models. The ontology
proposed in this work consists of: a) functional Cloud
service configurations information parameters and b)
non-functional service configuration parameters.
In the functional cloud service configuration in-
formation part, the concepts defining the IaaS model
are defined as a taxonomy. For example, the IaaS con-
cept is divided into three subclasses: Compute, Net-
work and Storage, which in turn are further analyzed
and categorized. In the non-functional cloud service
configuration information part, properties of the on-
tology concepts are described. A distinction is made
here between properties of Cloud resources that are
known at design time (non-functional properties) like
the provider or the deployment model and attributes
that can only be recorded after at least one execution
cycle of a Cloud service (QoS attributes) like durabil-
ity or performance. Based on the ontology describing
the services, a service discovery system has been im-
plemented that uses the CoCoOn Ontology to search
for available infrastructure services. The ontology
has been populated with well-known cloud providers
(Amazon, Microsoft Azure, GoGrid, etc).
OWL-S Cloud Broker (Ngan and Kanagasabai,
2012) is an OWL-S based semantic cloud service bro-
kering system that enables dynamic service discovery.
The broker uses the OWL-S ontology to describe the
services and SWRL
to apply complex constraints on
them. The user describes the desired service with a set
of preferences and constraints that the service should
satisfy. The preferences are represented by OWL en-
tities that are inserted into the system’s ontology. The
broker uses reasoning techniques to match the inputs
and outputs of the requested service to the inputs and
outputs of services available. The services that do
match the user’s preferences are checked for satisfy-
ing also the constraints of the preference. In the final
stage, the services that have passed the previous steps
are ranked using a scoring function.
The Cloud Service Generic Search Engine
(henceforth referred to as CSGSE) (Nagireddi and
Mishra, 2013) is an approach towards cloud service
discovery. The work is based on an OWL ontology
which provides the description of services and their
attributes. Also it includes a search engine for ser-
vices discovery in the ontology directory. The search
engine uses the SPARQL query language
to retrieve
information from the ontology and to match services
based on user requests. Cloud services must be regis-
tered in an ontology registry and are available to the
search mechanism.
mOSAIC Project’s (Moscato et al., 2011) vision
is to provide a platform that will enable interoper-
ability between different cloud services, portability of
cloud services in different platforms, automatic ser-
vice discovery and composition and management of
Service Level Agreement. It provides a set of APIs
that enable developers to build vendor independent
applications that consist of multiple cloud compo-
nents. Each of these components perform a simple
operation. On run-time, the applications are decom-
posed into these components and the mOSAIC plat-
form automatically will decide which cloud imple-
mentation is better for each component to be deployed
on. The mOSAIC API serves as an intermediate layer
between the developers and the cloud platforms. It
lets the developers deploy their applications without
getting involved with APIs.
The PaaS Semantic Interoperability Frame-
work (PSIF) (Loutas et al., 2011) is a framework
used to capture and represent semantic interoperabil-
ity conflicts on the PaaS layer. Semantic interoper-
ability conflicts may arise a) during the migration of
an application from one PaaS to another, b) during
the deployment of an application to a PaaS or, c) on
the message exchange level between two PaaS sys-
tems. PSIF is structured according to three dimen-
sions. Firstly, the fundamental PaaS entities (i.e.,
PaaS system, PaaS offering, management interface,
software component, IaaS system and application) it
is used to determine which entities are involved in the
conflict and secondly, the types of semantics on the
PaaS layer (functional, non-functional and execution)
it is used to identify the semantic conflict. Thirdly,
the levels where semantic conflicts occur (either on
the information model or the data).
This section focus on the critical analysis of the re-
lated approaches for cloud service discovery. Table 2
demonstrates a cross comparison of the cloud service
interoperability and portability approaches in order to
define the most prominent. Based on the comparison
we conclude that mOSAIC uses OWL-S and OCCI
standards as well as provides the most complete on-
tology for service description. In addition, it is com-
pliant with most of the cloud providers. The CoCoOn
and OWL-S also present ontologies, yet there is still
place for improvement. Their difference is that Co-
CoOn is compliant with most common vendors (and
we consider it as an advantage), while OWL-S re-
quires vendors to be compliant with it. Finally, CGSE
ontology is non detailed and requires from vendors to
register their services to the broker (thus no support
for most common cloud services).
In Figure 1, we demonstrate the portability and
interoperability in the case of porting a service from
a legacy system to a cloud. Here portability refers to
the porting action while interoperability refers to the
translation mechanism for matching purposes. The
assumption is that the service to be ported requires to
give an input to a broker that interprets and translates
the service description. This has been characterized
as a vital requirement by (OWL-S, CSGSE, OWL-S
Broker and mOSAIC) for service acknowledgment.
The broker includes the interoperability functional-
ity in order to interpret and translate the request and
match it with available ontological descriptions.
Figure 1: The interoperability and portability in cloud ser-
vice discovery.
We highlight portability for the SaaS, PaaS and IaaS
The SaaS user/developer a) decides the service(s)
to be ported, b) the broker interprets and translates
the service(s) description based on ontologies, c)
the broker selects a cloud instrance that matches
the service description, and d) the developer uses
the service(s).
The PaaS user/developer a) decides the service(s)
to be ported, b) the broker interprets and translates
the service(s) description based on ontologies, c)
the broker selects a cloud node for instantiation,
d) the broker selects a cloud instance that matches
the service(s) description and build the platform,
and e) the developer accesses the service(s).
The IaaS user/developer a) decides the service(s)
to be ported, b) the broker interprets and translates
the service(s) description based on ontologies, c)
the broker selects the cloud node that matches the
required computational resources, d) the devel-
oper accesses and utilizes the node(s).
Figure 1 shows that a service (Service1) could
be ported to a cloud (CLOUD1), as shown in steps
1 and 2, through a broker (as implemented from the
literature review approaches) based on semantically
translation of the service requirements, described as
Service Level Agreement (SLA). The broker opera-
tion includes the matching process (match SLA de-
scription with available ones based on ontologies).
The interoperability is demonstrated in steps 3 and 4,
where a service (Service2 from CLOUD1) is moved
to another cloud (CLOUD2). The service manage-
ment API is the common control point for different
clouds (CLOUD1 and CLOUD2) integrated based on
OCCI standards.
2 3
Service Ontology Repository
Move to porting action
Search for service description
Interpret & translate
GET: Service description
Use repository
Compliant with
specic cloud
Vendors require
to register services
Requires Vendors
to be compliant.
Compliant with
specic cloud
Figure 2: The interoperability and portability cloud service
discovery broker.
Figure 2 demonstrates the functionality of the ser-
vice broker. The first step is to get the service de-
scription and interpret and translate the descriptions.
The second step is to use the repository where all four
approaches add as input their ontologies. For exam-
ple, CoCoOn is compliant with service descriptions of
specific cloud providers (e.g. Microsoft Azure). After
the matching, the process moves to step 3 that is the
porting action.
This work presented an analysis of the related works
that aim to service interoperability and portability on
cloud systems. By summarizing the different ap-
proaches we concluded to key features such as a) the
use of semantics in the description of services and on-
tologies as the most suitable tool for this task (e.g. Co-
CoOn, mOSAIC etc.), b) the definition of standards in
the description of services (e.g. OCCI) and c) the use
of broker to bridge gap of translating services between
Table 2: A cross correlation study of the cloud interoperability and portability approaches.
CSGSE ontology in not
as detailed compared to
CoCoOn. Also, Co-
CoOn is compliant with
specific providers, yet
CGSE requires vendors
to register in a broker.
OWL-S Broker is con-
sidered as a more de-
tailed ontology. It uses
OWL-S standard. Yet,
OWL-S requires compli-
ant providers with its on-
Compared with CoCoOn, mOSAIC
is more detailed ontology in the
level of descitpion of services.
It uses the OWL-S standard and
OCCI as a service front-end to
a providers internal management
OWL-S Broker is a more
specialized ontology as it
uses standards as OWL-
S and SWRL. Also, CS-
GSE uses databases for
storage thus it looses the
benefits of semantics.
mOSAIC has a more specialized
ontology on the level of ser-
vice description for IaaS. Also it
uses OWL-S, SPARQL unambigu-
ous queries, as an advantage com-
pared with CGSE that uses database
for storage. It uses also OCCI.
OWL-S Broker
and OCCI. In the level of ontol-
ogy repository, OWL-S Broker re-
quires vendors to be compliant with
ontologies, yet mOSAIC is compli-
ant with most providers (e.g., MS
The research leading to these results has re-
ceived funding from the European Unions Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement no 604691 (project FI-STAR).
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