A System for Enabling Facility Management to Achieve Deterministic
Energy Behaviour in the Smart Grid Era
Dejan Ili
c, Stamatis Karnouskos, Per Goncalves Da Silva and Sarah Detzler
SAP AG, Vincenz-Prießnitz-str. 1, D-76131, Karlsruhe, Germany
Energy Management, Smart Grid, Facility Management, Energy Forecast, Energy Storage, Energy Trading.
The vision of the Smart Grid empowers a variety of innovative approaches for flexible energy management
that fuse the business goals with the asset monitoring and control offered by the Internet of Things. The facility
management domain can benefit from these advances by building upon Smart Grid energy services thereby
realizing new business opportunities that make the best out of its assets. Due to the increasing integration of
highly dynamic assets in future buildings, short-term deterministic behaviour is difficult. However with the
availability of controlled variable storage, and futuristic services such as energy trading, errors in prediction
can be absorbed internally or traded with the ultimate aim of “making the best” out of the assets and situations.
The latter has the potential to enable facility managers to reach strategic objectives and potentially use assets
more effectively by seizing new business opportunities. In this work we propose an architecture, describe
its key components and depict in scenarios its usage with the goal of enabling facility management to take
informed business decisions by following enterprise strategies as well as considering the volatility of the
available energy excess or shortage.
The combination of deregulated energy markets and
prevalence of modern Information and Communica-
tion Technologies (ICT) on the electricity infrastruc-
ture is paving the way towards the Smart Grid (Euro-
pean Commission, 2012; BDI, 2010). According to
the Smart Grid vision (Yu et al., 2011), improved en-
ergy management may stem from the near real-time
bidirectional communication between, and within,
stakeholders. Today, several projects are under-way
(Giordano et al., 2013) that apply innovative concepts
to realize different aspects of this vision. The realisa-
tion of this vision heavily relies on the prevalence of
the Internet of Things (International Telecommunica-
tion Union, 2005), which introduces intelligent net-
worked devices (such as sensors and actuators) to ev-
eryday objects, house-hold appliances, industrial sys-
tems, etc. and leads to the fusion of the physical and
virtual worlds (acatech, 2011).
Among ongoing research and development
projects (Giordano et al., 2013), there are ef-
forts towards better grid management, integration
of smart-houses (Karnouskos, 2013) and smart-
buildings, accommodation of intermittent energy
resources including Electric Vehicles (EV), demand-
response schemes (Mathieu et al., 2011), local
energy markets for business interactions (Ili
c et al.,
2012), etc. Through the shift towards integration
of small, highly-distributed, energy production and
storage capabilities, not only will new stakeholders
will (European Commission, 2012), but even the
current ones may assume new roles. Combining
advanced information-driven services (Karnouskos
et al., 2012) with these new capabilities will give rise
to new infrastructures (Karnouskos, 2011) eager for
innovative business opportunities.
Future on-premise capabilities, such as on-site en-
ergy generation or EV fleets (Tomi
c and Kempton,
2007), will provide industrial facilities with new busi-
ness and management opportunities (Kanchev et al.,
2011). Since a typical industrial building can be seen
as an ecosystem (Carosio et al., 2013), its internal
(e.g. building infrastructure) as well as the new ex-
tended components (e.g. EVs, storage etc.) can coop-
erate to improve energy management (Palensky and
Dietrich, 2011). This in turn can enable new forms of
business interaction with other stakeholders that are
either currently impossible, or incur high integration
costs. Of particular interest is a facility’s ability to
keep-up with previously planned (Blank and Lehn-
hoff, 2013), or forecast (Vonk et al., 2012), levels of
c D., Karnouskos S., Goncalves da Silva P. and Detzler S..
A System for Enabling Facility Management to Achieve Deterministic Energy Behaviour in the Smart Grid Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0004861101700178
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2014), pages 170-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-025-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
energy consumption and/or production, and its flexi-
bly in adjusting to new situations while trying to min-
imize costs, or increase revenue for its owners (Kor-
paas et al., 2003). By providing a reliable prediction,
such a facility could generate revenue through effec-
tive participation in, for instance, local energy mar-
kets (Goncalves Da Silva et al., 2014), or demand re-
sponse programs (US DoE, 2006).
Forecasting the electricity consumption and/or
production behaviour of a building will of course lead
to errors (Mathieu et al., 2011) internally; however
these may not need to be propagated to external stake-
holders as it is done today. The challenge is on how to
leverage the facility’s capabilities (Teleke et al., 2009)
and external interactions in order to benefit the enter-
prise. More specifically, how the existing and new as-
sets that are under the control of the facility manage-
ment can be empowered with Smart Grid technolo-
gies and services, and be effectively used to address
any energy shortage or excess caused by the on-site
prediction errors (Pinson et al., 2009).
To address this problem, we propose a system
that takes advantage of existing (including temporal)
assets and Smart Grid services, and enables facility
management to actively adjust its energy consump-
tion/production behaviour as seen by external stake-
holders, while adhering to its internal goals and strate-
gies. The proposed system considers a stakeholder
with variable storage and energy trading capabilities,
which may be the norm in the years to come. We de-
scribe several management strategies that can be real-
ized with this system to demonstrate its capabilities.
Although individual aspects may exist in ongoing re-
search work, the proposed system combines several
of them together i.e. forecasting, storage and trading,
with clear applications in facility management (i.e.
buildings) and with a down to earth design that may
enable it to be productively used in the short-term.
2.1 Overview
The proposed system is modular and designed to
empower the collaboration of the independently op-
erating sub-systems, as well as the homogenization
of their functionalities in a mash-up end-user appli-
cation. As depicted in FMC notation (www.fmc-
modeling.org) in 1, we can distinguish the interac-
tions of the end-user via the cockpit, the main sys-
tems involved in the back-end i.e. energy load fore-
cast (ELF), variable energy storage (VES) and energy
trading (ET), as well as the reliance on external par-
ties such as an energy market or an external energy
Energy Trading
Energy Load
Variable Energy
Facility Management Cockpit
Energy Management
Energy Market
External Energy
Virtual Storage
External Parties
Figure 1: System architecture overview.
The Energy Load Forecast (ELF) is the system re-
sponsible for forecasting the energy signature based
on historical smart metering data (residing in the me-
tering system) as well as real-time data acquired by
the infrastructure (Karnouskos et al., 2011). Its results
form the basis for the decision making process of how
to handle the excess or shortage of energy predicted.
The Variable Energy Storage (VES) consists of
managing the available “storage” in the enterprise
c et al., 2013). The latter may include static as well
as dynamic energy storage (such as a fleet of EVs).
The VES is also envisioned to have the capability of
managing processes that could store or re-feed energy,
such as, the rescheduling of a process.
The Energy Trading (ET) is able to trade energy
on smart city marketplaces, that is, intelligently buy-
ing or selling energy depending on the needs of the
overall system (Goncalves Da Silva et al., 2013).
The Energy Management (EM) is a coordinating
entity which enables the collaboration among the dif-
ferent sub-systems, in our case ELF, VES and ET,
while in parallel taking the decisions on the actions
to be enforced. Based on the enterprise goals and
strategies set by the facility manager, it may dynam-
ically decide between the portions of energy that can
be “stored” in the VES or traded by ET in an electric-
ity market.
The Cockpit is the user interface (UI) that the end-
user, i.e. the facility manager dealing with the en-
ergy related aspects, interacts with. The cockpit is
envisioned as a mash-up application depicting key as-
pects of the status of the underlying infrastructure,
including enterprise related key performance indica-
tors. It can depict in real-time all information related
to the utilization of the storage, the energy forecast-
ing as well as the achieved energy accuracy, the en-
ergy traded and related costs, the currently available
and followed energy management strategies etc. The
cockpit is considered to be easily realised as a web
application hosted in the cloud, easily accessible via
the browser e.g. of a mobile device or laptop.
Finally, we have to note that the envisioned sys-
tem can communicate with external parties and ser-
vices such as an energy market and external energy
stakeholders in order to expand its capabilities. This
also implies the role of being part of a larger ecosys-
tem and the capability of being easily integrated in its
business processes; for instance the goals pursued by
the facility management could be adjusted to reflect
dynamically changing enterprise needs.
2.2 Energy Load Forecast (ELF)
Forecasting is a well known component of every en-
ergy management system. Imbalances provoked due
energy load forecast errors may result in a shortage
or excess of energy that must be accommodated, e.g.
in form of charging or discharging a battery. The
ELF requires the availability of the actual energy load
y[n] of a stakeholder (an interval n of size T ) in the
past, i.e. its smart metering data and potentially other
information such as weather data, asset specific be-
haviour or participation in processes, etc. With the
availability of y[n], an interval self-forecast ˙y[n] can
be reported with minimum offset of , thus always
reporting ˙y[n ] at interval n. The reporting as such
can be observed in 2.
forecast (at n
Figure 2: Forecasting on different horizons and intervals to
improve the forecast accuracy.
ELF utilizes advanced forecasting algorithms that
continuously provide accurate predictions
y[n] over
smaller horizons. Its accuracy depends on multiple
conditions such as the applied forecast algorithm, the
required horizon etc. In this work, ELF provides a
forecast of the system for any horizon h in the future,
so the continuous load forecast is done for an interval
y[n h]. It is expected that many components of the
system will require different horizons, as h might
not be of interest. 2 depicts the accuracy of
y[n] as
being higher than ˙y[n] (since h < ). The ELF con-
figuration is expected to be done internally based on
historic accuracy of the achieved performance.
2.3 Variable Energy Storage (VES)
The VES component combines both static and dy-
namic storage into one (virtual) unit of capacity. A
static storage has constant capacity if performance
degradation is not considered. In contrast, dynamic
storage is composed of multiple (potentially mobile)
units that are at some point in time connected to the
grid (e.g. EVs). While static storage can charge or
discharge in dependence to its actual state of charge
(SOC), these dynamic units are the actual energy-
flexible components, when of course connected to
the grid. This flexibility is gained by controlling the
amount of energy that they charge or discharge as well
as rescheduling such activities over an interval n of
length T . As it will not always be possible to com-
pensate the exact energy needed, e.g. due to techni-
cal restrictions, on every reschedule request, the er-
ror that should be absorbed ˙s[n], is not expected to
be fully addressed, but reduced to what is actually
stored s[n]. This gap can be however addressed within
the variable storage as a whole, since it is combined
from its dynamic and its static part (which does not
have the same temporal restrictions). A potential us-
age of the VES might be to use its dynamic part to
compensate the closest value possible, while the static
part can correct the uncompensated part of the er-
ror by charging or discharging the amount of energy
needed. However, the exact usage may depend on var-
ious other technical or financial constraints, and is out
of the scope of this work.
A stakeholder owned EV fleet (for which it is as-
sumed that the facility management has full control
over) is a good example of the dynamic part of a vari-
able storage, while it is limited by scheduling and
vehicle restrictions. For the rescheduling step, dif-
ferent priorities will need to be satisfied in order to
ensure that these EVs are always within the fleet re-
quirements. As such, any EV fleet can be used to cal-
culate the maximal shiftable load to positive s
and negative s
[n]. For this calculation it has to
be considered, that EVs can only vary their charg-
ing between the maximal and minimal power, or in-
terrupt the charging completely. Within these limits,
the fleet can react on energy shortage or surplus at
stakeholder’s premise, e.g. by interacting with an en-
ergy market or even compensating forecast errors by
rescheduling or shifting loads in an interval n. There-
fore in case of an energy demand change, discharging
of EVs would be a secondary option, while reschedul-
ing has precedence, since no losses are made due to
the storage efficiency.
2.4 Energy Trading (ET)
Local energy markets may emerge as a scalable
methodology for controlling the levels of consump-
tion and production on the grid (Ili
c et al., 2012;
Goncalves Da Silva et al., 2013), in particularly as a
response to the increasing deployment of distributed
energy resources (e.g. PV panels, wind farms, µCHP
generators, etc.). Within the proposed architecture,
a energy local market is considered as an opportu-
nity for a stakeholder not only to maintain its pre-
dictability, but to also, in some cases, better utilize
and capitalize on its storage facilities. With that in
mind, the ET system component interfaces with the
local market to buy/sell energy by applying different
trading strategies, such as (Cliff and Bruten, 2000;
Vytelingum et al., 2010).
The stakeholder calculates, on an interval basis,
the energy trading target
τ[n] based on its internal
strategies and goals. For instance, the trading targets
could be based on the forecasting errors provided by
the ELF. A limit price, τ
[n],for either buying or sell-
ing is optionally set with each target to indicate the
maximum (minimum) buying (selling) price for inter-
val n. If the pricing information for a particular in-
terval is undefined, the ET will trade aggressively on
the market to ensure that the targets are met, so τ[n]
presents the net quantity traded by the ET with the in-
terval. Otherwise, each target can only be met within
the bounds of the its pricing constraints.
Current targets can be updated as new information
is made available to the stakeholder. In such cases, the
ET updates its market position to meet the new tar-
gets. For instance, if the target is set to
τ[n] = 50 W h,
of which current trading is τ[n] = 20 W h, when a new
target of 30 W h is received, the ET should then sell
τ[n] = 50 W h to meet the new target. The perfor-
mance of the ET can be tracked by requesting the to-
tal traded quantities τ[n]. Furthermore, for purposes
of a cockpit (thus assistance to an operator), the ET
provides interfaces to access the overall market infor-
mation, as prices p[n] and trading volumes per time
2.5 Energy Management (EM)
The facility manager, as illustrated in 1, interacts with
the system via a cockpit. An example of such a cock-
pit and information it offers is depicted in 3. The fa-
cility manager can consume the (real-time) informa-
tion depicted and by calibrating or setting the over-
all goals can exercise high-level control over the in-
frastructure. Such goals could be the optimization
of the infrastructure reaction to the energy surplus or
shortage reported by ELF towards economic objec-
tives such as minimization of cost, or other corpo-
rate social responsibility related ones, e.g. maximiza-
tion of usage of green electricity or even simpler ones
such as making sure that the EVs of the employees
are fully-charged by the end of their workday.
Variable Energy Storage (VES)
Energy Trading
Energy Load
Forecast (ELF)
Facility Management Cockpit
Actual load
Forecast Imbalance
Storage Constraints
Accommodated Energy
Available Storage
and Flexibility
Storage and Charging
Electricity Price
Trading Agent
Figure 3: The envisioned system cockpit as a mash-up ap-
The transformation of user goals (calibrated via
the cockpit) to strategies are processed by the EM,
which takes into consideration all other constraints of
the system and takes the overall decision on the ap-
propriate strategies to be followed. EM acts also as
a communication broker among the different parts of
the system as it holds the system-wide knowledge that
is not available to the individual parts i.e. the ELF,
ET, VES, enabling the latter scaling or extension of
the system with other components or variations of the
existing ones.
EM acts as the coordinator and decision engine,
which communicates with ELF, ET and VES, and
provides them with the operational context info. As
an example, in a scenario where the EM is informed
about the energy surplus available due to a forecast er-
ror, it may decide to redirect part of it towards charg-
ing the EVs while another part may be redirected to
the ET (by charging schedule adjustment) in order to
be traded to the market (because the price is high or
can not be covered wholly by the VES). More exam-
ple scenarios will be depicted in 3.
3.1 Overview
The system proposed, whose main components are
illustrated in 1, is flexible enough to accommodate
several envisioned scenarios, depending on the goals
set by the user, the available at time capabilities, and
actions to be enforced. The scenarios we will focus
upon, are in no way exhaustive, but serve to provide
some understanding of the potential strategies that
could be followed by the facility management. Our
aim is to showcase the system’s flexibility, which is a
key part of realizing agile enterprises in the future.
Set Goals
(via Cockpit
forecast error
Facility Manager Facility Management System
Energy to be
stored (VES)
Energy to be
traded (ET)
current status
Figure 4: General view of the activity involving the archi-
tecture components.
A general view of the workflow is depicted in
4. The user input is acquired, which together with
the forecast error and the underlying status and con-
straints of the subsystems, are used to reach a decision
for either trading or storing of energy (or both). Some
key strategies will be discussed in more detail i.e. 3.2,
3.3, and 3.4.
Generally, each envisioned strategy may not in-
volve all parts of the system, as this depends on the
actual constraints imposed at the time of the decision
making. This also signals that an organization does
not have to wait until all of the architecture parts are
deployed and become operational to start realising (a
limited set of) energy management strategies. As an
example, the ELF and the VES could be realized to-
day, while the ET could be realized some years later
when energy markets are available at smart city level
and it makes economic sense for the facility managers
to participate in them. Hence, the system architecture
accommodates the “migration” i.e. incremental evo-
lution of the infrastructure towards the fully-fledged
Smart Grid vision.
3.2 Storing Energy not Traded by ET
The decision making process (as depicted in 4) may
consider a strategy that is described as follows: after
the estimation of the energy error within an interval
by the ELF, try to trade the difference via the ET and
differ any non-traded energy to the VES for storage.
The workflow of such strategy is illustrated in 5. ET
accommodated τ[n] for the interval in question (po-
tentially even at different prices p), and VES is con-
tacted in order to absorb the remaining ˙s[n].
get forecast
error (
τ = ˙y
forecast update
remaining ( ˙s = ˙y
y + τ)
Figure 5: Strategy activity: 3.2.
The actual outcome of the trading done by ET de-
pends on the real-market conditions (law of demand
and supply) and hence strategy adaptation might be
needed over time e.g. acting alone or as part of a
larger group (Goncalves Da Silva et al., 2014). As
the ET might not be able to fully trade the energy
needed to balance the forecast error
τ[n] = ˙y[n]
a part of it remained non-traded. The traded quan-
tity τ[n] is then communicated back to the EM, which
instructs VES to accommodate the remaining ˙s[n] =
˙y[n] y[n] + τ[n] energy. This process leads to a new
state where the error is minimized as a “best effort”
procedure is followed by ET (interaction with exter-
nal stakeholders) and VES (internal stakeholder) to
minimize its impact.
Depending on the business motivation, this strat-
egy may be followed when the return of investment
(ROI) by selling the energy on the marketplace is
high. This may be a result of high prices on the energy
market, inability or no need of storing the energy in-
ternally, etc. The actual decision-making process will
be dynamic and the exact fine-tuning is not consid-
ered here.
3.3 Trading Energy not Accommodated
by VES
In compliance with the decision making process de-
picted in 4, here we focus on a strategy that can be
described as follows: after calculation of the energy
due to the incurring error by ELF, try to accommo-
date the excess or shortage of energy via the VES (by
charging/discharging) and for the remaining part not
accommodated by the VES, use the ET. In this strat-
egy, the ET acts as a mitigating agent for any part
of the error that could not be absorbed by the VES,
which is shown in 6. In detail, the EM acquires the
forecasting error ( ˙s = ˙y
y) from the ELF and informs
the VES, which attempts to accommodate the imbal-
ances introduced by the errors, and informs the EM of
any amount that could not be accommodated due to its
internal constraints (s). These amounts are then given
to the ET to be mitigated on the market (
τ = ˙yy+s).
get forecast
error ( ˙s = ˙y
absorbed (s)
remaining (
τ = ˙y
y + s)
Figure 6: Strategy activity: 3.3.
This strategy is expected to be used when the en-
terprise has the capability to store energy extensively
for its own use. For instance a significant number of
EVs at the disposal of facility management, means
that the VES can rely on storing energy there and ac-
quiring it back again when needed. Even if the energy
is not needed during the day for tackling imbalances,
the EVs are charged and the energy can be used for the
enterprise’s processes in the future; an action that en-
hances better planning of energy-relevant actions. If
a local marketplace is available, the ET tries to trade
the remaining energy (or acquire in case of shortage)
in order to make ends meet.
3.4 Trading Available VES Capacity
Independent of the strategies followed by the facility
management, the available assets might not be fully
utilized. Hence additional actions can be run, in com-
pliance to the decision making process as depicted in
4 and in parallel to the existing strategies. As an ex-
ample, consider a strategy that is described as follows:
check the available of VES flexibility and trade the ad-
ditional shiftable energy with the help of the ET in the
local energy market.
This example goes beyond the traditional process
of trying to cover the energy imbalances and targets
clearly the optimization area of the available assets.
The VES might be underutilized while trying to cover
the occurring imbalances, and that “unused” capacity
could be transformed into economic benefit for the
company. The VES may have its own models for es-
timating capacity that will not be used, and hence can
“release” it for further usage. Then the EM may con-
sider this capacity and buy or sell energy with the help
of ET in order to generate additional revenue for the
company. The system is flexible enough to accommo-
date such actions. However, to avoid conflicts or side-
effects, additional analysis on the resource utilization
is needed which is not part of the investigation pre-
sented here.
Since the VES is trying to compensate the er-
ror produced by the ELF, a certain state of charge
(SOC) will be achieved. Based on the actual flexi-
bility levels with consideration of SOC, the VES can
offer a certain capacity within an interval n for charg-
ing/discharging in order to increase the enterprise’s
revenue. Instead of only offering the capacity which
is left from the error compensation, the VES may
calculate the maximal and minimal shiftable energy
[n] and s
[n]. This offered capacity can be then
traded and benefit from current price p. In another
twist, the VES may decide that the economic benefits
of trading the capacity are greater than that of being
used a storage and act accordingly, which is blending
the borders of the other two strategies discussed.
get actual status
p, τ
get forecast
error ( ˙s = ˙y
absorbed (s)
get flexibility
, s
opportunity (s
, s
, p)
opportunity targets (τ)
Figure 7: Strategy activity: 3.4.
Several considerations on the main components i.e.
ELF, VES, ET need to be adequately addressed. Fore-
casting done by the ELF, cannot only be based solely
on historical data, but needs to include real-time in-
formation. To this end, the Internet of Things coupled
with the Cloud (Curry et al., 2013; Karnouskos, 2013)
and the vast resources for analytics will help. Addi-
tionally, more specific knowledge of the processes in-
volved, their scheduling at enterprise level, as well as
their potential interdependencies may lead to better
forecasting and planning. For our environment this
assumes access to the building processes per se, the
impact of the employee usage of its facilities (which
extends to the EV usage), as well as potentially exter-
nal factors such as weather conditions etc. The appro-
priate combination of such intelligent algorithms with
(real-time) fine-grained data may enable the better ad-
justment of the infrastructure behaviour prediction.
Another key part of the system, the VES, demon-
strates that the temporal storage availability e.g. com-
ing from an EV fleet, can be used to acquire addi-
tional benefits for the enterprise. Although charg-
ing/discharging EV batteries or even rescheduling
their charging may sound promising, at the moment
few, if any, companies have fleets large enough for
these envisioned concepts to be practically applica-
ble. Furthermore, the communication protocols of the
EVs or the charging stations might also pose chal-
lenges as they might not allow a secondary actor to
set the charging schedule for them and always try to
charge as fast as possible.
Such constrains would tremendously lower the
possibility of interaction with other components in
a smart way. The latter gives some indication that
company-controlled fleets are the right target group
for such concepts as the one presented here. Even
then, due to constraints (physical or otherwise), fleets
might not always provide the exact flexibility that is
needed. The latter can me mitigated through the ad-
dition of static storage, or another buffer-like compo-
nent, that can compensate the missing flexibility.
The ET demonstrates how interacting with other
local stakeholders can not only aid the facility in re-
ducing its forecast error, but also create additional op-
portunities though energy and storage capacity trad-
ing. Although local energy markets are a hot topic
c et al., 2012; Lamparter et al., 2010; Ding et al.,
2013) in Smart Grid research, how to effectively make
use and interact with them is still unclear. As no
such market currently exists, operational assumptions
were made; however in a real-world assessment the
underlying trading behaviour must be anchored in a
clear understanding of the market’s rules and proto-
cols. Additionally, in order for the ET to meet the a
wide range of strategies, such as the ones described in
3, it must be able to adequately handle dynamically
changing trading goals in conjunction with market-
forecasts and enterprise’s needs.
Generally, we consider that there is added value
if such systems are operational and would assist to-
wards informed and automated decision-making pro-
cesses in facility management domain. Their realiza-
tion however, will need to be assessed and fine-tuned
in real-world trials once the necessary Smart Grid ser-
vices envisioned are mainstream.
The ability to capitalize on new business opportunities
is vital for the survival of modern enterprises. To that
extent, fully utilizing all the capabilities offered by its
assets is pivotal. In the Smart Grid era, the facility
management can take sophisticated decisions related
to energy management, by including innovative tech-
nologies and concepts. The system we have presented
builds upon the orchestration (by the the EM) of three
key independent components (i.e. ELF, VES, ET). We
have provided insights on its basic components, their
operation as well as their usage in a variety of strate-
gies. In the latter we have also discussed the benefits
for the enterprise as well as the roadblocks that might
hinder their realization. Ultimately, the proposed sys-
tem enables on-the-fly decision-making that empow-
ers the facility managers to better meet their goals in
the emerging Smart Grid era.
The authors would like to thank the European
Commission, the German Federal Ministry of Eco-
nomics and Technology, and the partners of the
projects SmartKYE (www.SmartKYE.eu) and iZEUS
(www.izeus.de) for their support and fruitful discus-
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innovation in mobility, health, energy and production.
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of the future. Federation of German Industries (BDI)
publication No. 439.
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