motivation cases and to study their views on the
Experiment. The interest for possible changes was
also investigated to see what could make the service
more attractive and so was also the willingness to
pay for the service. The survey ended with a
question whether the respondents could consider
participating in an interview. 18 respondents were
later contacted for a short interview so that some
questions could be investigated further.
It appeared that many participants were very
positive about the Experiment. Most of the
households felt that they would benefit from the
equipment in the future and would be very
disappointed if the service disappeared.
In addition, slightly more than half of the
households were willing to pay for the service.
Families with children and those who had reached
their saving target were in slightly higher extent
willing to pay. Not surprisingly - those who reached
their electricity saving target probably had a more
clear view of the benefits.
However, it was quite noticeable that many
households participated in the Experiment not
because of a possibility to save electricity and
money. Many of them were also very interested in
keeping an eye on their own everyday electricity
use. For many households it was the most important
argument. Another example of the reason to partici-
pate in the Experiment was the possibility to be able
to see that the electricity bills were correct. Yet
another one was, for example, the possibility to
remotely watch that everything worked properly in
the summerhouse.
The interest in the motivation cases was proved
not to be very large however “The Balance” was
considered to be the motivation case that had helped
most participants to save electricity.
Finally, an inquiry was made to see how
Facebook had been used during the Experiment and
what kind of saving tips that had been submitted
during the motivation case period “Saving tips”.
Most of all Facebook was used for technical support
and other questions but the interest for this platform
soon declined.
Technical Measures. The Experiment had
influenced many participants to make small changes
in their homes like switching lighting to more
energy efficient but several families had also made
major changes, such as changing heating systems or
installing new white goods.
Approximately 66% of the participants answered
that they had carried out different technical measures
during the Experiment in order to save energy
(Taimor and Hols, 2013).
The responses also indicated that performing
technical measures was preferred rather than change
of the behaviour. Participants also seemed to use the
real-time display 100Koll a lot to ensure that the
measures they had undertaken really resulted in
energy savings.
Behavioural Changes. About 73% of the
participants said in the surveys that they had
changed their behaviour as a way of achieving
energy savings during the Experiment (Taimor &
Hols, 2013).
Again, the answers indicated that the participants
made bigger steps in behavioural adaptation than
they would if they were not involved in the
The survey answers indicated also that the
behavioural changes in the households did not affect
the indoor comfort or family’s living standard. Some
respondents mentioned however that the most
negative impact of the measures was reduction of
the indoor temperature.
Respondents also indicated that both their
partners and children often changed their energy
related behaviour during the Experiment.
Usability of the System. Although one-third of
survey respondents strongly agreed with the
statement that they only had few problems with the
feedback system during the Experiment, many
households used the opportunity to submit open
answers about the problems they experienced. At
least one-third of these comments indicated that the
equipment did not work correctly. Sensors reading
electricity consumption often lost contact with the
display. This means that nearly 20% of the
households had this problem. This might also have
affected the results of electricity savings shown on
the website because the estimation of electricity
consumption made by the company was based on
these readings.
Many participants stated that their knowledge
about household electricity consumption increased
due to the visualization and feedback.
Possible Improvements. Some improvements and
new options added to the service would, according
to the participants, additionally increase the value of
the service:
better contact between devices,
automatic updating of electricity price,
more smart plugs for measuring individual
possibility of measuring the consumption of
fixed appliances e.g. heat pump,