pending on privacy rules). Figure 1 illustrates the
first situation where historical information related to
the smart fridge of ID Fridge123 is retrieved from the
manufacturer’s database (see communication denoted
by “3” in Figure 1). Considering a wide panel of users
(fridges to be more exact), such information could be
used as inputs to machine learning algorithms, neu-
ral networks, statistical algorithms, and so on. Ulti-
mately, CaPLIM should make use of appropriate tools
according to the designer needs, the product environ-
ment under in-use conditions, and other factors.
To a certain extent, the IoT relies on automatic cap-
ture of observations of physical objects at various
locations and times, their movements between loca-
tions, data collected from sensors attached to the ob-
jects or within their immediate surroundings. Each
of these objects or products is designed to provide
a range of services aimed at supporting daily activi-
ties of each product user (e.g., designers, manufactur-
ers, users, repairers...) . Such services are usually
considered once and parameters are fine-tuned once
and for all. A future generation of services could at-
tempt to self-adapt to the product context by discov-
ering and exchanging helpful information with other
devices and systems within its direct or indirect sur-
rounding. The IoT and related concepts like context-
awareness are key ingredients for supporting the de-
velopment of such a new generation of services. Em-
bedding context-awareness into the product is a pos-
sible solution but is not enough because more ad-
vanced and standardized interfaces are required to ex-
change the kind of information required by an IoT,
which has a direct impact on Product Lifecycle Infor-
mation Management (PLIM). In an IoT context, this
paper opens up new research directions for providing
a new generation of PLIM services by investigating
context-awareness. The combination of these two vi-
sions is referred to as CaPLIM (Context-awareness&
PLIM), whose originality lies in the fact that it takes
maximum advantage of IoT standards, and particu-
larly of the recent QLM standard proposal. This new
generation of services will play an accelerating role to
provide new generations of services that help compa-
nies to deal with complex and changing product en-
vironments. This should lead to propose ideas for
new environment-friendly products, and to improve
the customer experience.
We would like to thank Prof. Yves LE TRAON and
Dr. Patrice CAIRE from the University of Luxem-
bourg, as well as Prof. Andr´e THOMAS and Dr.
William DERIGENT from the University of Lorraine
for their contribution and support regarding this re-
search initiative.
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