tional performancewith dramatically better character-
istic of the former in terms of hardware implementa-
tion, regardless the
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natorial trellis as suggested by some authors or in a
more efficient folded version. The paper also stresses
the benefit of using hardware-software co-simulations
tools such as Xilinx System Generator for rapid proto-
typing and verification on FPGA, which represents a
value added for the research in rapidly evolving fields
such as neural engineering, overcoming the limits of
the traditional HDL coding.
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project (Fundamental Research Programme, L.R.
7/2007, grant agreement CRP-60544), by the Euro-
pean Commission in the NEBIAS project (FP7, FET
Proactive, grant agreement 611687), by Italian Gov-
ernment in the HANDBOT project (PRIN 2010/11,
prot. 2010YF2RY
003) and by the Italian Ministry of
Health in the NEMESIS project (Young Researchers,
grant agreement 064/GR-2009-1591615).
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