This paper presented a metadata focused crawler for
Linked Data. The crawler starts with a small set T of
generic RDF terms and enriches T by identifying
subclasses, equivalences (
sameAs property) and
related terms (
seeAlso property).
In general, the metadata focused crawler intro-
duced in this paper helps simplify the triplification
and linkage processes, thereby contributing to the
dissemination of Linked Data. Indeed, the results of
the crawler may be used: to recommend ontologies
to be adopted in the triplification process; to recom-
mend triplesets to be used in the linkage process;
and to increase the quality of VoID descriptions.
Finally, the overall crawling process is open to
several improvements. For example, we may use
summarization techniques to automatically select the
initial set of terms. We may also optimize the crawl-
ing process by combining the crawling queries into a
single query and by using caching to avoid band-
width issues.
This work was partly funded by CNPq, under grants
160326/2012-5, 303332/2013-1 and 57128/2009-9,
and by FAPERJ, under Grants E-26/170028/2008
and E-26/103.070/2011.
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