Retrieval System for Person Re-identification
Sławomir B ˛ak
, François Brémond
, Vasanth Bathrinarayanan
Alessandro Capra
, Davide Giacalone
, Giuseppe Messina
and Antonio Buemi
INRIA, STARS Group, 2004 route des Lucioles, BP93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis, France
STMicroelectronics, Strada Primosole 50, 95121 Catania, Italy
Re-identification, Retrieval, Detection, Covariance Descriptor, Brownian Descriptor.
This paper addresses the problem of person re-identification and its application to a real world scenario. We in-
troduce a retrieval system that helps a human operator in browsing a video content. This system is designed for
determining whether a given person of interest has already appeared over a network of cameras. In contrast to
most of state of the art approaches we do not focus on searching the best strategy for feature matching between
camera pairs, but we explore techniques that can perform relatively well in a whole network of cameras. This
work is devoted to analyze current state of the art algorithms and technologies, which are currently available
on the market. We examine whether current techniques may help a human operator in solving this challenging
task. We evaluate our system on the publicly available dataset and demonstrate practical advantages of the
proposed solutions.
Person re-identification (also known as multi-camera
tracking) is defined as a process of determining
whether a given individual has already appeared over
a network of cameras (see fig. 1). This task can be
considered on different levels depending on informa-
tion cues, which are currently available in video ana-
lytics systems. For instance, biometrics such as face,
iris or gait can be used to identify people. How-
ever, in most video surveillance scenarios such de-
tailed information is not available due to video low-
resolution or difficult segmentation (crowded envi-
ronments, such as airports and metro stations). There-
fore a robust modeling of a global appearance of an
individual (clothing) is necessary for re-identification.
This problem is particularly hard due to significant
appearance changes caused by variations in view an-
gle, lighting conditions and different person pose.
Owing to this complexity, current state of the
art approaches have relatively low retrieval accuracy,
thus a fully automated system is still unattainable.
However, we propose a retrieval tool that helps a hu-
man operator to solve the re-identification task (see
section 3). In this paper we discuss different tech-
niques for automatic detection and tracking, while
comparing their performance with the ground truth
data. We propose a new 3D bar charts for evaluating
Figure 1: Person re-identification task: the system should be
able to match appearances of a person of interest extracted
from non-overlapping cameras.
and displaying recognition results for a large network
of cameras (section 4).
Person re-identification approaches concentrate either
on metric learning regardless of the representation
choice (Dikmen et al., 2010; Zheng et al., 2011;
B ˛ak S., Brémond F., Bathrinarayanan V., Capra A., Giacalone D., Messina G. and Buemi A..
Retrieval System for Person Re-identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004871807320738
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (PANORAMA-2014), pages 732-738
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Koestinger et al., 2012), or on feature modeling, while
producing a distinctive and invariant representation
for appearance matching (Bak et al., 2011b; Bazzani
et al., 2010; Farenzena et al., 2010). Metric learning
approaches use training data to search for strategies
that combine given features maximizing inter-class
variation whilst minimizing intra-class variation. In-
stead, feature-oriented approaches concentrate on an
invariant representation that should handle view point
and camera changes.
Further classification of appearance-based tech-
niques distinguishes the single-shot and the multiple-
shot approaches. The former class extracts appear-
ance using a single image (Park et al., 2006; Wang
et al., 2007; Gray and Tao, 2008), while the latter em-
ploys multiple images of the same object to obtain
a robust representation (Zheng et al., 2011; Bazzani
et al., 2010; Farenzena et al., 2010; Gheissari et al.,
2006; Prosser et al., 2010).
Unfortunately, metric learning approaches need
training data (hundreds of image pairs with the same
individual registered by different cameras) that might
be difficult to acquire in a real world scenario . More-
over, these approaches focus on learning a function
that transfers features space from the first camera
to the second one, introducing requirement of train-
transfer functions for c cameras.
This makes these solutions difficult to apply in video
analytics systems.
Designing a retrieval system for a network of cam-
eras, we believe that multiple-shot approaches are bet-
ter choice than single-shot. Multiple-shot approaches
take advantage of several images (video sequence)
and can provide more reliable description of a target,
reflecting video surveillance scenarios.
Multiple-shot Approaches. In (Hirzer et al., 2011),
every individual is represented by two models: de-
scriptive and discriminative. The discriminative
model is learned using the descriptive model as an
assistance. In (Gheissari et al., 2006), a spatiotem-
poral graph is generated for ten consecutive frames
to group spatiotemporally similar regions. Then, a
clustering method is applied to capture the local de-
scriptions over time and to improve matching ac-
curacy. In (Farenzena et al., 2010), the authors
propose the feature-oriented approach, which com-
bines three features: (1) chromatic content (HSV his-
togram); (2) maximally stable color regions (MSCR)
and (3) recurrent highly structured patches (RHSP).
The extracted features are weighted using the idea
that features closer to the bodies’ axes of symme-
try are more robust against scene clutter. Recurrent
patches are presented in (Bazzani et al., 2010). Using
epitome analysis, highly informative patches are ex-
tracted from a set of images. In (Cheng et al., 2011),
the authors show that features are not as important
as precise body parts detection, looking for part-to-
part correspondences. Finally, in (Bak et al., 2011b;
Bak et al., 2012) we can find re-identification algo-
rithms based on covariance descriptor. The perfor-
mance of the covariance descriptor is found to be su-
perior to other methods, as rotation and illumination
changes are absorbed by the covariance matrix. In our
retrieval framework we employ the similar model to
(Bak et al., 2011b), while evaluating different kind of
image descriptors (details can be found in section 4).
Our proposed system (fig. 2) allows a human operator
to browse images of people extracted from a network
of cameras: to detect a person on one camera and to
re-detect the same person few minutes later on an-
other camera. The main stream is displayed on the left
of the screen, while retrieval results are shown on the
right. The results show lists of the most similar signa-
tures extracted from each camera (green boxes indi-
cate the correctly retrieved person). Below the main
stream window a topology of the camera network is
displayed. Detection and single camera tracking (see
the main stream) are fully automatic. The human op-
erator only needs to select a person of interest, thus
producing retrieval results (right screen). The opera-
tor can easily see a preview of the retrieval results and
can go directly to the original video content.
The retrieval engine is based on state of the art
appearance models that provide an object representa-
tion, called signature. This signature should be in-
variant to camera changes, while extracting the dis-
crminative characteristics of a person of interest (Bak
et al., 2011b; Bak et al., 2012). However, before ex-
tracting signature, we should be able to automatically
determine whether an image contains people. This
task is called person detection and it plays a very im-
portant role. The results of this step have a signifi-
cant influence on the recognition/retrieval algorithms.
In our framework, we evaluate two detectors. DPM,
which is a popular state of the art detector and the al-
gorithm developed by ST Microelectonics, which is
mostly based on motion segmentation.
3.1 Person Detection
Person detection is considered among the hardest ex-
amples of object detection problems. The articulated
structure and variable appearance of the human body,
Figure 2: Person retrieval system.
combined with illumination and pose variations,
contribute to the complexity of the problem. Person
detection algorithm is critical in the retrieval frame-
work, as the quality of detection has direct impact on
the accuracy of retrieval results. For evaluating our
framework, we employed the following detectors.
DPM is a state of the art object detector referred to
as discriminatively trained deformable part models
(Felzenszwalb et al., 2010; Girshick et al., ). This
detector consists of disriminative sliding-window
classifiers, predicting location of different parts of
the object (e.g. for humans we have previously
learned body part detectors). The strength of DPM
comes from its ability to search through exponential
number of different part-configurations, and finding
the optimal one in a very efficient way. Although
DPM provides state of the art performance on many
evaluation datasets, its time-complexity makes it
difficult to apply in real-time systems.
STMicroelectronics has investigated a motion-based
detector. The algorithm has been designed in order to
be implemented in embedded systems, constrains are
low complexity and low memory requirements so that
processing can be performed in real time on video up
to HD resolution.
The first step is the detection of movement into
the scene (see fig. 3(a)). Motion detection consists of
a training phase, when no motion is present, to cal-
culate the residual global motion vector of the back-
ground, and of a test phase, when actual motion has
to be detected. To detect motion current and previ-
ous frame motion curves are compared. The training
phase is performed on the first N frames (typically N
may vary from 2 to 30). Once the motion has been
detected, it is required to insulate background (fixed
content in the scene) from the foreground (area of in-
terest). Foreground is where the algorithm will search
for people. This step requires that the camera must
be fixed, as it is supposed that the background of the
scene does not change during the acquisition. Ac-
tually, it is supposed that, in the average, the back-
ground does not change even if small variation are
contemplated and managed. Background pixels are
updated by weighted averaging strategy, where the
weights per pixels were learned during the training
phase. Shadow pixels are removed by using a tech-
nique based on HSV color space (Cucchiara et al.,
2001). The background model is updated using all
frames without detected objects.
The foreground pixels are aggregated into the blob
structures, on which the template matching algorithm
is executed (see fig. 3(b)). The human model tem-
plate module performs the task of establishing if it
belongs to a human body, or not (meaning that the
presence of the blob in the foreground is due to some-
thing else, like vehicle, animal, scene changes, etc.).
For each blob a geometrical filter is applied and a
test is performed in order to verify if the bounding
box including the blob corresponds to a human body
shape. Such test consists in comparing the bound-
ing box, width, height and their ratio, to the following
h h
w w
) (
where h is the height and w is the width with the
respective max and min thresholds. If the blob has
passed the geometrical filter constrains, its shape is
checked to control the human template match (Lin
and S. Davis, 2010). There are different methods to
perform the human template matching. For example a
stylized man is shaped into the current bounding box
(head + torso), and a score is updated by scrolling
the bounding box: such score increases every time
the blob matches the human model, pixel by pixel,
according to fig. 3(b). The normalized final score is
compared to a threshold and, if it is big enough, the
blob is labeled as human.
3.2 Person Re-identification
After detection of a person, the system computes a
human signature. Computed signatures are stored in
a database, thus providing an effective interface for
a human operator to search the most similar signa-
tures to a signature of interest. Computing effective
signatures that allow browsing similar people through
a camera network is particularly hard due to signifi-
cant appearance changes caused by variations in view
angle, lighting conditions and different person pose.
In this work, we follow a dense descriptors philoso-
phy (Bak et al., 2011b; Dalal and Triggs, 2005). Ev-
ery human image is scaled into a fixed size window
(a) pipeline (b) template matching
Figure 3: STMicroelectronics person detector. (a) the main steps of the algorithm (b) the matching between the blob and a
head+torso template: A: Head region with foreground pixels, and surrounding area with background pixels; B: Skin region
and surrounding area; C: Foreground body region.
of 64 × 192 pixels. Then, an image is divided into a
dense grid structure with overlapping spatial square
sub-regions. The set of rectangular sub-regions P is
produced by shifting 32 × 32 regions with 16 pixels
step (up and down). It gives |P| = 33 overlapping rect-
angular sub-regions. First, such dense representation
makes the signature robust to partial occlusions. Sec-
ond, as the grid structure, it contains relevant informa-
tion on spatial correlations between rectangular sub-
regions, which is essential to carry out discriminative
power of the signature. From each sub-region, we
extract 5 descriptors; three histogram-based descrip-
tors: (1) COLOR
histogram, (2) LBP histogram
(Wang et al., 2009) and (3) HOG histogram (Dalal and
Triggs, 2005), and two correlation-based descriptors
using (Bak et al., 2011b) feature maps: (4) COVARI-
ANCE (Tuzel et al., 2006) and (5) BROWNIAN (Bak
et al., 2014). Descriptor values are simply averaged
while using several subject images (COVARIANCE is
averaged on a Riemannian manifold). This provides
us 5 different types of signatures, which are evaluated
in the following section.
This section focuses on two tasks:
we evaluate different types of signatures (based on
different image descriptors) for a human retrieval,
we analyze the performance drop in comparison
to ground truth data, while employing automatic
person detectors: DPM and STMicroelectronics
detector (see section 3.1).
4.1 Re-identification Data
During the past few years person re-identification
has been the focus of intense research bringing new
metrics and datasets for evaluation. The most exten-
sively used datasets are VIPER (Gray et al., 2007),
ETHZ (Ess et al., 2007), i-LIDS (Zheng et al., 2009)
and i-LIDS-MA/AA (Bak et al., 2011a). Although
these datasets have their merits, they consist only of
few camera views (maximally two) and contain only
few images per person. VIPER contains two views of
632 pedestrians but it is is limited to a single image.
In ETHZ, although the video sequences are acquired
from moving camera, all pedestrians are extracted
from the same sensor. This significantly simplifies the
task of re-identification. While i-LIDS-MA/AA are
designed for evaluating multiple-shot case (contain
significant number of images per individual), they
still consist only of two camera views. In the result,
we decided to evaluate our re-identification system
on a new dataset SAIVT-SOFTBIO (Bialkowski
et al., 2012) .
SOFTBIO (Bialkowski et al., 2012). This database
consists of 152 people moving through a network of 8
cameras. Subjects travel in uncontrolled manner thus
most of subjects appear only in a subset of the camera
network. This provides a highly unconstrained envi-
ronment reflecting a real-world scenario. In average,
each subject is registered by 400 frames spanning up
to 8 camera views in challenging surveillance condi-
tions. Each camera captures data at 25 frames per
second at resolution of 704 × 576 pixels. Although
some cameras have overlap, we do not use this in-
formation while testing re-identification algorithms.
Authors (Bialkowski et al., 2012) provide XML files
(a) COLOR, nAUC=0.65 (b) LBP, nAUC=0.68 (c) HOG, nAUC=0.69
(d) COVARIANCE, nAUC=0.73 (e) BROWNIAN, nAUC=0.79 (f) BROW. - COV., nAUC=0.06
Figure 4: Descriptor performances as CMC bars for 56 camera pairs (a-e) of SAIVT-SOFTBIO dataset. nAUC is a weighted
(by gallery size) average of nAUC obtained by each pair of cameras. For each descriptor the top view and 3D chart is
presented. Red color indicates high recognition accuracy. For each descriptor we can notice the red region on the top view
(see rows 7 14). This is the retrieval result for the second camera, in which only few subjects were registered (29 out of 152).
The rest of cameras is more balanced (about 100 subjects per camera). (f) illustrates the difference between BROWNIAN and
COVARIANCE. We can notice that BROWNIAN performed better for most of camera pairs (bluish color correspond to opposite
Table 1: Descriptor performance comparison on SAIVT-SOFTBIO dataset. Values correspond to the recognition accuracy
averaged among all 56 pairs of cameras at different ranks r.
DESCRIPTOR r = 1 r = 5 r = 10 r = 25
BROWNIAN 15.96% 33.53% 47.37% 70.09%
COLOR 6.12% 19.09% 29.79% 50.60%
LBP 8.30% 22.62% 32.92% 53.91%
HOG 10.02% 24.73% 37.64% 60.89%
COVARIANCE 12.83% 28.65% 40.09% 64.13%
with annotations given by coarse bounding boxes in-
dicating the location of the subjects.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
Usually, the results of re-identification are analyzed
in terms of recognition rate, using the averaged cu-
mulative matching characteristic (CMC) curve (Gray
et al., 2007). The CMC curve represents the expecta-
tion of finding the correct match in the top n matches.
Additionally, some authors also report a quantitative
scalar of CMC curve obtained by the normalized area
under CMC curve (nAUC). In this paper, instead of
using averaged CMC curves, we display the results
using 3D bar-chart (see fig. 4). The horizontal axis
corresponds to recognition accuracy, while on vertical
axis the first 25 ranks are presented for each camera
pair (e.g. having 8 cameras we actually can produce
56 CMC bar series that present recognition accuracy
for each camera pair). We also color the CMC bars
w.r.t. recognition accuracy and display it as a top-view
image. In the result we can see that re-identification
accuracy might be strongly associated with a particu-
lar camera pair (similar/non-similar camera view, res-
olution, the number of registered subjects).
4.3 Image Descriptors
Figure 4 illustrates the retrieval results for different
kinds of descriptors. From the results it is apparent
that Brownian descriptor outperforms the rest of de-
scriptors. In the result, in the next section we em-
ploy only this descriptor. Table 1 shows the aver-
aged (among all 56 camera pairs) recognition accu-
racy w.r.t. to the rank. We can see that the Brownian
descriptor consistently achieves the best performance
for all ranks.
4.4 People Detectors
We performed retrieval task using 3 detection data:
(1) annotations available in SAIVT-SOFTBIO (coarse
(a) GROUND TRUTH, nAUC=0.79 (b) DPM, nAUC=0.75
(c) STM, nAUC=0.57 (d) DPM - STM, nAUC=0.18
Figure 5: Comparison of person detectors using BROWNIAN descriptor.
bounding boxes indicating the location of the subjects
have been annotated every 20 frames and intermedi-
ate frames locations were interpolated); (2) DPM re-
sults (we only took into account the body bounding
boxes) and (3) output provided by STMicroelectron-
ics. The signatures were extracted using the dense
grid of BROWNIAN covariances. Results are pre-
sented in fig. 5. We can notice that DPM performs rel-
atively well to annotated data. This is a very promis-
ing result. Although DPM is difficult to apply in real-
time tracking systems due to its time-complexity, the
re-identification task does not directly require real-
time performance (signatures could be computed in
an off-line mode), thus this performance could be
achieved by the automatic system.
Using STMicroelectronics algorithm we obtain
worse performance. The main reason of such result
is due to background images provided by the dataset.
For several video sequences, there is a significant dif-
ference between a background image and a corre-
sponding video sequence (the background image is
not updated, thus motion detection algorithm returns
noisy blobs due to e.g. new objects (belonging to the
background) on the scene and significant illumination
changes). Moreover some of video sequences contain
gaps of several frames what has substantial impact on
the motion detection algorithm. As STMicroelectron-
ics algorithm is purely based on motion, the above
mentioned issues might cause noisy detection results,
decreasing recognition accuracy. We believe that
correct (updated) background images and full video
streams (no gaps in video sequences) could signifi-
cantly improve the detection and the re-identification
We described our person re-identification system,
while evaluating (1) different kinds of descriptors for
representing human signatures and (2) different peo-
ple detectors. The results are illustrated using 3D
bar-charts that allow to display recognition accuracy
w.r.t. camera pairs. Our framework was evaluated
on challenging SAIVT-SOFTBIO dataset, which pro-
vides the unconstrained environment reflecting a real-
world scenario. We obtained promising results, while
testing state of the art algorithms. The best perfor-
mance for the fully automatic system was achieved
by combining the DPM detector with BROWNIAN de-
scriptor. In the future, we plan to combine the notion
of motion with DPM detections. This would allow to
extract only the features, which surely belong to fore-
ground regions.
This work has been supported by PANORAMA and
CENTAUR European projects.
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