Clients are allowed to visualise different structures for
a mockup in order to decide which of them fits best
to his/her needs; 4) Client discovers more necessi-
ties when visualising and simulating pre-prototypes,
allowing designers to quickly change requirements
specifications before produce a functional prototype;
5) The methodology allow the combined use of MDE
and Scrum in iterations lasting one week.
Finally, we summarised a recent industrial expe-
rience in the development of web information system
using our proposal. In such experience, the require-
ments validity was ensured through pre-prototype
models, pointing to no change in the source code
motivated by misunderstanding requirements. This
positive result is in conformance with the experi-
ment conducted Davis and Venkatesh (2004) that pre-
sented a number considerably lower of modifications
when applying pre-prototype validations. However,
while such authors suggest to manually design pre-
prototypes, our proposal builds them with consecu-
tive model transformations. Thus, pre-prototypes are
generated with lower effort.
The research work on which we report in this paper is
supported by FINEP, CNPq, CAPES, FAPERGS, and
the internal Research Programme at UNIJUI Univer-
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