Synthesis of a Framework of Design Guidelines
for m-Learning Environments
A Study in a Tertiary Education Context in South Africa
Patricia Harpur and Ruth de Villiers
School of Computing, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Design and Development Strategy, Design Guidelines, Digital Devices, m-Learning Environment, Tertiary
Education, Virtual Learning Environment.
Abstract: Smartphones and tablets are ubiquitous in educational contexts, where students on-the-move expect access
to learning material via a range of digital devices in a mobile and transparent manner, whether on or off
campus. A successful m-learning experience can be facilitated by a mobile learning environment which is
efficient and effective, and that satisfies the users’ versatile needs. An ad hoc design and development
strategy that ignores design principles and guidelines, restricts the likelihood of successful m-learning
experiences. This study was implemented in a tertiary education context and aimed to establish – from dual
perspectives – a framework of design and development guidelines for m-learning environments. An initial
set of themes and guidelines was synthesized from a comprehensive literature study. Secondly, the
outcomes of a series of iterative evaluations of an m-learning application, Mobile Learning Research (m-
LR) were used to generate new themes and guidelines. The quantitative and qualitative findings of heuristic
evaluations by experts and questionnaire surveys administered to students, provided positive and negative
feedback that was converted to a set of practical guidelines. Jointly, the initial theoretical guidelines and the
subsequent empirical findings contributed to the synthesis of a comprehensive and cohesive set of design
guidelines for m-learning environments.
Smartphones and tablet devices offer ubiquitous m-
learning opportunities for higher-education students
who study while on-the-move (Cochrane and
Bateman, 2010). Over and above educational
aspects, the perceived usability and user experience
(UX) of m-learning platforms depends to a large
extent on underlying design and development factors
(Oinas-Kukkonen and Kurkela, 2003). This study,
which proposes a framework of design guidelines
for the synthesis of m-learning environments, is a
secondary outcome of the iterative development and
evaluation of a real-world learning environment
called Mobile Learning Research (m-LR) (Harpur,
2013, de Villiers and Harpur, 2013). A first set of
design guidelines for m-learning was gleaned from
the literature and used to generate the first version of
m-LR. The purpose of this paper is not primarily to
report on the evaluation and redesign of m-LR
prototypes. However, the findings of the evaluations
formed a vital part of the design process and the
emergence of a second set of guidelines.
Ad hoc approaches that ignore design principles
in the development of m-learning, may have
unfortunate usability and UX implications that
designers and developers of the end-product could
regret. This study contributes to knowledge by
synthesising a framework of design guidelines that
incorporates theoretical guidelines based on
acknowledged literature sources, as well as practical
guidelines from the findings of empirical evaluation
studies. Participants’ responses identified problems
in m-LR and also provided positive feedback. The
composite set of guidelines, emerging from both
theory and research, offers a rich broad-based
collection of design guidelines that is transferable
and adaptable to various mobile- and tablet-based
learning situations. Through use and evaluation of
m-LR, the theoretical guidelines were affirmed by
use and new ones emerged.
Section 2 sets the context and outlines the
background of this research. The research design is
Harpur P. and de Villiers R..
Synthesis of a Framework of Design Guidelines for m-Learning Environments - A Study in a Tertiary Education Context in South Africa.
DOI: 10.5220/0004874501330143
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 133-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
described in Section 3. Thereafter we view the
guidelines from three lenses: their emergence;
application; and evolution. Section 4 lists the initial
guidelines that emerged from a literature review,
while the impact of practically applying the
guidelines, is reported in Section 5. Section 6
presents further guidelines that evolved from
evaluations. The study is concluded in Section 7.
The primary researcher is a lecturer of
undergraduate students taking Software Engineering
at a private South African university. She observed
that some students seemed demotivated by
traditional face-to-face classroom education. In
addition, the limited access of certain students to the
Internet via PCs and laptops hindered effective
communication and collaboration on group projects.
However, the majority of students had smartphones
and/or tablet devices and were proficient in the use
of digital technology. They depended on these when
they returned home and contributed to group
projects from a distance, thus converting their mode
of study to blended learning. This suggested that a
technology-enhanced mobile learning solution might
enrich their learning experience, therefore the
researchers set out to custom-build an initial m-
learning prototype, version m-LR
, on a Moodle
platform, a distributed digital learning environment,
suited to m-learning requirements. Even though
distributed digital learning environments such as
Blackboard and Moodle provide support for
anytime- and anywhere-learning, pertinent design
issues include:
The difficulty of integrating course material from
different sources;
The unwieldy size of digital learning systems;
Maintenance pressures due to continual addition of
learning content;
A need to accommodate scalability and security
Network problems; and
Limitations posed by the delivery of large
multimedia and course content (Li et al., 2008).
Guidelines were sought for producing and
improving the prototype to optimise the effect of
adaptations and to avoid an ad hoc design and
development strategy. Despite an extensive literature
study, no single appropriate design and development
methodology was found.
A decision was therefore taken to synthesize a
set of design guidelines in parallel with the
development of the m-learning environment. Ethical
clearance for the research was obtained from the
institution where it was conducted and from the
university where the primary researcher was
enrolled for postgraduate studies.
The research paradigm used to generate m-LR, was
design-based research. ‘Design science’ originated
from the Nobel prize winner, Herbert Simon (Simon,
1981). It led in turn to ‘design research’, which
investigates artificial phenomena and solves
complex problems by creating and evaluating man-
made products.
In the discipline of Information Systems,
research of this nature is termed ‘design science
research’ (DSR) (March and Smith, 1995, Peffers et
al., 2007), and in the educational technology milieu,
is called ‘design-based research’ (DBR) (Barab and
Squire, 2004, Amiel and Reeves, 2008, Anderson
and Shattuck, 2012). DBR is appropriate for
pragmatic contextual research in complex domains,
and is implemented by iterative cycles of empirical
studies. It has dual outcomes in the form of (i) useful
authentic products and (ii) theoretical contributions
that are transferable to other environments. In this
research, the practical outcome was m-LR and the
theoretical outcome was the set of design guidelines,
which are the contribution addressed by this paper.
3.1 Research Question
The following research question was thus posed:
What are appropriate guidelines to use for
the design and development of m-learning environments?
The process of answering the question is shown in
Figure 1, which depicts the iterative development
and evaluation processes of m-LR versions: m-LR
, m-LR
, m-LR
, and a future final one, m-LR
This research reflects on these four versions and
four iterative studies: Evaluation Study 1, Evaluation
Study 2, Evaluation Study 3 and Evaluation Study 4.
3.2 Research Methods
Evaluations and Participants
The research was conducted over two and a half
years and entailed evaluations by two different
methods amongst two kinds of participants.
First, heuristic evaluations (HE’s) were
undertaken, in which between three and five
experienced evaluators, so-called ‘experts’, study a
system to identify problems and strengths (Nielsen
and Molich, 1990, Nielsen, 1992). Different
heuristic evaluators were hand-picked for each of the
four studies. All of them were experts in HCI or in
digital education or both, so-called 'double experts'.
The numbers of heuristic evaluators in the studies
were in line with Nielsen’s recommendations.
Second, questionnaire surveys were conducted
amongst end-users, i.e. using students as evaluators.
In the first two evaluation studies, samples of
experienced software engineering students were
purposively selected to participate, while in the third
and fourth studies, entire cohorts were used, i.e. the
participants were a population, not a sample.
Furthermore, Evaluation Studies 1 to 3 were
conducted on a suburban campus of the university,
while Evaluation Study 4 was done on two different
campuses of the institution – the suburban one, as
well as a campus in an urban area, which was less
affluent. This enriched the findings by administering
questionnaires to two varying cohorts.
The use of these research methods aimed to
achieve method triangulation (two different
methods) and data triangulation (across two different
campuses). The evaluations are described in detail in
Section 5.1.
Evaluation Procedure and Tasks
The iterative approach provided sequential
evaluations of the usability and user experience of
four different versions of the m-learning
Prior to conducting the evaluations, participants
– both expert evaluators and students – completed a
defined series of software engineering activities via
mobile devices. This familiarised them holistically
with the features of m-LR, enabling them to
effectively evaluate versions of the m-LR platform.
These activities included: secure login; exploration
of specific software engineering course content; a
brief review of a lesson, completion of a quiz
associated with the lesson; entry of a blog comment;
contribution to a forum discussion; a search for
particular terms in a glossary; participation in a
software engineering chat session; a contribution to
a wiki topic; and the viewing of online media. This
comprehensive exposure was crucial in helping them
contribute meaningfully to the development of new
guidelines. The resulting practical guidelines, which
reflect findings of the evaluation processes, are
presented in Section 6.
Research Instruments
The questionnaires were not adaptations of a
standard instrument. Instead the evaluation criteria
were custom-developed, based on five categories,
namely: general interface criteria; pedagogical
aspects; website specific criteria; factors specific to
m-learning; and user experience (UX) criteria. A
separate publication is in progress, focusing on the
generation of these criteria.
Constructs in the questionnaires were based on
these categories. There were evaluation statements
using a 5-point Likert scale, as well as open-ended
items for qualitative responses. The HE’s by experts
and questionnaire surveys amongst end-users thus
provided both quantitative and qualitative data. The
questionnaires and evaluation criteria are not
included in an appendix, because they are too long.
The quantitative data analysis and the qualitative
thematic analysis of free text identified usability and
UX problems as well as highlighting positive
factors. This led to a set of practical guidelines,
specific to the design of m-learning environments.
Figure 1: Development of m-LR through four versions and four evaluation studies.
3.3 Derivation of Design Guidelines
As previously mentioned, the guidelines emerged
from two types of sources. Firstly, existing
guidelines were garnered from pertinent literature
and synthesized into an initial framework (Section
4), presented in Table 1, i.e. the literature served as
secondary data. Secondly, empirical research was
undertaken (Section 5) by evaluating versions of m-
LR as described in Section 3.1 and illustrated in
Figure 1. The findings of these evaluations (Section
6) were used as primary data to generate Table 3,
which extends and completes the framework.
Literature sources address various challenges within
m-learning domains, including the issue of
appropriate design guidelines for m-learning
applications. The literature study underlying this
study was comprehensive, being both broad and
The work of many researchers contributed to the
formulation of the initial collection of guidelines.
Space constraints preclude detailed discussion of all
the sources consulted, but we specifically mention
contributions from certain acknowledged researchers
such as:
Botha, van Greunen and Herselman (2010): mobile
learning interactions viewed from an HCI
Ebner (2009): inclusion of Web 2.0 features such
as microblogging in mobile learning;
Oinas-Kukkonen and Kurkela (2003): developing
successful mobile applications; and
Sharp, Rogers, and Preece (2007): a focus on
interaction design.
The overall literature review resulted in the
structured synthesis of an initial set of design and
development guidelines, which are presented in
Table 1. This table plays an important role in this
paper, in that it is the first version of the framework
of design guidelines, namely the contribution that
emerged from theory. The initial framework
comprises eight categories of guidelines.
Within each category, key terms are italicised to
emphasise the contributions made by various
authors. The contributing authors are cited in
alignment in the third column.
Table 1: Design guidelines for m-learning environments – emerging from the literature.
Design and Development Guidelines Literature Sources
1 Strategy
Provide interactivity via UCD
Improve the environment by implementing iterative design
Göker and Myrhaug (2008)
Involve experts in contributing to the design Bri, Garcia, Coll and Lloret (2009)
2 Mobile Specifications
Provide accessible information to students whilst they are
moving to and from locations, around campus, in the
classroom, and between the outside world and the university
Oinas-Kukkonen and Kurkela (2003),
Sharma and Kitchens (2004)
Focus more on content and m-learning than on technology Landers (2002), Pinkwart, Hoppe, Milrad
and Perez (2003)
Link tasks to course content Parsons, Ryu and Cranshaw (2006)
Support social networking and learning, seamlessly Landers (2002), Parsons, Ryu and
Cranshaw (2006), Sharma and Kitchens
Include mobile specifications with accessibility via all devices Low and O’Connell (2006)
Aim for compatibility with a wide range of media Landers (2002), Parsons et al.(2006)
Incorporate security and privacy features Naismith, Lonsdale, Vavoula and Sharples
(2004), Pinkwart et al. (2003)
3 User-centricity
Involve end users in guiding the design of the interface, Sharp, Rogers, and Preece (2007)
Consider users’ understanding of terminology and navigation
Incorporate usefulness from a user’s perspective
Allow customisation and adaptability for each user’s
preferences, needs and abilities
Oinas-Kukkonen and Kurkela (2003)
Include features that enhance motivation Botha, van Greunen and Herselman (2010)
Table 1: Design guidelines for m-learning environments – emerging from the literature (Cont.).
Design and Development Guidelines Literature Sources
4 Ease of Use
Focus on simplicity and flexibility Oinas-Kukkonen and Kurkela (2003),
Sharma and Kitchens (2004)
Aim for easy assimilation on the part of the student
Facilitate availability of important information
Bri et al. (2009)
Present only the essential and consistent information
Make provision for evaluation of usability
Implement fluent navigation
Low and O’Connell (2006)
5 Content
Include self-contained ‘chunks’ of educational material;
Provide content in accessible and compact formats, presented
in multiple ways
Low and O’Connell (2006), Sharma and
Kitchens (2004)
Provide facilities that accommodate communication and
collaboration within learning
Bri et al.(2009)
Ground the content in teaching and learning Botha, van Greunen and Herselman
(2010), Bri et al.(2009), Cheung (2009)
6 Context
Take cognizance of mobility levels, usage mode, time and place
of learning, budget, and network connectivity factors;
Botha et al. (2010), Oinas-Kukkonen and
Kurkela (2003)
Plan for in-situ learning associated with new, individual and
team skills with social interaction;
Parsons et al. (2006)
Incorporate a selection of screen and keyboard/touch options,
operating systems, device types, network configurations, and
student characteristics.
Botha et al. (2010)
7 VLEs
Ensure that the environment reflects academic vision and offers
relevant curriculum content, providing training and support for
staff and students
Cheung (2009)
Resolve copyright and intellectual property issues Levy (2003)
Rapidly provide value in a natural way via mobile services Bri et al. (2009), Oinas-Kukkonen and
Kurkela (2003)
Consider that digital technology has changed students’ views of
writing in the “old-fashioned” way. Current strategies differ
from “pencil and paper” lessons
Lai, Yang, Ho and Chant (2007), Pinkwart
et al. (2003)
Offer uniform access to a variety of information sources, e.g.
websites, glossaries, reading material, relevant YouTube
videos, other student opinions
Bri et al. (2009), Pinkwart et al. (2003)
8 Web 2.0 Tools
Extend the student’s classroom experience Ebner (2009)
Include Web 2.0 features e.g. podcasts, blogs, microblogs,
wikis, and social networking sites (SNSs)
Ebner (2009), Ebner and Schiefner (2008),
Lockyer and Patterson (2008), Minocha
and Thomas (2007), Safran (2008)
Emphasize the planning required for implementing social
networking applications within an online educational program
Lockyer and Patterson (2008)
Facilitate communication and collaboration via synchronous
technologies (chat rooms) and asynchronous interactivity
(forums and e-mail)
Jones (2010), MacCallum and Kinshuk
(2008), Minocha and Thomas (2007)
5.1 Evaluation Studies
The guidelines in Table 1 were used in generating
four versions of a mobile learning environment: m-
, m-LR
, m-LR
, and m-LR
, with a view to a
future version, m-LR
. These versions can thus be
considered applications of the guidelines.
Figure 1 in Section 3 showed the four sequential
evaluation studies – Evaluation Studies 1, 2, 3, and 4
– that were respectively implemented on the four
successive versions of m-LR. Participants in these
studies were experts who served as heuristic
evaluators and students who completed
questionnaires. A brief description is now provided
of each study, explaining its context and purpose.
However, the findings reported in the next section,
Section 6, focus exclusively on findings of the final
two studies, Evaluation Study 3 and Evaluation
Study 4, which impacted strongly on the evolution
of further guidelines.
Evaluation Study 1: As the study in 2010 that
evaluated the usability of the first version of m-LR, a
Moodle customised in an ad hoc manner, Study 1
uncovered usability challenges. Its purpose was to
evaluate m-LR
running on the researcher’s own
Blackberry 9700 smartphone device, and to produce
both quantitative and qualitative findings.
Participants were three experts for an HE and ten
students in a questionnaire survey, all drawn from a
single campus. Subsequent changes to m-LR
included redesign of:
Course content, providing information in chunks
for viewing on mobile devices;
Log-in features;
Quantity of information per page;
Formats of downloadable media and subject
Contents of the glossary.
Adjustments to the m-LR
version led to m-LR
Evaluation Study 2: This small-scale evaluation of
in 2011, was a pilot study for the major
Evaluation Study 3. Study 2 was implemented on a
single campus with only four students
(questionnaires) and one double expert (HE), As in
Study 1, each used the same Blackberry 9700
smartphone for their evaluation. Study 2 primarily
served to try out the research procedures, tasks,
instruments and evaluation processes, but did lead to
improvements in the:
Privilege levels of the blog;
Options offered by the glossary;
Look-and-feel facets such as font styles, size and
Open-ended requirements for the quiz.
The refinements resulted in m-LR
Evaluation Study 3: This study in 2011, was the
largest up to that point. Five HE experts, with their
own devices, and seventeen students from one
campus, using Blackberry 9700 smartphones,
evaluated m-LR
for usability and UX. Adjustments
and extensions resulted in the next version of m-LR,
namely m-LR
. Feedback called for new
functionalities or changes to:
The help functionality;
Built-in documentation;
Links and navigation mechanisms;
‘Breadcrumbs’, and thus navigability;
Compatibility of media such as video;
The range of device types, which needed to be
File size, aiming to reduce buffering issues;
Layout of goals and objectives of learning units;
Offline reading capability, required by users;
Access to social networking applications
A growing need for storage and collaborative
services via cloud technology such as Dropbox and
Google Drive became apparent. It was suggested
that the addition of these services would increase the
appeal of m-LR whilst facilitating communication
between teams of students doing collaborative
Evaluation Study 4: This final, and largest, 2012
study used m-LR
as input. Its feedback engendered
guidelines that, if applied, would produce a future
improved version, m-LR
. Five experts and 33
students from two different campuses completed
evaluations, proposing modifications to the:
Application design;
Specifications, as participants required
compatibility with several device types;
The user experience, which could be enhanced
by improving ease of use.
Despite the high number of participating
evaluators, only a few problems were reported,
indicating the success of the iterative evaluation and
redesign process.
5.2 Aspects of m-LR
Figures 2 illustrates learning aspects of m-LR such
as: topics and lessons; activities – chats, forums,
glossaries, online self-assessment quizzes, resources
Figure 2: Homepage for the 2012 Software Engineering
(content and media), and wikis. These features
provided team members with collaborative
opportunities, extending the classroom experience to
incorporate Internet links to course related websites.
Figure 3 presents a view of a student response to
a self-assessment quiz item, demonstrating
immediate feedback.
Figure 3: Self-assessment quiz with digital feedback.
Figure 4: Key software engineering terms stored
conveniently in a ‘mobile’ glossary – easily accessible via
mobile device.
A search for term ‘project manager’ in a software
engineering glossary is shown in Figure 4, where
‘Add a new entry’ indicates how students participate
in formulating the glossary.
5.3 Positive and Negative Feedback
Table 2 moves the overview away from the four
studies in Figure 1 and focuses on Evaluation
Studies 3 and 4, indicating the positive progress
made as m-LR evolved.
Table 2: Positive and negative feedback leading to the
synthesis of new guidelines.
Positives Negatives
Study 3
74 87 25
Study 4
132 90 18
In Evaluation Study 3, the number of negative
comments (87) exceeded the positives (74). In
Evaluation Study 4, there were more positive
comments (132) than negatives (90). This
occurrence, despite the fact that there were almost
twice as many evaluators in Study 4, suggests that
the adjustments made after Study 3 were effective.
In particular, qualitative analysis showed that the
number of problems identified in the Ease of Use
category, decreased from 33% of the negative
feedback in Evaluation Study 3 to 26% of the
negative feedback in Evaluation Study 4.
Furthermore, two additional categories are
singled out, namely: Strategy and Mobile
Specifications. For Evaluation Study 3 and
Evaluation Study 4, the Strategy category
contributed 14% and 22% respectively to the total
number of problems. Problems reported in the
Mobile Specifications theme increased from 7%
(Evaluation Study 3) to 22% (Evaluation Study 4).
The increase in reported problems in these two
categories can be ascribed to three factors: a
dynamically changing digital environment; greater
technical acuity of the participants; and a more
techno-savvy attitude to mobile technology design
As stated, the primary purpose of this paper is
not to serve as an evaluation study but to use
evaluation findings to derive generic design
guidelines. m-LR provided a platform requiring
evaluation, while the findings of the evaluations led,
in turn, new guidelines that are presented in the next
An overview of four iterative evaluations was
presented in Figure 1. Positive factors that emerged
from these evaluations affirm the original guidelines,
while yet other positive aspects, spontaneously
articulated by participants, suggest implicit strengths
that should be made explicit by new guidelines.
Similarly, problems that emanated from the
evaluations, suggest further required guidelines. If
the resulting new guidelines, particularly those that
come from qualitative findings, are consolidated into
a framework along with the original eight
synthesised from the literature, the result would be
sixteen themes of guidelines.
These new aspects are now addressed in detail,
as emergence of the original set of guidelines is
reviewed, and the evolution of the additional sets,
particularly from Studies 3 and 4, is set out.
6.1 Emergence of the Original
Theoretical Guidelines
Table 1, which presented an initial framework of
theoretical guidelines for the design and
development of m-learning environments, comprised
eight themes, namely: 1 Strategy; 2 Mobile
specifications; 3 User-centricity; 4 Ease of use; 5
Content; 6 Context; 7 Virtual learning eight themes,
Table 3: Guidelines emerging from findings of Evaluation Studies 3 and 4.
Guidelines Theme Guidelines
9 Devices
Use technology to enhance, rather than hinder,
learning experiences
Ensure compatibility with a range of devices
Support easy access
Consider the limitations of input mechanisms
Consider screen size when incorporating
13 Interactivity
Enable ‘on-the-fly’ communication with
Support visibility of other online students
Facilitate collaboration on group projects
Allow sharing of information
Include alternative forms of interactivity,
designed to suit user preferences
10 Assessment
Provide opportunities for self-assessment
Provide lecturer support for the correction of
errors in such self-assessment
Include multiple choice questions
Consider the possibility of short-answer
Locate quiz options with associated course
Incorporate rapid test feedback to support
students doing revision while on the move
Provide links to online material to facilitate
preparation of coursework assignments
Align assessment exercises with examination
14Visual Factors
Provide a simple and appealing layout
Design a look and feel that is user-centric
Implement suitable colour schemes
Make effective use of white space
Where possible and appropriate, enhance the
experience with suitable graphic content,
headings and font choices
Strengthen the visual experience, possibly
including some animation
When constructing a site, design for logical
page order
Create a professional learning environment
11 Efficiency
Ensure speedy loading of site and pages
Provide immediate responses for users
accessing features of the application
Achieve fast navigation between links
Aim for rapid content delivery
15 Innovation
Offer the user an environment which is
perceived as new and novel
Facilitate off-campus mobile learning
Deliver course content in a creative and novel
digital manner
12 Navigability
Facilitate easy and intuitive navigation
Ensure visibility of links
Support browsing – anytime and anywhere
16 Satisfaction
Create a match to user’s view of suitability
Embrace the user’s sense of excitement
Provide consistency with familiar applications
and interfaces to avoid user frustration
Focus on easy readability
Establish an easy-to-follow flow, starting with
an introduction and progressing logically to
module sections
Build a learning environment which offers
enjoyable user experiences
Ensure that functionalities operate correctly
namely: 1 Strategy; 2 Mobile specifications; 3 User-
centricity; 4 Ease of use; 5 Content; 6 Context; 7
Virtual learning environments; and 8 Web 2.0 tools.
These initial themes and guidelines were used in the
development of the first version, m-LR
, and also
contributed, along with findings of the series of
evaluations, to adjustments and improvements of
subsequent versions of the mobile learning
6.2 Guidelines from Evaluation Study 3
The evaluation of usability and UX of m-LR
Study 3 by 22 participants produced positive and
negative feedback, resulting in practical principles
and guidelines that led to the development of version
The positive results of the evaluation served two
purposes. Firstly, they affirmed the utility of the
initial framework of theoretical guidelines and,
secondly, the positive response that emerged for
aspects of m-LR that had been designed intuitively,
showed the need to concretise and formalise certain
implicit guidelines. Negative feedback and concerns
indicated inadequacies in the design and highlighted
the need for further guidelines. Thematic analysis of
qualitative data, positive and negative, confirmed
existing guidelines, while other evaluation findings
were converted to five new categories of guidelines,
namely: 9 Devices; 10 Assessment; 11 Efficiency; 12
Navigability; and 13 Interactivity, which are
elaborated in Table 3.
6.3 Guidelines from Evaluation Study 4
The evaluation of m-LR
was a major study, with 38
participants, namely five experts and 33 students
from cohorts on two campuses. Due to the
improvements implemented to m-LR
after Study 3,
the number of negative issues decreased, while
positive feedback increased, as shown in Table 2.
Moreover, negativity previously indicated by some
initial themes namely: Mobile Specifications; User-
centricity; and Ease of Use declined, probably due to
the strength of the version m-LR
, that had resulted
from Evaluation Study 3.
Only three new categories of guidelines resulted
from the findings of Evaluation Study 4, namely; 14
Visual Factors; 15 Innovation; and 16 Satisfaction.
Finally, suggestions emerged from Study 4 for
improvements to m-LR
that would result in a future
version m-LR
6.4 Evolution of Guidelines
and Extension to the Framework
The new categories of themes and design guidelines,
introduced in Sections 6.2 and 6.3, are listed in
Table 3. The original themes that re-emerged are not
included, since they are already in Table 1. This
table, which is the contribution that emerged from
practical empirical research, continues the evolution
of the framework of design guidelines.
6.5 Final Set of Guidelines
An integration of Tables 1 and 3 would constitute
the final and comprehensive set of guidelines in
sixteen categories for the design and development of
mobile learning environments. Such a merged table
of final guidelines, though valuable, would be
repetitive and, for the sake of space, is explicitly
omitted from this paper.
This study addressed the following research
Which guidelines should be included in a framework
for the design and development of m-learning
An aggregation of the themes and guidelines in
Tables 1 and 3, where theoretical sources from the
literature and practical empirical findings,
respectively, contributed to the synthesis of a final
set of guidelines, demonstrate that the research
question has been answered.
The goalposts moved over the duration of the
studies, and the target audiences became more
‘techno-savvy’! Although students were increasingly
satisfied with the successive versions, the later
feedback began to address sophisticated refinements.
It appeared that the users were expecting similar
functionality and features in a basic system designed
by an academic, to what is encountered in
commercial apps!
Rapid methods of evaluation, synthesis,
adaptation and evolution will depend on a
comprehensive and malleable set of design and
development guidelines for effectiveness.
Moreover, students who are mobile and on-the-
move expect fast and dynamic virtual learning
environments which demonstrate flexibility. The
evolution of the integrated multi-facetted set of
guidelines is in line with these requirements.
The perspectives of a variety of evaluators
(content and application developers, students,
lecturers, administrators, e-learning experts)
contributed to participative evaluation findings that
led to iterations of redevelopment of a successful
mobile learning application. The empirical findings
of this study show that the varying expertise and
idiosyncrasies of participants provided a broad
spectrum of issues and positive contributions. A
design and development strategy should
accommodate the viewpoints from each of these user
Due to the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature
of mobile technology, the task of formulating a set
of guidelines is unlikely to be complete. Hence the
framework synthesized in Tables 1 and 3, begs
augmentation over timelines and application within
other tertiary education contexts. Moreover, it is
likely that different device types will be brought to
the classroom.
The application of the guidelines will evolve
further as capabilities and affordances of new
technologies are accommodated. Furthermore, it is
acknowledged that the current framework is lengthy
due to its comprehensive nature. Synthesis of the
categories into a tighter framework could facilitate
practical application. Finally in transferring the
application of the guidelines to other mobile
environments, they can be reduced and customized
to the context and content.
Whereas literature sources may provide an initial
foundational set of guidelines based on theoretical
underpinnings, this study demonstrates that
empirical findings based on participative user-
centric designs can extend and enrich a framework
of design guidelines.
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