Using Activity Diagrams and DEMO to Capture Relevant Measures
in an Organizational Control
A Case Study on Remote Assistance Service
António Gonçalves
, Pedro Sousa
and Anacleto Correia
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Universidade Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Keywords: Activity Theory, DEMO, GOD, Collaborative Work, Dynamic Work, Enterprise Ontology.
Abstract: This paper makes a proposal how to find dysfunctions in the operation of an organization. For that it uses
relevant work done in DEMO (Dynamic Essential Modelling of Organizations approach) and as a novelty it
introduces some of the Activity Theory concepts such as the contradiction concept.
The DEMO method to construct an organization´s control is named GOD (Generation, Operationalization &
Discontinuation). The GOD method aims at the diagnosis of the organization’s dysfunction, i.e., deviations
from what is the expected operation, and also prepares the organization for an adequate response to such
dysfunctions, so that it can continue to work. Dysfunctions are found by the declaration of control rules (i.e.,
norms) of some organization measures and monitoring feasible values for that rules. For example a measure
could be the “income per month” of the organization, a norm could be “min income per month” and viability
value could be “higher than 5000 Euros”.
Notwithstanding the existing of GOD, it is not clear how to choose the proper measures, norms and the
control values and how to relate them with operation of organization. To solve this challenge we propose to
use Activity Theory concepts such as contradictions to propose a method to choose and monitor useful
measures, norms and viability values. We will use the proposed solution via a real case study of a service
(e.g., that allows someone to provide a remote assistance to another person by using a
mobile phone.
Current DEMO (Dietz, 2006) organization´s control
models, such as GOD (Aveiro, 2010) are
focused on the development of a DEMO extension
that defines the exception handling function
perspective of an organization, based in a continuous
updated model of organization reality (Aveiro et al.,
This research considers how can we introduce
the Activity Theory´s contradictions (Engeström and
Sannino, 2010) (Engeström et al., 1997) in GOD, so
that relevant organization’s dysfunction can be
caught taking into consideration the address the
following characteristics of human activities:
concurrent; interleaved; ambiguity and multiplicity
(i.e. perform activities in a diversity of ways).
This proposal is a contribution specifically linked
to GOD. Our research effort is to introduce in GOD
the Activity Theory´s contradictions to improve the
finding of organization measures that should be
monitored to find the organization´s dysfunctions.
Contradiction is a relevant Activity Theory concept
(Engeström et al., 1997). Contradiction can be
regarded as structural tensions over time within the
organization (i.e., elements of an activity) and
between activities that generate problems, failures
and conflicts that result in break down, but at the
same time become the capacity of an activity to
develop it-self.
The purpose of GOD is to manage the allowed
states for certain norms of an organization, which
guarantee its viability. The organization´s control
model keeps a record of all norms of an organization
and corresponding measured values so that the
organization works in the proper way.
The observation of the norms’ values is made by
DEMO transactions that serve as control role. When
Gonçalves A., Sousa P. and Correia A..
Using Activity Diagrams and DEMO to Capture Relevant Measures in an Organizational Control - A Case Study on Remote Assistance Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0004878003030310
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 303-310
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the observation of a transaction norm is faced with
an unaccepted norm´s value, we call it a dysfunction
in that norm. As a cause of such dysfunction there is
a need to diagnose an exception and a way to solve
the dysfunction (i.e. resilience strategy). It is not
always possible to solve dysfunctions. In that case
the organization has to start an Organizational
Engineering Process (OEP) to find the new
exception happening and generate and operationalize
the necessary organization artefacts to solve the
dysfunction caused by it.
It appears that at present, there is a lack of a
methodology that addresses how to choose the
norms and how to find an exception. Traditionally
several researchers have addressed these exception
issues, and they recognize that organizations have
keep on solving them continuously. The traditional
solutions keep information about exceptions and
how to solve them. This avoids the expenditure of an
added effort in handling the continuous treatment of
the same kind of exceptions (Antunes and Mourão,
2011) (Aveiro, 2010).
This document is structured as follows: Section 2
and 3 presents the theoretical foundations of our
work. Section 4 presents the proposed method.
Section 5 presents a case study that is used to
validate the solution. Lastly, section 6 approaches
the problems encountered, conclusions and future
DEMO methodology (Dietz, 2006) provides a
description of an organization through an
ontological model, which emphasizes the description
of the core business. DEMO is based on Ψ theory
(Dietz, 2006) that states that people, via their social
exchanges, are bound in commitments relating to
actions to be taken and approve on the results of
these actions (Dietz, 2003).
DEMO comprises ontology acts, which are
defined as acts in which new original things are
effect. There are two kinds of acts, production acts
and coordination acts. By performing coordination
acts, people establish mutual commitments about
production acts. The Production acts contribute to
achieve the organization´s purpose.
In DEMO the coordination and production acts
are related to each other by means of the pattern
referred as transaction. A transaction is organized in
three phases: (i) in the Order-phase, an actor (i.e.
initiator) makes a product request to other actor (i.e.
executor) and the executor actor makes a
commitment that will deliver the requested product;
(ii) in the Execution-phase the executor makes the
product and, (iii) in the Result-phase the executor
actor presents the initiator actor with the product
manufactured and the initiator accept the product.
Each phase represents a number of communicative
acts or interactions between actors. An organization
can be described as a collection of transactions
linked together in different phases.
2.1 GOD Organization Control
Aveiro developed GOD, a DEMO organizational
control model that manages the aspects of
organization changes, as a result of treatment of
exceptions. To this end, Aveiro proposed the use of
a resilience strategy and microgenesis as a
mechanism to deal with new kind of exceptions. In
short, Aveiro proposes that organizations should
explicitly design and deploy their organization´s
control with mechanism of resilience and
microgenesis dynamics.
Figure 1 presents the control object´s fact
diagram that is part of state diagram of DEMO
control model of an organization proposed by
Figure 1: GOD Control Object Facts (Aveiro 2010).
It describes the conceptual model of allowable state
space and can be used to capture the history of
organization change. State model defines the main
relations between objects and relevant facts that
should be recorded in an organization such as: a
dysfunction was observed (F1) and a dysfunction
was fixed (F2). The F3 is a fact that records the
discovering of the exceptions that causes the
dysfunction. The solution of a dysfunction consists
in discovering the right strategy (F4) that should be
used to resolve the exception and finally applying
the strategy (F5). When it is not possible to identify
the type of the exception, it is considered that we are
dealing with an unexpected exception (i.e., a new
one) and an organization engineering process has to
be started (F6) as part of microgenesis dynamics.
Activity Theory describes people´s work in
organizations as a social, cooperative and collective
task (Kaptelinin and Nardi, 2012). The collective
activity is linked to the shared object (purpose) of
the activity and the subjects (i.e., person or group)
performing it, of which the community members
(i.e. person) are not often conscious. The concept of
the object of the activity is grounded under the
activity concept in the sense that there is no activity
without an object and that individual work can be
merged into collective activity through the use of
communication and coordination instruments.
An activity produces outcomes and is performed
through a division of work composed of actions,
which are performed through operations. Actions are
temporary, have a clearly defined beginning and an
end and are linked to specific targets or goals.
Operations are performed in an automatic,
unconscious fashion and some times are not clearly
related to goals. Operations depend on the
conditions in which actions are performed (e.g., if
someone needs to make a call he or she can use a
phone or can use an email, depending on what the
person has disposable in that moment).
Engeström, departed from the theoretical basis of
Activity theory, proposes a triangular activity
diagram that includes various components. An
example of activity diagram is present in Figure 2.
Vo l l e y
aspirant ask to be a member
administrator receive and send
secretary control the admittance
#members (Volley)
= <
MAX number of
member > #MIN
email; phone
Vo l l e y
Figure 2: Activity Diagram of Volley Tennis club.
This diagrams describes the activity of a person in
order to become a member of a tennis club named
Volley as described in Dietz book (Dietz, 2006)
pages (15-32).
The Triangular Activity Diagram suggests the
possibility of multiple relationships within the
triangular structure activity and between activities,
linked in a system. However, the main task is always
to understand the entire context rather than their
separate connections, since work cannot be
understood or analysed outside the context in which
it occurs.
3.1 Contradictions
According to the Activity theory, contradictions
should be provided as tensions or imbalances
manifested by failures, problems or errors. We can
detect the manifestation of contradiction by
analysing the people´s work and speech in an
organization (Engeström and Sannino, 2011),
expressed in the actions and operations performed
by a person within an activity.
Contradictions can be analysed from an isolated
element or between the elements that constitute the
triangular activity diagram or from the relations
between elements of an activity.
It can be typified as being the first, second, third
and fourth type (Figure 3).
1 First order contradiction
2 Second order contradiction
3 Third order contradiction
4 Fourth order contradiction
Figure 3: Types of activity contradictions.
The first order contradictions correspond to
problems found in an internal element of a given
activity. It occurs when one can isolate the
manifestation of the occurred contradiction,
diagnosing that it is due to a particular element of
the Activity.
The second order contradictions occur because
the problem cannot be isolated and are related to the
interaction between two or more elements of the
activity. They are between the corners of the triangle
and occur between the components of the activity
The third order contradictions arise when
conflicts can limit the development of the current
activity in relation to a hypothetical activity, which
is culturally more developed.
Finally, the fourth order contradictions occur
between the central activity system and the
surrounding activity systems on the systems network
and emerge from interaction of the central activity
with peripheral activities. Most of the tensions occur
in this situation, where usually a given activity is
dependent on a result constructed by another.
Table 2 presents examples of contradiction that
can be found when analysing activity diagram
described in Figure 2.
Table 1: Kinds of contradictions.
1º ORDER When the member aspirant has some
doubts about the use of volley club
service and the price that he is going to
pay or if he use the volley club to
practice some sports or to other
purpose such as business networking.
2º ORDER When admitter has difficult to use the
email tool to send or receive
information from / to the member
3º ORDER When they want to change the service,
for example to support volley training
to younger members.
4º ORDER If for example the activity that manager
the volley field decide to change the
king of field used it can impact with the
member. Some may decide to leave and
new ones can joint.
The research methodology used in this work is
Design Research (Hevner et al., 2004), which we
consider to involve: (i) construction and (ii)
evaluation. We understand construction as a process
marked by creativity, since it presupposes the
creation of new artefacts, based on realization and
implementation models of an organization. We
comprehend evaluation as a continuous process of
testing the usefulness of the artefact. For that we use
qualitative and quantitative methods as a way to
measure the effectiveness and impact of the artefact
preferably in real life case studies.
From the viewpoint of ontological, realization
and implementation models of an organization, we
follow the proposal made by Dietz (Dietz, 2006)
(e.g. mainly theorem of the organization and the
distinction axiom in the Ψ theory) where the
ontological model keeps apart all realization and
implementation issues.
However the realization and implementation are
bound to the ontological model. The realization
starts with the business aspects of an organization
(i.e., the ontological model) and comprises the
detailed integration, through the layered nesting, of
information and document necessaries to operation
of organization (Dietz, 2006).
According to our proposal, from the
implementation of an organization we can analyse
activity´s contradictions as a basis to find useful
measures, viability norms and dysfunctions. Our
position is that the organization implementation is a
result of an engineering process that can be analysed
as a system of activities. This system can be used to
understand technology (i.e., people, rules, division of
work and tools) that is part of organization
implementation. For that we propose a DEMO model
to capture the essential structure of activities from
the ontological organization model.
To achieve that we redefine the concept of
activity, as “an activity is the minimum unit for
understanding the context of people´s work practices
in an organization. In an activity, people act on an
object, with competence and authority. The object is
transformed so as to attain a result of production,
which is designated activity output”.
The construct model of the proposed solution is
stated in figure 4.
Ac) vity
Recogni) on
Ac) vity
observati on
Activity Orientation Activities Articulation
Ar) cula) on
Ac) vity&
Contradic) on
Recogni) on
Contr adi cti on Detecti on
Recogni) on
Metri c Managment
Figure 4: Proposed solution.
The model is composed of five transactions: T01 to
T05 and the corresponding actors: A01 to A05. The
actor role A01 has the responsibility to recognize all
the transactions of the organization and map each
activity. We start from the definition of an activity.
This is a working unit with one objective: People
involved organize their way of working in order to
achieve the goal of the activity.
The actor A01 has the responsibility to capture
activities. Even though there are several methods,
none is sufficiently clear in the way that activities
can be obtained. Therefore we propose transaction
T01, as a novel way to apprehend activities from an
ontological model of an organization. We take
advantage of some overlapping concepts between the
DEMO and Activity theory that helps to delimit the
identification of scope of organization activities
through DEMO Model. The main idea is to use
DEMO to find useful activities, being clear that
Activity Theory was not a DEMO substitute.
The actor A02 has the responsibility to capture
detail of each activity, i.e. he/she identifies the
elements of an activity, such as: actions, operations,
subject, tools and business and social rules. This task
is an iterative one. It continuously tries to capture
missing or changing elements. The actions aim at the
planned goals, and required resources must be taking
into account in the environment as well as their
affordances and constraints. These
physical executions of actions are named operations,
and they must be comprehended by
the conditions given at the moment of execution.
We use The DEMO concepts of phase and steps
to help us to capture and structure activity actions
and operations. We proposed that an activity has
three main phases that correspond to the three phases
of a transaction (Order-phase, Execution-phase and
Deliver-phase). Each phase has a unique step with a
well-defined goal. We link each goal action to step;
therefore, the goal of an action is to fulfil the step.
The operations represent the task that we do to
achieve the action.
The actor A03 has the responsibility of
identifying relationships between activities, notably
it defines the different types of articulations
considered to relate the activities. To connect the
activities we contemplated two types of
interconnections that represent two types of
relationships between activities. They are: (i) a
sequential relation and an (ii) inclusion relation.
When activities have a sequential relationship, it
means that the result of an activity is the object of
another activity. In this case there is a temporal
relationship between the first and the second activity
and the second can only happen after the first
produces its result.
4.1 Introduction Contradictions in the
Organization Control Model
The introduction of activity in organizational
control is done through contradictions discovered in
transaction T04. The result of the contradictions
discovery leads to identify the metrics that should be
monitored, as well as the feasibility of these rules.
This work is done by transaction T05 and executed
by actor A05.
The Activity´s contradictions will be discovered
by analysing its set of elements. We propose the use
of three sets of relations between the following
elements of a single activity: subject/tools,
subject/object and norms/object. Each set will be
associated to a metric mentioned below:
(1) Metric between subject and tools. These metric
measures the contradictions that express the
misalignment between tools and subjects to
access the object of activity. It also express the
support of execution of actions and operations
(for example, what is the tool that is used to
access the updated list of the organization's
products, and what people think it is his
(2) Metric between subject and object. It measures
misalignment between the subject and the object
of an activity by counting the cancelation of
coordination acts. It is computed by calculating
the cancellation of promise acts and the
cancellation of delivery acts;
(3) Metric between norms and subject, will measure
the feasibility of achieving the result of the
activity. This metric is the type usually
associated to the business objectives (e.g. total
revenue per month minimum activity will be
5,000 Euros).
Figure 5 presents the proposed the new
Organization Object Fact Diagram for organizational
control. This model integrates the contradiction
measures into organizational control.
Figure 5: Introduction contradiction in control model.
We exemplify our method by using it in the analysis
of a service named True-Kare. The main purpose of
the True-Kare service is to facilitate the support
given by the family or institutions to the elder person
with some level of dependency. The service has two
main steps: (i) the purchase of mobile equipment
and, (ii) the service subscription, after the purchase
of the equipment. To purchase the equipment a
customer has to fill out a purchase form in the True-
Kare portal, and provide personal information, such
as the equipment delivery address and billing
information. When the customer receives the
equipment, he must activate the service by
introducing in the True-Kare portal the identification
code that comes with the equipment he received.
Once the service is activated, the customer can
benefit from the service and has to pay a monthly
value to continue using it.
The starting point is the Ontological Model of the
organization, which was built using the DEMO
methodology. Figure 6 provides a general view of
Figure 6: Construction Model of True-kare.
T1 (Equipment Order) and T2 (Equipment Payment).
Both transactions involve the actors A1 (Client) and
A2 (Organization). Transaction T1 is initiated by
actor A1 and executed by actor A2 (i.e. the
equipment Order transaction is initiated by the Client
and executed by the Organization). Conversely,
transaction T2 is initiated by actor A2 and executed
by actor A1 (i.e. the Equipment Payment transaction
is initiated by the Organization and executed by the
5.1 Discovery Activity Elements
The agenda of actor A01 is to capture the relevant
Activities of the services offered by TRUE-KARE.
The DEMO Constructed model is analysed and for
transaction an activity is created. The one to one
mapping between transactions and activities is
justified because of the redefinition of the concept of
activity presented in section 4. Table 2 presents the
Activities of our case.
Ser vi ce St ar t
Service is star ted
True-kare manager
Service Manager
True-Kare Portal
Service Profile
Equipment is payed
True-kare Portal
Price List
Equipment Order
Equipment is or dered
True-Kare Portal
Ser vi ce Execut i on
Ser vice i s execut ed
Service manager
True-Kare Portal
mobile phone
Table Agremment
Service is payed
Service Manager
Tabl e
Equipment payed
Ser vi ce E nd
Service is Ended
Service Manager
Treu-Kare Portal
AT- 04
Figure 7: Activity System of True-Kare Service.
Table 2: Activities.
Activity Name Output
AT-01 Equipment
CLIENT has order
AT-02 Equipment
CLIENT has paid
AT-03 Service Star
AT-04 Service En
AT-05 Service Pa
AT-06 Service
CLIENT has used
After identifying the significant activities, we
have to recognize the elements of each activity:
subjects, tools, rules, community and division of
work. Figure 7 presents the elements found for each
activity, as the result of work done actor role A02
(see Figure 4).
Actor role A03 has the responsibility to articulate
the activities. Following articulations are proposed:
1. AT-01 /AT-03: sequential relationship. It means
that to start a service client has first to order
2. AT-03 /AT-06: sequential relationship. It means
that after the start of service, The client can use
the service offered by TRUE-KARE;
3. AT-05 /AT-06: inclusion relationship. It means
that for using the service the client has to pay
for it;
4. AT-06 /AT-04: sequential relationship. It means
that during the execution of service the client
can end it;
5. AT-02 /AT-01: inclusion relationship. It means
that the equipment order, depend of the payer of
equipment, i.e., client has to pay for the
equipment before he/she can get it.
Figure 7 presents the articulation between the
activities, as the result of work done by actor A02.
5.2 Introduction Contradictions in the
Organization Control Model
During the analysis of activities we have identified
different types of contradictions. Following proposal
presented in section 4.1, contradictions are grouped
into several kind of norms: competence (which is
measured in accordance with the capacity of the
subject and the object of activity), tools (where it is
analysed the mediation of subject and object through
the use of tools) and finally tensions related to the
objective of the activity (which is measured by the
ratio of the rules with the purpose of the activity).
Table 3 summarizes some of the manifestations of
contradictions revealed while analysing the
Table 3: Contradictions analysis.
# AT Contradiction Description
AT01 Subject
AT01 Ruleobject Contradictionbetween
AT01 Subjecttool Contradictionbetween
The contradictions analysed in Table 3 propose
rules and feasibility control of those rules in order to
monitor the operation of the organization. Some of
these are presented in Table 4.
Table 4: Proposed feasibility control rules.
# Measure Feasibility Rule
C1 M01
C1 M02
C2 M03
C2 M04
C3 M05
This article discusses how to use activity diagrams
to identify different tensions within and
contradictions between activities performed by
people in the organization. The use of activity
diagrams is a benefit, due to the fact that it allows
the evaluation of individual and collaborative work,
i.e., we can examine the individual task performed
by people who contribute to the achievement of the
results of collective activity. It also permits to
introduce a way to understand the dynamics change
of the organization.
The use of DEMO helps to delimit the area of
operation of an organization, through the concepts of
components, environment and structure, presented in
the DEMO models. It allows the mapping of
transactions into activities. After capturing the
Activities Diagrams from DEMO models, we use
them to analyse manifestations of contradictions
present when analysing organizations. We focus
mainly in the 1º order and 2º order types of
contradictions, namely the contradictions between
elements of an activity, and then we are able to
identify the one element that is the cause of the
The previous results were used to observe the
activities and capture the type of rules that should be
tracked down in the GOD organization´s control.
The type of rules relates to people´s capability, tools
capability and the feasibility of the organization
rules. The capability of people requires the
continuous monitoring of people´s commitments and
their mapping with organization objectives. Tools
capability measures the misalignment between what
people expect from the tools and what they provide.
This is a fundamental issue in the pursuit of
improving tools for increasing business value.
Finally organization rules feasibility measures
alignment between business and people in the sense
that people are able to fulfil the outcome of an
activity with the existing business rules.
The use of the DEMO methodology and the
GOD model had a major relevance in the
enhancement of the feasibility of the True-Kare
services because it established a common
understanding of the essential business’ services
between the different kinds of people.
A future line of research is to improve the
method of identification of organization’s activities
through The DEMO Models, eventually by the
substitution of all activities analysis with an
extension of GOD model and finding feasibility
control rules with an ICT support so that valuable
information to decide on aspects of viability is easy
available to the organization.
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