In this study, we have tested the use of typicality de-
grees measure the relevance of physiological signals
to model users’ affective states. We considered typ-
icality as per cognitive and psychology principles of
categorization to discover pertinent psychophysiolog-
ical relations. We showed how this framework is a
powerful characterization tool.
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extract key psychophysiological characteristics for
modeling real-life affective systems. Our experimen-
tal results revealed that Electrodermal activity (EDA)
measure is very powerful in characterizing all the
users’ states. When considering a player’s affective
states, we found that heart rate is less relevant than
EDA, but is critical to distinguish a state of comfort
from a state of frustration. On the contrary, the char-
acterization power of respiration recordings (RR) was
low. Thus, in relation to affective gaming, our results
show that it is possible to gain information from phys-
iological signals considering the optimal state of sat-
isfaction of a player.
However, still much is to be done before getting
access to the structure of the player’s emotional pro-
cesses. In particular, to consider multi-modal fusion
of measures such as audio-visual and various physio-
logical measures.
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