Urban Scale Dissemination in Mobile Pervasive Computing
Alistair Morris, M
elanie Bouroche and Vinny Cahill
Distributed Systems Group, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
The unprecedented urban growth (Capello, 2013) has
become a main issue characterising the 21st Century.
This growth has created new problems and exacer-
bated others. Urban sprawl, air pollution, traffic bot-
tlenecks, insufficient infrastructure form just small
subset of problems potentially remedied through the
collection of context data at an urban scale. This con-
text data enables the realisation of better decisions,
improved service delivery and greater accountability
through greater transparency.
To fully realise this concept and thus the po-
tential of Smart Cities the comprehension of facts
(Paskaleva, 2009) and thus context-awareness, de-
fined as the ability to provide services with full aware-
ness of current execution environment, remains fun-
damental to the building of modern mobile and ubiq-
uitous systems. Several research efforts have pre-
viously devoted themselves to attempting to trans-
parently implement the features required by context-
aware applications including production, processing,
storage, and distribution of context data. This allows
the deployment of context-aware services in mobile
ubiquitous computing environments.
Context distribution, defined as how we gather and
deliver relevant context about the environment to all
interested entities connected to the mobile ubiquitous
middleware, remains an unsolved problem and con-
tinues to emerge as a fundamental research area where
existing approaches do not scale. The presence of
non-negligible overhead hinders both the scalability
and reliability of a middleware (Corradi et al., 2010).
Detailing our arguments, this paper has the fol-
lowing structure: Initially we outline the Stage of re-
search and an Outline of objectives. Following this we
define the Research Problem and how we determine
this through conducting a review of Existing Work. Fi-
nally we propose the Methodology that we will apply
to test the Hypothesis and comment on what Future
Work remains.
Research at present considers how we deliver context
data. Even if a range of solutions exist, it becomes
possible to compare the suitability of each particu-
lar deployment scenario. For instance, in an ad-hoc
network deployment, flooding/gossip-based protocols
become more suitable where a lack of structured dis-
semination overlay ensures adaptability.
At present we remain focused in the process of ex-
tensively evaluating the main approaches that dissem-
inate context data. We hope to discover and define
the main benefits and shortcomings of these. This be-
comes crucial when determining the scalability of any
context-aware application. Our principle research fo-
cus remains on how this affects context provisioning
to mobile pervasive devices in urban scale environ-
Differing from already existing work, our research
focuses on context data distribution to deeply study
the main requirements, implementation primitives,
and identify the main research challenges.
A gap in research exists that hinders the realisation of
context-aware distribution in the wide-area wireless
networks that span the Smart City. We see that past
research has mainly focused on small-scale deploy-
ments, often limited to homes and commercial build-
ings, where context data distribution has affordable
run-time overhead. As a consequence, previous re-
search work has mainly addressed local middleware
issues in order to support context provisioning to sup-
ported applications. These approaches have also used
simple and centralised approaches to implement the
distribution process. Such approaches remain poorly
suited for the scalable middleware required in the
Smart City.
In addition, context data distribution involves dif-
ferent protocol layers (from OSI network to appli-
cation layer), and covers various emerging research
Morris A., Bouroche M. and Cahill V. (2014).
Urban Scale Dissemination in Mobile Pervasive Computing Environments.
In Doctoral Consortium, pages 18-22
fields, including traditional (infrastructure) mo-
bile ubiquitous systems, Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks
(MANET), Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANET),
and Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) (Conti and Gior-
dano, 2007). As different network and middle-
ware deployments influence context provisioning ad-
ditional research remains a requirement as we do not
yet fully understand how they influence and limit the
scalability of context data distribution in the Smart
Context data distribution, namely the gathering and
delivery of relevant context data to all interested en-
tities connected in the mobile ubiquitous middleware,
has emerged as a new research area in context-aware
systems (Baldauf et al., 2007). In fact, context data
distribution remains significant from both the per-
spective of the application and the middleware in the
Smart City. Service adaptation becomes triggered by
received context data: hence, the timely delivery of
context data enables services that promptly adapt to
the current execution context.
The middleware also has to transparently man-
age and route huge amounts of time sensitive context
data to mobile nodes: especially in wide-area mobile
networks, that can lead to non-negligible overhead,
thus hindering both system scalability and reliabil-
ity. Seminal surveys already argue the significance
of context data distribution in context-aware middle-
ware. (Baldauf et al., 2007) (Sinderen et al., 2006).
Dissemination enables data flow from the source to
the sinks of the context data. Dissemination solutions
belong to three different categories: flooding-based,
overlay-based, and gossip-based.
The first two categories form deterministic ap-
proaches where a sink receives matching context data
produced by sources belonging to the same context
data distribution method. The last category takes the
form of a probabilistic approach meaning that a sink
has a likelihood to miss some matching data. Systems
adopting a hybrid approach that mixes these three
main dissemination solutions also exist. We present
examples of the use of these context data dissemina-
tion methods by citing well known systems.
5.1 Flooding-based
Flooding-based algorithms realise context data dis-
semination via flooding operations. Here each node
broadcasts known context data across the entire net-
work. This means that receiver nodes must locally se-
lect context data as required. For instance, Adaptive
Traffic Lights exchanges those context data useful to
co-ordinate red/yellow/green timings with vehicles at
an intersection (Gradinescu et al., 2007). HiBOp and
CAR floods neighbours with data useful for the main-
tenance of the DTN routing infrastructure (Boldrini et
al., 2007) (Musolesi and Mascolo, 2009). In MANIP,
each data comes with a physical locality tag that lim-
its the physical locality where data becomes flooded
(Macedo et al., 2009).
5.2 Overlay-based
Overlay-based algorithms build dissemination “back-
bones” in a deterministic manner by using context
data subscriptions. This causes all data dissemination
to take place over a networked overlay.
To build the overlay nodes must exchange con-
trol information and this introduces overhead through
the additional communication that must take place.
Overlay-based approaches offer two visibility scopes
to each subscription for scalability: system wide
scope and limited scope. In network wide scope, the
dissemination process ensures that each subscription
remains visible to the whole network causing the re-
trieval of matching data to always remains possible.
With limited scope, the dissemination process limits
subscription visibility to a subset of nodes; unfortu-
nately this means that there exists a possibility that
the method will not find the entire set of matching
context data.
The COPAL middleware employs centralised bro-
kers in which all subscriptions have network-wide
visibility scopes (Li et al., 2010). CMF similarly
uses distributed brokers that coordinate to supply
data to mobile nodes according to specific require-
ments (Kranenburg et al., 2006). Pervaho uses a
Location-based modification of the Publish/Subscribe
(LPSS) paradigm by imposing location-based con-
straints: each publication and each subscription has a
visibility scope, and the delivery of published context
data to an active subscription only occurs if publisher
and subscriber lie in the intersection of these two
scopes (Eugster et al., 2009). Thus, Pervaho performs
context-/location-based filtering to limit the amount
of events received. Here the adopted network layer
ensures that subscriptions have network wide visibil-
ity scopes. Finally, MobiSoC and MiddleWhere use
overlay-based methods to disseminate context data to
mobile nodes; at the same time, central servers pro-
vide network-wide visibility to context subscriptions
(Grupta et al., 2009).
We see a limited scope approach in EgoSpaces
that introduces a overlay-based approach based on
agents (Julien and Roman, 2006). Each agent oper-
ates over multiple views that includes context data
associated with hosts/agents in the physical local-
ity. Each view imposes constraints on contained
data/resources meta-data as each view spans close
neighbours. This leads to a limited visibility scope ap-
proach. Habit realises data dissemination in a limited
scope overlay-based manner by exploiting the phys-
ical proximity of nodes and the social relationships
of users (Mashhadi et al., 2009). It uses a regular-
ity graph that keeps trace of when and how often two
nodes communicate, and an interest graph that keeps
trace of nodes interests, to build dissemination paths.
Mobile Gaia groups nodes into clusters, and it uses
an event service to disseminate context data: because
every cluster has its own event service, the final ap-
proach remains overlay-based with limited visibility
scope (Chetan et al., 2005).
5.3 Gossip-based
Gossip-based algorithms disseminate data in a prob-
abilistic manner by requiring each node to resend the
context data to a random set of neighbours. These
approaches suit fast-changing and unstable networks,
such as MANETs (Friedman et al., 2007) as they do
not attempt to construct and maintain complex rout-
ing infrastructure. Gossip-based protocols fall into
two board categories: context-oblivious and context-
aware approaches (Friedman et al., 2009).
Context-oblivious protocols use random re-
transmission probabilities. This means that no ex-
ternal context information becomes used to tailor
their operation. These include pure probabilistic gos-
sip techniques that simply resend each received data
with a re-transmission probability that differs for each
neighbour node and depends either on the local node
density or on neighbourhood information. No heavy
computation becomes necessary on traversed nodes as
the protocol selects nodes randomly. Unfortunately
this does not guarantee performance or scalability;
such protocols waste networking resources through
the gossiping of data unnecessarily.
Context-aware protocols select neighbouring
nodes for gossiping context data by using some
form of external context data. For instance, some
approaches use node distance to position context
data replicas; other approaches use social simi-
larity, for example the membership of a group, to
select the nodes for gossiping data to. Put simply,
context-aware approaches minimises the amount of
uselessly gossiped context data but they require more
co-ordination to exchange the context data used to
make gossiping decisions. For example, HiBOp and
CAR exploit context-awareness for message routing
purpose: above all, to select the best forwarder during
message routing (Boldrini et al., 2007) (Musolesi and
Mascolo, 2009).
5.4 Hybrid-based
Finally, hybrid approaches have become popular. Ac-
tive Highways collects context data flooded from sen-
sors local/remote to the vehicles, and relies upon fixed
servers to assist travelling vehicles; a overlay-based
approach with limited visibility scopes disseminates
data to servers (Iftode et al., 2008). Similarly, HiCon
exploits direct sensor access to produce data, and a
overlay-based approach to disseminate context data
by imposing locality scope (Cho et al., 2008). Finally,
in MobEyes, data becomes acquired either through
deployed sensor hardware or by other vehicles dur-
ing contacts: vehicles in proximity exchange data by
using a flooding-based approach where each vehicle
broadcasts context data either locally sensed or re-
ceived by other vehicles according to the system con-
figuration (Lee et al., 2006).
5.5 Conclusive Overview
Flooding-based and gossip-based methods do not
present good candidates for our pervasive Smart City
scenario: it appears neither can achieve both scalabil-
ity and reliability for context data delivery. Overlay-
based methods present an appealing approach but in a
pervasive mobile heterogeneous environment it lacks
feasibility where we must always rebuild dissemi-
nation backbones as the network exhibits mobility.
Hence we look closer at the hybrid based approach
where flooding/overlay-based context data dissemi-
nation methods enable the delivery of control mes-
sages. With this an urban-scalable overlay-based con-
text data approach becomes possible.
The NS3 network simulator will enable the examina-
tion of performance for each of the hybrid context
data dissemination protocols. NS-3 has become re-
graded as an efficient and scalable simulator (Chau-
dray et al., 2012). This makes it possible to model
the large heterogeneous networks encountered in the
Smart City. Therefore we aim to investigate perfor-
mance using mobility models deployed at the IP layer
with nodes densities that vary.
The simulation of mobility at the IP layer infers
the non-availability of end-points and the variation of
latency. We concentrate on two performance metrics
in particular Delivery Ratio and Dissemination Over-
head. This enables us to determine how mobility af-
fects performance and thus scalability.
We define respectively the Delivery Ratio as the
received context data packets divided by context
packets sent by the application and Dissemination
Overhead as the fraction of context data used by the
protocol for the dissemination of control messages.
Similar research efforts have previously employed
Delivery Ratio as a benchmark for efficiency (Tsiri-
gos and Haas, 2004) (Peng and Lu, 2000). Similarly
previous work also shows Dissemination Overhead
can provide an effect indicator (Dubois-Ferriere et al.,
2004) (Zhao et al., 2006).
To model a realistic Smart City scenario node den-
sities should exceed 10,000 nodes with the aim to sim-
ulate a context data dissemination network that has a
size comparable to 1% of the population of city of 1
million citizens. This will test the scalability and per-
formance of the context data dissemination method
and, importantly, the simulator itself.
We hypothesise that hybrid solutions that use differ-
ent dissemination algorithms together ensures better
performance and therefore scalability. For instance,
when overlay-based and flooding/gossip-based meth-
ods become used at the same time: while the
overlay-based approach ensures context access, flood-
ing/gossip based approaches can disseminate data in
a probabilistic manner thus reducing context access
time and increasing reliability.
Overall flooding-based and gossip-based algo-
rithms appear promising in their performance and
thus their scalability. Even if flooding-based meth-
ods have scalability issues, flooding remains scalable
if constrained by scope.
Gossip-based approaches improve scalability by
reducing the delivery guarantees. In contrast to
context-oblivious approaches that waste networking
resources, context-aware gossip-based protocols rep-
resent a more efficient way of building a context
data dissemination overlay. For example, HiBOp and
Habit uses social relationships as good hints to drive
gossip decisions (Boldrini et al., 2007) (Mashhadi et
al., 2009). Also, CAR demonstrates that the utili-
sation of low-level time context information, contact
frequency in particular, produces viable results (Mu-
solesi and Mascolo, 2009).
Toward the main goal of realising how middleware
might adapt different context data dissemination algo-
rithms at run-time to foster greater performance and
urban scalability, additional research remains planned
that aims to define attributes that:
Drives the selection of the proper context data dis-
semination algorithms at the run-time
Enable the adaption of the run-time behaviour
for a specific context dissemination algorithm to
maximise performance and thus scalability
These attributes represent contextual modelled
and processed aspects useful for achieving scalabil-
ity. For example, (Taherkordi et al., 2008), models
the context attributes of a wireless sensor network that
then prompts adaption.
No solution adapts or switches different context
data dissemination algorithms at run-time to max-
imise scalability depending on the current status. Re-
search therefore remains to ensure that the adaption of
dissemination algorithms depending on run-time con-
ditions has the potential to enable urban scalable mo-
bile ubiquitous context data dissemination.
At the time of writing a thorough analysis of ex-
isting work has been conducted. The design and im-
plementation of the network simulations remains an
ongoing progress. The main challenge remains in
how simulations can become scalable while still ac-
curately reflecting the complex nature of the mobile
ubiquitous networks in the Smart City. To conclude
research also remains in how the specific implemen-
tation of a hybrid method may influence performance
and thus scalability. For example the notion of scope
in flooding-overlay based hybrids or the choice of
context that drives context-aware gossip-overlay hy-
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