make the Coding application more agile and more
standardized, because when a quotation is identified
and a code is created, this action is evaluated on all
the documents that are being analyzed.
Hence, this paper presented the concept of
simultaneous analysis, explaining the steps that
compose its application. The use of visualization and
text mining makes the proposal feasible. To apply
these techniques, a tool is indispensable and this is
the reason why Insight tool is being developed.
Therefore, through an experimental study we
explained the proposal and have conducted a first
feasibility study.
In relation to effectiveness, the results of this
study showed that Group A presented the most
standardized and homogeneous results. This result
gives insights that analyzing the set of documents
simultaneously, may facilitate the reuse of codes. In
relation to efficiency, the results showed that the
proposal makes the Coding (qualitative analysis)
procedure more agile than when this procedure is
conducted manually, what was expected.
Based on the subjects’ feedback questionnaire
we drew evidences that the search functionality
combined with visualization make the Coding
activity easier, which may improve the qualitative
analysis process.
Considering the experience of conduct this study,
we can cite two lessons learned. First, the difficulty
to analyze the subject’s results, since in the context
of qualitative analysis it is not appropriate to
establish an oracle. Hence, we created a reference
model for comparing the results, just to minimize the
assumption that the subjects could apply the Coding
technique in a wrong way. Second, in this study we
required that the subjects extracted all relevant
information contained in the newspaper documents;
maybe, if we establish a specific topic for the
Coding application (perspective), the analysis of the
results could be easier and more precise.
Despite these questions, we consider that the
proposal is feasible and promising. As future works
we plan to conclude the development of the proposal
through the Insight tool and make it available under
the GLP license. Besides, we will explore the
proposal in the context of experimental studies for
analyzing the characterization form and feedback
questionnaires and a study to compare Insight tool
with Atlas.ti software.
In addition to these further works realized, the
proposal has been used for analyzing primary studies
in the context of secondary studies (Thematic
Synthesis (Cruzes, Dybå, 2011)) and in the context of
software inspection process for analyzing defects lists.
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