from an accurate cost point of view which in turn,
may lead them to detect the eventual cost problems
in their business process. Besides, detection of cost
problems in the business process is a mandatory
phase to be able to take the suited actions for
business process enhancement in terms of cost.
Therefore, the main current contribution of our work
is the assistance of decision makers in the first phase
of business process enhancement in terms of cost.
Currently, we are planning to conduct surveys
with management accounting and business process
management experts to improve and deepen the cost
information handling (structuring, analysis and
presentation) in order to make it more suitable and
useful for decision making. In future works, we
consider the generalization of the proposed approach
to support cost extension of any business process
model notation (not only Petri Nets). Finally, real
world case studies will be carried out in order to
evaluate our approach and tool performances.
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