A Pattern-based Approach for Semantic Retrieval of Information
Resources in Enterprises
Application Within STMicroelectronics
Sara Bouzid
, Corine Cauvet
, Claudia Frydman
and Jacques Pinaton
Laboratory for Information Sciences and Systems (LSIS), Aix-Marseille University, Marseilles, France
STMicroelectronics, Rousset, France
Keywords: Resource Retrieval, Semantic Search, Alignment Pattern, Goal-Oriented Mechanisms, Business Needs.
Abstract: Information-resource retrieval in enterprises is becoming a major concern nowadays because of the im-
portance of business information in supporting the satisfaction of business objectives. To enhance resource
retrieval in enterprises, this paper argues that it is necessary to coherently include the user need in the search
process, in particular when this need is business-context dependent. A pattern-based approach is proposed
for this purpose. The approach captures the business needs in a company using goal-oriented mechanisms
and integrates them in a keyword search using alignment patterns. These patterns are used to both guide the
search process and semantically fill the gap between the low-level description of information resources and
the high-level needs of business actors. The approach has been applied for resource retrieval in the context
of the manufacturing-process control within the STMicroelectronics Company.
With the increase of information resources in enter-
prises, retrieving business information has become a
daily challenge for the actors that have informational
needs for achieving their business tasks.
The com-
plexity of the information systems in enterprises and
the permanent evolution of the business needs make
difficult the retrieval of the heterogeneous infor-
mation resources that we can find in a company.
Also, the growing use of commercial software plat-
forms in enterprises for the extraction of data and the
creation of business information does not facilitate
the access to the resources produced, because exist-
ing commercial platforms do not often support the
semantic management of information.
Indeed, in many recent research works, semantic
techniques proved their ability to enhance infor-
mation retrieval on the web and document retrieval
(Chu, 2003). Semantic techniques rely on the use of
ontologies and semantic web technologies, most of
the time with a keyword search. Most of these tech-
niques focus on the “what” of the user need and
rarely on the “why” aspect. However, the users’
needs in a company may be difficult to express with
only keywords because such needs are generally
complex and business-context dependent.
Basically, business information resources in en-
terprises may be related to the design process of
products, the process control of a manufacturing
activity, the service delivery of a company or either
any information devoted to marketing purposes. To
date, most semantic retrieval approaches are devoted
to information retrieval on the web (Nunes, 2006).
In addition, existing approaches do not consider the
complex business problem of the user in the search
process. The main used techniques to address a user
need are commonly solution oriented. As a conse-
quence, there is a lack of approaches suitable for the
semantic retrieval of information resources used for
business purposes in enterprises. The aim of this
work is to enhance resource retrieval in enterprises
considering, on one hand, the complex business
needs of the users, and on the other hand, the dis-
tance that exists between a business need and the
available information resources in a company.
We propose in this paper a pattern-based ap-
proach aiming at enhancing resource retrieval in
enterprises by filling the gap between the low-level
description of heterogeneous information resources
and the high level needs of business actors. This
approach relies on goal-oriented mechanisms carried
by “alignment patterns” that we integrated in a key-
word search.
Bouzid S., Cauvet C., Frydman C. and Pinaton J..
A Pattern-based Approach for Semantic Retrieval of Information Resources in Enterprises - Application Within STMicroelectronics.
DOI: 10.5220/0004886101930200
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 193-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 tackles some recent works related to se-
mantic resource retrieval in enterprises. Section 3
gives an overview of the pattern-based approach.
Section 4 outlines the ontology structure. Section 5
presents the meta-model of the alignment patterns.
Section 6 presents the pattern-based search and fi-
nally an example of implementation of the approach
within STMicroelectronics is shown in Section 7.
We focus here on the semantic retrieval approaches
that include the business need of the user or its busi-
ness context in the search process. Several tech-
niques can be used to include the knowledge domain
related to the user need in a search process (Yan
2010); (Nunes, 2006); (Chu, 2003); (Belkin and
Croft, 1987).
In (Li et al., 2007), the authors proposed a
framework called EO-Search to semantically tag
heterogeneous engineering resources (e.g., CAD
drawings, design manuals, data sheets, etc.) and
improve their retrieval during the design process in
the automotive industry. The user queries consist of
a list of keywords that are processed with a semantic
disambiguation technique supported with a business
ontology and a lexicon of terms. The authors in (Yao
et al. 2009) proposed a retrieval framework for the
retrieval of resources used in the processes of prod-
uct design and manufacturing. The system maps the
user queries (i.e. business keywords) with the con-
cepts of two business ontologies developed by the
authors. An intention feedback mechanism is pro-
posed to the user at the results’ display to refine
them. In (Zaher et al., 2006), the authors proposed
the HyperTopic approach for the collaborative de-
scription and retrieval of heterogeneous resources
related to software projects conducted in two French
companies. The concept of “point of view” was
mainly used to link the resources to the user need.
The retrieval process was based on navigation along
the concepts of the resulting knowledge model
(Guittard et al., 2005).
Overall, most of the existing works that tackles
resource retrieval in enterprises focused on enhanc-
ing the keyword search with more concepts of the
involved knowledge domain captured in ontologies.
The user need is generally expressed with business
key words or with simple goals. However, infor-
mation resources in enterprises mainly address com-
plex business needs. Up to now, the complex busi-
ness needs of the users are not well included, neither
in the resource description, nor in the search pro-
We propose with our approach to deal with the
complex business needs of the users in the resource
search process using goal-oriented mechanisms.
The pattern-based approach aims at providing a
business-need-oriented description and retrieval to
information resources in the companies using align-
ment patterns. We define an alignment pattern as an
artifact of business need that can be simple or com-
plex. Each artifact constitutes a part of a description
process of a resource that carries business infor-
mation. In the alignment patterns, the business needs
are expressed with goals and the patterns are implic-
itly linked to each other through goal decomposi-
Figure 1: Role of alignment patterns in resource description and retrieval.
Also the goal decomposition may vary according to
a context related to the user business activity. The
pattern-based approach is supported with a business
ontology that provides the necessary semantics for
information-resource description and retrieval. This
ontology is goal oriented.
Figure 1 depicts the role of the alignment pat-
terns in filling the gap between business needs and
the information resources that we can find in a com-
The alignment patterns carry the expression of
business goals up to their satisfaction in a given
business context. They provide another level of re-
source description close to the business needs of the
users. Furthermore, we consider that these resources
must have meta-data or semantic descriptors that
provide their low level of description (business us-
age, business concepts, etc.), so to make the link
with the alignment patterns. The business ontology
is mainly used to consolidate this link. As a result,
the alignment patterns enable somehow to “align”
the low-level description of business information
resources in a company with the high-level needs of
the business actors.
In the proposed approach, the alignment patterns
are integrated in a keyword search system, to pro-
vide a business-need-focused search of resources to
the users. These patterns are progressively created,
stored and reused during each search process re-
quired by the user. On the whole, the alignment
patterns meet two purposes:
i. they constitute a source of knowledge related to
business needs and how they must be addressed
with resources, so to be shared and reused
ii. they guide the resource retrieval process, to in-
crease the relevance of the search results to the
user need.
The business ontology proposed in this work gets a
standard and abstract description of the knowledge
domain enhanced with a goal orientation. This goal
orientation enables to support the creation of the
alignment patterns and the semantic retrieval of
Because this work was conducted with the
STMicroelectronics Company, we developed a
manufacturing process ontology (Bouzid et al.,
2013b). The scope of this ontology relies on four
views of description:
Organization View: any business activity (func-
tion) related to the manufacturing process. We
included in the organization view the business
profiles that are related to the manufacturing ac-
tivity (e.g. process engineering, maintenance,
Function View: describes the manufacturing
objectives of the company.
Data View: gathers the data types involved in the
manufacturing process (i.e. data about equip-
ment, data about products, etc.)
Control View: gathers a process control descrip-
tion of the manufacturing process. The process
control regroups the set of techniques and meth-
ods used to control a manufacturing process to
ensure its well achievement. Note that because of
the vocabulary heterogeneity related to this view,
we also proposed a process control dictionary
that rationalizes the process control terminolo-
gies, but this part of work is out of scope of this
paper (Bouzid et al., 2013c).
The proposed views refer in fact to the descriptive
levels of the ARIS architecture (Ferdian, 2001).
They were chosen as a starting point for the domain
description because the ARIS approach seeks reduc-
ing the complexity of modeling industrial business
processes using these levels
The pattern notion was originally developed by
Christopher Alexander (Alexander, 1979) to respond
to recurrent problems in the architectural domain.
This notion was reused and readapted by Gamma et
al., (1995) in software engineering. In this paper,
patterns are used to respond to recurrent business
needs whose solutions are expressed with goals.
Figure 2 depicts the meta-model of an alignment
pattern. An alignment pattern is generally composed
of a goal, a context and a solution.
A goal expresses a business need, which can be
complex or atomic. A complex goal can be refined
into sub goals, whereas an atomic goal cannot be
The context of a need requires the business pro-
file or activity of the user. The business profiles and
activities in a company are generally identified in
the business ontology that describes its core business
The solution of an alignment pattern can be
business goals or one or several semantic descriptors
of resources, where a semantic descriptor refers to a
resource. In fact, the solution for a pattern differs
Figure 2: Meta-model of an alignment pattern.
according to the type of goal that composes it (i.e.
complex or atomic). A solution of a pattern can be a
set of goals when the goal of the pattern is complex.
In this way, each pattern solution to a complex goal
provides an “And” decomposition that enables to
realize it.
Figure 3 shows a general example of an align-
ment pattern. Variability reduction is a complex goal
in the example, its solution is the sub goals Lot con-
trol and Equipment control that contribute to its
realization. The link between a pattern solution and
another pattern is not defined in the content of the
patterns, but rather deduced during the goal decom-
position of the search process.
Figure 3: Example of an alignment pattern.
Each complex goal defined in a pattern can have
alternatives of decomposition according to different
contexts, because a same goal can be associated to
different contexts for its achievement (Figure 2).
The alternatives express in fact the “Or” decomposi-
tions, but in practice, the alternatives of decomposi-
tion are carried with different patterns.
Thus, two patterns P1 and P2 can have a same
complex goal G1 in their definition but different
“And” decompositions in their solution, depending
on the context of achieving the goal G1.
Goals that cannot be refined constitute the low
level of the hierarchical structure of goals and are
known as atomic goals. Thus, when an alignment
pattern has an atomic goal, its solution is the set of
semantic descriptors that satisfy this atomic goal
according to the specified context.
Finally, during the search process, the alignment
patterns are dynamically linked through the goal
decomposition mechanism, which guides the re-
source retrieval for every user need.
6.1 Context of Application
The basic problem facing any user searching for a
resource in a business context is how to well capture
his need and how to retrieve the resources relevant
to his business objectives in a company. We consid-
er that using semantic-based solutions to support
information-resource retrieval in such contexts must
consider not only the semantics of the resources but
also the semantic alignment between the resources
and the complex business needs of the users. This
ascertainment has been deduced through the study of
the information system of the STMicroelectronics
Company, a semi-conductor manufacturer. We stud-
ied in this company a set of business information
resources used to support the control of the manu-
facturing process. These resources must be shared
and retrieved by company engineers of different
business activities and profiles.
Basically, the STMicroelectronics’ products are
manufactured in lots where each lot is a silicon wa-
fer used as support for the construction of electronic
chips. The manufacturing process spread over sever-
al work areas (Photolithography, Etching, defectivi-
ty, etc) where each step and operation inside it can
be remade several times. Controlling this complex
manufacturing process consists in monitoring and
analysing manufacturing information extracted and
processed with specific data management systems.
In this context, the resulting resources carry infor-
mation about the manufacturing activity.
A first part of this research work has been al-
ready done within the company to create semantic
descriptors to information resources related to the
context of work, using a bottom-up description ap-
proach. More details about this work can be found in
(Bouzid et al., 2013b); (Bouzid et al., 2013c).
In a second part of this work, the pattern-based
search is proposed to put the business needs of the
users (i.e. business actors) in the heart of the re-
source retrieval process. The users formulate their
query using business keywords, a goal and a context,
and the system performs these queries and enriches
at the same time the resource description through the
alignment patterns. In fact, when a user formulates
his query, two situations can happen:
a. the alignment pattern(s) do(es) not yet exist, the
system builds pattern-based solutions starting
from the user query
b. the alignment patterns that meet the user need
exist, the system takes the solutions of the pat-
terns that better meet the user query
The interesting asset of the proposed pattern-based
search is that business need artefacts are progres-
sively captured in alignment patterns and stored in a
pattern base for reuse.
6.2 Creation of Alignment Patterns
during the Search Process
Three goal-oriented mechanisms are used to capture
and encapsulate business-need artifacts in alignment
patterns: goal decomposition, goal-sibling decompo-
sition and goal abstraction. These mechanisms are
complementary and are repeatedly used as much
time as they are needed for the construction of the
necessary alignment patterns that respond to a given
high-level business need
. When some patterns al-
ready exist and others must be created during the
search process, the created ones are dynamically
linked to the existing patterns following the goal
decomposition relations. The use of these goal-
oriented mechanisms enables to progressively fill
the gap between the business needs of the users and
the information resources during each search pro-
6.2.1 Goal Decomposition
The standard goal decomposition technique
(Lamsweerde, 2001) is used here to refine complex
business goals. The goal decomposition is expressed
when, considering a complex goal 1, all the sub-
goals of 1 must be achieved in order to achieve
this goal. We can also say from a bottom up view
that the goals SG1.1 and SG1.2 contribute to the
realization of the goal CG1. In addition, 1 can
have alternatives of decomposition according to the
given business context.
Figure 4: Examples of goal decomposition.
Figure 4 shows an example of a goal decomposi-
tion with two alternatives. Variability reduction is a
goal that can be decomposed into Lot control and
Equipment control in the business context process
engineering, or into Defect control and Equipment
control in the business context Defectivity.
In general, three scenarios of decompositions can
be identified in a same context as follows:
- a complex goal CG is refined into complex sub
goals SG
. Each sub goal SG
must be refined in
turn until achieving atomic goals
- a complex goal CG is refined into complex goals
and into atomic goals AG
. The complex
sub goalsSG
must be refined in turn until
achieving atomic goals
- a complex goal  is refined into atomic goals
only. There is no more refinement to do in
this case
6.2.2 Goal-sibling Decomposition
The goal-sibling decomposition is a special case of
the goal decomposition. The decomposition of goals
is identified starting from a sibling goal. Considering
two goals CG1.1 and CG1.2 (Figure 5 ), if CG1.1 is
sibling of CG1.2, and CG1.2 is used in the same
context as CG1.1, thus CG1.2 will be also captured
in an alignment pattern and decomposed in turn if it
is a complex goal.
Note that the goal decomposition scenarios men-
tioned before are the same for the sibling-goal de-
Figure 5: Example of goal-sibling decomposition.
6.2.3 Goal Abstraction
The goal abstraction is expressed when, considering
two goals SG1.1 and SG1.2, they contribute to the
realization of a goal CG1. The abstraction of goals
can also be associated to a given context.
In Figure 6, the goals Cycle time optimization
and Procedure optimization contribute to the realiza-
tion of the same goal Cost optimization in the same
Figure 6: Example of goal abstraction.
6.2.4 Example
We consider the following user query as example
from the STMicroelectronics’ context:
Keywords: {‘lot’, ‘out of control’}
Goal: {‘cycle time optimization’}
Context: {‘process engineering’}
The manufacturing process ontology of the company
contains a description of its core business activity
according to four views of description and each view
describes a business aspect of the process, including
the business objectives of the company related to
each business activity (Bouzid et al., 2013c). Thus,
in this ontology, the goal “Cycle time optimization
specified in the user query is in fact a complex goal.
It will be then refined following its relations with
other goals defined in the business ontology (Figure
7) and according to the specified business activity
“Process engineering”. Starting from this goal, a
pattern P1 will be created (or identified in the pattern
base). Figure 7 shows the obtained patterns for this
example (to simplify the example, the patterns’ iden-
tifiers like P1, P2, etc. are used to refer to the pattern
solutions instead of using goals).
The pattern P1 with its goal and context is used
as starting point to identify or create the patterns
linked to P1 through the goal-oriented mechanisms.
For example, the pattern P7 will be created through
the goal abstraction, the patterns P8 and P3 through
the goal-sibling decomposition and the patterns P4
and P5 through the goal decomposition. The result-
ing resources according to this example would be:
R1, R2, R3, R7, R4, R6.
Figure 7: Example of resulting pattern architecture after query processing.
Finally, each new pattern resulting from a search
process is stored in a dedicated base for reuse.
6.3 Combining the Alignment Patterns
with a Keyword Search for
Resource Retrieval
As mentioned before, the alignment patterns are
integrated in a keyword search to enhance the re-
source retrieval process in business contexts.
Figure 8 outlines the search process after the re-
quired alignment patterns are created (or found in
the pattern base). The alignment patterns with their
solutions can be reused in several queries to guide
the refinement of the user need until reaching the
atomic goals and then the resources that meet them.
The keyword search is processed separately from
the pattern-based search. The keyword search con-
sists here in matching the keywords of the user que-
ry with the concepts of the semantic descriptors of
Figure 8: Processing of the user query by combining a
keyword search and alignment patterns.
A standard string matching is applied, and this
process is semantically supported with the business
ontology and a process control dictionary. Indeed,
each information resource has a semantic descriptor
that provides its basic usage. In our context, the
semantic descriptors provide a manufacturing de-
scription and a control description of each resource
used to control a manufacturing process. These de-
scriptors were created with a semantic mapping
technique and capitalized in a dedicated base in a
previous work (Bouzid et al., 2013a).
At the end of the search processing, the results
obtained with the alignment patterns and with the
keyword search are merged, filtered and ranked, so
to only keep the corresponding resources to the user
need. The ranking is also applied in order to display
the results in a suitable way to the user.
Table 1 shows four categories identified for
ranking the resources according to their matching
with the user query. The display of the results to the
user is done in the ascending order of these catego-
Table 1: Categories of ranking.
Goal Context Keyword(s) Ranking categories
) match(
) match(
) match(
) match(
) match(
) match(
) match(
) match(
) match(
) match(
According to the example in we consider that we
have obtained the following resources with the key-
words’ matching: R1, R2, R5, R6, R7. Knowing that
5 resources were obtained with the alignment pat-
terns, the resources that better satisfy the user need
after ranking in this example would be: R1, R2, R6,
R5, R7, R3, R4 and will be displayed in this order.
The general retrieval approach was implemented
within STMicroelectronics with a web prototype.
Following the Information Technology policy of the
company, the Php and C technologies were used for
the programming logic and the XML technology
was used to implement the business ontology.
An example of a pattern-based search is present-
ed in the appendix. Basically, the system takes as
user query one or a set of keywords, a goal and a
context. A keyword here can be any concept of the
manufacturing process description of the company.
When the user specifies key concepts, the system
automatically displays meta-information about each
concept, so to help the user in choosing the right
concepts to express his need. The semantics of the
manufacturing process ontology is also used to assist
the user in defining his business need with goals.
The system processes the goal refinement task with
the alignment patterns regardless of the level of
abstraction of the selected goal by the user.
The pattern-based approach is still under test to-
day within the STMicroelectronics Company. The
first experimentations were done using a set of sce-
narios of needs defined with their solutions by the
business experts of the company. 12 scenarios were
tested on the keyword search alone and on the pat-
tern-based search (i.e. the combination of the key-
word search and the alignment patterns). The ap-
proach showed good results on the latter with 96%
of precision and 87% of recall comparing to the
keyword search alone (78% of precision and 85% of
This paper presented the pattern-based approach,
devoted to enhance resource retrieval in enterprises.
The proposed approach emphasizes a business-need
focused search based on alignment patterns in a
standard keyword search. The alignment patterns are
created dynamically when a user searches for infor-
mation resources in a business context. These pat-
terns progressively capture business need artefacts
and support their reuse for addressing recurrent
needs. This original search approach presents two
main interesting assets: (i) it enriches resource de-
scription with a high-level business semantics main-
taining in this way the link between the resources
and the needs of business actors in a company, and
(ii) it progressively capitalizes on business know-
how by storing the semantics of the information
resources used in an activity domain.
In future work, more experimentations of the ap-
proach are planned with the business experts of the
STMicroelectronics Company. A specific string-
similarity measure is also planned to be tested on the
matching between the keywords and the resource
descriptors. This technique was previously used in
our work where it proved its efficiency (Bouzid et
al., 2013a). We consider that it would be worth to
reuse it to foster the keyword matching during the
search process.
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