An action research evaluation builds on what
already happens in projects and uses stakeholders’
opinions. In our study, the stakeholders stated that
BORE allowed them to better understand the
business processes and, consequently, the
requirements. Unfortunately, the opinions are flawed
due to the following reasons: (1) the top
management is satisfied because we are
computerizing its organization for free; (2) potential
users are satisfied because the anticipated software
system is likely to lighten their work; (3) we are
satisfied because we achieved our research
objectives. Moreover, the opinions were obtained by
discussing with the stakeholders informally. To
overcome the mentioned weaknesses, we intend to
employ BORE in commercial projects, design a
form to survey these projects, and conduct an
evaluation process using the framework defined in
(Bobkowska, 2005). Future work is also oriented
towards enriching the second stage of our approach
with Business Process Simulation which is
considered as one of the techniques suitable for
discovering process bottlenecks and investigating
business alternatives.
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