Networks of Pain in ERP Development
Aki Alanne
, Tommi Kähkönen
and Erkka Niemi
Department of Information Management and Logistics, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
Software Engineering and Information Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
Information and Service Management Department, Aalto University School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: ERP, Development, Network, Interpretive Qualitative Case Study, Challenges, Stakeholders.
Abstract: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have been providing business benefits through integrated
business functions for two decades, but system implementation is still painful for organizations. Even
though ERP projects are collaborative efforts conducted by many separate organizations, academic research
has not fully investigated ERPs from this perspective. In order to find out the challenges of ERP
development networks (EDN), a multiple case study was carried out. We identified three main categories of
pain: evolving network, inter-organizational issues, and conflicting objectives. The dynamic nature of the
EDN causes challenges when new organizations and individuals enter and leave the project. Relationships
between organizations form the base for collaboration, yet conflicting objectives may hinder the
development. The main implication of this study is that the network should be managed as a whole in order
to avoid the identified pitfalls. Still more research is needed to understand how the EDN efficiently interacts
to solve different problems in ERP development.
Recently, both researchers and practitioners have
paid a great deal of attention to Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) (Dezdar and Sulaiman, 2009). ERP
offers organizations an all-in-one solution for the
seamless integration of information flow across the
organization and, as a result, increased
competitiveness (Davenport, 1998). ERP research in
Information Systems (IS) has focused on areas such
as critical factors (Al-Mashari et al. 2003), failures
(Barker and Frolick, 2003), organizational
development (Berente et al., 2008), and
organizational fit of ERP (Hong & Kim, 2002).
Moreover, it was noted in the literature already a
decade ago that implementation projects are prone to
failure, lead to cost overruns, and, in the worst-case
scenario, to project cancellations (Pekkola et al.,
2013). Unfortunately, examples of ERP project
failures are not difficult to find, see e.g. Hershey,
Nike, or HP (CIO, 2009). In fact, it has been
estimated that more than 90 percent of ERP
implementations are unsuccessful to some degree
(Momoh et al., 2010). Due to contemporary
practices, ERPs are often developed in networks of
organizations that comprise a multitude of
stakeholders from different levels of each of the
organizations (Dittrich et al., 2009). The network
aspect of ERP development has not, however,
gained enough attention in ERP research
In this paper, the challenges in ERP development
are investigated by examining the ERP development
networks (EDN) of three large enterprises. The
research question is as follows: what kind of pain
can be identified in ERP development networks? To
accomplish this, we conducted an interpretive case
study comprising 43 semi-structured interviews.
In section 2, the findings from a review of the
related research are presented. Section 3 introduces
the case organizations and the research approach.
Section 4 presents, the findings from an analysis of
the data. In the discussion section, the findings are
elaborated on and linked to existing literature.
Finally, the conclusions section highlights our key
findings and suggests areas of future research.
An ERP system is a packaged information system
that provides, through a process-oriented view, an
Alanne A., Kähkönen T. and Niemi E..
Networks of Pain in ERP Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0004890002570266
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 257-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-028-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
integrated solution for an organization’s information
processing needs that enables the organization to
efficiently manage its use of resources (Nah et al.,
2001).The implementation of an ERP system affects
most parts of the organization and usually involves
external stakeholders (Davenport, 1998). Together,
these actors form a development network that
comprises all actors starting from the flagship
organization (e.g. SAP) to the users in the adopting
organization (AO) (Dittrich et al., 2009; Sarker et
al., 2012). There may also be various other actors
from different organizations that provide diverse
areas of expertise, e.g. implementation consultants
or offshored developers (Dittrich et al., 2009; Ernst
and Kim, 2002). Communication and interaction
between these actors are prone to errors and
misunderstandings (Sarker and Lee, 2003).
The development networks, their problems, and
interactions are understudied in IS literature.
Previously, these global networks were approached
from a general business perspective (Ernst, 2010),
from a global vendor’s and its partners’ perspective
(Sarker et al., 2012), or based on human
communications research from single companies’
internal perspective while separating the network
from the development activities (Isomäki and
Pekkola 2010).
To highlight the pain in ERP development, we
have drawn on the literature that describes the
critical factors in ERP implementation. A
preliminary literature review revealed a large
number of IS papers that were concerned with
critical factors and other impediments in ERP
implementation. None of them, however, explicitly
focused on network related issues, except for Nour
and Mouakket (2011). Instead, they investigated
factors from a multi-stakeholder perspective,
mapping the factors identified from the literature to
proposed fundamental stakeholders in ERP
implementation. We, on the other hand, used the
literature on critical factors to assemble a holistic
picture about the possible issues encountered in ERP
implementation in general.
Six articles (Al-Mashari et al. 2003; Amid et al.,
2012; Dezdar and Sulaiman, 2009; Kim et al., 2005;
Momoh et al. 2010; Shirouyehzad et al., 2011) were
chosen as the starting point from which to gather the
general ERP challenges from the literature. Forward
and backward searches were also applied when
considered necessary (Webster and Watson, 2002).
The pain in ERP development was divided into
eight categories comprising 40 issues. The
examination of these issues strengthens the earlier
observations that the current literature does not pay
Figure 1: Pain in ERP development.
much attention to network-related issues. For clarity,
the themes are labeled alphabetically and the issues
under them are numbered accordingly. The findings
are presented in Figure 1.
An interpretive case study approach (Walsham,
1995) was selected in order to gain in-depth
knowledge on EDNs. Data was gathered from three
different organizations to identify characteristics and
issues related specifically to ERP development
networks rather than idiosyncratically to a certain
organization. The interviews were conducted
between January and June 2013 and analyzed
between June and September 2013.
3.1 Case Organizations
Case A is a large, global manufacturing organization
with almost 30.000 employees. In the mid-1990s,
the company initiated a customized ERP system for
sales and logistics to replace the legacy systems. The
existing ERP products on the market did not support
the specialized business processes. The project
encountered many challenges that included
architectural redesign and a merger with another
company. These challenges resulted in both budget
and schedule overruns. The system is currently in
use in its intended scope and it is still being
developed in cooperation with the original vendor.
Case B is a global service provider in the retail
business with over 1.000 employees. The company
is currently renewing its ERP system with a
customized solution because the old system no
longer supported the critical business processes. The
company and the vendor have had a history of
cooperation for over 15 years. The same vendor also
provided the previous ERP system. The current
project was initiated in 2008 and at the time of the
writing of this paper it was in the pilot phase with
initial rollouts.
Case C is a globally operating manufacturing
organization with over 20.000 employees. It decided
to implement a customized ERP system for its raw
material procurement business together with a
vendor. The initial planning was started in 2003 with
the actual project kick-off in 2006. The first version
of the system went live in 2008. At the time of
writing this paper, the company was continuing to
invest heavily in project and maintenance work to
further improve the system. The system was rolled
into new geographical areas in 2011.
3.2 Data Collection
Data collection began in each case organization with
an initial interview with our main contact person
(e.g. CIO). The rest of the interviewees were chosen
with snowball sampling. Additionally,
organizational charts were studied in order to
consider all the relevant stakeholder perspectives.
The interviewees, their work profiles, and
organizations are illustrated in Table 1.
Table 1: The work profiles of the interviewees.
Case A
2 6 7 2 17
Case B
7 5 4
- 16
Case C
6 4 - - 10
17 13 11 2 43
The content of the interviews was based on the
preceding literature review. Each interview was
conducted onsite at the case organization. The
interviews lasted from 11 to 111 minutes, and the
average was about one hour per interview. The
interviews were recorded and transcribed for
analysis purposes. The researchers also collected
secondary research material such as documents and
reports to better understand the context.
3.3 Data Analysis
One dedicated researcher was responsible for the
data analysis of each EDN. The following analysis
method was chosen because of the data-driven
approach and cooperation of the three researchers.
First, the responsible researcher identified and
categorized the ERP development challenges from
the data. Second, the researchers compared the
categories with each other in several brainstorming
sessions in order to find similarities and differences
as well as to agree on common categories for the
analysis. Third, due to the network perspective, the
challenges that could occur in in-house development
without the presence of EDN partners were
excluded. As a result, three main categories and
eleven subcategories were identified. Finally, the
findings were compared with the existing literature
in order to understand the theoretical implications.
“You most likely know the critical success factors of
an ERP project? We failed them all.“ –Case C, AO
The resulting three most essential categories and
their sub-categories are presented below. Some
categories are in practice intertwined, but to improve
clarity they have been divided.
4.1 Evolving Network
“We have lost some of the key persons [with 20
years’ of experience] already before. It always stops
the development like hitting a brick wall.” –Case C,
The EDN of each case organization has evolved
at three levels during the ERP system development.
The network can evolve at the organizational level.
Also, structural changes in the organization or
environment of the EDN can introduce additional
challenges for ERP development, as can individual
people entering and leaving the projects for various
4.1.1 New Organizations Involved
The development has involved business partners and
external stakeholders such as vendor subcontractors
and implementation consultants. Some of these
organizations have had a periodic role in the
“We have done it in several waves. The latest
one, I can’t remember the name of the firm, we
designed the layouts together and they made the
models and designed the usability.” –Case B,
“We purchased consulting services for the initial
planning, but I can’t remember who or which
company it was.” –Case C, AO
AO in Case A ended up in a conflict with a
database vendor:
“And things ran smoothly with [the original
database vendor] for a couple of years but then they
became a little greedy at some point and the license
fees starting increasing a little too much and they
weren’t as flexible anymore so we decided to,
[switch the vendor]” –Case A, AO
The periodic presence of organizations increases
the complexity of the EDN at the organizational
level, and thus possibly complicates the overall
management efforts.
4.1.2 Structural Changes in Organizations
Structural changes in an organization can hinder the
ERP development. For example, a merger changed
the original scope of the system in Case A:
“Then we had a project phase with severe system
architectural issues. The original scaling,
implemented with the technology of the time, was
insufficient for production use at the scale of our
company at that time, as the merged company.”
Case A, AO
The merger also introduced competing systems.
Upper management had to decide which system to
abandon and which system to develop further. The
length of time before a decision was made resulted
in a period of uncertainty. Even organizational
changes on a smaller scale can change the roles and
“We had a very good network of specialists,
coordinators, super users, and users but the co-
determinations killed the whole thing” –Case C, AO
In addition to the changes in AO, structural
changes in the vendor organization were also seen as
a challenge to ERP development. The structural
changes were the result of the continuously
increasing number of employees, new operating
models, and the offshoring of operations. These
actions introduce difficulties:
“The vendor and we have changed organizations
so that I could not contact him, but instead someone
who doesn't know anything about the issue.” –Case
4.1.3 Involvement of Individuals
The EDN constantly evolves on an individual level.
Some of the individuals were identified as being
crucial for the ERP project because of their
experience and tacit knowledge. Thus, their absence
creates a void that further disrupts the project
“…there was a clear dip in performance when he
[project manager] left, there was no single person
who has the 13 years’ of experience about the
system.” –Case B, AO
The role of key persons was further emphasized.
If a key person decides to leave, it can take a long
time to train a new person – even with a help of
good documentation:
“Just before a new go-live, one important
business stakeholder moved to another country and
another person responsible for the specifications
retired. Even though we had pretty good
documentation we lost a lot of important knowhow.”
–Case C, AO
Additional challenges were due to changes in the
involvement of different people in different project
phases. For example, the business representatives
present in the specification phase were different
from those in the verification phase.
“There were over 100 persons during the busiest
implementation phase, but only a handful of the
original are here anymore.” –Case C, AO
“As the project dragged on and ran into
complications, I must say that the business people
disappeared along the way” –Case A, AO
This caused confusion and misalignment of
needs, and, as a result, extra work was needed to re-
establish the personal relationships between
individuals, after changes in involvement.
4.2 Inter-organizational Issues
“We have understood for a long time that we are in
a kind of a forced marriage” –Case A, AO
As ERP development is a cooperative effort
carried out by a dynamic EDN, the relationships
between different organizations are of major
importance. Misunderstandings, unevenly divided
power, and vendor incompetence were identified as
challenges in these relationships. The development
model formed by the network and third party
relationships were also considered to be problematic.
4.2.1 Long-term Relationship with Vendor
In all cases, a long-term relationship between vendor
and AO was identified, and both history and
personal ties determined this relationship. The
vendor-AO relationship turned out to be significant
in terms of impact on development activities.
In Case A, the relationship was described as a
“forced marriage”. The AO had even considered
buying the source code of the system from the
vendor. In the project phase, a very solid project
group was established and development was done in
close cooperation, whereas currently the vendor
would like to have more direct contact with the
AO’s business. Also, the constant cost cutting of the
AO has forced the vendor to continuously optimize
its processes and to outsource the development to
low-cost countries.
History between the AO and vendor can affect
the development process. For example, in Case B
some features are made “off-the-record” to satisfy
the AO. However, the long-term relationship can
also cause problems. For example, in Case B the AO
had “blind trust” in the vendor’s knowledge both
about project management and business logic in the
initial development phases. This resulted in a
miscalculation of the resources required and to
misfits between the system and business processes.
Also, in Case A, trusting too much on a vendor’s
expertise when choosing the system’s base
technologies was a mistake because the system
encountered architectural problems during the initial
4.2.2 Misunderstandings
Misunderstandings between stakeholders hindered
the development:
“There was a completely wrong illusion about
the situation.” –Case C, AO
In Case B, the vendor saw the project phase as
piloting while AO management considered it to still
be planning and development because half the
modules were missing. Other misinterpretations
concerned the number of missing features; the
vendor saw that most of the necessary features were
in place: “At the moment we have an understanding
that there shouldn’t be a long list of new features
while the AO thinks these are just the initial ones
we have four years of development needs waiting”.
Furthermore, in Case A, achieving a common
understanding was initially challenging:
“I was talking about the fence pole and they
were talking about the fence. We had agreed on
completely different things and neither of us
understood anything.” –Case A, AO
4.2.3 Unevenly Divided Power
In Case B, there are considerable differences in size
and revenue between the vendor and the AO. Thus,
the AO is able to dictate the order in which new
features for the system are developed:
“We have a pressuring means towards that end
[vendor], so that all the other doings will stop if we
have that kind of [major] problem.” –Case B, AO
In Case C, the situation is reversed as the AO is
struggling to keep the vendor’s competent personnel
in the project:
“At the moment, we have to cut our investment
budget and we're really afraid to lose the key
resources at the vendor side. We know that they will
be allocated to different projects if we can't give
them enough work.” –Case C, AO
Unlike with Case B, in Case A the power
relationships between the AO and vendor are more
even. It was estimated that the failure of the ERP
project would have caused serious consequences for
both sides:
“I would say so that what saves these kind of
projects is the situation where [AO] and vendor are
both equally in trouble…Then there is the will to go
forward.” –Case A, Consultant
4.2.4 Vendor Incompetence
The vendor’s incompetence was highlighted as one
of the challenges in ERP system development. The
vendor’s ability to manage the overall development
was criticized in Case B. According to the AO,
“vendor has too many things and changes going
on”. The vendor has not been able to allocate
resources properly because the scope of the project
has not been fully realized. Furthermore, the vendor
has not been able to create a roadmap for the system
and that has caused problems for the whole EDN.
”By roadmap I mean that the vendor could have
clearly stated when certain stages are finished and
what those will include…That has been the
challenge.” –Case B, AO
Further, due to poor testing practices, too many
errors have been found when piloting the system.
New versions have caused old functionality to break
and the load on the system has not been calculated
In Case A, the vendor had a lack of well-
established practices in the beginning of the project.
Because of insufficient testing, the first deployment
of the system failed. According to consultants, the
vendor conducted the testing in an unrealistic
environment. Consultants entered the project to
cooperate with the vendor to solve the problems
caused by non-scalable system architecture. This
cooperation was difficult in the beginning:
“Practically, they didn’t have a clue how to
make it work… They developed it in a vacuum and
when we looked at it, it seemed that the way of
implementing the system… was completely wrong.”
–Case A, Consultant
4.2.5 Development Model
A development model includes practices and
processes for carrying out the cooperative
development between the stakeholders in the EDN.
The development model was causing problems:
“The customer and vendor are partially working
in their own silos. On a personal level, the co-
operation is good but we are not sure if this is the
most efficient and optimal way of working.” –Case
In Case A, it appeared that establishing a solid
project group between the AO and the vendor was
considered challenging:
“I was leading the project at the customer side
and the vendor had their own leaders… it was
messed up completely… The biggest challenge was
to get rid of the mind-set of ‘we pay and you
deliver’.” –Case A, AO
The vendor on the other hand criticized the
current development model for being too slow until
the requests are turned into features of the system.
Similarly, a representative of Case C criticizes the
issue management:
“It takes about two-three weeks if I create a
service ticket before someone from India starts
calling and doesn't understand anything.” –Case C,
Furthermore, in Case A, the AO and the vendor
created separately the business and technical
roadmaps of the ERP system. The vendor saw this as
a mistake and emphasized the closer cooperation:
“Their business is a customer to their IT, and
our customer is their IT organization. This is the old
model that we've stuck with.” –Case A, Vendor
4.2.6 Relationships with Third Parties
Relationships with third parties in the EDN can
cause additional challenges for the development. In
Case A, consultants estimated that both the AO and
the vendor were relying too much on the solutions of
large database vendors whose products they were
already familiar with. Later, the chosen technology
turned out to be insufficient.
Because ERP systems integrate with the systems
of third parties, additional organizations may
become involved in the EDN. In Case B, integrating
the ERP with the systems of two business partners
was seen as especially challenging. In addition, in
Case C, a major integration challenge has emerged
due to a possible need to include the standardized
interfaces of a third party in the system.
4.3 Conflicting Objectives
“The local director hated the system and didn't want
it…They didn't say it in public but that's how it
was.“ – Case C, AO
Conflicting objectives turned out to be a major
issue in ERP system development: the vendor’s dual
objective, ownership issues, and power relationships
hindered the decision-making.
4.3.1 Dual Objective of the Vendor
The vendor can have a dual objective: to customize
the system to serve the AO’s needs and to
simultaneously build a general product for other
clients. In Case A, the initial plans for making the
product were discarded, as the amount of custom
logic made specifically for the AO increased:
“We should have thought more clearly about
whether we are making a product or a customized
system… That’s one of the basic things that
distracted the project.” –Case A, Vendor
Similarly, the vendor in Case B saw that when
making a product, compromises needed to be made:
“My role began with starting to chew that wish
list [of specifications], thinking about how we can
fulfill those wishes with our new product...So it’s a
kind of balance, how many of them can become
general features. And some flexibility, that the AO
can be flexible about some things that we can make
them general features that we can’t make everything
according to their wishes.” –Case B, Vendor
However, it seemed that the vendor lacks the
resources to accomplish both of its goals, especially
if the needs of other clients acquiring the product are
conflicting with the AO’s requirements. This easily
leads to tensions between organizations:
“It is annoying to pay for some basic
functionality which you have in a way developed,
and afterwards other clients may of course buy it for
some package price but they would never buy that
plus this [the development work].” –Case B, AO
Also in Case C, an interviewee commented on
how the vendor could benefit the competitors:
“If the vendor learns something new during this
project, they can reuse the ideas with the
competitor.” –Case C, AO
4.3.2 Internal Conflicts in the AO
Internal conflicts inside the AO can introduce
additional challenges for ERP development.
Different business functions may have conflicting
needs and managing these needs within one system
is not easy. As an extreme example, when Case A
went through a merger during the project, power
relationships changed and some functional areas
came under different leadership:
“They [logistics] started making separate
islands … they wanted to “freeze” the system to a
certain point and started to include all kinds of
additional systems there. It has been ongoing for ten
years now and we have ended up with serious
problems …” –Case A, AO
Additionally, because of scarce resources, it was
found that multiple simultaneously ongoing projects
disrupted the ERP development. For example, in
Case B the objective is to implement a new
operating model along with the ERP. Since these
projects were in different phases and managed by
different personnel, misfits occurred, e.g. business
project people considered the project as a clean slate
approach while the IT department sees it as using the
old system as a basis for development, even though
their alignment is considered essential.
Even though ERP research has reached a certain
level of maturity (Schlichter & Kraemmergaard,
2010), ERP projects often still exceed schedules and
costs, heavily (Amid et al., 2012; Momoh et al.,
2010). Most of the literature on ERP challenges
focuses on the AO while vendor and network related
issues are given less attention. Our findings,
however, suggest that issues caused by networked
development are in fact relevant for an ERP project.
We compared our findings with the literature
synthesis presented in Figure 1 and mapped the
issues overlapping with our sub-categories (Figure
2). Four categories have already been fairly well
documented in the literature, and four categories are
found at least on some level. Our study has also
revealed three new categories of issues that hinder
the development activities in such networks.
Figure 2: Findings mapped with the existing literature.
Evolving Network. Frequent changes in key users or
building and retaining a competent ERP project team
are found challenging (Amid et al., 2012), yet they
focus on the individual level. We found that
equivalent issues are also caused on the group and
organizational level. Changes in the AO’s business
environment add challenges to ERP development
(Kim et al., 2005; Momoh et al., 2010). Our findings
indicate that structural changes, e.g. switching
Identified pain Literature coverage
References (as
labelled in Fi
ure 1
New Organizations Involved NO -
Structural Changes in Organizations PARTLY G3
Involvement of Individuals YES F6, H4, H6
Long-Term Relationship with Vendor PARTLY A3, E3
Misunderstandings YES A5, D3
Unevenly divided power NO -
Vendor Incompetence YES A3, B5, B6
Development Model PARTLY A4, D2, G2, H4
Relationships with Third Parties PARTLY A2
Dual Objective of the Vendor NO -
Internal Conflicts in the AO YES A1, F5, E4
operating model or outsourcing operations, within
the vendor organization may also introduce
problems. ERP development in networks becomes
challenging as new organizations become involved,
but no references from the literature was found to
support this. In addition, the changes in the network
cause other types of challenges to emerge, e.g. the
temporary involvement of third parties may set
certain pressures for documentation standards and
communication methods.
Inter-organizational Issues. Distrust between
partners and external parties’ lack of industry
competence are obstacles for successful cooperation
(Al-Mashari et al., 2003). Due to long-term
cooperation, these were not identified as problems.
In our study, trust was often the term used to
describe the relationship between the AO and the
vendor. Surprisingly much trust about business
processes is placed on the shoulders of the vendor.
This, however, introduces new challenges for ERP
development, e.g. stakeholders’ competence is taken
for granted and formal cooperation methods are
bypassed. At worst, this leads to a misalignment of
the development activities, and thus distracts the
cooperation within the EDN.
Generally, the relationship between the AO and
the vendor/consultant is considered important
(Dittrich et al., 2009; Sammon and Adam, 2002).
We found evidence of unevenly divided power
between these organizations that hindered the
development. One party with the upper hand in
decision-making is capable of steering the project in
biased way. In addition to the AO-vendor
relationship in the network, third parties can
establish important relationships between
themselves, and hence complicate the network
structure and power relationships. Both these issues
are challenging for the overall management of the
network, yet neither of them was earlier identified in
the literature.
Inter-organizational relationships define the
development model for the EDN, which was
identified as a source of pain. Nevertheless, the
current literature does not clearly separate the AO
and the vendor when discussing ERP software
development and product management challenges.
We see that when developing the system in a
network, a joint development model is very
important in order to avoid the misalignment of
business and IT in all organizations, for example.
Conflicting Objectives. Since EDNs reach over
organizational and national boundaries, and
stakeholders may have differing goals, multi-site
issues such as cultural differences hampers the
overall project (Momoh et al., 2010). Problems arise
from the conflicting agendas and objectives between
different functional units within the AO (Amid et al.,
2012). In addition, our study highlighted the dual
objective of the vendor that hinders the
development. The vendor’s custom versus product
dilemma caused significant problems. For example,
mutual understanding was difficult to build or the
resources for development were insufficient. Similar
project management challenges from the AO’s point
of view have been identified (Kim et al., 2005;
Shirouyehzad et al., 2011) but these do not usually
take the vendor into account.
The sheer number of stakeholders involved in
ERP projects has been considered challenging
(Momoh et al., 2010). Sammon and Adam (2002)
stress the need to understand the relationships
between the organizations involved in ERP
development. Current literature is not fully aware of
these relationships and their impact on the ERP
development. Our study takes a step forward in
filling this gap by observing that in all cases both the
third parties and the organizations’ separate
stakeholders can have a huge impact on the ERP
This study has its limitations. First, the results of
qualitative case studies are not easily generalizable,
so quantitative studies on EDNs would also be
useful. Second, the context should not be dismissed
when applying these findings. These networks are
all from similar cultural environments that are in
general considered to be democratic in terms of
coordination. Within and between the organizations,
more emphasis is laid on trust than on different legal
agreements. Hence, these findings, as such, may not
be applicable, for example, in North American
organizations. Third, all cases are from a custom
system development context that differs from
customization of an off-the-shelf product
(Damsgaard and Karlsbjerg, 2010), e.g. the role of
the vendor organization is not the same. However,
Chiasson and Green (2007) suggest that: “the
differences between packaged software and
customized development are one of degree, not kind
(p. 553). Thus, we believe our findings are also
usable for packaged EDN.
In future, we want to understand how the
identified pain could be avoided. For example, how
can the issues caused by different development
models be overcome. Investigating the suitability of
agile methods in such environments would be a
potential area for future research. Communication
between different groups in ERP projects is
challenging (Al-Mashari et al., 2003). Thus, the
EDNs should be studied more deeply, and especially
how the EDN forms the development model and
how information is shared between the EDN.
This study contributes to field of ERP and IS
research. The objective of this paper was to identify
those challenges that may hinder ERP development
when co-operating in multiple stakeholder networks.
These challenges were uncovered by analyzing 43
interviews from the EDNs of three large
organizations. The findings were classified into three
main categories: evolving network, inter-
organizational issues, and conflicting objectives.
These were further divided into 11 sub-categories.
The aim of this paper was not to provide yet
another set of critical failure factors. In relation to
the literature, however, we found that four of the
identified challenges were only partly covered
earlier and three of the challenges had not gotten any
attention before. The novel issues hindering the ERP
development activities were temporal involvement
of organizations, unevenly divided power between
stakeholders, and dual objectives of the vendor.
This study took an important step to treat ERP
development and its challenges from a network
perspective. For practitioners, the categories provide
a tool to evaluate and seek possible causes of
problems in such networks. By doing so,
organizations could be able to focus more on the
relevant issues in ERP development, and thus
improve the overall management of the project. The
categorization is not only useful for the AO but may
be used by other stakeholders in the network as well.
This study was funded by the Academy of Finland
grants #259267, #259831 and #259454.
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