The Manufacturing Knowledge Repository
Consolidating Knowledge to Enable Holistic
Process Knowledge Management in Manufacturing
Christoph Gröger, Holger Schwarz and Bernhard Mitschang
Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universitätsstr. 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge Integration, Manufacturing, Process Optimization.
Abstract: The manufacturing industry is faced with strong competition making the companies’ knowledge resources
and their systematic management a critical success factor. Yet, existing concepts for the management of
process knowledge in manufacturing are characterized by major shortcomings. Particularly, they are either
exclusively based on structured knowledge, e. g., formal rules, or on unstructured knowledge, such as doc-
uments, and they focus on isolated aspects of manufacturing processes. To address these issues, we present
the Manufacturing Knowledge Repository, a holistic repository that consolidates structured and unstruc-
tured process knowledge to facilitate knowledge management and process optimization in manufacturing.
First, we define requirements, especially the types of knowledge to be handled, e. g., data mining models
and text documents. On this basis, we develop a conceptual repository data model associating knowledge
items and process components such as machines and process steps. Furthermore, we discuss implementation
issues including storage architecture variants and finally present both an evaluation of the data model and a
proof of concept based on a prototypical implementation in a case example.
Today, manufacturing companies are exposed to
intense competition due to globalization, high mar-
ket volatility and rapid technological changes (Mon-
auni and Foschiani, 2013). In addition, worldwide
homogenization and dissemination of production
technologies and materials diminish the competitive
potential of tangible assets. Thus, knowledge, that is
the intangible intellectual capital of a company,
becomes a critical source for competitive advantages
emphasizing the need for a systematic knowledge
management (Goossenaerts et al., 2005).
Existing knowledge management systems in
manufacturing mainly focus on product knowledge
and customer knowledge. For example, knowledge-
based engineering systems integrate computer aided
design (CAD) data and additional product
knowledge to enrich product models (Chapman and
Pinfold, 2001). Yet, there are only rudimentary con-
cepts for the management of process knowledge in
Existing approaches are characterized by three
major shortcomings limiting process knowledge
management and continuous process improvement:
(i) they are either exclusively based on structured
knowledge, e. g., formal rules, or they only deal with
unstructured knowledge like documents; (ii) they
make use of tailored and application-specific data-
bases to store knowledge items; (iii) they focus on
isolated aspects of manufacturing processes, e. g.,
specific resources, or selected phases of the process
lifecycle, e. g., process planning. This leads to an
ineffective, costly and time consuming discovery,
application and sharing of manufacturing knowledge
(Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007). For example,
production supervisors typically have to access dif-
ferent isolated IT systems and paper-based docu-
ments to find failure reports and improvement sug-
gestions in order to manually correlate them with
additional process information like metrics.
To address these issues, we present the Manufac-
turing Knowledge Repository (MKR), a universal
holistic repository that consolidates structured and
unstructured process knowledge to facilitate
knowledge discovery, knowledge management and
knowledge-based process optimization in manufac-
turing (see Figure 1).
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows: First, we structure related work with respect to
Gröger C., Schwarz H. and Mitschang B..
The Manufacturing Knowledge Repository - Consolidating Knowledge to Enable Holistic Process Knowledge Management in Manufacturing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004891200390051
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 39-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The Manufacturing Knowledge Repository.
process knowledge repositories in Section 2. Next,
we define contents and requirements for the MKR in
Section 3. This provides the basis for the conceptual
repository data model presented in Section 4. In
Section 5, we focus on implementation issues and
present a prototypical implementation. A qualitative
evaluation of the MKR and a technical proof of con-
cept based on a case example are described in Sec-
tion 6. Finally, we conclude in Section 7 and high-
light future work.
Process Knowledge repositories are databases for
integrating, structuring and storing process
knowledge (Davenport and Prusak, 2000). The latter
comprises all types of insights related to processes.
In this work, we focus on explicit knowledge in the
sense of contextualized data connected by patterns
and relations (Ackoff, 1989). We further subdivide
explicit knowledge in structured knowledge having a
predefined technical data structure, e. g., formal
rules and metrics, and unstructured knowledge, e. g.,
photos and documents.
With respect to related work, we distinguish be-
tween manufacturing-specific repositories for pro-
cess knowledge and concepts from the business
process and workflow context. Manufacturing-
specific approaches can be found as part of various
expert systems for process planning (Kiritsis, 1995),
(Giovannini et al., 2012). They make use of formal
rules and logics to support the generation of work
plans. These kinds of repositories are typically based
on structured knowledge and focus on process plan-
ning aspects. Besides process planning, there are
only rudimentary repository approaches focusing on
the other lifecycle phases, that is, process execution
and process analysis. The tools presented in (Fischer
et al., 2000) share a common knowledge repository
for process analysis in manufacturing. It integrates
structured knowledge for rule-based, case-based and
model-based reasoning to identify root causes of
production failures. In (Mazumdar et al., 2012), a
manufacturing knowledge repository is presented. It
integrates and annotates process-related documents,
e. g., failure and performance reports, using manu-
facturing-specific ontologies to support semantic
search capabilities for process execution and analy-
sis. All these approaches make use of application-
specific databases and are either exclusively based
on structured or on unstructured knowledge.
Regarding process knowledge repositories in the
business process context, process repositories with
semantic search capabilities, e. g., (Ma et al., 2007),
can be seen as initial approaches. Most similar to the
concept presented in this article is the work in (Nie-
dermann et al., 2011). The authors present a univer-
sal process knowledge repository that stores results
of workflow analyses, especially metrics and data
mining models. Yet, it focuses on structured
knowledge and cannot simply be applied to manu-
facturing as it is based on workflow standards, espe-
cially the Business Process Execution Language.
The MKR goes significantly beyond existing ap-
proaches by integrating various types of structured
and unstructured process knowledge in a universal
database to support different analytics- and
knowledge-driven applications across the entire
process lifecycle in manufacturing.
The MKR integrates different kinds of process
knowledge, called insights, by associating them with
corresponding process components. Hence, the two
core building blocks of the MKR’s content are a
holistic process meta model as well as a catalogue of
different types of insights. The main requirements
for these building blocks are described in the follow-
ing and are used as a basis for the definition of the
data model in Section 4.
The holistic process meta model defines essential
components of discrete manufacturing processes,
e. g., process steps and resources, whereas it is inde-
pendent of a concrete industry in order to be univer-
sally applicable. It has to integrate both design-time
and a run-time perspective, that is, aspects of pro-
cess planning and execution, to provide a holistic
view. The design-time perspective comprises the
process model defining, e. g., the types of resources
needed, whereas the run-time perspective covers all
Manufacturing Knowledge Repository
Mining App
Knowledge Discovery and Management
Knowledge Consolidation
aspects of the execution of the model, e. g., individ-
ual employed resources or occurred failures. There-
by, both a process view referring to the flow of pro-
cess steps including the routing of materials as well
a resource view referring to the detailed specifica-
tion and dependencies of resources like machines
have to be combined. Moreover, changes of process
models, that is, their evolution over time, have to be
traceable in order to support process optimization
purposes (Niedermann et al., 2011). It is important
to remark, that there is no need for a highly detailed
meta model like in computer aided planning sys-
tems. Instead, the meta model has to cover all major
components of manufacturing processes to associate
corresponding insights while remaining easy to un-
derstand for non-expert users in IT like production
supervisors. Finally, it has to be able to be imple-
mented in a database environment in order to use it
for repository storage.
Regarding insights, a huge variety of knowledge-
relevant objects exists in manufacturing ranging
from work instructions over failure reports to key
performance indicators. Thus, we analyzed insights
across the entire process life cycle from a technical
point of view differentiating structured and unstruc-
tured insights. We observed the following types of
structured insights:
Metrics, e. g., lead time, aggregating quantitative
process attributes (Brown, 1996)
Data mining models, e. g., decision trees or cluster
models, representing patterns and relationships of
process attributes (Han et al., 2012)
Formal rules in terms of if-then relations, which
can be used for rule-based reasoning (Giarratano
and Riley, 2005) or as business rules (Morgan,
Special process constructs, e. g., rework sequenc-
es, which refer to sets of process steps with certain
business semantics (Niedermann et al., 2011)
Ontology concepts in terms of semantic annota-
tions using manufacturing-specific ontologies like
MASON (Lemaignan et al., 2006) to enable rea-
soning and semantic search capabilities
In addition, we identified the following types of
unstructured insights:
Text referring to any kind of unstructured textual
data, e. g., emails or reports
Images like photos, graphics or diagrams
Aud io comprising any kind of sound recordings
The conceptual repository data model realizes the
contents and requirements discussed in Section 3
and comprises a holistic process meta model as well
as an insight model. In the following, we represent
both parts as class diagrams in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) and describe their association.
4.1 Holistic Process Meta Model
The basis of the holistic process meta model is the
basic meta model described in (Gröger et al.,
2012a). The latter comprises a manufacturing pro-
cess meta model which takes a run-time perspective
on manufacturing processes and is designed for the
implementation in a data warehouse environment.
We refine and extend this meta model with respect
to design-time aspects in order to derive the holistic
process meta model. To this end, we analyze exist-
ing process-oriented manufacturing meta models,
especially (Erlach, 2011), (Zor et al., 2011), (Inter-
national Society of Automation, 2000), (Lemaignan
et al., 2006). Figure 2 shows the main components
of the resulting process meta model, which we de-
scribe in the following. For the sake of simplicity,
we omit many additional classes of the model, e. g.,
for spatial aspects of process steps, and do not detail
4.1.1 Design-time Aspects
From a design-time point of view, that is, with re-
spect to process planning and design, a manufactur-
ing process in terms of a process model produces
one or more types of products. A product can be
described by features referring to informational
aggregations of product characteristics, like geomet-
ric or functional aspects (Shah and Mäntylä, 1995).
Features relevant for a certain process step are asso-
ciated with the latter to enable both feature-oriented
analysis across different manufacturing processes as
well as the association of feature-oriented insights,
especially rules for knowledge-based process plan-
A manufacturing process comprises several pro-
cess steps, that is, all steps necessary to produce the
specified product. In order to analyze the evolution
of a manufacturing process over time, different pro-
cess versions can be defined, which comprise indi-
vidual compositions of process steps. According to
(Erlach, 2011), (Zor et al., 2011), we differentiate
manufacturing steps, comprising the actual
Figure 2: Main components of the holistic process meta model.
manufacturing and assembly of parts, testing steps,
which refer to quality control activities in a process,
transporting steps, covering the movement of parts
between different steps, and warehousing steps,
referring to stock-keeping. Process steps are further
associated with three types of resource groups,
namely operating resource groups comprising ma-
chine groups and productions aid groups, as well as
employee groups. These groups define requirements
for the actual resources selected during process exe-
cution and control, e. g., specific machines, tools and
workers. Input material refers to products and parts
as external input of process steps, e. g., for assembly
operations. It defines necessary material properties
and amounts as described in the work plan.
Regarding the process flow, that is, the connec-
tion of process steps and the modeling of different
paths, we exclusively focus on the flow of material
as done in value stream design (Erlach, 2011). Thus,
we omit additional control flow aspects for the sake
of understandability. Moreover, we model the flow
of material using material gateways and refine the
concept in (Zor et al., 2011) as follows: Two process
steps are always connected by a material gateway.
The first and the last step of a process have no input
gateway or no output gateway respectively. Moreo-
ver, we differentiate five types of gateways: The
sequence gateway defines a simple sequential pass-
ing of material from one process step to the other.
The route gateway represents a diversion point in
the material flow, i. e., one out of several possible
subsequent process steps has to be chosen according
to a defined condition. As a counterpart, the select
gateway refers to a selection of one out of several
preceding process steps. The split gateway creates
parallel flows of material with a condition defining
how the material is split up. The join gateway again
joins parallel material flows.
4.1.2 Run-time Aspects
The run-time perspective focuses on the execution of
single instances of a manufacturing process which
are initiated by a production order. The latter de-
fines the customer as well as various order details
like batch size. Instantiation refers to process execu-
tion and control and comprises the detailed planning
of resources and materials. That is, individual ma-
chines, production aids and employees are selected
for process execution and are therefore associated to
a process step instance which in turn belongs to a
manufacturing process instance. Moreover, material
consumption associates the actual batch of input
material processed in a step instance.
In addition, there are elements which are not
modeled at design-time, especially failures, which
may occur during process execution, and the con-
sumption of operational material. The latter refers
Operating Resource Group
Machine Group Machine
Operating Resource
Process Version
Manufacturing Process Instance
Production Order
Production AidProduction Aid Group
Employee Group
Manufacturing Process
Material Consumption
Input Material
Material Gateway Material Gateway Instance
Route Gateway
Split Gateway
Select Gateway
Join Gateway
OpMaterial Consumption
Sequence Gateway
Operational Material
Process Step Instance
Process Flow
Process Step
Figure 3: Main components of the insight model.
to external input material which is consumed in a
process step but does not become part of the product
itself, e. g., oil or electricity.
4.2 Insight Model
Figure 3 shows the main components of the reposi-
tory’s insight model. In the following, we focus on
metrics, data mining models and unstructured in-
sights as major types of insights in manufacturing.
In general, an insight is associated with a creator
referring to the employee who created the insight.
This enables the integration of the MKR with exist-
ing yellow page systems for community-based
knowledge management by linking the creator with
its entry in the yellow page system.
Metrics primarily comprise the actual value and
the unit of measurement, e. g., seconds or kilos.
Moreover, they are organized in general target di-
mensions of manufacturing, especially time, quality,
flexibility and cost (Kaushish, 2010). For example,
lead time and adherence to delivery dates are metrics
belonging to the time dimension. The calculation
defines the formula as well as the meaning of the
metric itself. Besides, we differentiate two types of
metrics: Target metrics define values in terms of
thresholds to be achieved during process execution,
e. g., the maximum lead time of a process, whereas
measured metrics comprise the actual recorded val-
ue. Thereby, measured metrics are associated with
one or more target metrics with the latter defining,
e. g., maximum or minimum values.
With respect to data mining models, we differen-
tiate six major types, namely regression models,
classification models, association models, time se-
ries and sequences. For a detailed description, we
refer to (Han et al., 2012). Each model is generated
by a certain algorithm, e. g., a classification tree can
be generated by the C4.5 algorithm, and algorithm-
specific parameters, e. g., whether tree pruning is
activated, are stored as well. Moreover, the input
data that is used as a source for the algorithm is
specified using a predicate filter which is evaluated
over the repository’s data. Further, the repository
allows to store application results of data mining
models, e. g., when a regression model is applied for
predicting a metric. Yet, we assume this to be useful
only in special cases, e. g., for compliance reasons.
Unstructured insights have no predefined compo-
nents and are thus generally descripted by a title and
a textual description.
4.3 Insight Association
In general, insights can be associated with all com-
ponents of the process meta model whereas one
insight can be associated with multiple components
and vice versa. In the following, we detail the asso-
ciation of metrics, data mining models and unstruc-
tured insights with respect to the major meta model
components for a process-oriented browsing of in-
sights, namely processes, process steps and re-
sources (see Table 1). These associations are to be
seen on a conceptual level independent of the im-
plementation, e. g., whether they may be enforced
using application logic or database constraints.
With respect to metrics, target metrics are solely
associated with design-time components like the
version of the manufacturing process and operating
resource groups as they define values to be achieved.
Measured metrics are generated during process exe-
cution, e. g., the actual lead time of a process in-
stance is measured. Thus, they are associated with
corresponding run-time components. However,
measured metrics may be aggregated over several
Regression Clustering
Special construct
Time seriesSequence
Input Data
Target Dimension
Ontology Concept
Data Mining Model
Unstructured Insight
Table 1: Association of insights with process meta model
run-time components representing values on the
design-time level as well, e. g., the average lead time
of a selected manufacturing process.
Data mining models describe patterns and rela-
tionships of a set of run-time elements, e. g., a clus-
tering of process instances of a selected manufactur-
ing process. Thus, they are solely associated with
design-time elements.
Unstructured insights are generally associated
with both design-time and run-time components like
certain machines or entire machine groups. Yet, with
respect to processes and process steps, unstructured
insights are solely associated with the corresponding
design-time components in order to reuse them
across all process instances and step instances.
In this section, we analyze the characteristics of the
data in the MKR and discuss different storage archi-
tectures. Moreover, we present a prototypical im-
plementation of the MKR.
5.1 Data Characteristics
A storage-oriented analysis of the conceptual data
model presented in Section 4 reveals several kinds
of data that have to be stored. In the following, we
characterize these different kinds of data as a basis
for the development of a storage architecture for the
MKR. Thereby, we focus on selected types of in-
sights, namely, metrics, data mining models and
unstructured insights, as major types of insights in
manufacturing process management. Thus, there are
four kinds of data to be stored:
Data concerning the manufacturing process and
metrics: This comprises data related to all compo-
nents of the process meta model as well as on cor-
responding metrics. Thus, the data are well struc-
tured and can be very large in volume, especially
with respect to process instance data. Moreover,
they have to be efficiently accessed by analytical
applications, in particular data mining tools, in or-
der to generate data mining models.
Data concerning data mining models: These data
have to allow for a universal representation of data
mining models as well as associated parameters in
order to exchange them with external data mining
tools for model evaluation and application.
Data concerning unstructured insights: These data
are semi-structured or unstructured and may com-
prise large volumes of multimedia data and text.
The latter should be searchable whereas the former
is primarily stored for manual exchange by the us-
Data concerning associations: These data are
structured and refer to the association of insights
and components of the process meta model as out-
lined in Section 4.3. These data have to facilitate a
flexible association, even if insights and meta
model components are stored in different systems.
5.2 Storage Architectures
With respect to the above data characteristics, rela-
tional database technology constitutes the starting
point of a storage architecture for the MKR to store
data on processes and metrics in a multidimensional
warehouse structure. This mature technology is suit-
able here because it handles huge amounts of struc-
tured data in a scalable and universally accessible
Regarding data mining models, there are two ma-
jor references for their specification and exchange:
The Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML)
(Data Mining Group, 2013) is an XML-based format
to specify data mining models in a semi-structured
and vendor-independent way. Besides, the Common
Warehouse Meta Model (CWM) (Poole et al., 2003)
and its data mining package define a general meta
model for data mining models. Both approaches
define the structure of the actual mining model, e. g.,
a decision tree, as well as parameters used to gener-
ate it, e. g., pruning settings. Yet, in contrast to the
CWM data mining model, PMML is supported by a
wide range of commercial and open source data
mining tools and thus represents the first choice to
store data mining models in a semi-structured format
in the MKR.
Hence, semi- and unstructured data on unstruc-
tured insights and data mining models have to be
stored and associated with structured data on pro-
cesses and metrics in the MKR. As mentioned, rela-
tional database technology is suitable to store these
data on processes and metrics. Taking this into ac-
count, there are two major storage architecture vari-
ants for the MKR:
x /
/ - Insights fully/partially/not associated
Insights /
Meta Model Components
str uctu re d
Design-Time Components
Run-Time Components
In the relational-only architecture, additional fea-
tures of relational database management systems
are exploited to store semi- and unstructured data
together with structured data on processes and
metrics in the relational database. That is, PMML
files are stored as XML data and binary large ob-
jects (BLOB) and character large objects (CLOB)
are used to store unstructured insights. Associa-
tions are directly realized as foreign key relation-
ships between tuples representing insights and
process components in the database. Moreover,
full-text search capabilities of relational database
management systems are employed to make use of
text in unstructured insights like PDF documents.
In the extended architecture, semi- and unstruc-
tured data are stored separately from the relational
database in a Content Management System (CMS)
(Kampffmeyer, 2007). A CMS allows for the cen-
tral storage and management of content items,
which are accessed by object identifiers. The latter
are used to realize the association of insights and
process components based on mapping tables.
These tables combine primary keys of process
components with object identifiers of correspond-
ing insights.
For a comparison of these architecture variants, we
refer to three major criteria: the handling of insights,
the realization of associations between insights and
process components as well as maintenance issues
(see Table 2).
In view of the handling of insights, the extended
architecture profits from advanced functions of a
CMS. Apart from simple full-text search capabilities
as in the relational-only architecture, a CMS typical-
ly provides text recognition functions as well as
versioning concepts for content items. Moreover, it
allows for a workflow-oriented handling of content
items and thus eases the reuse and sharing of in-
sights in workflow-based processes (Kampffmeyer,
Regarding the realization of associations be-
tween insights and process components, the relation-
al-only architecture allows for a simple implementa-
tion using foreign key constraints. In contrast, the
extended architecture requires additional efforts to
ensure consistency of associations, e. g., to make
sure that all affected associations are deleted if a
corresponding content item in the CMS is removed.
With respect to maintenance issues, the relation-
al-only architecture reduces maintenance efforts as
existing database procedures, e. g., for backup and
recovery, can be seamlessly applied to data on in-
sights. In contrast, the extended architecture requires
the maintenance of two separate storage systems.
To conclude, we opt for the relational-only archi-
tecture to implement the MKR as it eases the associ-
ation of insights and process components and reduc-
es maintenance efforts.
Table 2: Comparison of architecture variants.
5.3 Prototypical Implementation
Our prototypical implementation is based on the
work of (Vetlugin, 2012) and is carried out as part of
our Advanced Manufacturing Analytics platform for
the data-driven optimization of manufacturing pro-
cesses. The platform comprises data mining use
cases for continuous process improvement (Gröger
et al., 2012b) and makes use of a manufacturing-
specific process warehouse, the Manufacturing
Warehouse (Gröger et al., 2012a).
The technical architecture of our prototype is
based on the relational-only architecture discussed
above and is shown in Figure 4. We implemented a
simplified version of the MKR’s conceptual data
model as a relational schema in an IBM DB2 data-
base. To this end, we extended the schema of the
Manufacturing Warehouse with respect to the holis-
tic process meta model and selected insights. The
schema is oriented towards a relational snowflake
schema to realize a multidimensional structure of the
holistic process meta model with minimum redun-
dancy in the dimension tables. The schema compris-
es process step instances as central facts with met-
rics like lead time of a process step. Process details,
e. g., the process the step belongs to, as well as em-
ployed resources in a step are treated as dimensions.
This structure enables a multidimensional analysis
of process execution data in the MKR, e. g., using
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).
Moreover, we defined an API implemented in
Java which comprises two services: Navigation ena-
bles both browsing of the MKR’s contents, e. g., to
view insights associated with a certain process step,
and uploading of new contents, e. g., photos. Root
cause analysis is a data mining use case described in
(Gröger et al., 2012b) and focuses on the analysis of
metric deviations using decision trees, e. g., for pro-
duction supervisors identifying influence factors for
high lead times as shown in Figure 4.
Extende d
Handling of Insights
Realization of Associations
Figure 4: Technical architecture of the prototype.
Decision trees are stored as insights in the MKR
whereas RapidMiner is used as an open source data
mining tool to derive the decision trees. These API
services can be accessed by applications using the
In this section, we provide a qualitative evaluation of
the MKR as well as a technical proof of concept. We
first evaluate the holistic process meta model and the
insight model including MKR’s support for analysis
and insight generation. Next, we show that the MKR
satisfies the whole range of process-oriented infor-
mation needs and thus enables a holistic process
management. Finally, for a technical proof of con-
cept, we employ our prototype of the MKR in an
exemplary case in the automotive industry.
6.1 Evaluation of the Holistic Process
Meta Model
To evaluate the holistic process meta model (see
Section 4.1), we analyze its universal applicability
by showing that it covers all types of discrete manu-
facturing processes. In addition, we compare it with
existing manufacturing meta models and show that it
provides a sound basis for insight association and
universal process representation in the MKR.
6.1.1 Evaluation of Universal Applicability
According to (Buzacott et al., 2013), there are three
general types of processes in discrete manufacturing,
namely mass manufacturing processes, series manu-
facturing processes and one-piece manufacturing
processes (see Figure 5). These types differ in their
scale of production, their organization and their
market orientation. In the following, we briefly de-
scribe these types and analyze how the holistic pro-
cess meta model covers them.
Figure 5: Types of discrete manufacturing processes.
Mass manufacturing processes focus on the produc-
tion of large quantities of highly standardized prod-
ucts. The organization follows a flow shop produc-
tion concept with a high degree of automation. That
is, workers are mainly in charge of controlling ma-
chines which are sequentially connected by auto-
mated transportation steps. Production is decoupled
from demand by a make-to-stock approach. To rep-
resent a flow shop production, the holistic process
meta models allows for the modelling of a flow of
manufacturing steps and transportation steps con-
nected by sequence gateways. Moreover, various
operating resources can be modeled to represent the
high degree of automation. Besides, warehousing
steps can be employed to represent make-to-stock
aspects. Thus, the holistic process meta model sup-
ports the modelling of mass manufacturing process.
One-piece manufacturing processes focus on the
production of single customized products. These
processes are organized according to a job shop
production layout with a high degree of flexibility
and only partial automation. There is a significant
amount of manual work whereas functionally similar
workplaces are grouped together in the factory.
Routing between these workplaces is complex as it
may vary for each product. One-piece manufacturing
follows the make-to-order principle with no signifi-
cant stock keeping. The holistic process meta model
allows for the representation of a job shop produc-
tion layout by modelling various material gateways
to represent flexible routings between manufacturing
steps and transportation steps. Moreover, a produc-
tion order models individual orders of customers
whereas features allow to represent the customiza-
tion of the ordered product. Hence, one-piece manu-
facturing processes can be represented by the holis-
tic process meta model, as well.
Series manufacturing processes focus on the
production of different but related products in prede-
fined lot sizes and represent a hybrid form between
one-piece manufacturing and mass manufacturing.
These processes are based on a combination of flow
shop production and job shop production depending
Process Dashboard
Data Mining
Manufacturing Knowledge Repository
Navigation Root Cause Analysis
Performance Metrics (avg.)
Lead Time: 23min
Reject Rate: 11%
Failure Reports
Root Cause Analysis of Lead Times (LT)
18/12/12: Tool 18 broken
• 10/11/12: Machine 2 slow
• 05/11/12: Oil leakage
Utilization: 84%
LT too
LT too
>= 4
< 4
!= B7 = B7
Flow shop production
High automation
Job shop production
Partial automation
on the lot size. Thereby, a middle to high degree of
automation and temporary stock keeping are typical.
As stated above, the holistic process meta model
allows to represent both flow shop production and
job shop production as well as a combination using
additional material gateways. Besides, production
orders, products and features can be modelled to
represent series information, e. g., the number of
goods and the product variant to be produced. Thus,
series manufacturing is covered by the holistic meta
model, too.
To sum up, the holistic process meta model sup-
ports the modelling of all general types of discrete
manufacturing processes. Individual manufacturing
processes in industry practice can be seen as derived
or hybrid forms of these types (Buzacott et al., 2013)
and are thus supported by the meta model, as well.
This confirms the universal applicability of the ho-
listic process meta model and thus the generality of
the MKR for discrete manufacturing.
6.1.2 Comparison of Meta Models
To evaluate the holistic process meta model with
respect to existing process meta models in manufac-
turing, we did a qualitative comparison against the
requirements defined in Section 3. For the compari-
son (see Table 3), we chose the ISA-95-1 process
meta model (International Society of Automation,
2000) as it represents a common standard imple-
mented in manufacturing execution systems. More-
over, we selected the Virtual Factory (VF) Data
Model (Terkaj et al., 2012) as it integrates a wide
range of industrial and scientific manufacturing meta
models. In addition, we chose the value stream de-
sign (VSD) model (Erlach, 2011) because value
stream design is a typical method used to document
manufacturing processes.
All these models are universally applicable for
discrete manufacturing processes without focusing
on specific branches or industries. Yet, only our
holistic model integrates design-time aspects and
run-time aspects, that is, information on process
planning and process execution. We consider this an
important point for a holistic knowledge manage-
ment because the combined analysis of process exe-
cution information, e. g., resulting from machine
data or occurred failures, as well as process planning
information enables the generation of novel insights
(Kemper et al., 2013). For instance, a data-mining-
based root cause analysis of metric deviations as
described in Section 5.3 can reveal new knowledge
for process improvement. Neither the ISA-95-1
model, nor the VF model nor the VSD model sup-
port the explicit modelling of process execution
Table 3: Comparison of process meta models.
Regarding the combination of a process view and a
resource view, our meta model as well as the VSD
model allow for the modelling of process flow as-
pects using gateways as well as basic resource in-
formation, e. g., on machines and production aids.
However, detailed specifications of resources, e. g.,
regarding maintenance requirements, are not cov-
ered by these models. In contrast, the ISA-95-1
model as well as the VF model provide an additional
resource view with details on all types of resources.
The tracking of the process evolution is fully
supported by our meta model and the VF model.
Both models include versioning concepts and keep
track of the adaption of process models. This is im-
portant to support continuous knowledge-driven
process improvement by reusing insights and evalu-
ating their improvement impact over time. The VSD
model does not focus on tracking process adaptions
and the ISA-95-1 model only supports versioning of
selected parts of the model without tracking changes
of the entire process model over time.
The model simplicity refers to the number of el-
ements and the structure of the model with respect to
the comprehensibility for the end user. We consider
model simplicity an important factor as it reduces
the barriers for the collection and reuse of insights
by the user which stimulates knowledge manage-
ment. The VF model is comparatively complex as it
integrates various meta models, e. g., on products,
processes and resources, and comprises several ab-
straction layers. Similarly, the ISA-95-1 model
comprises multiple generic definitions on processes
and resources, e. g., abstract resource requirements
are matched with actual resource capabilities. In
contrast, the VSD model is designed for a simple
modelling of manufacturing processes with a core
Universal Applicability in
Discrete Manufacturing
Integration of Design-Time
and Run-Time Aspects
Combination of Process
View and Ressource View
Support for Process
Model Simplicity for Insight
+- -+
list of process elements. Our holistic meta model
refines and extends these elements without referring
to generic views or definitions.
All in all, the qualitative comparison reveals that
only the holistic process meta model fully supports
the integration of design-time and run-time aspects
and provides both model simplicity and support for
process evolution. Although the resource view is
only basically represented, a coarse-grained associa-
tion of resource-related insights is possible with the
holistic process meta model. Hence, it provides a
sound basis for insight association and universal
process representation in the MKR.
6.2 Evaluation of the Insight Model
and MKR’s Analysis Support
In the following, we evaluate the insight model (see
Section 4.2) in combination with the MKR’s analy-
sis support and show that the MKR provides a com-
prehensive basis for the generation and storage of
analysis results and insights of major data analytics
systems (see Figure 6).
According to (Kemper et al., 2010), there are
four general types of data analytics for knowledge
generation in business intelligence: free data explo-
ration, OLAP, reporting and model-based analytics.
The analysis results of these systems represent in-
sights and thus have to be covered by the insight
model to store them in the MKR. Moreover, the
MKR as a whole should support the use of these
data analytics for the generation of new insights.
Free data exploration refers to the direct search
and browsing of insights in the MKR by the user.
There is no direct generation of new analysis results.
Free data exploration rather provides the basis for
further analytics by identifying needs for new anal-
yses, e. g., failure reports which require further root
cause analyses. The MKR fully supports free data
exploration by navigation features (see Section 5.3).
OLAP comprises the multidimensional analysis
of metric-oriented information (Pendse and Creeth,
1995). Metrics represent analysis facts and dimen-
sions constitute views on these facts, e. g., analyzing
the lead time of certain process steps. The MKR
fully supports process-oriented OLAP analyses be-
cause (1) the insight model defines metrics and their
relationships and (2) the MKR makes use of a multi-
dimensional warehouse structure with these metrics
as facts and elements of the process meta model as
dimensions (see Section 5.3).
Reporting systems focus on the textual, graphical
or diagram-oriented documentation of metric-
information in reports. Reports constitute semi-
structured or unstructured text documents and are
thus covered as text insights in the insights model.
Moreover, the multidimensional structure of the
MKR with metrics as central facts supports the use
of reporting systems, which are typically employed
on multidimensional data warehouses.
Figure 6: Types of data analytics and support by the MKR.
Model-based analytics comprise data mining ap-
proaches (Han et al., 2012) and expert systems
(Giarratano and Riley, 2005). The former refer to the
broad range of data mining techniques and models,
e. g., clustering and classification. The latter mainly
comprise case-based, model-based and rule-based
approaches. With respect to the insight model, the
six major types of data mining models are covered
explicitly and further types may be added flexibly by
inheritance. Formal rules are supported by the in-
sight model, as well. In contrast, formal cases and
formal models are not directly supported by the
insight model due to their heterogeneity in different
case-based und model-based applications. That is,
they have to be represented as unstructured textual
insights in order to incorporate them in the MKR.
Considering the generation of data mining models,
the MKR, with its multidimensional structure, fully
supports the use of data mining tools like
RapidMiner (see Section 5.3). Yet, the use of specif-
ic case-based, rule-based or model-based applica-
tions may require application-specific adaptions of
the MKR’s data structure due to missing standards
for expert systems.
To sum up, the MKR supports both the genera-
tion and storage of analysis results from reporting
and OLAP applications as well data mining systems
and includes free data exploration. The key enablers
are the insight model in combination with a multi-
dimensional structure based on the process meta
model which comprises process model data and
process execution data for analysis purposes. With
respect to expert systems, formal rules, models and
cases can be stored in the MKR. Yet, the use of the
MKR as a data basis for expert systems to generate
Types of Data
Free Data
Online Analytical
Fully supported by the MKR
Partially supported by the MKR
new insights requires additional application-specific
6.3 Evaluation of the MKR for
Knowledge Management
On the basis of the above evaluation of the holistic
process meta model and the insight model, we show
that the realization of the models in the MKR ena-
bles a holistic process knowledge management by
satisfying the whole range of process-oriented in-
formation needs in manufacturing.
In our previous work (Gröger et al., 2013), we
identified four general types of process-oriented
information, namely process context, process per-
formance, process documentation and process com-
munication. In the following, we describe these
information needs and analyze how the MKR satis-
fies them. Table 4 shows for each information need
whether it is satisfied using insights or meta model
components of the MKR.
Process context refers to the structure and the
status of the overall process and its underlying re-
sources, e. g., machines, as well as the goods to
be produced. The MKR’s process meta model
comprises all information relevant for the process
context: Process steps and material gateways rep-
resent the structure and employees and operating
resources provide information on process re-
sources both from a design-time and a run-time
point of view. Information on the product and its
features is available, as well.
Process performance alludes to information about
the effectiveness and efficiency of the process
and its resources. All information relevant for
process performance is provided by insights, es-
pecially metrics and data mining models, as well
as information about material consumption in the
meta model.
Process documentation refers to information to
support the execution of a process, e. g., work in-
structions, as well as information for process im-
provement, especially improvement suggestions.
Process documentation can be represented as spe-
cial kinds of unstructured insights which may
comprise text, audio or video supported by the
Process communication covers information ex-
changed between employees participating in the
process, especially text, video or audio messages.
These can be treated as corresponding insights
and are therefore supported by the MKR, too.
Table 4: Information needs satisfied by the MKR.
To conclude, the MKR satisfies the whole range of
process-oriented information needs in manufacturing
and thus enables a holistic knowledge management.
The MKR consolidates knowledge across the entire
process lifecycle and facilitates sharing amongst
various target groups of users. Moreover, the MKR
enables the cross-correlation of different types of
knowledge like failure reports, metrics and data
mining models to support the discovery of new in-
sights for process improvement.
6.4 Case Example and Technical Proof
of Concept
The technical proof of concept is based on the appli-
cation of the prototype of the MKR (see Section 5.3)
in an exemplary case in the automotive industry, that
is, the mass production of steel springs for car mo-
tors as described in (Erlach, 2011). The manufactur-
ing process consists of several sequential steps for
winding, tempering and shot peening of springs and
involves various machines like winding machines.
For our technical proof of concept, we modelled
the manufacturing process according to the holistic
process meta model whereas we used the typical
model constructs to represent mass manufacturing
processes as described in Section 6.1.1. On this ba-
sis, we identified attributes of resources and process
steps, e. g., winding speed of winding machines, and
generated corresponding process model and process
execution data to populate the MKR with instance
data. Thereby, we generated data on 100.000 execu-
tions of the manufacturing process and calculated
metric values, e. g., for lead times and quality rates.
With respect to insights, we did several root
cause analyses on lead times using process execution
data in the MKR and deduced corresponding deci-
sion trees as data mining models which were stored
in the MKR. Moreover, we stored exemplary ma-
chine manuals, photos and reports as JPEG and PDF
files representing unstructured insights in the MKR.
Considering an application on top of the MKR,
we implemented a knowledge-based process dash-
board on an Android tablet pc addressing both
Meta Model
Process Context
Process Performance
Process Documentation
Process Communication
workers on the factory shop floor and production
supervisors (see Figure 4). The dashboard is based
on our requirements analysis described in (Gröger et
al., 2013) and represents an application using the
MKR and its API to provide mobile access to differ-
ent kinds of process knowledge in different applica-
tion scenarios. For instance, workers can get infor-
mation on best practices and work instructions as
well as upload photos and reports of manufacturing
failures. Besides, production supervisors can corre-
late metrics and failure reports and execute root
cause analyses.
Based on our test system (Windows Server 2008
R2, Core i7-2620M@2,7 GHz, 8 GB RAM) and
data on 100.000 process instances, the MKR proved
to provide acceptable system performance for inter-
active usage in typical application scenarios of the
dashboard described in (Gröger et al., 2013).
This technical proof of concept demonstrates the
fundamental feasibility and applicability of the
MKR combined with suitable applications like the
dashboard. The MKR proved to provide the facilities
for insight generation, storage and reuse based on
data of a realistic manufacturing process.
In this article, we introduced the Manufacturing
Knowledge Repository, a holistic repository facili-
tating process knowledge management in manufac-
turing. It consolidates structured and unstructured
knowledge, e. g., metrics, data mining models and
text documents, and can be used by various applica-
tions. We presented the conceptual data model in-
cluding a holistic process meta model and an insight
model and discussed different storage architectures.
We did a qualitative evaluation of the data models
and presented a technical proof of concept based on
a prototypical implementation in a case example.
With respect to future work, our goal is to im-
plement an alternative storage architecture for the
MKR and to investigate novel analytics on top of the
MKR. That is, on the one hand, we are going to
implement the extended architecture introduced in
this article. This architecture seams promising to us
as it exploits the functionality of a Content Man-
agement System for the workflow-based reuse and
distribution of insights in business processes. On the
other hand, we are going to examine novel analytics
which combine structured and unstructured
knowledge to generate new insights, e. g., combin-
ing data mining on process execution data and text
analytics on unstructured text documents.
The authors would like to thank the German Re-
search Foundation (DFG) for financial support of
this project as part of the Graduate School of Excel-
lence advanced Manufacturing Engineering
(GSaME) at the University of Stuttgart.
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