using the target data. The work of Roth (2011)
provides a completeness-driven query planning. It
forwards queries by considering peers and mappings
that promise large result sets and mappings with low
information loss. Histograms are used to estimate
the potential data contribution of mappings.
In terms of query semantics preservation,
Kantere et al. (2009) present GrouPeer, an adaptive,
automated approach to clustering peers based on
their common interests. This work allows peers to
individually decide whether to answer the
successively rewritten query or to automatically
rewrite its original version. The work of Delvedouris
et al. (2009) discusses the query semantic loss in
query reformulation process. It proposes an
algorithm that estimates the semantic loss of the
rewritten queries by means of syntactic differences
between the original query and the reformulated
Differently from these related works, our
approach enhances query routing processes by
assuring the semantics preservation of the original
query, as closely as possible. To this end, we use a
semantic reference to avoid the query semantic loss
and some metrics to assess the query semantic value.
This value is used to avoid forwarding queries with a
high semantic loss.
In this work, we address the problem of preserving
the original query semantics in query routing
processes. We argue that the reformulated queries
along the set of peers should be analyzed according
to the original required query semantics. Query
semantics evaluation may contribute not only to
minimize the query routing time, but also to reduce
the search space by considering only peers that can
indeed contribute with relevant answers.
To help matters, we have proposed a semantic
reference, which is built by considering a domain
ontology (available as a background knowledge)
according to a given submitted query. We use the
semantic reference to avoid semantic loss at query
reformulation time. Furthermore, we have specified
three metrics in the light of a query routing process,
namely: query preservation, query enrichment and
query semantic value. These metrics have been used
in some accomplished experiments, which have
shown some benefits. Particularly, we verify that we
can minimize the semantic loss and avoid
forwarding queries with a high semantic loss. As a
result, our approach helps to produce query results
which best meet the users’ needs.
As further work, we are integrating our approach
with an information quality management service.The
idea is joining the three defined metrics with other
ones in order to select the most relevant neighbour
peers to route queries.
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