sification analysis is useful because it was possible
to separate agricultural areas from non-agricultural,
such as water, forest and urban areas.
In the second experiment, we performed the clus-
tering analysis of the same datasets. The spatial geo-
graphic visualization of the clustering results is shown
in Figure 6a) and c) and the profile visualization is
shown in Figure 6b) and d). The representative time
series chosen were the centroid of each cluster.
According to the experts, the Albedo variable was
useful to separate water areas from the other targets,
but was not sufficient to distinguish areas with differ-
ent vegetation cover. The clustering of the other areas
was defined mainly by the Surface Temperature vari-
able, being higher for targets with lower canopy, for
example, urban areas and exposed soil, and lower for
forest regions, such as the Atlantic Forest areas. The
cluster configuration varied from year to year because
the weather also varied over the last decade, influenc-
ing the values of Surface Temperature.
This paper presented the SITSMining framework, an
automated solution to data mining based analysis of
satellite image time series. As the need for knowledge
discovery in large remote sensing databases grows,
the framework is shown as a powerful computational
tool for the experts, as it provides resources such as
data extraction from multitemporal satellite images,
analysis of large datasets through data mining tech-
niques and output formatting in an integrated environ-
ment. Because of its modular architecture, the frame-
work allows the addition of new methods for noise
replacement, classification and clustering based anal-
ysis, output formatting, as well as the incorporation
of new data mining task modules.
The experimental analysis performed shows that
the framework is useful to support researches in agri-
culture domain of application, even considering low
spatial resolution satellite images. In future work, we
aim to fully integrate the SITSMining framework to
the SatImagExplorer tool, to provide for the experts
in agrometeorology, the possibility to perform extrac-
tion of time series from multitemporal satellite im-
ages, data mining analysis and output visualization in
an integrated system under the same platform.
We thank to CNPq, FAPESP, CAPES, Embrapa-
Campinas for financial support.
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