the events had the same rakings: TC = TT < SE = SC.
Differently from the other approaches, the one using
removal without considering the users or the events
present the same ranking found in the analysis of the
metrics: SC < TT < SE < TC.
Analysis of the Techniques per User:
Finally, we made an analysis on the behavior of
each technique for each user separately. The results
showed that the behavior of each technique varies for
each user. Figure 4 shows eight users for whom the
techniques presented differences among each other
for the Precision metric, considering the random re-
moval that does not use the users or the events. Each
group of four columns represents a user and each col-
umn represents a technique.
In this work, two geotag propagation techniques were
proposed and we also made a comparative analysis
between the two proposed techniques and two exist-
ing ones based on the metrics: precision, recall and
accuracy. With the initial tests, it became evident that
the order of the photographs that must receive prop-
agation must be kept random in order to achieve the
best results. Through the tests carried out throughout
the analysis, we can state that the choice of the cor-
rect propagation technique will depend on the system
type and on the importance of each metric. Consid-
ering a system in which the geographic annotation is
made randomly, making all the users to have at least
50% of the photographs, the technique of choice is
the Temporal Clustering. On the other hand, in a sys-
tem in which the geographic annotation depends on
the user’s profile or on the events that take place, the
Shared Events and the Social Correlation techniques
are the most promising.
We may highlight as future work the proposal of
some way of combining the techniques (with an in-
dividual weighting for each user) in order to improve
the results per user. Besides the possibility of com-
bining the techniques, it can be also considered a lo-
cation made with basis on the way the users describe
the place, instead of latitude and longitude.
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