list, and not yet implemented). The tool includes a
"zoo" (Favre, 2006) of numerous example cases. The
Diagraph is released under an open-source license at
Our current work is to design functional models
such as eFFBD (Pfister et al., 2012), which are hierar-
chical decompositions in the sense of IDEF0 (Ross,
1977), and also are executable models (timed Petri
nets), even if the operational semantics is not a part
of our research.
Abstract syntax and concrete syntax coevolution
is realized de facto by Diagraph. As a future work,
we would like to master the coevolution of a language
(abstract and concrete syntax) and existing instances
of that language.
We also would like to (semi) automatize the gen-
eration of a Diagraph grammar, by analyzing patterns
in the abstract syntax. Such patterns would drive the
concrete syntax: in fact they are concrete-syntax in-
tentions. We think about integrating the annotation
mechanism in the refactoring process of Eclipse, and
to improve the editor with code completion. A long-
term objective is building concrete syntaxes by ab-
stract syntax patterns recognition, but also, at a dif-
ferent (lower) meta-level, building model by imitat-
ing model patterns taken from a thematic repository.
Another objective is to improve the megamodel man-
agement by splitting the abstract syntax in several
metamodels. At last, we would like promoting the
Diagraph metamodel at the M3 level.
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