Workflow Model for Management of Ontology
of Homecare Pervasive Systems
Leandro O. Freitas
, Ederson Bastiani
and Giovani R. Librelotto
Polytechnic School, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Department of Informatics, Federal Institute Farroupilha, Panambi, RS, Brazil
Technology Center, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Pervasive Computing, Homecare Applications, Ontology, Workflow Model.
Pervasive computing applied to healthcare is seen nowadays as an alternative to the overcrowding in hospitals.
The implementation proactive applications improve the services offered, helping to speed the treatment of
patients. We present in this paper a workflow process model to be used for the development of pervasive
systems to homecare. It represents the management of the ontologies used by the systems. We describe the
processes that compose the workflow, showing a case study to validate it.
The current health paradigm, centred at hospitals and
clinics, compromises the capacity and quality of care
in the health systems. Every year, the queues in hos-
pitals grow due to a set of factors like, for example,
high demand of patients, problems of infrastructure,
poor internal communication and lack of professional
commitment (Andrade et al., 2009).
One way to minimize the delay on these services
is to change the way how patients are treated nowa-
days. Instead of leading the patient to the hospital to
receive the treatment, the clinical services could be
taken to the patient’s house through the implementa-
tion of medical applications creating a homecare sce-
nario. Homecare environments are very dynamics,
with frequent changes in its context (Zarghami et al.,
2011). For example, the patient can live and enter
whenever he wants, walk through the rooms or re-
ceive visit of relatives and friends. However, besides
being at home, the patient should be under constant
monitoring, and any sudden worsening on his health
condition should be treated immediately.
Relevant issues about care of elderly people in
homecare environments must be highlighted. For ex-
ample, the caregiver can be someone of the patient’s
family and without knowledge to assist him correctly.
Caregivers may become inattentive due to physical
and emotional stress. Thus, he could put in risk the
health of the patient, once he may have no control or
awareness of his actions and also be unable to ask for
help in a critical situation (Lemos et al., 2006).
In this scenario, pervasive computing appears as
a solution to solve problems like mobility and dy-
namicity that characterize a homecare environment,
supporting the frequent changes in context. Perva-
sive computing allows access to information anytime
and anywhere, providing quick and secure access to
the medical record of patients to physicians through
applications even if they are not in their workplaces
(Chen, 2004). They can take faster decisions about
which treatment apply to a specific patient whose
health is worsen.
These kind of systems should use information
from the environment. One of the most appropri-
ate ways to represent the knowledge of domains is
through ontologies. They can be defined as a for-
mal representation of a contextualization. In (Bastiani
et al., 2013) we presented an ontology to represent the
existing knowledge in homecare environments and an
architecture for the development of pervasive systems
focused on homecare treatment. These systems could
guarantee that the treatment of patients in their houses
would have the same quality of those offered in hos-
In this paper we focused on the management of
the ontology used by the architecture to develop the
pervasive systems. We present the workflow to show
how the modules of the architectures behave during
the working process of the system. The paper is orga-
nized as follows: in section 2 we describe some works
that can be related to this. In section 3 we describe the
O. Freitas L., Bastiani E. and R. Librelotto G..
Workflow Model for Management of Ontology of Homecare Pervasive Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004896102410248
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 241-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ontology to be used by systems developed from the
architecture. In section 4 contextualize the architec-
ture developed to homecare pervasive systems. The
management of the ontology is described in details in
section 5. A case study to validate the workflow is
described in 6. And in section 7 we present the con-
clusions of this work and the future possibilities.
In (Gassen et al., 2012), the authors propose a
methodology for home care systems, where service
orchestrations could be performed by non health spe-
cialists. They use ontologies to express the possibili-
ties of modelling and provide the necessary semantic
during the processes. With this they intend to person-
alize the process in the houses of patients, once this
kind of environment may have a certain level of dif-
ferences one from another.
In (Paganelli and Giuli, 2011) the authors describe
a configurable and extensible service-oriented frame-
work, aiming to facilitate the development of applica-
tions to assist patients with chronic conditions while
they stay at home. The framework is composed by
an ontology-based context model and a context-aware
system and is part of a platform of homecare services
aiming the sharing of information, organizing actions
to be taken in critical situations.
The work developed by (Evchina et al., 2012)
aims to find a easy way to manage a smart home, once
this kind of environment may become very complex,
with different types of information being requested at
the same time by the system. The authors use on-
tologies to reason upon the knowledge of the domain
and use them to assist a context-aware framework de-
veloped for smart houses. Although the work is not
focused on home health care domains, it can be re-
lated to this paper due to the concepts and technolo-
gies used, like ubiquitous computing and ontologies.
The works described above can be related to this
because all use ontologies as a support mechanism
during the design of system for homecare environ-
ments. Following we describe the ontology developed
for homecare environment.
The ontology was developed with Web Ontology Lan-
guage - OWL (Antoniou and van Harmelen, 2003)
(Grau et al., 2008), a recommendation from W3C
for this kind of representation. Its role
is to represent the relationships between the entities,
the activities that the patient can perform during his
treatment and the characteristics of the environment.
It could be used by pervasive systems aiming to assist
professionals during the treatment of patients. These
systems ensure a constant communication between
the patient’s house and the clinic that provide the ser-
Based on information obtained from the medical
staff and literature (Thirugnanam et al., 2013), we
defined a set of classes related to the monitoring of
patients (e.g. symptoms or vital signs). Information
about health, such as diseases and symptoms, were
mapped according to the International Classification
of Diseases - ICD
. Thus, using standardized terms
and concepts, applications are able to understand the
information represented in the ontology. The ontol-
ogy also represents general classes of the environ-
ment, such as mobile devices, sensors and rooms.
Figure 1 shows a graph with a part of ontology.
Figure 1: Ontology for homecare environments.
Besides the definition of classes, the ontology also
has a set of properties. The datatype properties of
a class are the characteristics used to describe them,
differentiating its individuals. The class Disease, for
example, has the datatype property icd, which refers
the ICD code.
The object properties are used to connect individ-
uals from classes. To illustrate the use of relation-
ships, we can define a scenario where the patient has
a symptom (e.g. agitation) and needs some medica-
tion. In the ontology, there is a relation between the
classes Symptom and Medicine exists through the ob-
ject property combat, indicating that a drug is indi-
cated for a specific symptom. We also consider that
medicines must be in a Dispenser (Medicine isIn Dis-
penser). In this scenario, the pervasive system could
show to the patient or the caregiver, through a screen,
where the nearest dispenser that contains the drug is
indicated for that situation. The application could be
executed every time that the system identify an agita-
tion behavior by the patient.
To to this, we define inference rules using the
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) (Horrocks
et al., 2004) and queries using the Semantic Query-
Enhanced Web Rule Language (SQWRL) (O’Connor
and Das, 2009). Considering the previous example, a
query could be executed to return the dispenser with
the medicine based on its identification code.
swrlb:contains(?n, "Name of Medicine") ˆ
isIn(?m, ?disp) ˆisIn(?disp, ?room)
-> sqwrl:select(?disp, ?room)
Knowing the local of the medicine, the system
performs an inference rule and, based on this rule,
sends a notification to the patient:
After that, the system shows the information about
the dispenser and medicine in a device considering
the location of the user, which is also mapped in the
In this section we contextualize the architecture for
pervasive homecare systems. The system, based on
informations captured from the context of the envi-
ronment, is able to assist the treatment of patients, re-
ducing the caregiver burden and improving the quality
of the patient’s life. The Figure 2 shows an overview
of the architecture of the system.
The system is divided in two main domains that
exchange information about the entities involved: the
homecare environment and the cloud computing. The
homecare domain is composed by six modules. The
first refers to the sensors which should be distributed
in all rooms of the house. Their role is to search
for any relevant changes in the context that may im-
pact to the patient’s treatment. We will not discuss
types of sensors that can be used, since the architec-
ture imposes no restriction on the choice of the de-
vices or how to implement them. In the architecture
Figure 2: Architecture for pervasive homecare systems.
modelling we considered three classes of variables to
be monitored: (i) environmental conditions like inci-
dence of light, sound, humidity, temperature, among
others, that may influence on the health of the patient;
(ii) physiological data which includes blood pressure,
oxygen saturation level and pulse rate; and (iii) be-
havioural aspects, since the change in the patient’s be-
haviour may indicate change in disease stage or non-
compliance with a prescribed treatment.
The monitoring and input data module is respon-
sible for the insertion of data into the system. It re-
ceives information from the sensors or computational
devices and process it standardizing the signals to
a specific format. This step is important because a
homecare domain may have different types of sensors
and devices, with different processing platforms. So,
the information must be processed before being sent
to the Care Plan module or OntoHC module.
The Care Plan module stores all the prescrip-
tions that the patient must fulfil during treatment (e.g.
schedules of medication or exercises), and has a base
of cognitive exercises that the patient could perform
(e.g. a memory stimulation exercise). This informa-
tion can be inserted into the care plan from any com-
putational device that physician uses to access the sys-
tem, (e.g. smartphone). For each prescription the sys-
tem generates an event to check if the patient is in
compliance with the treatment. To do that, the system
communicates the OntoHC Module.
The OntoHC Module contains the Ontology of
Current Context. Its structure will have only instances
of classes detected by sensors in a specific scenario,
during the treatment of the patient. It was cre-
ated from another ontology which represents all the
knowledge that a homecare environment may have.
This module is also responsible for verifying if all in-
stances detected by the sensors are already mapped
in the Ontology of Current Context. In affirmative
case, the module access the base of rules to check
if there is any query or rule to be performed, and
sends a message to the notification module. From
these queries the system triggers applications to help
the tasks of professionals through computational de-
vices. To do this, the module considers the device
profile using the User Agent Profiling Specification
(UAProf)(Alliance, 2001). Each UAProf document
provides hardware and software characteristics of a
specific device, as capability of receive images and
files. With the union of data from the ontology and
the capabilities of devices, it is possible customize the
interface to final user, considering his preferences and
However, if not all instances of classes detected by
the sensors are represented in the ontology, a new one
must be created, which will represent the current con-
text and will replace the one that is being used. Then,
the old ontology will be stored in the repository of
ontologies. In this case the OntoHC module sends in-
formation about these new instances to the cloud pro-
cessing module, located in the cloud computing do-
main. This module will create a new ontology and its
structure will have classes of the instances detected.
Then, a search will be performed on the EHR system
information about them.
The new ontology will be sent back to the OntoHC
module and will replace the one that was being used.
With the new ontology of current context the OntoHC
module is able to perform queries and rules seeking
for possible actions to be taken that somehow could
assist the users (e.g. time of medicine, daily tasks,
More information about the working process of
the architecture can be found in (Bastiani et al., 2013).
Following we describe how is the workflow of the
management of the ontology in the OntoHC module
and in the cloud computing.
The main purpose of this section is to describe the
management of the ontology developed to be used
with pervasive systems for homecare environments.
For this we first describe the OntoHC module of the
architecture because it is where the creation and in-
ference on the ontology are performed. After that we
present the workflow of the management with its val-
5.1 OntoHC Module
The OntoHC module can be seen as the core of the
architecture. It has connection with the Monitoring
and data input and Care plan and Notification mod-
ule. It also has a connection with the cloud computing
allowing it to have access to information store in the
EHR system, where the medical history of patients are
stored. The OntoHC module is composed by a ontol-
ogy that represents the current context of the home-
care environment, a base of inference rules to process
the ontology, a analysis of context component and a
repository of ontologies already used.
The ontology of the current context is composed
by only one part of the structure of the homecare
ontology described in section 3. This ontology was
created after a analysis of the context of a specific
moment in the homecare environment and represents
only information about the instances of classes that
were present in that time. For example, if a physician
and patient were detected by sensors in a certain time
in a specific room of the house, the system would cre-
ate an ontology with only the classes Physician and
Patient (and other classes directed related to them)
with their relationships. This smaller ontology of cur-
rent context helps to improve the performance of the
system when processing inferences and queries, and
also when executing applications.
The base of rules is composed by a set of infer-
ence rules defined. The rules can modify the structure
of the ontology, changing the values of attributes or
creating new relations between classes. The queries
do not have the power of modifying the structure of
the ontology. Their function is to perform searches
in the ontology, returning information about the in-
volved when they satisfy the premisses of the query,
similar to SQL.
Every time a new context is detected by the sen-
sors, information about the instances involved are sent
to the OntoHC module. If all of them are already de-
scribed in the ontology of current context, the system
access the base of rules and searches for any rule or
query that may be applied to those instances. For ex-
ample, when the physician arrives the house to his
daily visit, the sensors detect his presence and the
system performs a query, discovering that there is an
exam where the attribute visualized (which has range
dateTime) is blank. In other words, the physician did
not analysed the exam yet. When he decides to visu-
alise it, the exam is shown on a screen next to him.
When the physician analyses the exam that he had
requested, the system detects that the exam is being
analysed. When the physician close the application,
the system could execute a rule to change the status
of visualization of that exam. After that, its value
could be setted according the date and time that the
physician visualized the exam, characterizing that the
physician already performed this task. When a infer-
ence rule or query is executed, the system warns the
Notification module about it, which will be respon-
sible to process this information correctly, starting
an application through the Computational Devices or
starting a new communication with the OntoHC mod-
The OntoHC module also has a Repository of On-
tologies, which stores all the old ontologies that where
used as being of the ”current context” in some point
during the flow of the system. When the sensors de-
tects new instances of classes, a new ontology must be
created and the system sends the one that was being
used to the repository. This repository is important
to register all scenarios represented in ontologies and
which entities were part of it. With this, it is pos-
sible to access old contexts, seeking for information,
like, which nurse were on duty in a specific day, how
was the vital signs of the patient or if he performed an
usual task on that day.
When at least one of the instances detected by the
sensors are not mapped on the structure of the ontol-
ogy of current context, the OntoHC module starts a
connection with the cloud computing domain and re-
quests a new ontology. It sends information to the
Cloud Processing module about the instances that will
be used to create the new ontology. Also, it sends in-
formation about the ontology of current context. This
information will be used to update the ERH system
and will ensure that when the new ontology is created,
the information inserted on it is not out of date.
The last component of the OntoHC module is the
Analysis of Context, which is responsible to analyse
the information sent by the Monitoring and data in-
put module and process it. Based on the information
received, the Analysis of Context component searches
in the base of rules for any query or inference rule that
may be performed for those entities.
5.2 Workflow Process Model
This section presents a workflow model aiming to
show how the ontology is manipulated during the ex-
ecution of the system when it accesses the OntoHC
module and when it requests a new ontology for the
cloud computing. The workflow model was devel-
oped with the software Bizagi Process Modeler
. Fig-
ure 3 shows how the ontology is managed during the
execution of the system.
In step a the OntoHC module receives information
from the Monitoring and data input module and ac-
cording to the type of information it will be treated
differently. If it refers to new instances of classes
detected by sensors, that may configure a relevant
change in the context of the homecare environment
and the flow goes to the step b. However, if the in-
formation was inserted manually, the system verifies
if it refers to a new rule and, in affirmative case, the
Base of rules is updated (step n). The more inference
rules it may have, the more proactive the pervasive
system may become. If the information placed manu-
ally is not a rule (e.g. new daily task, or new medicine
posology), the flow should jump to the step b.
In step b the system verifies if the instances de-
tected are all structured in the ontology of current con-
text. To do this, it accesses the Base of Rules and exe-
cutes queries on the ontology using the identification
codes of the instances as parameters. If at least one
instance is not in the classes of the ontology, the flow
goes to step c, otherwise it goes to i. Step c has the
duty of sending a requisition to the cloud computing
domain with information about the entities that should
be mapped in the new ontology of current context.
With that, information about the current ontology also
must be sent to update the EHR system.
The cloud processing module (step d) receives two
sets of data. The first refers to the current informa-
tion used by the system (e.g. patient’s vital signs or
symptoms). This will be inserted into the EHR sys-
tem ensuring that the next ontologies will have up-
dated information. The other set of data refers to the
instances present in a context when a change was de-
tected. This information will be used to Create a New
Ontology (sub-process of the process d).
After the creation of new ontological structure,
the system starts a connection with the EHR database
asking for information (step e), which will be inserted
in the ontology in step f. Then, the new ontology
of current context is sent back to the homecare envi-
ronment with updated information about the instances
detected by the sensors (step g).
This new ontology will be used as ontology of cur-
rent context. When the system receives it in step h, the
ontology that was being used before is be sent to the
repository of ontologies, in the sub-process Store the
old ontology. Meanwhile the flow continues to the
next stage. The process i is executed when a new on-
tology is sent from the cloud or the result of question
in process b is ”Yes”. In this step the system verifies,
according to the information detected by the sensors,
if the there are any activity related to the patient that
can be performed. In affirmative case, the flow goes
to step j where the system starts a connection with the
Figure 3: Process model of management of the ontology.
care plan module to search for daily activities of the
patient. However, if the answer of the question of step
i is ”No”, means that, there is no activity related to the
patient and the flow skips the step j and goes to k.
In step k the system accesses the base of rules and
searches for applications to be performed. This in-
cludes applications to help patients during their daily
tasks (e.g.reminders of duties or cognitive games), or
to assist the professionals during the treatment of the
patient (e.g. reminders of medicine administration or
showing of exams). If the system finds an applica-
tion, the flow goes to step l where the application is
executed, and based on how the users interact with it,
the ontology is updated when they finish (step m).
The workflow may end in three different scenar-
ios. First, if the information was inserted manually in
the beginning of it and refers to a new inference rule
or query (steps a, n). In this case, after update the base
of rules, the flow is finished. The second scenario is
when no application is found in step k. The last sce-
nario is when one or more applications are executed
and after that the ontology is updated by the system
(steps l, m).
In this section we present a case study to validate the
workflow developed in order to show how the man-
agement of the ontology is performed in the OntoHC
In the scenario, John is a patient with a minor form
of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. People
who suffer from it may have their quality of life im-
proved if they become more active. The vital signs of
John should be monitored, once a sudden health crisis
(e.g., drop in the level of oxygen saturation) can lead
to hospitalization where the treatment will possibly be
more expensive and they will have to stay a long time.
Additionally, John has a hearing impairment,
moderate memory problems and need to be reminded
of their tasks (e.g. taking a medicine). John’s house is
equipped with Tablets, PDAs, smart dispensers, vital
signs checkers and sensors. These sensors are able to
measure the environmental conditions (e.g. tempera-
ture and humidity).
Nancy is a professional caregiver and is responsi-
ble for creating and managing the homecare services.
Among the services configured by Nancy there is an
alert to remind John to take his medicine at the correct
time and to add a new medicine prescribed by Jonh’s
physician in a dispenser.
When a prescription is registered, it is associated
with an event, controlled by a timer, which is respon-
sible for initiating the process of notification. Then,
the system informs the patient in which dispenser the
medicine is stored. The system must adapt its ser-
vices pro-actively, at runtime, according to the pref-
erences or needs of users. For example, John prefers
to receive alerts on his mobile device without volume
when he is accompanied. In case of frequent ignored
reminders (e.g. due to the hearing impairment of the
John), the system can send a message to Nancy to re-
configure the services to get John’s attention.
When Nancy arrives at the house, the sensors de-
tect the presence of a relevant instance of a class.
Then, monitoring and data input module is notified
and inserts information about her into an XML docu-
ment and sends it to the OntoHC module.
After receiving the information, the OntoHC mod-
ule uses SQWRL queries to check if the instances de-
tected are already mapped in the ontology. In affir-
mative case, it checks what actions could be triggered
and informs the Notification module. However, if the
ontology does not have the classes, a new one must be
created with the necessary instances, and the current
should be stored in the repository, as seen in section
5.2. For this case study, we consider that the two in-
stances (Nancy and John) are mapped in the ontology.
When the event is triggered, the OntoHC mod-
ule searches for information about the device and dis-
pensers of the medicine. The system creates a XML
document with the necessary information for the mo-
bile application show a reminder to John. Then, the
file is forwarded to the notification module, respon-
sible for sending the information about the medicine
and the dispenser as a reminder to a device next to
John. After display the notification, the system checks
if the patient performed the task, within a range of
pre-set time, defined by Nancy. This information can
be captured by the sensors.
If the patient do not perform the task, the system
redirects the notification to the Nancy’s device and
she will be able to help him. Finally, the ontology of
the current context is updated, indicating that the task
was performed (patient took the medicine). When the
caregiver assists the patient, he can inform the com-
pletion of the task manually.
We can conclude that the system helps to reduce
problems of human failures (e.g. forgetting medica-
tion). The patient is able to keep his autonomy during
the treatment, reducing the intervention by the care-
Nowadays the hospitals are facing a problem of de-
mand of their services, where in some cases it is
higher than what they can support, creating queues
or a low satisfaction by the patients. One way to help
solving this problem is to take the services offered by
health care providers to the house of patients. Home-
care environments are characterized by being a do-
main with all the necessary infrastructure to the pa-
tient to be treated in his own house, without the need
of going to the hospital.
The development of pervasive applications helps
to ensure that the services provided to patients in their
houses have the same quality as those offered in hos-
pitals. Considering this, we first presented an archi-
tecture to be used as basis to develop pervasive sys-
tems for homecare environment and also an ontology
to represent the knowledge that this kind of domain.
In this paper we described the management of the
ontology, showing the workflow process of the mod-
ule responsible by the creation of ontologies and how
the inference on it is performed. The model developed
was validated through a case study. Systems devel-
oped from the architecture can help users in different
scenarios ranging from small tasks like remember pa-
tients of their daily activities or cognitive games for
brain exercises, until more complex applications such
as to assist the professionals during their duties, sug-
gesting actions to be taken by them.
We intend to continue this project describing the
other modules of the architecture through workflow
processes models and focus on some aspects like pri-
vacy and safety of information. Until this part of the
project we assume that the homecare environment has
the necessary infrastructure that allows the develop-
ment of pervasive applications considering these as-
pects. Then, we intend to build a real homecare envi-
ronment to develop tests and simulate real situations,
where we will be able to analyse aspects like perfor-
mance of the network (e.g. the time between the de-
tection of a new instance by sensor until the creation a
new ontology to be used by the system). With this, we
will be able to make a better analysis of the system,
and then make it available to real users.
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