Declarative Versus Imperative Business Process Languages
A Controlled Experiment
Nat´alia C. Silva, C´esar A. L. de Oliveira, Fabiane A. L. A. Albino and Ricardo M. F. Lima
Center for Informatics (CIn), Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
Flexible Business Processes, Controlled Software Experiment, Comparative Study, Declarative Languages.
It has been argued that traditional workflows lack the flexibility to cope with complex and changing envi-
ronments found in several business domains. The declarative approach surged with the aim of enabling more
flexible business process management systems. Processes are designed in terms of activities and rules that con-
strain their execution. As such, declarative models are less rigid and prescriptive than workflows, since this
approach focus on modeling what must be done and not how. Despite these arguments, there is no quantitative
evidence that the benefits provided by current declarative approaches outperform the features of traditional
workflows. In this work, we present the results of a controlled experiment conducted to empirically compare
Workflow and Declarative approaches to business process modeling. A set of test cases is proposed to the
participants to test their capacity to cope with unexpected situations. Our findings do not show signficative
differences from adopting one process modeling approach or the other.
Workflow technology is a popular approach for the
automation of business processes (Jeston and Nelis,
2006) (Coalition, 1995). Workflows describe each
activity that must be performed during the execu-
tion of a business process, the order in which they
need to be executed, the participants that execute each
one, and the flow of information between them (zur
Muehlen, 2002). The Workflow approach is widely
used by business process practitioners. Business pro-
cess automation provides higher efficiency, less co-
ordination effort, and higher quality to business pro-
cesses (H. Reijers and van der Aalst, 2003).
However, the Workflow approach assumes that the
process modeler knows in advance everystep that will
be necessary during the process execution for pro-
ducing the specified output. Due to this prescriptive
nature, many researchers argue that Workflow mod-
els suffer from excessive complexity and that this ap-
proach undermine the capacity of companies to deal
with unforeseen situations (Pesic, 2008)(Weber et al.,
2009)(Dadam et al., 2008)(Nurcan, 2008). As the en-
vironment where the business processes execute in-
creases in complexity, the Workflow models become
less effective in handling the incoming cases. They
often are either too simple, thus unable to handle the
variety of situations that occur, or too complex, trying
to model every imagined possible situation but being
hard to maintain. In both cases they may cause several
problems to the company.
Declarative business processes surged from the
necessity for supporting the execution of processes
in complex or changing environments (Pesic, 2008).
The declarative approach uses descriptive modeling.
Business processes are described by means of busi-
ness rules that tell what one can, can not, or should
do to produce the desired output. It tells what has
to be done, but not how. The Declarative approach
promises to be able to support a large variety of situ-
ations with models that are small and concise (Pesic,
Despite such arguments in favour of Declarative
models over Workflows, no controlled experiment has
been presented to empirically demonstrate their va-
lidity. In this paper, our interest is to compare these
two different process modeling approaches Work-
flow and Declarative in real-world business do-
mains. To accomplish this, a formal experiment was
conducted to quantitatively measure the benefits of
each approach in face of unstable environments. In
this experiment, a group of students had the task of
modeling a set of requirements of a real software de-
velopment company. We measured the effort required
by them to model the process and to adapt it in face
of unexpected situations. Contrary to the claims that
C. Silva N., A. L. de Oliveira C., A. L. A. Albino F. and M. F. Lima R..
Declarative Versus Imperative Business Process Languages - A Controlled Experiment.
DOI: 10.5220/0004896203940401
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 394-401
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
declarative models are better to cope with these situa-
tions, the results showed no statistically relevant indi-
cations that declarative models can outperform work-
flow when dealing with unexpected situations.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 pro-
vides an overview of workflow and declarative ap-
proaches and the arguments for moving from work-
flow models to declarative models. Section 3 details
the experiment settings and methodology employed.
The execution of the experiment is then described in
Sec. 4. Section 5 presents the analysis of the results
obtained. Section 6 discuss related work and the final
conclusion is summarized in Sec. 7.
This section gives an overview on workflow and
declarative approaches and describes the modeling
tools employed in the experiment performed.
2.1 Workflow and Declarative Processes
Workflow Management System (WfMS) technology
has grown in use in the last decades, and has become
a standard technology for the automation and man-
agement of business processes (Coalition, 1995). A
workflow describes an algorithm for the execution of
a business process. As such, it requires that the mod-
eler knows in advance every step necessary for pro-
ducing the desired results, for every possible situa-
tion. There are a number of modeling languages cur-
rently in use for business process modeling and au-
tomation through WfMS. Business Process Modeling
Notation (BPMN) (White, 2006), Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL), and XML Process Def-
inition Language (XPDL) (WFMC, 2002) are promi-
nent examples. Several industrial tools are available
for workflow modeling and execution. In this work,
we employed the BizAgi free process modeler (Mod-
eler, 2010), which supports Business Process Model-
ing Notation (BPMN) as the modeling language.
Workflow Management Systems are considered to
be too rigid because they do not provide ways to cope
with unforeseen situations. Unexpected events must
be handled outside of the system (Pesic and van der
Aalst, 2006). As a response to the demand for more
flexible management systems, a new generation of
adaptive business process management systems has
been proposed (Nurcan, 2008)(Dadam et al., 2008).
Examples of this kind of systems are Case-Handling
Systems (CHS) (Mutschler et al., 2008), Declarative
Business Processes (Pesic, 2008), and systems sup-
porting ad-hoc process change (the ADEPT2 frame-
work) (Dadam et al., 2008).
The focus of this work is on the Declarative ap-
proach, which proposes the use of declarative lan-
guages to define the business rules that drive the exe-
cution of a business process (Pesic and van der Aalst,
2006). This represents a paradigm shift from tra-
ditional imperative languages that are employed by
other approaches. The key feature of declarative lan-
guages is that they specify what” must be done but
do not determine “how”. By such means, they allow
the participants of the process to make context-aware
decisions during the business process execution. On
the other side, constraining business rules are defined
to prevent participants from performing activities in a
way that is prohibited or undesired by the company.
The DECLARE framework (Pesic, 2008) is a tool
for modeling and executing declarative business pro-
cess models. DECLARE employs rule templates that
can be used in the construction of business rules.
These templates are mapped into formal expressions
described in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and inter-
preted through a reasoning engine to decide which ac-
tivities are required and which are prohibited during
the process execution. A graphical template language,
called ConDec (Pesic and van der Aalst, 2006), is also
available in DECLARE. This language helps in pro-
viding a more intuitive, graphical view of the process.
It is automatically interpreted as LTL expressions by
the DECLARE’s execution engine.
ConDec introduces a number of constructions for
the definition of the relations between activities in a
business process:
Existential Templates: express the number of
times an activity can or needs to be executed in
the same process instance;
Relational Templates: express dependencies be-
tween activities, such as precedence (B cannot be
executed before A), response (B needs to be exe-
cuted after each execution of A), and co-existence
(if A is ever executed, B must also be executed in
the same instance);
Choice Templates: express decisions. For exam-
ple, mutual exclusiveness (either A or B can be
executed, but not both);
Negation Templates: a negated version of the re-
lational templates (B cannot be executed after A).
In this work, we employed an alternative interface
based on the DECLARE framework and the ConDec
language (Pesic, 2008). Although we intended to use
DECLARE as a modeling tool, initial tests with a
real business case revealed a number of weaknesses
in the tool that prevented us to employ it in the ex-
periment (for example, LTL suffers from state-space
explosion when the number of rules grows, so mak-
ing DECLARE unsuitable). Therefore, we employed
another tool, called Kinetic Process, that was devel-
oped by our research group. This tool provides an in-
terface for the creation and management of business
rules based on the same templates of DECLARE, but
not relying on LTL for its implementation.
The objective of the experiment presented in this pa-
per is to compare workflow and declarative approach
in terms of correctness and flexibility of their models.
The main questions we want to answer are:
How easy is to model a declarative process, when
compared to traditional workflow?
Do declarative models successfully cope with un-
expected situations where the workflow fail?
Are workflows better than declarative models in
preventing the execution of wrong paths?
These three questions are conceived in terms of
modeling effort, adaptation effort (effort required to
change the model when it is not able to deal with an
unexpected situation), and excess flexibility. The ef-
fort is measured by the time necessary for executing
the corresponding task. The level of flexibility is cap-
tured through the execution of use cases that address
different degrees of flexibility. Very predictable use
cases do not require flexibility and should be success-
fully executed by both approaches. Use cases that
represent more unexpected situations test for the pres-
ence of flexibility, while use cases that present wrong
paths tests for the excess of flexibility.
The unexpected situations are use cases that are
likely to be foreseen only by experts in the business.
The experiment subjects are students with no previ-
ous experience with business process. Therefore, al-
though these situations were known in advance by
us, there was a large probability of them being un-
expected by the modelers.
3.1 Experiment Design
In the context of controlled experiments design guide-
lines (Wohlin et al., 2000), we set up our experiment
as a single factor (business process requirements)
with two treatments (Workflow or Declarative mod-
eling). The experiment was conducted in the second
semester of 2011.
The experiment was designed as follows:
Subjects: the subjects of this experiment are
post-graduating students of the Center for Informatics
(CIn) at Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE),
Brazil. Forty students from a BPM discipline where
initially selected. These students had no previous ex-
perience with business process modeling. They re-
ceived training in each of the two approaches. Af-
ter the training stage, we evaluate their knowledge in
each approach by tests. The subjects were then split
into two groups based on these tests results.
Object: a single process is implemented by the
subjects. We selected a set of requirements from a
software development company. This is a field recog-
nized to be complex and highly uncertain. A group of
three specialists validated the requirements. They an-
alyzed if the requirements are fair enough to be mod-
eled in both approaches. Additionally, ve test cases
were created to verify the degree of flexibility of the
models. The test cases 1, 2, and 3 are obligation sce-
narios, i.e., represent situations which models should
accept. These cases present increasingly degree of un-
expectedness. The last two test cases are prohibition
scenarios, i.e., represent unacceptable situations ac-
cording to the business process requirements.
Metrics: We used three types of metrics to sup-
port the comparison between the approaches. Accord-
ing to Golden and Powell (Golden and Powell, 2000),
flexibility is the property of being able to adapt. This
notion can be explained by two dimensions: 1) time
demanded to adapt to unforeseen situations; 2) range
of options available in responding to environmental
change. We assume that the second dimension im-
pacts the first one since models that provide a wider
range of possibilities need less changes, and so, they
are faster to adapt. Therefore, a flexible model can
be described as a model which people can modify in
relatively short order (Leonardi, 2011). Based on this
flexibility concept, we selected the metrics below:
Correctness Metrics: indicate whether the de-
signed model is suitable or not to the business pro-
cess requirements;
Modeling Effort Metrics: indicate the effort de-
manded to model the business process;
Flexibility Metrics: indicate whether the de-
signed model is easy to adapt in order to cope with
unexpected situations (test cases);
Dependent Variables: We measure the efforts re-
quired by each approach in terms of the variables
shown in Table 1. Each variable has two versions, one
for the workflow group and other for the declarative
group. When we need to differentiate these groups,
we add a subscripted ’W’ or ’D’ letter to the variable
symbol, referring to Workflow values or Declarative
Table 1: Dependent variables.
Symbol Variable Description
RCT Ratio of
Percentage of require-
ments that were cor-
rectly included in each
DT Drafting
Time to study the re-
quirements and create
a draft of the process
MT Modeling
Time to implement the
model using the soft-
ware tool.
Time to
Adapt the
Model to
Test Case
Time to modify the
model if it does not
correctly process the
test case n, where
n = 1, . . . , 5 .
Table 2: Hypotheses.
Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis
6= RCT
: DT
: DT
6= DT
: MT
: MT
6= MT
: TA
: TA
6= TA
: TA
: TA
6= TA
: TA
: TA
6= TA
: TA
: TA
6= TA
: TA
: TA
6= TA
values, respectively.
Treatment: The experiment has two treatments:
a) modeling the process using the BizAgi tool, corre-
sponding to the Workflow approach; b) modeling the
process using the Kinetic tool, corresponding to the
Declarative approach.
Instrumentation: We used a laboratory with the
tools preinstalled to conduct the experiments. At the
beginning of the experiment, the subjects received
print copies of the requirements. To measure their
performance, the students used a chronometer soft-
ware and an electronic spreadsheet to annotate their
modeling times. Along the experiment, supervisors
observed the correct use of these tools by the students.
Hypothesis Definition: The hypotheses defined
in Table 2 are being tested in this experiment.
3.2 Threats to Validity
Internal Validity: The participants selected for this
experiment had no previous knowledge on workflow
modeling or declarative modeling. They received 12h
of training in each approach. By this way, we avoid
any bias caused by prior experienceswith an approach
or another. After the training, we applied a test to
evaluate the knowledge of the students. We employed
statistical methods to define two classes of students
according to the approach they performed better in
the test. Firstly, we assigned points to each right an-
swer in the tests, which defined their grade in the test.
Then, we classified the students into four ranks, ac-
cording to the quartiles of the distribution of their
grades. Finally, we combined the ranks in each ap-
proach and mapped this combined rank to the inter-
val [-1;1]. Students that were equally capable in both
approaches are those who got placed near the point
zero. Students that showed tendency to the declarative
approach got placed over the negative interval, while
students with tendency to the workflow approach got
placed over the positive interval. In this process, ap-
proximately50% of the students lied overthe negative
interval and other 50% lied over the positive interval,
showing no predetermined tendency to any of the ap-
proaches. This enabled us to split the subjects into
two highly balanced groups.
External Validity: a concern in the experiment is
that the results may be applicable only to the subjects
that participated in the experiment or for the tools
used. We consider that the results are valid for people
not experienced with process modeling. We cannot
draw conclusions on whether an expert in workflow
can outperform an expert in declarative modeling or
vice-versa. Anyway, as the subjects have no previous
experience, we can have a better grasp of the difficul-
ties in modeling processes with one approach or the
other, which could be hidden by the knowledge of ex-
Construct Validity: we designed the experiment
so that we can separate the task of creating the models
from the task of implementing these models in a mod-
eling tool. This was necessary in order to separate the
effects of using a particular tool for process modeling
from the effects of using the modeling approach itself.
Therefore, we measured drafting time separated from
model implementation time. The drafts were designed
by the subjects using pen and papers and were lim-
ited to the constructs available in each modeling ap-
proach. This also reduces influences from the ability
of the subjects to manipulate that particular software
tool. Our concern is to assure that only the choice of
approaches is influencing the results, not the choice
of tools.
Conclusion Validity: we employ well-known t-
test in order to compare the significance of the dif-
ferences observed between the variables measured in
each treatment. By this way, we avoid drawing con-
clusions when the data is not statistically significant.
We explained the scenario of the software develop-
ment company used as source for the requirements.
We explained the process’ objectives and provided
the roles involved. Each student received their own
printed copy of the business requirements. We asked
the students to read the document and then start to
model a draft of the process in paper. The drafting
time (DT) measures the time required to create such
draft model. Each student that finished the draft was
asked to start modeling the draft in the modeling soft-
ware. The modeling time (MT) measures the time re-
quired to translate the draft model into the modeling
software format.
The experiment continued by giving each student
a printed description of test cases to evaluate their
model. When the model did not pass on a test case,
we measured the time to fix the problem.
4.1 Data Analysis
We computed the mean and standard deviation of the
dependent variables. We employed the t-test with
95% to compare the workflow and declarative ap-
proaches and evaluate the hypotheses defined for this
This section presents the results obtained from this
experiment. We describe the statistical measures col-
lected during the experiment and discuss the results.
5.1 Model Correctness
We extracted fourteen requirements from the business
process description. The number of requirements the
model fulfills defines its level of correctness. The list
of requirements comprises one initial activity require-
ment (determining which activity should start the pro-
cess), eight obligations and five prohibitions. To be
100% accurate, a model should fulfill all fourteen re-
quirements. The results are as follows:
(a) Drafting Time
(b) Modeling Time
(c) Adjustments for Case 1
(d) Adjustments for Case 2
(e) Adjustments for Case 3
(f) Adjustments for Case 4
(g) Adjustments for Case 5
Figure 1: Comparison of measures.
Workflow: the Workflow group adequately mod-
eled a number of 9.38 requirements in average, or
67% of total requirements;
Declarative: the Declarative group correctly
modeled 8.4 requirements in average, or 60% of
total requirements.
Notice that these numbers reflect the averagequal-
ity of the models, not the number of correct models.
We compared the distributions of the total number
of correct requirements in each group using the Stu-
dent’s t-test with 95% confidence. The test showed
no statistical difference between the two approaches.
Therefore, the null hypothesis H1
could not be re-
jected. This indicates that no advantage to a partic-
ular approach is observed with respect to the model
correctness analysis.
5.2 Modeling Effort
We measured the modeling effort through the time re-
quired to write the model draft plus the time to trans-
late it into the corresponding software representation.
The results showed no statistically significant differ-
ence between the two approaches (see Fig. 1(a) and
Fig. 1(b)). The average time required to write the draft
for the workflow model was 12minutes (standard de-
viation of 6 minutes), while the declarative version
had an average time of 15 minutes (standard devia-
tion of 9 minutes). Using the tools, the modeling time
for Workflows was of 54 minutes (std. dev.: 28 min.),
while for Declarative models was of 58 minutes (std.
dev.: 28 min.). As the results presented statistical
equivalence both between the drafting times and be-
tween the modeling times, we can infer that the tools
employed by this study had no influence on the com-
parison. Therefore, hypotheses H2
and H3
both accepted with 95% confidence.
5.3 Flexibility
We analyzed the flexibility through the execution of
test cases. These test cases were incrementally ap-
plied, i.e., the next test was applied only after the cur-
rent test case had passed. Hence, it is anticipated that,
while correcting a model in order to pass in a certain
test case, the participant could hasten corrections of
problems that would be found in upcoming test cases.
In this study, we measure flexibility through the
time necessary to adapt the model to deal with un-
expected situations (Leonardi, 2011). Figures 1(c)
through 1(g) show the measures that reflect the ef-
fort to adapt the models to each test case imposed
to the subjects. The mean and standard deviation of
these variables are described in Table 3. Among these
ve variables, the TA
is the only one which presents
a statistical difference between workflow and declar-
ative approach. The efforts employed by the two
groups to adapt their models to the other test cases
(1, 2, 4,and 5) are not statistically distinguishable.
Regarding the flexibility, hypothesis H4
, H5
, H7
and H8
were accepted. Only hypothesis H6
rejected with 95% confidence.
These results indicate that the approach taken has
low influence on the effort to achieve the process flex-
To further investigate the circumstances at which
these results were obtained, let us discuss the tests in
more detail.
We conceived the ve test cases to test different
levels of flexibility. Case 1 is the most predictable
scenario. All models should have equal chance to
successfully process this case. Cases 2 and 3 present
more unpredictable scenarios. Models that success-
fully cope with these two or that require lower efforts
to be adapted to cope with them are considered to be
more flexible. Cases 4 and 5 present wrong scenar-
ios, i.e., scenarios where the process requirements are
violated. Models should not let cases 4 and 5 pass
the test. Models that do let are considered excessively
flexible. They also need to be adapted to correct the
failures that let these wrong scenarios to occur.
Table 3: Flexibility variables measures.
Variable Mean Std. Dev. Hyp.
0:03:21 0:04:04 H4
0:04:07 0:05:35 not rejec.
0:11:39 0:09:08 H5
0:05:50 0:05:01 not rejec.
0:03:03 0:03:12 H6
0:08:30 0:06:34 rejected
0:05:02 0:03:27 H7
0:09:32 0:11:46 not rejec.
0:05:04 0:04:54 H8
0:04:43 0:05:27 not rejec.
Figure 2 shows a graphical comparison of the
number of models that correctly handled the situa-
tions proposed (passing on test cases 1 through 3 and
not letting cases 4 and 5 pass).
Observe that test case 1 tests for a very common
situation in the process. But, as this was the first test
of the models, they were expected to show initial er-
rors. Declarative models were more successful at this
stage, with 30% of models being correct, against only
Figure 2: Flexibility tests.
11.8% of the Workflow models.
Test case 2 presents a situation with higher prob-
ability of being unexpected. This assumption showed
to be true. Although the subjects had adjusted their
models to case 1, most subjects failed to foresee the
scenario of case 2. As a result, the success ratio
dropped off significantly, with only 15% of correct
Declarative models and no correct Workflow models.
Similar situation occurred for test case 3. But this
time, Workflows and Declarative models presented
closer results.
Regarding the excess of flexibility, Figure 2 shows
that the Declarative group also achieved better results
than the Workflow group at test cases 4 and 5. As
the Workflow group made many adjustments to make
their models more flexible, they also suffered from
excess of flexibility, which is a counter-intuitiveresult
given that Workflows are presumed to be too rigid.
Despite the Declarative group showed higher
quality in these tests when compared to the Work-
flow group, all models required adjustments. How-
ever, the efforts required to adjust the models do not
reflect the differences perceivedin the accuracy of the
models. Indeed, the efforts were equivalent even if
the Workflow models were less adequate to process
the test cases than the Declarative models. In the sin-
gle case where the quality of the models match (test
case 3), the Workflows required significantly less ef-
fort to adjust than the Declarative models.
These results suggest that Workflow models are
easier to adjust than Declarative models.
Several works discuss the benefits of using alterna-
tive, more flexible approaches to business process
modeling (Pesic, 2008; Lu and Sadiq, 2007; Nurcan,
Reijers et al. (H. Reijers and van der Aalst, 2003)
perform a comparison between the features provided
by traditional Workflows and by Case-Handling Sys-
tems (CHS), which are a data-driven, case centric ap-
proach to business process design. In CHS, the em-
ployees are able to skip and redo activities and only a
preferred execution flow needs to be modeled. After
a thorough review of workflow and CHS characteris-
tics, the authors conclude that CHS are not universally
superior to Workflows, and that a number of exten-
sions to current workflow technology would make it
equate CHS benefits.
Few works conduct experiments for quantitatively
comparing flexible approaches among each other or
against Workflow. Mutschler et al. (Mutschler et al.,
2008) present an experiment for comparing CHS
and Workflow technologies. The results of their ex-
periment indicate that Workflow technology requires
less effort for business process implementation when
compared to CHS. Moreover, subsequent process
changes require significantly less effort than the ini-
tial implementation. However, no general conclusion
can be derived about the strengths and weaknesses of
Workflow and CHS technologies.
Weber et al. (Weber et al., 2009) conduct an ex-
periment where they measure the capability of end-
users to cope with increasing number of constraints
in declarative process models. Using the Alaska sim-
ulator as the declarative process modeling and exe-
cution tool, they found no evidence of performance
difference when the experiment subjects had to han-
dle substantially varying levels of constraints. Pichler
et al. (Pichler et al., 2011) compare imperative and
declarative languages with respect to process model
understanding. Their study finds that imperativemod-
eling languages are easier to understand.
This paper describes a controlled experiment con-
ducted to compare two approaches for business pro-
cess modeling: workflow and declarative. The sub-
jects had the task of modeling a business process from
a set of requirements obtained from a real company.
A total of 40 students participated in the experiment.
Although proponents of the declarative approach
claim that declarative models are better prepared to
deal with situations not expected by the modeler, no
evidence to support this claim was observed in our ex-
periment. Indeed, Workflows showed to require less
effort to adapt to at least one of the test cases proposed
during the experiment.
It is worth notice that related work comparing
other features of flexible business process technolo-
gies and Workflows also did not find significative dif-
ferences between the approaches (Weber et al., 2009;
Mutschler et al., 2008) or did find an advantage in fa-
vor of the imperative approach (Pichler et al., 2011).
A strength of the present study is the high level of
balance between the two groups of subjects that par-
ticipated in the experiment, highly reducing any bias
caused by differences in the expertise of the partici-
pants of each group. Furthermore, we removed bias
from the use of the selected software tools, by asking
the subjects to design the models on a paper before
implementing them on the tool and measuring their
efforts in both tasks.
A limitation of the experimentcan be related to the
size of the scenario. Once the complexity of the sce-
nario is limited, it may be the case that the Workflow
approach has not showed its most prominent prob-
lems as argued by flexibility researchers. Neverthe-
less, we noticed that, as the scenario becomes more
complex, both approaches require more maintenance
effort. Students that use the Declarative models of-
ten report difficulties in dealing with the growth of
the number of rules, which is something that is likely
to occur in real settings. Thus, we foresee that more
complex scenarios would not benefit the Declarative
This work was partly supported by the Brazilian Re-
search Council (CNPq), grants PQ 314539/2009-3
and GD 140512/2009-8.
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