adopted to provide users with semantic elements,
and this is useful to understand strategic alliances.
Moreover, hypertrees have been successfully
exploited by several authors (Müller n.d.; Katifori et
al. 2007) to explore complex data-sets, to
comprehend the relationship existing in complex
phenomena and to find clusters, outliers and other
relevant patterns such as those outlined in our paper.
Finally, clouds of words have been used in a
wide diversity of applications, ranging from the
analytical to the emotional, and can be used for an
immediate visualization or most used words (static
word clouds) or for the illustration of the content
evolution in a stream of documents (Cui et al. 2010).
In this paper we present the main lines of a work
aimed at developing an interpretative framework to
understand how to use KPIs’ for monitoring and
benchmarking of Strategic Alliances. In particular,
we propose an ontology, two taxonomies and two
information visualization objects to help answering
question such as “which KPIs should I use in my
SA?”, “how can I understand if my SA or my firm
are achieving the predefined goals?”.
The proposal will be used to design and
implement an online database for strategic
partnerships governance and analysis and to test it
on the field. This online database can be useful to
SMEs that lack of the economical and managerial
resources required to enforce such a complex
performance measurement system.
Future works will include an improvement of the
content analysis, the linkage between goals and KPIs
and the analysis of SAs financial statements
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