Adding Semantic Relations among Design Patterns
Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva and Junia Coutinho Anacleto
Department of Computing, Federal University of São Carlos, Washigton Luis km 235, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Keywords: Design Patterns, Design Pattern Formalism, Pattern Language, Semantic Relations, Pattern Relationships.
Abstract: Design patterns have been used to support design decisions to solve recurring design problems adopting the
successful solutions stated in design patterns. One of the main characteristics of design patterns is to allow
the patterns' content understanding because they are written using a common language, i.e., not specialized,
and they bring examples to support the comprehension of the solutions. On the other hand, to understand the
correlation among these design patterns, usually organized through nodes and edges as in a graph, is not a
simple task. In this context, this paper presents a semantic approach, based on how humans organize their
knowledge, to connect design patterns and define those relationships according to our intellectual structure
and function. A feasibility study, described here, shows evidences that semantic relations allow organizing
patterns to support the comprehension of patterns connections, as well as, the name of these relations are
able to express their meaning.
According to Borches (2001) design patterns contain
the essence of successful solutions to recurring
design problems in a certain context. The concept of
design patterns came from an architect called
Alexander who started observing and formalizing
problems and their successful solutions (Alexander
et al., 1977). Alexander et al., (1977) decided to
formalize and register them in order to share their
knowledge and experience with their colleagues, as
well as, to communicate with their clients. That´s
why they used a common language and examples.
These knowledge and experience registered through
problems and solutions were named patterns.
Patterns were well accepted by architect
communities because they noticed patterns as useful
way to share knowledge and to describe successful
solutions, i.e., solutions applied many times with
satisfactory results (Alexander et al., 1977).
According Michael et al., (1998), patterns started
been used in Software Engineering (SE) area, and
then Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
HCI researchers and professionals started
formalizing and writing patterns considering their
knowledge, experience and observation about design
of interfaces ( Michael et al., 1998). Figure 1
illustrates a part of HCI design pattern written by
Montero, who has experience on web sites design
(Montero et al., 2002).
Each pattern has some required information as
name of patterns – main idea of pattern; problem –
specific problem that the pattern is meant to solve
solution – main message of pattern, it presents the
solution to the problem; and some optional
information as examples – images, schemes, etc., to
illustrate the solution and facilitate its understanding
(Fincher et al., 2003).
Name: Polyglot
Context: The power of the Web is in its
Problem: How can the user do a useful use of
the Web site and access information at your own
Forces: The user wants easy access to
information; The user has little or no incentive to
spend time learning technical details.
Solution: Speak user’s language is “design for
all”. Kids, older or disabled people can visit our
Web site and universal design techniques can be
applied in the design of Web site and his services.
Information should be provided of a suitable manner
by considering several kinds of peoples and
technical features and by using Polite language.
Figure 1: Part of Montero´s pattern (Montero et al., 2002).
Alexandre Rose Silva M. and Coutinho Anacleto J..
Adding Semantic Relations among Design Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0004896600460056
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 46-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1 represents one from the twenty-three
patterns formalized by Montero. These patterns are
organized through nodes, with names of patterns,
and edges to represent the relationships to each
other, as in a graph. When patterns are weakly
related to each other, e.g., through categories, is
considered a pattern collection. When there is a well
structured collection of patterns that rely to each
other, as Montero´s patterns, is considered a pattern
language (Coplien, 1998).
It is possible to scan the graph and find the
pattern, which best describes the overall scope of the
project or the problem that needs to be solved, i.e.,
design decisions are made by selecting and
instantiating appropriate patterns, and composing
them together (Coplien, 1998).
In contrast, it is not a trivial task to understand
these relationships among patterns because edges
indicate relationships among patterns but they do not
represent the meaning of these relationships. In this
context, this paper presents semantic relations to
organize patterns and define relationships according
human intellectual structure and function. Our
hypothesis is - organizing patterns as human
intellectual structure and inserting semantic relations
can support the comprehension of pattern
Kruschitz et al., (2010) investigated 21 pattern
languages and collections to analyze the design
patterns relationships variety. They describe that
there is no consensus on how patterns should be
organized and categorized in order to provide
appropriate information to produce good design.
They also discuss that the most of authors are using
the Alexandrian form, nodes and edges, possibly
because it was the rst form used to encapsulate
design knowledge. Because of that, pattern authors
have transferred the Alexandrian pattern structure to
software engineering.
According to Kruschitz et al., (2010) some
authors are using association, aggregation and
specialization, from software engineering concepts,
to define relationships among patterns. Association
pattern x has an unspecific connection between
pattern y; Aggregationpattern x is frequently used
together with pattern y; Specialization – pattern x
add more attributes to pattern y, i.e., a pattern
inherits the attributes from another pattern, as well
as, add new ones to fulfill the purpose of pattern.
These authors also pointed out another relationship
called anti-association, which means that pattern x
and a pattern y must not be used together.
Considering software engineering context,
Gamma et al., (1994) defined the relationships
among design patterns considering object-oriented
concepts. Therefore, there is a classification of
design patterns according two criteria: jurisdiction
(class, object, compound) and characterization
(creational, structural, behavioral). Because of that,
there are relationships called is implemented using
pattern x is implemented using pattern y; similar in
constructing object structures – pattern x is similar
in constructing object structures as pattern y; often
builds a object – pattern x often builds a pattern y
object, among others.
In order to improve the comprehensibility of the
relationships defined by Gamma, Zimmer (1995)
proposed a classification of the relationships which
helps in understanding the similarities among the
relationships. He defined three types or
classifications: uses in its solutions – pattern x uses
the design pattern in its solution. Thus, the solution
of pattern y represents one part of the solution of
pattern y; is similar to - pattern x and pattern y
address a similar kind of problem but not a similar
kind of solution; can be combined with – patterns x
and y are somehow similar, but it is difficult to state
it more precisely.
Conte et al., (2002) also defined relationships
considering software engineering context. For
example, they used stereotypes for use cases, as
Uses and Extend, existing at UML (Unified
Modeling Language) to define relationships among
patterns. Uses – pattern x uses a pattern y; Refine
pattern x refines pattern y, i.e., one must be a
specialization of another; Requires – pattern x is
required in pattern y; Alternative – pattern x is an
alternative of a pattern y, i.e., they have the same
context and problem but not the same solution.
Girardi et al., (2006) described about
OntoPattern, an ontology that represents knowledge
about how patterns are described and about the
relationships defined by Conte et al., (2002).
Considering UML context, Bottoni et al., (2010) use
the formalizing of the UML diagrams to organize
patterns, for example, they use sequence diagram
and structure diagram.
Taking into consideration architecture context,
Kumar el al., (2010) applied architecture level
techniques at pattern level to derive the DDTM
(Design Decision Topology Model) of a pattern.
According to these authors, this representation
enriches pattern descriptions and helps to analyze
quality requirement traceability, as well as
relationships amongst patterns. The relationships
defined are: Is-Duplicate-of – patterns x and y
provide same solution to same problem; Is-an-
Alternative-to – patterns x and y solve the same
problem, but propose different choices; Comprises
pattern x uses the pattern y in its solution; Refines
patterns x and y address same problem but pattern x
provides more refined (with less consequences)
solution than y.
Fincher et al., (2003) discuss a possibility to
identify which patterns from various authors could
refer to patterns in other pattern languages or
collections. According to authors, they defined three
pre-defined link types to reflect the common ways
patterns are structured. These types were inserted in
Pattern Language Markup Language (PLML)
specification, which is a language that explains how
to formalize/write patterns, describing also required
information to express the knowledge and
experience. The types are: is-a – a pattern is the
same as, or is an alternative solution to the same
problem; is-contained-by – a pattern is “smaller” and
is used (with others) to instantiate a larger one and;
contains – the reciprocal of is-contained-by.
Kruschitz (2009) discusses about a framework
called XPLML (eXtended Pattern Language Markup
Language) to support patterns formalization
including these types of relationships among
patterns. On the other hand, Janeiro et al., (2010)
describe that these three types are not enough to
describe more precisely the relationships among
design patterns. Because of that, they presented
more five types as an extension to these existing
types. They defined these types analyzing patterns
descriptions and their references to other patterns.
The types are: Used With – pattern x is frequently
used together with pattern y, but they are not
hierarchically related; Similarity – pattern x has
some characteristics similar to the pattern y, i.e., one
can be used as an alternative to another; Realization
– pattern x implements the concepts described by a
pattern y; Enhancement – pattern x builds upon an
pattern y, enhancing its functionalities; Conflict
pattern x and a pattern y must not be used together.
According to Fricke et al., (2000) there is not a
temporal distinction among patterns´ relationships,
i.e., there is no information about what patterns
should be used firstly or what patterns should be
used together. Because of that, they defined a
hierarchical organization inserting colors on lines
(edges). Red line means that a pattern must be used
before another; Black line means that a pattern is a
specialization of another and; when there are two or
more patterns at the same rectangle means that they
share a common context and they must be used
together. According to authors, through colors and
direction of the arrow is possible to know the
sequence and how the patterns should be used.
White (2012) describes how to visualize design
patterns relationships at mobiles. Different lines
(edges) show the relationship, solid lines indicate
that a related pattern is required, while dashed lines
indicate that the related pattern is optional. In the
beginning, it is not displayed all patterns at the same
time. The main patterns are displayed and others
related patterns are displayed considering
interaction. For example, when there is a click on a
pattern, others connected patterns are displayed with
solid or dashed lines.
Investigating the related work, it is possible to
identity that these types of relationships can be
appropriated to define the relations among patterns
from different pattern languages or collections. On
the other hand, they are not appropriated to define
the relations among patterns from the same pattern
languages or collections, as well as, some of them do
not have a natural semantic for people, e.g. clients,
with no programming and/or software engineering
For example, relationships as association,
aggregation and specialization come from software
engineering concepts. Because of that, they are not
understandable for all people (Kruschitz et al.,
2010). It is not supposed to people who read patterns
know these concepts and others related to software
development process (Borchers, 2001; Kruschitz et
al., 2010; Welie et al., 2012). It important to
highlight that one of the main characteristics of
design patterns is to support communication among
people at software development process.
Others relationships as is similar to, Alternative,
Is-an-Alternative-to, Is-Duplicate-of, is-a, etc.,
which mean that patterns solve the same problem
with same solution, etc., are not useful for patterns at
the same pattern language, because a pattern
language is a structured collection of patterns that
rely to each other; then, there are not equals patterns
and all of them can be combined with (Used With,
Uses) each other with no Conflict (Coplien et al.,
In this context, this paper presents semantic
relations defined by Minsky to be used among
patterns in order to connect them at the same way
that humans organize their knowledge, as well as,
using familiar semantic to be comprehensible for all
Marvin Minsky is a researcher at artificial
intelligence, cognitive psychology, computational
linguistics, among others areas (Minsky, 1987). He
has worked chiefly on imparting to machines the
human capacity for commonsense reasoning.
Commonsense is a common knowledge shared
by nearly people. This knowledge comes from our
social interactions, observations, behaviors, belief,
culture, etc., i.e., it is not necessarily scientific
knowledge but it can be. For example, some children
believe in Santa Claus and they know how to
describe him, telling that he is an elder with white
beard, red clothes, as well as, he always comes at
Christmas to give gifts, etc. Other people believe
that some teas help to cure some health diseases and
that the Earth revolves around the Sun, etc (Minsky,
1987; Carvalho et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2004).
Marvin Minsky has investigated human
intellectual structure and function in order to know
how to store this knowledge at computer considering
the way that people´s brains do. He intends to make
intelligent machines and explore new interface
designs with that knowledge (Minsky, 1987; Liu et
al., 2004). There are some projects using this
investigation to collect and use human
commonsense at computer (Carvalho et al., 2008;
Liu et al., 2004; Minsky, 1987).
In this paper our focus is not to give intelligence
to machine, etc., but it is to investigate and use
human intellectual structure and function to organize
patterns in order to allow people notice and
understand the relationships among them.
Marvin Minsky has defined twenty semantic
relations to store and organize concepts or
knowledge in a close way to human cognitive
structure (Liu et al., 2004). Figure 2 shows a
network with concepts related to Santa Claus
connected by Minsky´s semantic relations.
Figure 2: Concepts related to Santa Claus connected by
Minsky´s semantic relations.
Considering Figure 2, it is possible to observe
that Santa Claus IsA elder, CapableOf give gifts, one
PartOf him is his clothes, red can be considered a
PropopertyOf his clothes, etc. There are two main
characteristics in these semantic relations: firstly, as
described previously, they allow organizing
concepts as human cognitive structure and; secondly
they were defined using a familiar semantic, i.e., it is
not necessary scientific knowledge, as software
engineering, etc., to understand the meaning of IsA,
PartOf, CapableOf, etc (Liu et al., 2004).
Figure 3 shows part of Minsky´s semantic
relations grouped into various thematics. For
example, IsA, PropertyOf, etc., are grouped as
Things, because these relations are used to store and
organized concepts related to things. UsedFor and
CapableOfReceivingAction are grouped as
Functional, etc.
Figure 3: Minskys´semantic relations (Liu et al., 2004).
These relations had investigated and applied at one
pattern language and one pattern collection. The
pattern language supports designing of web sites
(Montero et al., 2002) and the pattern collection,
called Co-authoring patterns, support designing of
web educational systems (Anacleto et al., 2013).
These patterns were chosen because we have been
used Montero´s patterns since 2007 and we had
formalized the collection. The results of these
investigations and applications are described at the
next section.
One of the thematics, Figure 3, was not applied. K-
lines represent relations to be used when the
connection between concepts is not clear. These
generic relations are not useful for patterns at the
same language and collections, because it is
supposed that these patterns are connected, and then
it is necessary to specify clearly these relationships.
Figure 4 illustrates the Co-authoring patterns
collection and their relationships considering
Minsky´s semantic relations, and after there is Table
1 with explanations about each relation presented.
Figure 4: Patterns connected by semantic relations.
Table 1: Minsky´s semantic relations to connect patterns.
Relationships Explanations and Examples
pattern x specialize pattern y; they
are hierarchically related.
Natural Example: Santa Claus IsA
Pattern Example: User IsA
Observation: IsA defined by Minsky
and is-a described by Fincher are
different because IsA does not mean
the same problem and solution.
DefinedAs relation described by
Minsky has this specific meaning
(equal, synonym), but it is not
applied at patterns from the same
language/collection as described at
Section 2.
pattern x contains
properties/characteristics of pattern
Natural Example: red PropertyOf
Pattern Example: Elements
PropertyOf Steps
Observation: PropertyOf means
composition (at software engineering
concepts) because there is no sense
to apply just a property. For
example, it is necessary to know
about clothes to identify where to
apply the red. This property (red)
must be applied with clothes. On the
other hand, clothes can be applied
without red.
Table 1: Minsky´s semantic relations to connect
patterns. (Cont.)
pattern x can be determined as part
of pattern y.
Natural Example: clothes PartOf
Santa Claus
Pattern Example: Search PartOf
HomePage (patterns from Montero)
Observation: Each part can have its
own properties, etc., i.e., PartOf
means aggregation (at software
engineering concepts) because there
is sense to apply one pattern without
another. For example, It is possible
to apply clothes without Santa Claus,
as well as, Santa Claus without
pattern x is a subtype of pattern y.
pattern x is a product and pattern y is
a substance. In other words, pattern x
is obtained through a processing
from pattern y.
Natural Example: bacon MadeOf
Pattern Example: Synthesis MadeOf
Goal (in this case, Synthesis
represents a tip of the Goal).
pattern x represents the location of
pattern y.
Natural Example: in war LocationOf
Pattern Example: Steps LocationOf
pattern x represents a consequence of
an action or an event of pattern y.
Natural Example: entertainment
EffectOf view video
Pattern Example: Coauthoring option
EffectOf Information (in this case,
Coauthoring option allows the
insertion of Information).
pattern x specifies a function of
pattern y.
Natural Example: fireplace UsedFor
burn wood
Pattern Example: Coauthoring option
UsedFor Goal (in this case, Goal
contains the explanation about the
use of Coauthoring Option).
A feasibility study was done in order to observe the
comprehension of relationships among patterns
through three different kinds: 1) Alexandrian form
considering just nodes and edges; 2) Conte et al.’
Relations; 3) Minsky´s semantic relations. The
second way was chosen because two of the relations
defined by Conte et al., (2002) represent
relationships among patterns that complement each
other with no conflict. For instance, there are Uses
and Requires to make clear when a pattern can be
used or required by another.
At feasibility study, it was necessary to design
low-fidelity web educational system prototypes, i.e.,
design interfaces of systems on papers, considering
web pattern language formalized by Montero et al.,
(2002); or Co-authoring patterns collection
formalized by Anacleto et al., (2013) for web
educational systems designing.
At feasibility study, there had been 20
participants who attended an optional discipline at
university about Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
concepts to design web computer systems and, 5
undergraduates from Pedagogy or Mathematic who
accepted the invitation to attend the discipline to
support designing low-fidelity web educational
system prototypes.
5.1 First Step
Firstly, there was a brief explanation about the
feasibility study;
Secondly, the 20 participants filled a pre-
questionnaire considering their experience and
knowledge about Software Engineering (SE), HCI
and their practical experience about design computer
systems, etc., and the 5 participants filled a pre-
questionnaire considering their uses of computer
and internet, as well as their experience using
computer on teaching.
Thirdly, the participants were introduced to some
HCI concepts as design system, prototype and
scenario. This last concept was taught because
participants needed to design prototypes considering
scenarios that described educational activities,
reported by teachers.
During these explanations, the answers of the
questionnaires were analyzed in order to divide the
participants in homogenous groups. It was
interesting to observe that the 20 participants were
electrical engineering undergraduates with no
knowledge related to ES or HCI concepts but they
were interested about designing systems. Everybody
had attended one discipline at computer area, Data
Base and, some of them had a little experience with
web sites development. It was considered as an
opportunity to observe how participants from others
areas understand pattern connections.
Five groups were created with 5 participants. In
each group, there were: one undergraduate from
pedagogy or mathematic, all of them is familiar with
computer and internet and, they had used computer
games at classroom and they think that “educational
games are useful tools”; one undergraduate with web
sites development experience and; others.
Fourthly, groups could discuss the concepts
introduced and one scenario randomly selected for
each group.
5.2 Second Step
Firstly, the groups were introduced to prototype and
design patterns concepts. It was explained about
pattern language and collection but with no details
about the connections among patterns, i.e., with no
explanations related to Alexandrian form, Conte et
al.’ Relations and Minsky´s relations.
Secondly, each group accessed a randomly
selected pattern language with one kind of
relationship. One group with Montero´s Patterns
Figure 5: Montero´s Patterns with Alexandrian Form
Figure 6: Montero´s Patterns with Conte´s Relations
Figure 7: Montero´s Patterns with Minsky´s semantic
Relations (MPMR).
Figure 8: Co-authoring Patterns with Conte´s Relations
Figure 9: Co-authoring Patterns with Minsky´s semantic
Relations (CPMR).
with Alexandrian Form (MPAF), Figure 5; another
with Montero´s Patterns with Conte´s Relations
(MPCR), Figure 6; another with Montero´s Patterns
with Minsky´s semantic Relations (MPMR), Figure
7; another with Co-authoring Patterns with Conte´s
Relations (CPCR), Figure 8 and; the last group with
Co-authoring Patterns with Minsky´s semantic
Relations (CPMR), Figure 9.
Thirdly, each participant of the groups needed to
analyse the graph of web patterns or Co-authoring
patterns to answer a question: “Explain what you
understand when you see the drawing with patterns”.
We did not use words with graph, connections,
relations, etc., to avoid any influence at answers.
Answers of this question were analyzed
considering Content Analysis methodology to make
the categorization, description and interpretation in
order to indentify the frequency of occurrence of
certain terms to observe which information in the
graph is used to understand it (Moraes, 1999).
The terms more cited by participants were
relations among patterns, direction of the arrows,
name of the patterns and the three categories defined
by Montero as Web Sites, Web Pages and
Ornamentation. For example, one participant, who
accessed MPMR, answered “Looking only the
direction of the arrows I can understand that a
pattern with arrow out is connected to a pattern with
arrow in. The tags are very useful and it is possible
to understand how the patterns are connected”. In
this case, tags were interpreted as Minky´s semantic
In this answer, the participant wrote about
direction of the arrows and relations, and then they
were counted at Table 2.
Table 2: Quantity of participants who described some
terms in their answers.
Groups Direction
of the
Name of
MPMR 2 2 4 1
MPCR 2 1 3 1
MPAF 4 0 no 2
CPMR 1 2 3 no
CPCR 2 3 3 no
Fourthly, each participant of the groups needed to
answers some questions considering the graphs, as
MPMR, MPCR, etc. They could answer them just
browsing the graph and/or clicking on each pattern
to read its content.
The questions were created in order to observe if
participants could identify each Minsky´s semantic
relation to be considered to answer them, as well as,
if Conte´s Relations and Alexandrian Form could
support identifying the answers. There were
questions related to three aspects:
(1) Interpretation to observe if participants could
notice the meaning of the relations, because each
question was created considering a Minsky´s
relation. For example, questions about where a
pattern needs to be, the expected answer is another
pattern connected with it through LocationOf
(2) Sequence of Use to observe if participants
could notice the meaning of the relations and
direction of the narrows to identify what pattern
should be used firstly.
(3) Obligation to observe if participants could
notice the meaning of the relations to identify what
patterns should be used together.
Table 3 presents the questions related to Co-
authoring patterns with expected answers, as well as,
each Minky´s relation to be considered. Table 4
presents this information as well, but related to
Montero´s patterns.
Table 3: Questions for Co-authoring Patterns.
Q1 – Which pattern describes where pattern “User”
needs to be?
Expected Answer: “Steps” – Relation: LocationOf –
“User” IsA Information” : “Information” LocationOf
Q2 – Which pattern describes explanations about the
utility of pattern “Steps”?
Expected Answer: “What needs to be done” – Relation:
Q3 – Which pattern describes what pattern
“Information” contains?
Expected Answer: “Goal” – Relation: “MadeOf”.
Q4 – Explain the relationship that you understand
between patterns “User” and “Information”.
Expected Answer: “User” IsA “Information”, “User” is
a specialization of “Information” or, “Information” is a
generalization of “User” – Relation: “IsA”.
Sequence of Use
Q5 – Which pattern should be used before pattern
Expected Answer: “Goal” – Sequence of relation
Q6 - Considering patterns “Information” and “Goal”.
Which pattern must be considered firstly?
Expected Answer: “Goal” - Sequence of relation
“MadeOf”. “Information” is MadeOf “Goal”, then it
needs to be considered before.
Q7 – There was no question because Co-authoring
patterns do not contain “PartOf” relation.
Figure 10 shows the quantity of answers, from each
group, that matched with expected answers. X
means no question for the group, for example, there
was not Q5 for groups that accessed Montero´s
Pattern neither Q7 for groups that accessed Co-
authoring patterns.
Table 4: Questions for Montero´s Patterns
Q1 – Which pattern describes where pattern “Contact
Us” needs to be?
Expected Answer: “Homepage” – Relation:
Q2 – Which pattern describes explanations about the
utility of pattern “Homepage”?
Expected Answer: “Tagline” and “About this” –
Relation: “UsedFor”.
Q3 – Which pattern describes what pattern “Tagline”
Expected Answer: “About this” – Relation: “MadeOf”.
Q4 – Explain the relationship that you understand
between patterns “Welcome” and “Homepage”.
Expected Answer: “Welcome” IsA “Homepage”,
“Homepage” is a specialization of “Welcome” or,
“Welcome” is a generalization of “Homepage” –
Relation: “IsA”.
Sequence of Use
Q5 – There was no question because Montero´s
patterns contain just one pair of patterns connected by
Q6 - Considering patterns “Tagline” and “About this”.
Which pattern must be considered firstly?
Expected Answer: “About this” - Sequence of relation
“MadeOf”. “Tagline” is MadeOf “About this”, then it
needs to be considered before.
Q7 – Do pattern “Novelty” must be considered when
pattern “Homepage” is used?
Expected Answer: No – Relation: “PartOf”.
Figure 10: Quantity of expected answers from each group.
Analyzing participants´ answers about their
comprehension of the graphs, shown at Table 2, it is
possible to observe that the names of the patterns
and arrows among patterns are considered in order
to understand them as described as Montero et al.,
(2012) and Fincher et al., (2003). Name of patterns
were cited by 32% of participants and arrows by
44%, including direction of the arrows.
Considering 25 participants, 52% of them took
into consideration the name of the relations among
patterns. In contrast, 5 participants or one group did
not access pattern with name of the relations, i.e.,
they accessed just with arrows as Alexandrian Form.
Because of that, considering 20 participants, who
accessed with Conte´s Relations or Minsky´s
semantic relations, the percentage is 65%.
These results can be considered as evidence that
name of the relations are visualized and considered
in order to understand the relationships among
patterns. Because of that, names on arrows to
express the meaning of relationships can be
considered as a useful strategy.
Two participants mentioned none of the terms in
their answers, e.g., one, who accessed PCR, wrote
“It was easy to understand the graph, I could realize
the steps that I have to follow”; another, who
accessed PMRM, wrote “It is a flowchart that user
usually executes to access a site and what s/he hopes
to find on it, then this flowchart helps to design
Three participants mentioned their no
comprehension of the graph, two who accessed
PMR and one who accessed PMRM. For example,
one participant from PMR groups wrote “Column
Web sites represents the first level, to prepare
website. Web Pages and Ornamentation describe
more details. Blue arrow represents Uses and its
direction means which pattern uses another; the
same thing for black arrow that represents Requires,
but no legend or explanation about each term makes
the comprehension not clear”.
Another example from PMRM groups was “It is
possible to understand how patterns are connected to
each other, but some relations are not clear as User
is a Information.”
Others participants mentioned what they were
seeing, for example, one who accessed PMRM
wrote “patterns are divided into three groups and I
follow the direction of the arrows to read the legend,
e.g., Size is a property of Print and Busy is an effect
of Form”.
Analyzing Table 2, it is possible to observe that
the term Relations among patterns was more cited
than others terms in almost all Groups, just CPCR
group cited Name of the patterns as many as
Relations and MPAF group, with no relations,
considered more Direction of the arrows.
These results can also be considered as evidence
that relations are visualized and considered to
understand the relationships among patterns,
because it was more cited than others terms.
In this context, the next step was to observe if
these relations could be interpreted considering their
meaning and intention of the use. Because of that, a
questionnaire was available to observe if participants
could realize the expected relation to answer the
questions and, consequently, to answer as expected
Figure 10 presents the quantity of participants
from each group who answered as expected answers,
e.g., expected answer was “Goal” pattern and
participant wrote “Goal”. In this case, others
answers as “Goal and User”, or “Instance” were not
considered. It is important to say that there was an
“Observation” field after each question to allow
participants write anything about their answers.
In general, Alexandrian Form provided less
understanding than Conte´s Relations or Minsky´s
semantic relations. In the most of the questions,
participants, who accessed Alexandrian Form,
needed to click on each pattern to read it in order to
guess the relationships among them, but the answers
did not represent the correct answers. Usually,
participants wrote all patterns connected with the
pattern described at the question, for example, Q1 –
Which pattern describes where pattern “Contact Us”
needs to be?, the most of the answers contained all
of the patterns connected with “Contact Us”.
Conte´s Relations supported some
interpretations, for example, considering Q1, all
participants, who accessed Monteros´ patterns,
chosen the right pattern connected with “Contact
Us” by Uses. On the other hand, the pattern where
“Contact Us” needs to be was directly connected
with the answer and, its name “Homepage” was a
help for participants. Two participants expressed at
questionnaire that things are on homepage. In this
case, Conte´s relations could be a help in this
reasoning, because nobody from MPAF, with no
relations, described this interpretation.
In contrast, nobody chosen the right answer on
Co-authoring patterns because, in this case, it was
necessary to understand that a pattern, named “User”
is another “Information” that was localized at
another “Steps” to answer the question. In this case,
it was an evidence that it was necessary semantic
among patterns to support this comprehension.
Answers for others questions related to
Interpretation as Q2 and Q4 also illustrated that
Conte´s relations do not represent meanings related
to explanation about the use as UsedFor and
generalization as IsA.
Two participants from CPCR
wrote the expected answer at Q2, but they read the
patterns contents. Nobody wrote the expected
answer at Q4, participants wrote answers as “User
needs Information”, “User accesses Information”,
“they are connected”, “Homepage uses Welcome”,
In contrast, 60% from MPCR group and 40%
from CPCR wrote the expected answer at Q3.
Nobody did any observation about the answers, but
two participants from MPCR and one from CPCR
read the patterns before answering, then it is not
possible to confirm that they interpreted the meaning
of composition from Conte´s relations.
Answers for Q5 and Q6 shown that relations
supported indentify the sequence of use, because
60% of participants from each Conte´s relation
group answers as expected and, nobody read the
patterns before. On the other hand, possibly, names
of patterns helped the groups who accessed Co-
authoring patterns because just 20% of participants,
who accessed Montero´s patterns, wrote the
expected answer.
Answers for Q7 shown that Conte´s relations and
Minsky´s relation do not represent when a pattern
can be used or must be used by others through
relations. Uses and Requires did not represent “can
be” and “must” for all participants. In this question,
all participants who accessed considering
Alexandrian Form did not write the expected
answer. Three participants wrote observation as “I
think that one pattern must be used by another when
they are connected”. This answer is not right in all
cases, because some patterns can be used with
others, but it is not necessary to use them every time
together (Montero et al., 2002).
It is important to clarify that there is no answer
for Q7 at Co-authoring patterns, because PartOf
relation was not necessary. Then, it was an example
that the all Minksy´s Relations are not necessary in
all pattern languages or collections, it is possible to
choose some of them according the connections
among patterns.
Minsky´s Semantic Relations supported more
understanding than others. For example, at Q1, Q2,
and Q3, the most of participants could notice that
LocationOf represents which pattern describes where
another one needs to be, as well as, UsedFor
represents when a pattern explains the utility of
another and MadeOf represents when a pattern is
obtained through a processing from another. Two
different participants, who answered as expected,
read the pattern before answering; one to answer Q2
and another to answer Q3.
Three participants wrote some observations for
Q1 describing about relation, e.g., “There is an
arrow with LocationOf” or “It was clear identify the
dependency between Contact Us and Homepage
through LocationOf”. About Q2 two participants,
who wrote expected answer, reported “In the
beginning, it was not easy to understand” – this
participant read the pattern Steps before; another
“There is an arrow between Steps and What needs to
be done with UsedFor”, others participants did not
write anything.
Answers for Q4 shown that participants wrote
what they were seeing, for example, “User is an
Information” but it does not mean that they
understood the relation. Two participants wrote at
Observation field that “It is possible to understand
that Welcome is a concept more abstract” and “User
is a kind of information to be inserted”. Even with
these two answers, it is not possible to confirm that
others participants had the same comprehension.
The most of participants answered as expected at
Q5 and Q6. Nobody read the patterns before
answering. Two different participants wrote
observations. One for Q5 “Goal pattern has an arrow
pointed at Information” and another for Q6 “the
drawing defines a sequence where Information is
made of Goal”. In these cases, direction of the
arrows were most important than name of relation to
identify the sequence of use, because there are four
patterns connected with MadeOf
at Co-authoring
Finally, these expected answers were evidences
that Minsky´s semantic relations allow organizing
patterns to support the comprehension of patterns
connections, as well as, the name of Minsky´s
relations are able to express their meaning.
As future work, we intend to make more studies
with other pattern languages and collections, as well
as, to available some information, e.g., legend, about
the relations in order to observe how the connections
among patterns can be understood when the meaning
of relations are known before their use, as well as,
define Observation field as required, because it
supports knowing participant´s compression of each
answer of the questionnaire.
We thank CAPES, FAPESP and BOEING for partial
financial support to this research.
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