Improving Business Processes Through Mobile Apps
An Analysis Framework to Identify Value-added App Usage Scenarios
Eva Hoos
, Christoph Gröger
, Stefan Kramer
and Bernhard Mitschang
Institute of Parallel and Distributed System, University of Stuttgart, Universitätsstraße 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Daimler AG, Hanns-Klemm-Str. 5, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
Keywords: Business Processes, Analysis Framework, Mobile Application.
Abstract: Mobile apps offer new possibilities to improve business processes. However, the introduction of mobile
apps is typically carried out from a technology point of view. Hence, process improvement from a business
point of view is not guaranteed. There is a methodological lack for a holistic analysis of business processes
regarding mobile technology. For this purpose, we present an analysis framework, which comprises a sys-
tematic methodology to identify value-added usage scenarios of mobile technology in business processes
with a special focus on mobile apps. The framework is based on multi-criteria analysis and portfolio analy-
sis techniques and it is evaluated in a case-oriented investigation in the automotive industry.
With the rise of smartphones and tablets, a new type
of software called mobile apps has established itself
in consumers’ life. Mobile apps provide an easy-to-
use, touchscreen-based handling and can be used
anytime and anywhere (Clevenger, 2011). The em-
ployment of mobile apps in enterprises creates new
possibilities for business process improvement, e. g.,
by the elimination of activities for paper-based data
collection. Hence, enterprises are more and more
equipping employees with a variety of mobile devic-
es to enhance productivity (Unhelkar and
Murugesan, 2010). To this end, the enterprise has to
decide which type of IT technology fits best for each
process activity. As illustrated in Figure 1 three
types of IT technology can be distinguished in gen-
PCs as stationary IT systems
Laptops as mobile IT systems
Smartphones and tablets as mobile touchscreen-
based devices
In general, the usage of these types may differ for
each activity in a process. The corresponding deci-
sion making process is complex, because there are
many issues and requirements R
to consider, espe-
cially the following:
Potential of mobile technology (R1): A central
question is whether there is a business benefit of
using mobile technology. Generally, mobile tech-
Figure 1: Which IT technology fits best for executing this
nology can have two different effects on business
processes (Gumpp and Pousttchi, 2005):
Supporting mobility given by the process
Enabling novel mobility in processes where none
existed before
However, not every employment of mobile technol-
ogy leads to an improvement of the business pro-
cesses in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
Hence, activities that profit from one of the two
effects have to be identified systematically.
Type of Mobile Devices (R2): There are a lot of dif-
ferent devices for mobile technology such as lap-
tops, smartphones, tablets, PDAs, and mobile
phones differing in hardware and software character-
istics. In this work, we are considering the following
PC Laptop
Hoos E., Gröger C., Kramer S. and Mitschang B..
Improving Business Processes Through Mobile Apps - An Analysis Framework to Identify Value-added App Usage Scenarios.
DOI: 10.5220/0004897100710082
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 71-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-028-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
types of mobile devices:
Mobile PC like laptops
Mobile touch-based devices like smartphones
In contrast to mobile PCs, mobile touch-based de-
vices have special features e. g., sensors like GPS
and camera, touch-based user interface, mobile ra-
dio, and a purpose-build operating system. There-
fore, mobile devices target different application
Holistic Point of View (R3): The combination of
business-oriented and technology-oriented aspects
avoids a purely technology-driven introduction of
mobile technology. The latter typically focuses on
porting existing back-end applications on mobile
apps without a detailed business analysis. Besides,
business aspects do not only refer to the mobility of
process activities but further contextual factors like
the elimination of manual data acquisition. In addi-
tion, not only aspects of the process activity but also
infrastructural and organizational issues of the en-
terprise, e.g., the existence of a mobile network,
have to be considered.
In the following, examples are given to illustrate
the complexity of these issues in the decision mak-
ing process.
Motivating Examples. With respect to the business
potential (R1), the question “is it suggestive to mobi-
lize an existing enterprise application?” cannot be
answered in general. Mobilization of an application
means, that the application can be accessed using
mobile devices. For example, enterprise resource
planning data can be accessed by different IT sys-
tems in order to check actual stock levels. However,
not in every scenario a mobile application is suffi-
cient. We illustrate this point in three exemplary
scenarios: In the first scenario, a sales man needs
information about current stock levels on-site at the
customer. In this case, mobile technology is benefi-
cial because he can access the data during his cus-
tomer visit. In another scenario, if an office worker
needs this information, a benefit of mobilization is
questionable because stationary IT technology may
be sufficient. In the last scenario, a manager has to
verify the ordering of parts. He can do this at his
stationary workspace using a PC as the activity itself
does not involve mobile aspects. Yet, he is regularly
on business trips and thus process execution is de-
layed until he returns and verifies open orderings.
For this purpose it would be beneficial to verify
orders on-the-go when being out of office using
mobile technology.
A further challenge is to choose between the dif-
ferent types of mobile technology (R2) in the above
scenarios. For example, the worker has to input data
including a description of the situation. The structure
of data input as well as the required computing pow-
er have to be analysed in order to select a suitable
mobile technology. For instance, if computing ca-
pacity is critical, a notebook is more appropriate
than a mobile touch-based device. Moreover, organ-
izational aspects, e. g., compliance regulations, have
to be considered in a holistic view (R3).
Contribution and Paper Outline. In this paper, we
present a holistic analysis framework for the goal-
oriented use of mobile technology in business pro-
cesses to identify value-added usage scenarios of
mobile technology with a special focus on mobile
apps. The framework comprises a systematic meth-
odology using multi-criteria analysis and portfolio
analysis techniques and considers all above require-
ments (R1-R3).
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 gives an overview of the framework
including the analysis methodology and the underly-
ing analysis artifacts. Section 3 details on the analy-
sis artifacts and the analysis methodology is de-
scribed in Section 4. A proof of concept of the
framework is presented in Section 5 based on a case-
oriented application in the automotive industry.
Related work and a comparative evaluation are dis-
cussed in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes the
paper and highlights future work.
In this section, we first give an overview about the
analysis framework. After that, we discuss the po-
tential improvements of business processes accord-
ing to the goal dimensions cost, time, flexibility and
quality when using mobile apps.
2.1 Overview
The purpose of our framework is to systematically
analyze process activities with respect to their im-
provement potential using mobile technology in
order to support enterprises in the decision which IT
technology fits best. Improvements refer to en-
hancements of both the efficiency of a process, e. g.,
by a faster execution, and the effectiveness, e. g., by
elimination of paper-based data collection to im-
prove data quality. The major result is a portfolio of
analyzed activities which are categorized according
to the IT technology which fits best. This provides
the basis to deduce value-added usage scenarios and
to define corresponding development projects and IT
Figure 2: Analysis Framework to improve Business Processes using mobile apps.
The framework is made up of two major parts, the
analysis methodology and the analysis artifacts (see
Figure 2). The analysis methodology describes the
execution sequence of analysis activities which
require and create different analysis artifacts as input
and output. Thereby, we distinguish between three
groups of analysis artifacts, namely
the criteria catalogue and criteria values,
the app potential as a metric and
the app management portfolio.
The criteria catalogue reflects the different aspects
for the usage of mobile technology in enterprises.
The app potential is a metric to operationalize the
improvement potential of each activity with respect
to mobile apps. This means, the higher the app po-
tential the more the activity can be improved using
mobile apps. The app management portfolio enables
the classification and ranking of the activities ac-
cording to the IT technology which fits best.
The analysis methodology comprises two starting
points and three activities, namely:
Process Analysis
Evaluation of App Potential
Recommendation Generation
The starting points represent different application
variants of the framework. The user point of view
enables employees to validate improvement sugges-
tions for selected activities across different process-
es. The process point of view considers improve-
ments of an entire process including all activities.
Process analysis refers to a procedure to deter-
mine the value of each criterion in the criteria cata-
log. The input is the criteria catalogue and the output
comprises a criteria value for each analyzed criteri-
on. These values represent in turn the input for the
evaluation of the app potential. The latter defines a
procedure to calculate the app potential as a metric.
At last, recommendation generation reveals the app
management portfolio according to the app potential
of each activity. On this basis, recommendations are
deduced according to the IT technology which fits
best for each activity in the portfolio.
2.2 Goal Dimensions of Process
The goal of our framework is to improve business
processes regarding efficiency and effectiveness.
These improvements can be evaluated with respect
to four goal dimensions, namely time, cost, quality
and flexibility (Reijers and Mansar, 2005). In the
following, the potential improvements of business
processes through the usage of mobile technology
are discussed according to these goal dimensions.
Time. The execution time of the process can be
reduced due to the anywhere and anytime character-
istics of mobile touch-based devices. For instance,
the delay between two activities can be minimized,
because the actor of the activity can receive and
perform the task immediately and independently
from his location, that is, the actor has not to go back
to his stationary work place to perform the task.
Furthermore, activities may be entirely eliminated,
for example, when they solely focus on paper-based
data acquisition.
Quality. Mobile touch-based devices can increase
the quality of the activity, e. g., by avoiding media
breaks and corresponding transmission errors. Fur-
thermore, due to new sensor technologies, the quali-
ty of the data increases. For instance, taking a pic-
ture is more meaningful as describing a situation
textually or recording the location via GPS is more
precise than a textual location description. In addi-
tion, through the easy-to-use and intuitive touch-
screen handling, the usability of the application is
increased and can avoid input errors.
Flexibility. Flexibility can be increased by the use of
mobile touch-based devices, because the actor can
perform the task anytime and independent from his
location. For example, with mobile apps the em-
ployee can answer his email not only on his station-
ary work place but also in a train or at the airport.
CriteriaValues AppPotential
Cost. The impact on costs has two sides: On the one
hand, the usage of mobile apps increases costs by
purchasing mobile touch-based devices and estab-
lishing a corresponding IT infrastructure. On the
other hand, purchasing costs may amortize over the
time due to shorter execution times, higher quality or
increased flexibility as explained above.
To sum up, mobile apps provide significant po-
tentials for the improvements of business processes
regarding time, quality, flexibility and cost. Our
framework aims at leveraging these potentials by a
holistic analysis of business processes. It has to be
remarked, that a profound analysis of the cost di-
mension requires additional investment calculations
regarding the use of information systems in organi-
zations (Ward and Peppard, 2002). Hence, our
framework focuses on the dimensions time, quality
and flexibility and can be extended by cost analysis
This section describes the analysis artifacts of the
framework, namely the criteria catalogue, the app
potential, and the app management portfolio.
3.1 Criteria Catalogue
The criteria catalogue is based on multi-criteria
analysis techniques. With these techniques, complex
decision problems with multiple options and re-
strictions can be structured (Cansando et al., 2012).
As a basis for the criteria definition, we conducted
literature analyses (Forman and Zahorjan, 1994;
Gruhn and Köhler; Gumpp and Pousttchi, 2005;
Krogstie, 2001; Murugesan and Venkatakrishnan,
2005; Nah et al., 2005; Sarker and Wells, 2003;
Scherz, 2008; Wasserman, 2010). Moreover, we
carried out expert interviews with employees of a
German car manufacturer to refine the identified
The criteria catalogue reflects the different as-
pects of mobile app usage in enterprises including
the requirements R1, R2, and R3. The criteria are
grouped into four categories: mobility, process,
technology requirement, and corporate conditions.
Each criterion has predefined ordinal values follow-
ing a qualitative approach. In addition, some criteria
are complemented by indicators to ease the determi-
nation of their value.
Table 1 shows the structure of
the criteria catalogue. In the following, an overview
of the different categories and the corresponding
criteria is given.
Mobility of the Activity. This category includes
two criteria: task and actor. These criteria consider
the aspects given in R1. The criterion task is based
on the definition of mobile processes given in
(Gruhn et al., 2007) and has the predefined values of
high, medium and low.
Table 1: Criteria Catalogue.
The indicators are a station ary workplace, the
uncertainty of the execution space, moving actor or
multiple execution places. The uncertainty of the
execution space emerges if the execution space is
unknown at the start of the process or it differs in
multiple instances of the process. For example, the
value of the criterion task is high, if there is a high
uncertainty of the execution space, a moving actor or
multiple execution spaces. The value is low if the
task is executed on a stationary workspace. This
criterion investigates whether mobile technology can
be employed to support existing mobility in the
process. In contrast, the criterion actor considers if
there is a benefit by enabling the location independ-
ent execution of a stationary activity. Therefore, the
cross-process mobility of the actor is investigated on
the basis of the definition of mobile workers given in
(Gumpp and Pousttchi, 2005). The predefined values
of the criterion actor are high, medium and low. The
indicators are stationary workspace, mobile work-
force, and frequent business trips. For example, the
value is high if the actor is part of a mobile work-
force, rarely on his stationary workspace or often on
business trips.
Process. The category process considers aspects
given by the process itself. This comprises, on the
one hand, the effects of the improvement of the
activity on the entire process and, on the other hand,
the improvement potential of the underlying infor-
mation system. Therefore, the category is divided
into two subcategories: relevance and current infor-
mation system. The category relevance contains the
criteria frequency and acuteness. Based on these
criteria, the impact on the process by improving the
respective activity is analyzed. The criterion fre-
quency refers to the frequency of execution of an
activity. Thereby, it is not differentiated if the activi-
ty is executed multiple times in one process instance
or if multiple process instance lead to frequent activ-
ity executions as the potential impact of the activity
is higher the more often it is executed in general.
The predefined values are often, regularly, and rare-
ly. There are no concrete numbers as these depend
on industry-specific process conditions. The subcat-
egory current information system considers the im-
provement potential regarding the current infor-
mation system. The criteria are digitalization, exist-
ence of devices, usability and sensors. For instance,
the criterion
sensors investigates if the use of sen-
sors has the potential to improve the activity, e.g., by
taking photo of a situation instead of describing it
Technology Requirements. The category technolo-
gy requirements analyzes technological aspects of
the application used in the activity. They are de-
duced from (Forman and Zahorjan, 1994; Krogstie,
2001; Murugesan and Venkatakrishnan, 2005; Was-
serman, 2010). The category is divided into perfor-
mance aspects and software quality aspects. The
performance subcategory contains the following
criteria: Data Volume of send and receive, compu-
ting power, presentation and type of input. With
these criteria, the required performance can be
matched with the different types of mobile technolo-
gy. For instance, the criterion presentation refers to
the characteristics of small screens. It is investigated
if it is possible to present the data on small screens.
Indicators are type of the data, e. g., text or picture,
and number of data sets. The subcategory software
quality refers to non-functional properties and con-
tains the criteria availability and security. Security is
one of the biggest barriers to introduce mobile tech-
nology in enterprises (Gröger et al., 2013). In this
paper, security refers to data security which can be
divided into confidentiality, integrity, authenticity,
non-repudiation. The predefined values are high,
medium and low. For the determination, the risks of
violating each aspect have to be considered.
Corporate Conditions. The category corporate
conditions combines general organizational and
technological conditions for the use of mobile tech-
nology in the enterprise. Thereby, aspects of mobile
readiness as well as the context of the usage have to
be considered (Basole, 2005). Thus, the subcatego-
ries are individual, organizational and infrastructur-
al. Individual considers the user and the manage-
ment and their readiness to use and accept mobile
apps in the enterprise. For instance, the criterion
user estimates if the users have a general affinity for
mobile devices. Indicators are technical interests of
the user and whether he already uses mobile touch-
based devices. The predefined values are high, me-
and low. If the value high is true, then the pos-
sibility that the user would use the devices is high.
The subcategory organizational refers to organiza-
tional aspects of the enterprises and includes the
criteria mobile devices and guidelines. The criterion
mobile devices investigates if the actor already em-
ploys mobile devices that he can reuse for other
applications. Guidelines may prescribe, for instance,
that in some restricted company areas mobile device
are not allowed. Infrastructural contains one criteri-
on, data communication. It represents the availabil-
ity of mobile networks.
3.2 App Potential
The app potential is a metric representing the poten-
tial of improvement for a process activity when
supported by mobile apps. The app potential has two
dimensions, mobilization potential and app capabil-
The mobilization potential refers to the aspect
whether a mobile execution of the activity is benefi-
cial. The higher the mobilization potential is, the
higher the advantages of using mobile technology in
general. The app capability refers to the question,
whether the application supporting the activity is
suited to be realized as an app on mobile touch-
based devices.
In order to determine the app potential, the crite-
ria of the catalogue are mapped to the two dimen-
sions of the app potential. The numerical calculation
is then based on scored and weighted criteria values
as explained in Section 4.3.
The app potential metric enables the ranking and
prioritization of process activities in a portfolio (see
Section 3.3) and makes them comparable regarding
their improvement potential using mobile apps.
3.3 App Management Portfolio
The app management portfolio is based on portfolio
analysis concepts. The latter are typically used for
evaluating, selecting and managing re-
search&development projects in order to make stra-
tegic choices (Bohanec et al., 1995; Mikkola, 2001;
Killen et al., 2008). We adapted these concepts to
the evaluation and selection of process activities
regarding mobile technology. The app management
portfolio groups the process activities into four cate-
gories according to their mobilization potential and
their app capability. The goal is to define action
recommendations for each category. These recom-
mendations focus on the type of IT technology
which fits best for each category. The four catego-
ries are flexible & easy-on-the-go, complex & mo-
bile, legacy & fixed, and fancy & pointless. The
resulting portfolio is shown in Figure 3. The higher
the app potential of an activity, the more it is posi-
tioned further up on the right of the portfolio.
Activities in the flexible & easy-on-the-go cate-
gory have a high mobilization potential and a high
app capability. That is, process improvements are
high when using apps for this activity. It is highly
recommended to deduce a corresponding usage
scenario for a mobile app. For instance, if a mobile
worker needs actual information of an enterprise
backend system or has to record information on-the-
go, these activities may be in the flexible & easy-on-
the-go category. A corresponding app could not only
provide mobile access but easily enrich the infor-
mation by sensor data, e.g., photos, location, voice
or video as provided by the most smartphones. The
recorded information can be transmitted directly to
the backend instead of describing the situation textu-
ally on a paper and transferring it manually.
Figure 3: App Management Portfolio.
The complex & mobile category is characterized
by a high mobilization potential and a low app capa-
bility. That is, activities in that category can be im-
proved, if their applications run on mobile devices.
However, the application is not suitable for running
on mobile touch-based devices due to, e. g., high
performance requirements of the application. Hence,
the actors of these activities should be equipped with
laptops being able to connect to the enterprise IT
backend. For example, if a simulation model should
be compared to the real world, the employee has to
go to this area with his mobile device. Simulation
needs a lot of computing power, hence a notebook
might be suited. Writing a long report at the point of
action is another example for a notebook application
because writing a text on touchscreens is not appro-
Low mobilization potential and low app capabili-
ties are the characteristics of activities positioned in
the legacy & fixed quadrant. This implies that there
are no improvements when using mobile technology.
Thus, there is a clear suggestion to refer to tradition-
al stationary technology like PCs.
The fancy & pointless category has low mobili-
zation potential and high app capabilities. That is, it
is possible to create an app for this application but
the app does not add value, because the execution of
the activity is not improved. For instance, an engi-
neer might use an app for mobile product data man-
agement without having mobile tasks. Technology-
driven approaches are in danger of producing apps
for this type of process activities. Activities in this
category should be supported by stationary IT tech-
nology although it is technologically possible to
employ apps.
The boundaries of the quadrants can be varied
according to the enterprise strategy. By default,
boundaries are based on half of the maximum values
for mobilization potential and app capability reveal-
ing quadrats of equal size. The numerical calculation
of these values is described in Section 4.3 and the
categorization of activities in the portfolio is detailed
in Section 4.4.
This section explains the activities of the analysis
methodology including its application variants.
4.1 Application Variants
The methodology has two possible starting points,
which enable two different applications variants,
namely the process-driven and the user-driven vari-
ant. In the process-driven variant, the analysis is
initiated by the person who is responsible for the
process, the process owner. The goal is to improve
the whole process. Hence, all activities of the select-
ed process are analyzed and as a result positioned in
the portfolio. The user-driven approach considers
the fact that through the consumerization of IT and
the bring-your-own-device paradigm more and more
workers have their own ideas of improving their
work using mobile apps (Clevenger, 2011). Thus, in
the user-driven variant, the analysis is initiated by
the worker in order to improve process activities
which he takes part in. Thereby, only the activities
selected by the worker are analyzed. In this way,
workers can justify or validate whether their ideas
for mobile apps are valuable from a business point
of view. The user-driven variant incorporates end
users and their creativity in the decision process but
further synergies across an entire process may not be
identified. Hence, the results of the two variants
should be combined when applying the framework.
4.2 Process Analysis
The process analysis refers to the application of the
criteria catalogue and the determination of the crite-
ria values for a given process activity. It comprises
four analysis activities, one for each category of
criteria. The entire procedure for process analysis is
shown Figure 4.
The input for the activity analysis of mobility de-
pends on the application variants. In the user-driven
approach, the input is one activity whereas in the
process-driven approach the input is the entire pro-
cess. Then, each activity is analyzed by determining
the values of the criteria from the category mobility
of activity. To minimize the effort, there is a condi-
tion for early termination after the analysis of mobil-
ity: If no mobility is detected, then the analysis of
the activity is terminated because mobility is the
prerequisite for the use of mobile devices. No mobil-
ity is given, if the values of the criteria actor and
task are both low.
Figure 4: Procedure and activities for process analysis.
After this step, the activities for the analysis of
process aspects, the analysis of technology require-
ments and the analysis of the cooperate conditions
follow. Thereby, these activities are executed in
parallel. The advantages of dividing the process
analysis into four subanalyses are that the entire
procedure is clearly structured and the results can be
reused. For example, if two activities are executed in
the same environment, the corporate conditions have
to be analyzed only once and the results are used for
both activities.
4.3 Evaluation of App Potential
In order to evaluate the app potential, the criteria and
their values have to be mapped to the dimensions of
the app potential
as explained in Section 3.2. For this
purpose, the influence of the criteria on the dimen-
sions has to be examined. For example, the criterion
task in the category mobility of the activity has an
influence on the mobilization potential due to the
fact that a mobile task would benefit from mobiliza-
tion. Hence, the criterion task is assigned to the
dimension mobilization potential (
. In con-
trast, the criterion computing power is assigned to
the dimension app capability (
, because this
differentiates laptops from mobile touch-based de-
The next step is to specify the concrete influence
of a criterion value on the dimension it belongs to.
Therefore, a scoring function
maps the
ordinal value k
of a criterion C to a numerical value.
The scoring function is based on a scoring matrix as
shown in Table 2. For example, if the criterion actor
Start of
Start of
has the value high, then
 
3 and
in case the value is low it is
 
Table 2: Extract of the scoring matrix.
3 2 1
Task High Medium Low
Actor High Medium Low
Regularly Rarely
In addition, the influence of individual criteria on
the app potential can be adapted by weighting each
scored criterion C with weight w
as in
. The weighting enables enterprises
to adapt the impact of the criteria according to their
mobile strategy. For example, if data security issues
are very important, such as with product data for
manufacturing cars, the weight
can be
On this basis, the numerical values for the app
potential of a process activity are calculated as fol-
 
 ,
4.4 Recommendation Generation
The step recommendation generation positions the
activities in the app management portfolio and de-
fines action recommendations for each portfolio
category (see Section 3.3). Process activities are
positioned according to their values for app capabil-
ity and mobilization potential. For example, activi-
ties with the app potential (0,0) belong to the catego-
ry legacy & fixed. The higher the app potential of an
activity, the more it is positioned further up on the
right of the portfolio.
Using this portfolio, the stakeholders can decide
which activities should be supported by apps and
prioritize corresponding development projects.
Hence, the enterprise gets a structured overview
about the app potential across various processes.
As an initial proof of concept, we applied our
framework in a real case at a large German car man-
ufacturer. At this, we used the framework to analyse
a concrete process in the engineering domain. In the
following, we describe the process and the analysis.
At the end, we discuss the results.
5.1 Modification Approval Process
The modification approval process is part of the car
development process. During the development of a
car, a lot of change requests arise. For instance, the
design of the seat is changed or another breaking
system should be used. However, single changes
have impacts on the whole car. For instance, it has to
be checked whether the new seat design fits the car’s
interior. The modification approval ensures that the
product data in the product data management (PDM)
system is in a consistent state despite modifications.
In general, a faster execution of the process is desir-
able to reduce development times.
For our analysis, a process description is needed.
Therefore, we conducted interviews with the organi-
zational owners of the process to get a high level
overview about the process and deduce a simple
process model. This deduced process model is
shown in Figure 5. It consists of six sequential activ-
ities. The process starts if product data is modified.
Product data comprises both product descriptions in
terms of computer-aided-design models and the
product structure in form of a bill of materials. When
the modification is done, the engineer has to create a
modification document including all relevant chang-
es. Once the document is checked into the PDM
system, the process starts. Then, the system forwards
the document to various persons with different re-
sponsibilities following a pre-determined order. At
first, the responsible person for this component, the
creator himself or his boss, has to perform the check
modification record activity. This includes checking
the document for correctness and completeness.
After that, the activity verify packaging is performed
by the packaging manager. A package is a higher
level component build of multiple parts. For exam-
ple, the worker checks if there is an installation
space collision, e.g., whether the new engine fits in
the bonnet. After that, the design validator performs
the activity verify design to ensure data quality.
Then, the activity verify and approve modification
has to be executed by the technically responsible
persons. First, the team lead has to give his approval
and then the department leader approves as well. If
the document received all required approvals, the
documentarian performs the activity create entries in
PDM. With that, the modification is completely
documented in the PDM and the modification appro-
Figure 5: Process model of the modification approval process.
val process finishes.
This simple modelling is sufficient for our analy-
sis, because all other important aspects for mobile IT
support, e.g., location and roles, are covered in the
criteria catalogue. Yet, for further stages like the
development of suitable apps for the process, the
process model has to be extended by other process
characteristics such as location, actors, business
domains and resources (Gao and Krogstie, 2012;
Gopalakrishnan et al., 2012).
5.2 Framework Application and
On the basis of the process model described above,
we applied our framework according to the analysis
methodology shown in Figure 2. We used the pro-
cess-driven approach in order to analyse the entire
process. For the first step, we conducted interviews
with process experts to determine the criteria values.
On this basis, we investigated the mobility of
each activity according to the procedure described in
Figure 4. Therefore, the criteria task and actor are
used. We observed that all tasks have a low mobility.
The reason is that they are all executed at the actor’s
stationary workspace. However, during the evalua-
tion of the criterion actor, two groups of activities
were identified. One group has actors with a low
mobility and the other one has actors with a high
mobility. The activities create modification record
document, check document, verify packaging, verify
design, and create entries in PDM have actors with a
low mobility because they are most of their working
time at their stationary workspaces. In contrast, the
activities check record and verify and approve modi-
fication have actors who are rarely at their work
spaces. Thus, according to the termination condition,
we further analysed only the activities from group
two, check record and verify and approve modifica-
tion, and skip process analysis for group one.
Our analysis results of these activities reveal that
that the values of the (sub)categories process, per-
formance requirement, and individual had a positive
influence on the app potential of these activities,
because the process is very important, so enhance-
ment is beneficial for the enterprise and the perfor-
mance requirements make it possible to run the
application on mobile touch-based devices. In addi-
tion, workers and management welcome the usage
of mobile touch-based devices. However, the big
challenge are security requirements. Product data are
highly sensitive and no unauthorized person should
be able to read them.
After performing the app potential evaluation
(see Figure 6), two activities were positioned in the
category flexible & easy-on-the-go, namely check
record and verify and approve modification. For
these activities, an app usage scenario was defined
as a basis for the development of a concrete app
within the car manufacturer. The other activities
create entries in PDM, check package, check design,
and create modification cannot be improved through
mobile technology due to a low mobilization poten-
5.3 Discussion
We discussed both the procedure of applying our
framework as well as the concrete results for the
modification approval process with experts on mo-
bile technology within the industry partner.
It became clear that the strict structure and the
systematic procedure to apply the framework make
the results comprehensible and transparent. Moreo-
ver, it was emphasized that the portfolio visualiza-
tion enables an easy communication and representa-
tion of the analysis results especially for corporate
management. Before, various ideas for new mobile
apps were discussed within the industry partner
without clear prioritization. The portfolio helped to
get an overview of all analyzed activities and corre-
sponding possibilities for new apps. This provided a
sound basis for decision making and prioritization of
investments in mobile technology. On the one hand,
potential users could be convinced that their app
ideas in the category fancy & pointless should not be
realized. On the other hand, IT responsibles devel-
oped a deeper understanding for a business-driven
view on mobile technology.
With respect to the analysis methodology, the
termination condition was recognized as helpful
because it decreased the analysis effort significantly.
The approval modification process comprised six
activities and the analysis of four was terminated
using the termination condition. Yet, with respect to
the criteria, additional indicators revealed to be help-
ful in order to precisely determine the value of each
criterion. At this, more fine-grained values for some
criteria like security and data volume would be help-
ful, too.
Figure 6: Portfolio of modification approval process.
Considering the usage of mobile apps in the
modification approval process, the need for support-
ing the activities check record and verify and ap-
prove modification through a mobile app was recog-
nized by the industry partner. It was stated that an
app has the potential to reduce execution times and
enhance flexibility of the process significantly.
In this section, we discuss related work and present a
qualitative evaluation of our framework based on a
comparison with similar approaches.
6.1 Related Work
For the discussion of related work, we differentiate
three groups of work with respect to mobile technol-
ogy in business processes.
The first group comprises work on the general
potential and impact as well as the basic conditions
for the use of mobile technology in business pro-
cesses (Basole, 2004; Basole, 2005; Gebauer and
Shaw, 2004; Nah et al., 2005). These works discuss
different high level aspects of mobile technology in
enterprises such as benefits of mobilizing processes,
transformational impact of mobile technology and
mobile enterprise readiness. Yet, they do not address
issues of a methodology to systematically realize the
benefits of mobile technology. The second group
comprises concepts which are similar to our frame-
work. (Gumpp and Pousttchi, 2005) propose a
framework to evaluate mobile applications accord-
ing to their potential business benefits. The frame-
work is based on the theory of informational added
values and its application to mobile business. It
constitutes a high level approach and misses the
detailed analysis of processes to deduce concrete
usage scenarios. (Gruhn et al., 2007) present a
framework, called Mobile Process Landscaping, to
choose a suitable mobile application to enhance
business processes. The authors make use of typical
return on investment concepts to analyze mobility in
processes and evaluate different mobile applications.
Yet, they neither incorporate technological aspects,
e. g., the complexity of data input, nor do they focus
on the specific characteristics of mobile apps.
(Scherz, 2008) define criteria to identify mobile
potential in business processes during a condition-
analysis as part of a classical system analysis. These
criteria are divided into four categories, namely
actor, process classification, data and information
system as well as devices. Yet, mobile apps are not
addressed specifically.
The third group of work considers the usage of
mobile apps in enterprises (Lunani, 2011; Gröger et
al., 2013; Clevenger, 2011). They point out that apps
have a great potential to improve business process,
suggest general application areas for apps and dis-
cuss selected app-oriented aspects, e. g., technical
requirements for the IT back-end. Yet, they do not
focus on an analysis methodology to identify con-
crete usage scenarios.
6.2 Comparative Evaluation
We qualitatively evaluate our framework against the
most similar approaches, namely Mobile Process
Landscaping (MPL) (Gruhn et al., 2007) and Identi-
fication of Mobile Potential (IMP)-Analysis (Scherz,
2008) described in the last subsection. In addition to
the requirements (R1-R3), the following criteria are
examined as well:
Analysis effort to execute the approach
Addressed goals of the approach according to
goal dimensions
Existence of a cost-benefit analysis in the ap-
The results are represented in Table 3. The evalua-
tion against R1 shows that the MPL does not consid-
er the two effects of mobile technology, namely
enabling and supporting of mobility. This is the
case, because they define a mobile process through
the distribution of the task and do not regard the
mobility of the actor as an additional enabling factor.
Besides, the table shows that only our framework
17 34
considers different types of mobile devices and cor-
responding mobile apps according to R2. However,
this is an important requirement because, due to their
special characteristics, mobile touch-based devices
create new possibility to enhance business process as
discussed in Section 2.2. The criteria defined in the
IMP-analysis and in our framework consider busi-
ness and technology aspects according to R3. In
contrast, MPL focuses on criteria with business
aspects only. However, technical aspects are partial-
ly considered in the further investigation of the
Table 3: Comparative analysis of the approaches Mobile
Process Landscaping MPL (Gruhn et al., 2007), Identifica-
tion of Mobile Potential (IMP)-Analysis (Scherz, 2008)
and the analysis framework present in this work.
The comparison of the approaches regarding the
addressed goal dimensions shows that the goal of
MPL is to reduce process cost. In contrast, our
framework and the IMP-analysis consider the goal
dimensions time, flexibility and quality whereas the
IMP-analysis additionally includes cost aspects.
Another difference between the approaches is the
analysis effort: our approach needs a small analysis
effort because it is limited to the design of a simple
process model and the determination of the criteria
values including termination conditions, whereas
MPL and the IMP-analysis are based on a complex
process model. The missing of the cost-benefit anal-
ysis is the main drawback of our approach in com-
parison with the other approaches. However, per-
forming a cost-benefit analysis is not the aim of our
framework, which is designed to be applicable in a
simple way and with a low analysis effort. Yet, it
provides the basis for a comprehensive cost-benefit
analysis. Finally, a limitation of all approaches is
that the person who performs the analysis needs a
deep understanding in business processes and the
potential of mobile technology in order to achieve
valid results. This is why we suppose an assisting
application, e.g., a mobile app, to ease the applica-
tion of our framework.
In this work, we presented an analysis framework to
identify value-added usages for mobile apps in order
to improve business processes. The analysis frame-
work assists stakeholders to decide which IT tech-
nology fits best for given process activities. It com-
prises a systematic methodology to analyze business
processes from a user or a process point of view and
reveals a portfolio, which categorizes process activi-
ties according to their app potential. This enables a
systematic and transparent procedure to identify
value-added usage scenarios for mobile apps and to
prioritize IT investments in mobile technology.
Our framework can not only be used to identify
usage scenarios for one process. It can also be used
to get a general view on mobile potentials of several
processes in an enterprise in order to identify cross-
process synergies and prioritize company-wide in-
There are three major parts for future work: First,
we plan to apply the framework in other process
domains to further refine the criteria. Second, in
order to facilitate the application of our framework,
we plan to implement it as a software tool to support
the determination of the criteria values and the crea-
tion of the app management portfolio. Third, we
want to extend our framework in order to apply it
not only a posteriori on existing business processes
but a priori during business modelling of a new
process, as well.
The authors would like to thank the German Re-
search Foundation (DFG) for financial support of
this project as part of the Graduate School of Excel-
lence advanced Manufacturing Engineering
(GSaME) at the University of Stuttgart.
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