Router Nodes Positioning for Wireless Networks Using Artificial
Immune Systems
P. H. G. Coelho, J. L. M. do Amaral, J. F. M. do Amaral, L. F. de A. Barreira and A. V. de Barros
State Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, FEN/DETEL, R. S. Francisco Xavier, 524/Sala 5001E, Maracanã, RJ, 20550-900, Brazil
Keywords: Artificial Immune Systems, Artificial Intelligence Applications, Node Positioning, Wireless networks.
Abstract: This paper proposes the positioning of intermediate router nodes using artificial immune systems for use in
industrial wireless sensor networks. These nodes are responsible for the transmission of data from sensors to
the gateway in order to meet criteria especially those that lead to a low degree of failure and reducing the
number of retransmissions by routers. These criteria can be enabled individually or in groups, combined
with weights. Positioning is performed in two stages, the first uses elements of two types of immune
networks, SSAIS (Self-Stabilising Artificial Immune System) and AINET (Artificial Immune Network),
and the second uses potential fields for positioning the routers such that the critical sensors attract them
while obstacles and other routers repel them. Case studies are presented to illustrate the procedure.
Data transmission through the use of wireless
technology has grown dramatically in society. The
wireless technology has taken over the world and the
field of industrial automation is no exception. Main
advantages are reduced installation time of devices,
no need of cabling structure, cost saving projects,
infrastructure savings, device configuration
flexibility, cost savings in installation, flexibility in
changing the existing architectures, possibility of
installing sensors in hard-to-access locations and
others. Safety, reliability, availability, robustness
and performance are of paramount importance in the
area of industrial automation. The network cannot be
sensitive to interference nor stop operation because
of an equipment failure, nor can have high latency in
data transmission and ensure that information is not
misplaced (Zheng and Lee, 2006). In industrial
automation environment, data transmission in a
wireless network faces the problem of interference
generated by other electrical equipment, such as
walkie-talkies, other wireless communication
networks and electrical equipment, moving
obstacles (trucks, cranes, etc.) and fixed ones(
buildings , pipelines , tanks , etc.). In an attempt to
minimize these effects, frequency scattering
techniques and mesh or tree topologies are used, in
which a message can be transmitted from one node
to another with the aid of other nodes, which act as
intermediate routers, directing messages to other
nodes until it reaches its final destination. This
allows the network to get a longer range and to be
nearly fault tolerant, because if an intermediate node
fails or cannot receive a message, that message
could be routed to another node. However, a mesh
network also requires careful placement of these
intermediate nodes, since they are responsible for
doing the forwarding of the data generated by the
sensor nodes in the network to the gateway directly
or indirectly, through hops. Those intermediate
nodes are responsible for meeting the criteria of
safety, reliability and robustness of the network and
are also of paramount importance in the forwarding
of data transmission. They could leave part or all the
network dead, if they display any fault (Hoffert et
al., 2007). Most solutions to the routers placement
solve this problem with optimization algorithms that
minimize the number of intermediate router nodes to
meet the criteria for coverage, network connectivity
and longevity of the network and data fidelity.
(Youssef and Younis , 2007), (Molina et al., 2008).
This paper proposes to solve this problem using
Artificial Immune Networks, based on the human
immune system. The algorithms based on immune
networks have very desirable characteristics in the
solution of this problem, among which we can
mention: scalability, self-organization, learning
ability and continuous treatment of noisy data
(Coelho et al., 2012). This paper is divided into four
H. G. Coelho P., L. M. do Amaral J., F. M. do Amaral J., F. de A. Barreira L. and V. de Barros A..
Router Nodes Positioning for Wireless Networks Using Artificial Immune Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004898904150421
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 415-421
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sections. Section 2 does a brief discussion of
artificial immune systems. Section 3 presents the
application of artificial immune systems to the
problem of node positioning and section 4 concludes
the paper by presenting results and conclusions.
Artificial immune systems (AISs) are models based
on natural immune systems which protect the human
body from a large number of pathogens or antigens
(Amaral, 2006). Due to these characteristics the
AISs are potentially suitable for solving problems
related to computer security and they inherit from
natural immune systems the properties of
uniqueness, distributed sensing, learning and
memory efficiency. In fact, the immune system is
unique to each individual. The detectors used by the
immune system are small, efficient and highly
distributed and are not subject to centralized control.
Moreover, it is not necessary that every pathogen is
fully detected, because the immune system is more
flexible, there is a compromise between the
resources used in the protection and breadth in
coverage. Anomaly detection is another important
feature, since it allows the immune system to detect
and respond to pathogens (agents that cause
diseases) for which they have not previously been
found. The immune system is able to learn the
structures of pathogens and remember these
structures so that future responses to these agents are
faster. In summary, these features make the immune
system scalable, robust and flexible. The immune
system uses distributed detection to distinguish the
elements of the organism itself, the self, and foreign
to the body, the non-self. The detection of the non-
self is a difficult task because its number, of the
order of 10
, is much superior to the number of self
patterns, around 10
, taking place in a highly
distributed environment. It should be also noted that
all these actions occur while the living organism
must continue in operation and the available
resources are scarce. Cells that perform the detection
or recognition of pathogens in the acquired or
adaptive immune system are called lymphocytes that
recognize pathogens joining them. The antigens are
detected when a molecular bond is established
between the pathogens and the receptors present on
the surface of lymphocytes. A given receiver will
not be able to join all antigens. A lymphocyte has
approximately 100,000 receptors on its surface
which however have the same structure, and
therefore can only join with structurally related
epitopes (the site on an antigen at which a specific
antibody becomes attached). Such epitopes define a
similarity subset of epitopes which lymphocytes can
detect. The number of receivers that can join the
pathogens defines the affinity of a lymphocyte to a
certain antigen. Lymphocytes can only be activated
by an antigen if their affinities exceed a certain
threshold. As this threshold increases, the number of
epitopes types capable of activating a lymphocyte
decreases, i.e., the similarity subset becomes
smaller. A receiver may be obtained by randomly
recombining possible elements (from the memory of
the immune system), producing a large number of
possible combinations indicating a wide range in the
structure of the receptors. Although it is possible to
generate approximately 10
receptor types, the
number present at a given instant of time is much
smaller, in the range of 10
to 10
(Silva, 2001).
The detection is approximate, since it is a difficult
task to evolve structures that are complementary to
receptor epitopes for which the organism has never
encountered before. If an exact complementarity was
needed, the chance of a random lymphocyte epitope
join a random would be very small. An important
consequence of that approximate detection is that
one single lymphocyte is capable of detecting a
subset of epitopes, which implies that a smaller
number of lymphocytes is required for protection
against a wide variety of possible antigens. The main
algorithms that implement the artificial immune
systems were developed from metaphors of the
immune system: the mechanism of negative
selection, the theory of immune network and the
clonal selection principle. The function of the
negative selection mechanism is to provide tolerance
to the self cells, namely those belonging to the
organism. Thus, the immune system gains the ability
to detect unknown antigens and not react to the
body's own cells. During the generation of T-cells,
which are cells produced in the bone marrow,
receptors are generated by a pseudo-random process
of genetic arrangement. Later on, they undergo a
maturation mechanism in the thymus, called
negative selection, in which T cells that react to
body proteins are destroyed. Thus, only cells that do
not connect to the body proteins can leave the
thymus. The T cells, known as mature cells,
circulate in the body for immune functions and to
protect it against antigens. The theory of immune
system network considers several important aspects
like the combination of antibodies with the antigens
for the early elimination of the antigens. Each
antibody has its own antigenic determinant, called
idiotope. In this context, (Jerne, 1974) proposed the
Immune Network Theory to describe the activity of
lymphocytes in an alternative way. According to
(Jerne, 1974) the antibodies and lymphocytes do not
act alone, but the immune system keeps a network of
B cells for antigen recognition. These cells can
stimulate and inhibit each other in various ways,
leading to stabilization of the network. Two B cells
are connected if they share an affinity above a
certain threshold and the strength of this connection
is directly proportional to the affinity they share. The
clonal selection principle describes the basic features
of an immune response to an antigenic stimulus, and
ensures that only cells that recognize the antigen are
selected to proliferate. The daughter cells are copies
or clones of their parents and are subject to a process
of mutation with high rates, called somatic
hypermutation. In the clonal selection the removal of
daughter cells are performed, and these cells have
receptors that respond to the body's own proteins as
well as the most suitable mature cell proliferation,
i.e., those with a greater affinity to the antigens
(Coelho et al., 2013).
Router Nodes positioning has been addressed in the
literature by several researchers. (Cannons et al,
2008) propose an algorithm for positioning router
nodes and determine which router will relay the
information from each sensor. (Gersho and Gray,
1992), proposed one to promote the reliability of
wireless sensors communication network,
minimizing the average probability of sensor
transmission error. (Shi et al., 2009) propose a
positioning algorithm of multi-router nodes to
minimize energy consumption for data transmission
in mobile ad hoc network (MANET - Mobile Ad
Hoc Network). The problem was modeled as an
optimization clustering problem. The suggested
algorithm to solve the problem uses heuristic
methods based on the k-means algorithm. (Costa and
Amaral, 2010) describe an approach for router nodes
placement based on genetic algorithm which
minimizes the number of nodes required for network
routers, decreasing the amount critical nodes for all
involved devices and the number of hops of the
transmitted messages. The use of wireless sensor
network in industrial automation is still a matter of
concern with respect to the data reliability and
security by users. Thus, an appropriate node
positioning is of paramount importance for the
wireless network to meet safety, reliability and
efficiency criteria. Positioning of nodes is a difficult
task, because one should take into account all the
obstacles and interference present in an industrial
environment. The gateway as well as the sensors
generally have a fixed position near the control
room. But the placement of router nodes, which are
responsible for routing the data, generated by the
sensors network to the gateway directly or
indirectly, is determined by the characteristics of the
network. The main characteristics of wireless sensor
networks for industrial automation differ from
traditional ones by the following aspects: The
maximum number of sensors in a traditional wireless
network is on the order of millions while
automation wireless networks is on the order of tens
to hundreds; The network reliability and latency are
essential and fundamental factors for network
wireless automation. To determine the number of
router nodes and define t position in the network,
some important aspects in industrial automation
should be considered. It should be guaranteed: (1)
redundant paths so that the system be node fault-
tolerant; (2) full connectivity between nodes, both
sensors and routers, so that each node of the network
can be connected to all the others exploring the
collaborative role of routers; (3) node energy
efficiency such that no node is overwhelmed with
many relaying information from the sensors; (4)
low-latency system for better efficiency in response
time; (5) combined attributes for industrial processes
to avoid accidents due to, for example, high
monitored process temperature. (6) self-organization
ability, i.e. the ability of the network to reorganize
the retransmission of data paths when a new sensor
is added to the network or when a sensor stops
working due to lack of power or a problem in
wireless communication channel. All these factors
must be met, always taking into consideration the
prime factor security: the fault tolerance. In the end
of the router nodes placement, the network of
wireless sensors applied to industrial automation
should be robust, reliable, scalable and self-
The positioning of router nodes in industrial
wireless sensor networks is a complex and critical
task to the network operation. It is through the final
position of routers that one can determine how
reliable, safe, affordable and robust the network is.
In the application of immune systems to router
nodes positioning reported in this paper, B cells that
make up the immune network will be composed by a
set of sensor nodes and a set of router nodes. The
sensor nodes are located in places where the plant
instrumentation is required. These nodes have fixed
coordinates, i.e. they cannot be moved. For security
to be guaranteed it is necessary to have redundant
paths between these nodes and the gateway. The set
of router nodes will be added to allow redundant
paths. The position of these nodes will be changed
during the process of obtaining the final network.
The stimulation of the B cells, corresponding to the
set of routers, is defined by the affinity degree
among B cells in the training of the network. In this
paper, the role of the antigen is viewed more broadly
as the entity that stimulates B cells. Thus, the
function of the antigen takes into consideration
possible missing paths to critical sensors, the
number of times that a router is used and its
proximity to sensors. The modeling of B cells
affinity is the weighted sum of the three criteria that
the positioning of each router will answer. The
criteria are: fault degree of each router, number of
times each router is used depending on the path and
number of sensor nodes neighboring to each router.
Process dynamics can be divided into two processes:
network pruning and cloning, and node mutation of
the network routers. In the pruning process, n
nodes that during a certain time failed to become
useful to the network will be removed from it. The
latter process is responsible for generating n
of router nodes that were over stimulated. The
clones may suffer mutations of two kinds:
(i) hypermutation – for positioning new elements
in the network which are inversely proportional
to the degree of stimulation of the router node
selected and
(ii) net Mutation – for positioning the new
information into the network in order to assure
the new clones are neighbors of the selected
clone (Poduri et al , 2006).
After the inclusion of the new router nodes, a stop
condition is performed. If the condition is not met,
all routers undergo an action of repulsive forces,
generated by obstacles and routers for other nodes,
followed by attractive forces created by critical
sensor nodes. Those critical nodes are the ones that
do not meet the minimum number of paths necessary
to reach the gateway. The actions of repelling
potential fields have the function of driving them
away from obstacles, to allow direct line of sight for
the router network nodes to increase the reliability of
transmission and also increase the distance among
the routers to increase network coverage. On the
other hand, the attractive potential fields attract
routers to critical sensors, easing the formation of
redundant paths among sensors and the gateway.
After the action of potential fields, from the new
positioning of routers, a new network is established
and the procedure continues until the stopping
criterion is met.
Figure 1: The proposed algorithm.
The algorithm proposed in this paper deals with a
procedure based on artificial immune networks,
which solves the problem of positioning the router
nodes so that every sensor device is able to
communicate with the gateway directly and or
indirectly by redundant paths. Figure 1 shows the
main modules of the algorithm. The first module is
called immune network, and the second, positioning
module is called potential fields containing elements
used in positioning sensor networks using potential
fields (Howard, 2002). The immune network module
performs an algorithm that can be described by the
following steps:
Creation: Creation of an initial set of B cells to
form a network.
Evaluation: Determination of the B cells affinity
to calculate their stimulation.
Pruning: Performs the resource management and
remove cells that are without resources from the
Selection: Selects the more stimulated B cells to
be cloned.
Cloning: Generates a set of clones from the most
stimulated B cells.
Mutation: Does the mutation of cloned cells.
In the stage of creation, an initial set of routers is
randomly generated to initiate the process of
obtaining the network, and the user can specify how
many routers to place it initially. In the evaluation
phase, a network which is represented by a graph is
formed with sensor nodes and router nodes. From
this graph, values of several variables are obtained
that will be used to calculate the affinity. Examples
of such variables are the number of paths that exist
between each sensor and the gateway, the number of
times that a router is used on the formed paths, etc.
It should be stressed that the affinity value is
calculated for each router and comprises three parts.
The first part provides the degree of fault of each
network router - this affinity is the most important of
all. It defines the value or importance each router
has in the network configuration. This is done as
follows: a router is removed from the network, and
the number of paths that remain active for the
sensors send information for the gateway is
evaluated. If the number of active paths remaining
after the node removal is small, the router node
needs another nearby router to reduce their degree of
fault. Furthermore, if the node suffers battery
discharge or hardware problems, other paths to relay
information should be guaranteed until the problem
is solved. The second part relates to the number of
times that each router is used in paths that relay the
information from the sensors to the gateway. The
greater the number of times it is used, more
important is that router. The third part relates the
number of sensor nodes neighboring to each router –
one can say that the more sensor nodes neighbors,
the greater the likelihood that it will become part of
the way that the sensor needs to transmit your
message to the gateway.
Case studies were simulated in a 1 x 1 square
scenario. The cloning procedure considered that only
the router with higher affinity would be selected to
produce three clones in each generation. For each
case study 10 experiments were conducted that
demonstrate the algorithm’s ability to create at least
two redundant paths to get the information from any
sensor to the gateway. Two configurations were
considered to demonstrate the functionality of the
developed algorithm. The configurations used in the
simulation were motivated by oil & gas refinery
automation applications. The first one called POSA
consists of five network nodes, where node 1 is the
gateway and nodes 2, 3, 4 and 5 are fixed sensors.
The gateway has direct line of sight with all the
network nodes as shown in Figure 2. The second
scenario (POSB) considers a network with nine
nodes, where node one is the gateway and the others
are fixed sensors. As in scenario POSA, POSB has
direct line of sight with all the network nodes as
shown in Figure 3. For both configurations it will be
considered that there is no connectivity among them,
i.e. the distance between them will be greater than
their operating range.
Figure 2: Sensors and gateway POSA configuration.
(Legend: node 1:gateway; nodes 2 to 5: sensors).
Figure 3: Sensors and gateway POSB configuration.
(Legend: node 1:gateway; nodes 2 to 9 :sensors).
For the case study simulations considered, the goal
is to get any two paths for each sensor to transmit
the monitored sensor data to the gateway node. The
operating range for both cases is 0.2, i.e. for both
configurations there is no connectivity between any
sensor and the gateway. Table 1 describes the
parameters used in the case study 1. After
completion of ten experiments, the best network
configuration can be seen in figure 4, and the
consolidations of the tests are shown in table 2.
Figure 4 also shows that one of the paths from
sensor node 3 to the gateway shows three jumps (3-
7-8-1) i.e. the information had to be relayed by two
routers to reach the gateway node. Regarding the
degree of fault, all eight routers have 20 % degree of
fault tolerance. This means that 80 % of the paths
from the sensors to the gateway continue to exist
even after the removal of a node. With respect to the
maximum number of routers used in terms of paths,
the router node 8 is used twice in the paths 3-8-1 and
3-7-8-1. Consequently, this router will have a greater
battery consumption than the others, which could
make it stop working and be disconnected from the
network. But even if that happens, there will still be
a path (3-7-10-1) for node 3 to communicate to the
Table 1: Case study 1 – POSA configuration parameters.
Simulation Parameters Values Method
Number of generations 50 -
Initial number of Routers 10 -
Affinity - Fault Degree
Table 2: Network performance for case study 1.
Min. Av. Max. St. Dev.
No. of nodes 13 13,7 15 0,67
No. of routers 8 8,7 10 0,67
No. of critical sensors 0 0 0 -
No. a router is used 1 2,1 3 0,57
Case study 2 considers configuration POSB for the
sensors and gateway. Table 3 shows the parameters
used in the case study 2 simulation. The goal is still
obtain at least two paths for each sensor and gateway
but now the affinity criteria consider fault degree,
number of times a router is used and number of
neighbor sensors. After ten experiments the best
network configuration is shown in figure 5 and the
network performance is seen in table 4. Table 4
indicates that even using a low number of initial
routers the algorithm was able to reach a positioning
result meeting the goals and avoided again critical
nodes. Figure 5 also shows that node 3 in the path 3-
15-17-13-1 features four hops to the gateway. That
means that the information sent by these devices will
be delayed when received by the gateway node,
since it will need to be relayed through three
intermediate nodes. Regarding to the degree of fault,
the intermediate node 22 has 22 % degree of fault,
and all the other routers we have an index less than
22 %. Thus if node 22 is lost for device failure or
end of battery results that information sent by sensor
5 will not reach the gateway. Regarding to the
maximum number of routers used in terms of paths ,
router nodes 10 and 13 are used three times in the
paths 3-15-17-13-1 , 3-26-13-1 , 4-13-1 , 9 -18-12-
10-1, 9-24-10-1 and 2-11-10-1 .That means that
these devices will have their lifetime reduced
Figure 4: Node positioning for case study 1 in POSA
Table 3: Case study 2 – POSA configuration parameters.
Values Method
Number of
Initial number of
Affinity -
Failure Degree, No. of
times a router is used and
No. of neighbor sensors
Table 4: Network performance for case study 2.
Min. Av. Max. St. Dev.
No. of nodes 23 25,3 28 1,49
No. of routers 14 16,3 19 1,49
No. of critical sensors 0 0 0 -
No. a router is used 3 3,7 5 0,67
Figure 5: Node positioning for case study 1 in POSB
because their high levels of retransmission. As far as
the number of sensors to neighboring routers is
concerned, routers 15, 19, 22 and 26 can relay the
data sent by two sensors, and the sensors are also
used with relays. This makes these sensors and
routers consume more power, and as a result, battery
runs out sooner.
This paper proposed a positioning algorithm for
router nodes in wireless network using immune
systems techniques. The algorithm creates redundant
paths to the data collected by the sensors to be sent
to the gateway by any two or more paths, meeting
the criteria of degree of failure, the number of
retransmission by routers and number of sensors to
neighbouring routers. The algorithm allows each
criterion is enabled at a time or that they be
combined with weights. Comparison between the
results obtained in this paper and those known from
the literature are not straightforward to produce
since their criteria were not the same as ours. Our
criteria considered as a top priority the fault tolerant
aspect guaranteeing, for instance, in the case studies
presented, at least two paths to the gateway for each
sensor node. The affinity function, which works as
an objective function, is multi-objective so several
other objectives could be jointly considered.
Another alternative could be to use some sort of
workbench problem and try to compare other
methods with ours, but the definition of a suitable
workbench problem has issues which are difficult to
deal with.
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