Recovering Software Layers from Object Oriented Systems
Alvine Boaye Belle
, Ghizlane El Boussaidi
and Hafedh Mili
Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Université du Quebec, Montreal, Canada
Laboratoire de Recherches en Technologies du Commerce Électronique (LATECE), UQAM,
Montreal, Canada
Keywords: Reverse Engineering, Architecture Recovery, Layering Principles, Optimization, Clustering, Software
Abstract: Recovering the architecture of existing software systems remains a challenge and an active research field in
software engineering. In this paper, we propose an approach to recover the layered architecture of object
oriented software systems. To do so, our approach first recovers clusters corresponding to the various re-
sponsibilities of the system; the challenge in this context is to find the appropriate level of granularity of
these responsibilities. Then the recovered clusters are assigned to layers using an optimization algorithm
that exploits the principles of the layering architectural style. The approach was validated on five Java open
source systems.
Software architecture is commonly defined as a set
of components and connectors (i.e., interactions
between components) that satisfy a set of functional
requirements and quality attributes (Shaw and Gar-
lan, 1996); (Bass et al., 2003). It is an abstract repre-
sentation that encompasses many complementary
static, runtime and allocation views of a software
system (Buschmann et al., 1996). Software architec-
tures are built by applying architectural styles which
describe families of systems (Shaw and Garlan,
1996). Examples of common architectural styles are
the layered, pipes and filters, client-server and ser-
vice-oriented styles; each of these styles has its own
vocabulary and constraints and promotes some spe-
cific quality attributes.
To appropriately support the evolution of an ex-
isting software system, we need to understand its
architecture. However the as-built architecture is
often insufficiently documented (Stoermer et al.,
2003). Moreover, this architecture has often deviated
from the initial design because of the changes un-
dergone by the system. Hence, a software architec-
ture recovery process is required to reconstruct and
document its architecture. The reconstructed archi-
tecture enables to understand the system, to restruc-
ture it as needed, and to constrain its future evolu-
tion. In the context of this paper, we are interested in
recovering layered architectures of object oriented
Several approaches were proposed to support the
recovery of layered architectures (e.g., (Laval et al.,
2012); (Hassan and Holt, 2002); (Sarkar et al.,
2009); (Andreopoulos et al., 2007) and (Scanniello
et al., 2010)). Most of these approaches propose
some heuristics to cluster elements of the system
under analysis into layers. For example, in both
(Sarkar et al., 2009) and (Laval et al., 2012), heuris-
tics to resolve cyclic dependencies are proposed,
while (Scanniello et al., 2010); (Laval et al., 2012)
and (Andreopoulos et al., 2007) propose heuristics
that exploit the number of fan-out and fan-in de-
pendencies of a module to assign it to the lowest or
highest-level layer. However, these heuristics may
result in architectures that are too permissive with
layering violations.
In this paper, we propose an approach to recover
the layered architecture of object oriented systems.
In particular, the approach first attempts to cluster
the packages of the system under analysis to build
the system’s responsibilities. The challenge, in this
context, is to find the appropriate level of granularity
of the clusters. The resulting responsibility clusters
are then assigned to layers so as to minimize the
violations to the layered style principles. To do so,
we propose a set of layers dependency metrics and
we use these metrics to formalize the layering of
responsibility clusters as an optimization problem.
Boaye Belle A., Boussaidi G. and Mili H..
Recovering Software Layers from Object Oriented Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004900400780089
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2014), pages 78-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-030-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The contribution of this paper is threefold: 1) a
clustering algorithm that aggregates software pack-
ages in order to recover the responsibilities of the
system at a given granularity; 2) a layering recovery
process that builds layers from the aggregated pack-
ages; and 3) the assessment of our approach using
five Java open-source systems.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 states the problem inherent to the
layering recovery techniques. Section 3 describes
our layering recovery approach. In section 4, we
describe the results of an experiment of our ap-
proach on five systems. We discuss related works in
section 5 and we conclude in section 6.
The layered style was described in many reference
books and papers (e.g., (Shaw and Garlan, 1996);
(Buschmann et al., 1996); (Clements et al., 2003)
and (Eeles, 2002)). It is a technique for decomposing
a software system into groups of subtasks where
each group of subtasks is at a particular level of
abstraction (Buschmann et al., 1996). In other
words, a layered architecture is an organized hierar-
chy where each layer is providing services to the
layer above it and serves as a client to the layer be-
low (Shaw and Garlan, 1996). The OSI reference
model (Zimmermann, 1980) is one of the most
known layered systems. In OSI, a layer uses services
provided by lower layers and adds value to them to
provide services needed by higher layers.
In an ideal layered architecture, a layer may only
use services of the next lower layer. This is referred
to as strict layering in (Buschmann et al., 1996) and
as closed layering in (Szyperski, 1998). This strict
ordering relation is often violated in practice; i.e.,
very often, layered systems allow a layer to use ser-
vices provided by any lower layer. Not restricting
the dependence of a layer to its lower adjacent layer
is considered as a regular feature in the open layer-
ing (Szyperski, 1998) and the relaxed layering
(Buschmann et al., 1996). However, it is considered
as a violation named a skip-call violation in (Sarkar
et al., 2009) and layer bridging in (Clements et al.,
2003). Exceptionally, a layer may need to rely on a
service offered by an upper layer. These dependen-
cies are called back-calls in (Sarkar et al., 2009) and
are discussed in (Clements et al., 2003) under the
name “upward usage”. However, the quality attrib-
utes promoted by the layered style (e.g., reuse, port-
ability, maintainability, understandability, and ex-
changeability) are no longer supported when layers
are allowed to use services of higher layers without
restriction (Clements et al., 2003). Therefore, the
structure of a layered architecture must be a directed
acyclic graph or at least a directed graph with very
few cycles connecting layers.
Many approaches have been proposed to recover
the software architecture. Most of them rely on clus-
tering, which is a common used technique to recon-
struct architecture (e.g., (Tzerpos and Holt, 2000);
(Mitchell et al., 2001); (Maqbool and Babri, 2007);
(Lung et al., 2004)). However, these approaches
target specific languages and systems and do not use
a standard representation of the data of the system
under analysis. As a consequence, resulting tools do
not interoperate with each other (Ulrich and New-
comb, 2010). Besides, most of the layering recovery
approaches attempt to recover the layered architec-
ture by relying on heuristics to resolve cyclic de-
pendencies (e.g., (Sarkar et al., 2009) and (Laval et
al., 2012)) or to layer modules according to the
number of their fan-in and fan-out dependencies
(e.g., (Scanniello et al., 2010); (Laval et al., 2012)
and (Andreopoulos et al., 2007)). However, these
heuristics are not based on layering principles and
may result in architectures that are too permissive
with layering violations.
To tackle these issues, we proposed in (Boaye-
Belle et al., 2013) a platform and language inde-
pendent approach which exploits the layering prin-
ciples to reconstruct the layered architecture of ob-
ject oriented software systems. For this purpose, we
extracted two layering principles from the layered
style: the responsibility principle and the abstraction
principle. The responsibility principle states that
each layer of the system must be assigned a given
responsibility (Eeles, 2002); (Buschmann et al.,
1996), so that the topmost layer corresponds to the
overall function of the system as perceived by the
final user and the responsibilities of the lower layers
contribute to those of the higher layers (Buschmann
et al., 1996). The abstraction principle states that the
layers of a system must be ordered according to the
abstraction criterion that rules the flow of communi-
cation between packages of the system. In (Boaye-
Belle et al., 2013), we relied on existing decomposi-
tion of object oriented systems into packages that we
assumed as being designed according to the respon-
sibility principle and we used the abstraction princi-
ple to specify a set of constraints on the layering of
these packages. These constraints were used to
translate the layering recovery process into an opti-
mization problem that we solved using a heuristic
search algorithm. Experimentations with this ap-
proach yielded encouraging results.
However, relying on existing decomposition of
systems into packages raised some issues when re-
covering the layers. In fact, when we flatten the
packages hierarchy, two children packages that are
nested within the same parent package might be
assigned to different layers during the recovery pro-
cess, ending for instance in two consecutive layers.
Such an assignment may be wrong depending on the
granularity of the parent package’s responsibility.
The nesting of child packages into the same parent
package indicates that they contribute to the same
general responsibility, and, depending on its granu-
larity, this responsibility may belong to one layer or
may spam several layers. This problem, also encoun-
tered by other layering recovery approaches (e.g.,
(Laval et al., 2012); (Hautus, 2002)), is illustrated by
Figure 1. In the latter, layers 3, 2, and 1, are respon-
sible of the system's visualization, logic, and data,
respectively. The packages view1.package1 and
view1.package2 are part of the package view1 which
contributes to layer 3’s responsibility. However, in
Figure 1, these two packages were assigned to con-
secutive layers to promote adjacent relationships
between layers (i.e., to promote reuse).
Figure 1: An example of packages' assignment to layers.
To address this issue, each group of packages be-
longing to the same layer's responsibility should be
clustered and assigned to the same level of abstrac-
tion (i.e., layer). In Figure 1, it would allow cluster-
ing view1.package1 and view1.package2 into a sin-
gle cluster that would have been assigned to layer 3.
Notice that when the responsibility of a layer is
complex, it is refined into finer responsibilities in
order to handle its complexity and ease its compre-
hensibility. Each resulting finer responsibility can in
turn be recursively refined until basic responsibili-
ties are obtained. The refinement of a layer's respon-
sibility can then lead to different granularities of
responsibilities, i.e. to responsibilities with various
degrees of complexity. Depending on its granularity,
each responsibility can be implemented by a number
of packages. Hence, to assign the responsibili-
ties/packages to the right layers, packages should be
clustered at the appropriate level of granularity. In
fact, if the granularity of the responsibilities is set to
a coarse level, the clustering process will produce
very few clusters with too many packages (Tzerpos
and Holt, 2000). This may lead to a very small num-
ber of layers and the resulting architecture will be
close to a monolithic one. If the responsibilities'
granularity is too fine, then the clustering process
will generate many clusters including hardly more
than one package. Assigning clusters to layers, in
this case, raises the same issues as discussed above
and illustrated by Figure 1. Therefore, tackling the
issue of clustering the packages at the appropriate
level of granularity will enable recovering the as-
built layered architecture of object oriented systems.
To recover the layering organization of a system, we
follow the three-step approach illustrated by Figure
2. The first step consists in retrieving the facts from
the system under analysis. To extract the system's
facts, we analyze its source code and generate plat-
form independent models that are compliant with the
Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KDM). The
latter was introduced by the OMG (OMG Specifica-
tions, 2013) as a standard representation of legacy
systems. The KDM defines a meta-model for repre-
senting—at various levels of abstraction—all aspects
of existing legacy systems. This meta-model pro-
vides a common interchange format to ensure in-
teroperability between tools. In our context, we
parse the KDM models that we generated from the
source code, to retrieve packages and their relation-
ships. Dependencies between two packages are de-
rived from the dependencies between their respec-
tive classes (i.e., class references, inheritance, meth-
od invocation and parameters).
Once the system’s facts are extracted, we iterate
over steps 2 and 3 to recover the layering architec-
ture of the system. The second step of our approach
aims at clustering packages to build the responsibili-
ties of the system at a given granularity. To do so,
we build a responsibility tree of the system using its
packages’ namespaces and we define the granularity
of a given responsibility as the number of nodes that
have to be traversed from the root of the responsibil-
ity tree to the node corresponding to that responsibil-
ity (i.e., the level of the package representing the
responsibility in the tree). Depending on the targeted
granularity, clusters of packages are built from sub-
trees of nodes corresponding to that granularity. Step
2 is described in details in subsections 3.1 and 3.2.
In the third step of our approach, clusters obtained in
Figure 2: Overview of the proposed approach.
the second step are assigned to layers so as to mini-
mize the layers’ dependencies that violate the lay-
ered architecture (e.g., skip-calls and back-calls) and
maximize dependencies between adjacent layers that
we call adjacent dependencies. To do so, we intro-
duce a number of dependency metrics that are de-
rived from the abstraction principle introduced in
(Boaye-Belle et al., 2013). We use these metrics to
formalize the layering of clusters of packages as an
optimization problem that we solve using a search-
based algorithm. Step 3 is described in details in
subsections 3.3 and 3.4.
At the first iteration of steps 2 and 3, the granu-
larity of the responsibilities is set to 2. At each itera-
tion, the granularity of the responsibilities is in-
creased until it reaches the maximum value (i.e., the
height of the responsibilities tree minus one). The
layering solution obtained after each iteration is
evaluated and it is kept as the best layering solution
if its evaluation gives better results than the best
solution found at the previous iteration. A layering
solution is evaluated using a manual decomposition
of the system and a ratio computed as the number of
adjacent dependencies over the sum of all the de-
pendencies in the solution. We rely on this ratio to
compare two layering solutions instead of the abso-
lute number of adjacent dependencies since the
number of these dependencies varies depending on
the granularity of responsibilities.
3.1 Building the Responsibilities
Some clustering techniques were proposed to create
subsystems that enable managing and understanding
the analyzed system (e.g., (Müller et al., 1993);
(Hassan and Holt, 2002); (Bowman and Holt, 1998)
and (Tzerpos and Holt, 1996)). These techniques
rely for instance on a system's documentation, on the
development team structure, on the directory struc-
ture of a system, and on the naming conventions
followed when naming a system's parts. The use of
naming information to aggregate packages into sub-
systems is the most common technique used by
these approaches (e.g., (Müller et al., 1993) and
(Hassan and Holt, 2002)). In fact, during the naming
of packages, the developers usually name each
package meaningfully, and they generally rely on
the package's functionality to do so. A package’s
name gives a hint about its role in the system (Clem-
ents et al., 2003). Therefore, the so-obtained naming
information usually gives some clues about the re-
sponsibilities of a system's packages. Of course,
naming information can only be useful if the devel-
opers of the system have followed naming conven-
tions (Müller et al., 1993).
All programming languages (e.g., SmallTalk,
C++ and Java) provide mechanisms to support vari-
ous kinds of namespaces (e.g., records, dictionaries,
objects) (Achermann and Nierstrasz, 2000) allowing
to name software entities. A namespace is a se-
quence of key-words that map labels to values
(Achermann and Nierstrasz, 2000) and identifies a
software entity (e.g., package). Packages that con-
tribute to the same responsibility usually have
namespaces beginning with the same subset of key-
words. In our context, we rely on namespaces to
reconstitute the hierarchy of a system's responsibili-
ties. This hierarchy can be seen as a responsibilities
tree that is built so that its root node is the subset of
key-words that appears at the beginning of each
package. The root node represents the overall func-
tionality of the system. The other nodes of the tree
are recursively built so that each path from the root
to a leaf describes the namespace of a package. Con-
cretely, intermediate nodes of the tree correspond to
responsibilities/packages with finer granularity than
the root node (i.e., responsibilities that have been
refined), while the leaves of the tree correspond to
the elementary responsibilities. To get from the root
to the nodes located at a given granularity of respon-
sibilities G, we need to cross (G-1) nodes.
Let us consider JHotDraw 7.0.6, a framework
developed with Java and whose packages'
namespaces are listed in table 1. Figure 3 shows the
responsibilities tree obtained using the key-words in
the packages namespaces of JHotDraw 7.0.6. The
value of the granularity of the root of the tree, which
is the sequence “org.jhotdraw”, is 1. Each path from
the root to a leaf corresponds to a package whose
namespace begins with “org.jhotdraw”. Packages
whose namespaces do not begin with the sequence
“org.jhotdraw” (e.g., “nanoxml” and
“net.n3.nanoxml”) are not included in the tree.
Figure 3: an example of the Responsibilities tree.
3.2 A Responsibilities-based Clustering
In order to build responsibilities-based clusters, we
rely on the responsibilities tree of the system built
using packages namespaces as explained above. We
traverse the responsibilities tree to select each sub-
tree rooted by a node located at a specified granu-
larity of responsibility. The packages whose
namespaces define paths to leaves located in a se-
lected sub-tree are put together in a cluster. Each of
the resulting clusters comprises packages contrib-
uting to the same granularity of responsibilities. The
algorithm describing this clustering process is illus-
trated by Figure 4. This algorithm takes as input the
set of packages of the analyzed system and the tar-
geted granularity of responsibilities at a given itera-
tion. As discussed above, we iterate over all possible
levels of granularities in our approach. The algo-
rithm returns the set of clusters of responsibilities
corresponding to the given granularity.
Table 1: JHotDraw Packages Namespaces.
No Packages namespaces Granularity
1 nanoxml -
2 net.n3.nanoxml -
3* 3
4 3
5 org.jhotdraw.beans 2
6 org.jhotdraw.draw.* 3
7 org.jhotdraw.draw.action 3
8 org.jhotdraw.geom 2
9 org.jhotdraw.gui.* 3
10 org.jhotdraw.gui.datatransfer 3
11 org.jhotdraw.gui.event 3
12 2
13 org.jhotdraw.samples.draw 3
14* 4
15 4
16 org.jhotdraw.samples.pert.* 4
17 org.jhotdraw.samples.pert.figures 4
18 org.jhotdraw.samples.svg.* 4
19 org.jhotdraw.samples.svg.action 4
20 org.jhotdraw.samples.svg.figures 4
21 org.jhotdraw.undo 2
22 org.jhotdraw.util.* 3
23 org.jhotdraw.util.prefs 3
24 org.jhotdraw.xml 2
The algorithm starts by determining the smallest
non-empty namespace common to the majority of
packages (line 1). Each package whose namespace
do not begin with the smallest namespace is re-
moved from the set of packages and put in a single-
ton cluster (lines 2 to 8). The latter is added to the
set of clusters (line 8). The algorithm then builds the
responsibilities tree from the set of remaining pack-
ages, considering the smallest common namespace
as the root of the tree (line 11). The tree nodes are
then recursively computed so that each path from the
root to a leaf describes the namespace of a package.
During the tree's construction, granularity values are
assigned to tree nodes, the root node having the
granularity value of 1. We then consider all nodes
whose granularity of responsibility is equal to the
input granularity of responsibilities (lines 12 to 13).
For each of these nodes, we build a cluster contain-
ing all the packages whose namespaces correspond
to leaves in the sub-tree rooted by the considered
node (line 14). The clustered packages are at the
same time removed from the remaining set of pack-
ages. Each resulting cluster is added to the set of
clusters (line 15). Finally, the packages remaining in
the set of packages are put in singleton clusters that
are in turn added to the set of clusters (lines 18 to
Figure 4: A high level view of the clustering algorithm.
3.3 The Layering of Responsibilities as
an Optimization Problem
We rely on the abstraction principle introduced in
(Boaye-Belle et al., 2013) to assign levels to the
clusters obtained from the responsibilities clustering
step. In fact, our analysis of the layered style led us
to retain two properties that we need to comply with
when assigning clusters to layers:
1) The Layer abstraction uniformity property: clus-
ters assigned to the same layer must be at the
same abstraction level. The level of abstraction
of a component often refers to its conceptual dis-
tance from the “physical” components of the sys-
tem (Buschmann et al., 1996), i.e. hardware, da-
tabase, files and network.
2) Incremental layer dependency property: a cluster
assigned to a layer (j) must only rely on services
of the layer below (j-1). As discussed in the
problem statement, this property is the one that is
mostly violated, either through back-call or skip-
call dependencies between layers. Our analysis
of the various descriptions of the layered style
and several open source projects led us to con-
clude that this property should be stated in a way
that allows—to some extent—the skip-call and
back call violations. Hence, we relaxed this
property to “clusters of layer j-1 are mainly
geared towards offering services to clusters of
layer j”. This means that in the event when there
is some skip-call and back-call dependencies be-
tween layers, the number of these dependencies
must be insignificant compared to the number of
downward dependencies between adjacent lay-
To ensure compliance with the first property, the
clusters of the same layer should be at the same
distance from the “physical” or lowest layer clusters.
However, the existence of back-call and skip-call
dependencies introduces a discrepancy between the
clusters' distances, even when they belong to the
same layer. Hence, compliance with our first proper-
ty derives largely from compliance with our second
property which we will formalize using a set of met-
rics and constraints related to the dependencies be-
tween layers. These constraints will enable to trans-
late the layering problem into an optimization prob-
We define the index of use of a layer j by a layer
i as the number of dependencies directed from layer
i to layer j. This index is obtained by summing the
weights of the dependencies directed from each
cluster of layer i to each cluster of layer j. The de-
pendency between two clusters derives from the
dependencies between their respective packages. In
what follows, this index is labeled as:
AdjacencyUse(i,j) when j = i-1. Adjacen-
cyUse(i,j) denotes the number of dependencies
directed from layer i to its adjacent lower layer j.
SkipUse(i,j) when j < i-1. SkipUse(i,j) is the
number of skip-call dependencies directed from
layer i to layer j.
BackUse(i,j) when i < j. BackUse(i,j) is the
number of back-call dependencies directed from
layer i to layer j.
IntraUse(i) when i = j. IntraUse(i) is the number
of the dependencies inside layer i.
Figure 5 illustrates the calculation of the layer de-
pendency metrics for a system made of three layers
where all dependencies have the same weight (i.e., a
weight of 1). In accordance with the incremental
layer dependency property, we want to minimize the
number of skip-call and back-call dependencies.
This means that, apart from the upper layer adjacent
to layer j, we must minimize the index of use relat-
ing other layers to layer j. However, skip-calls are
often used for performance reasons and should be
more tolerated than the back-calls which lead to a
poorly structured system. These restrictions are for-
malized by the following constraint:
For all i, j, k | j<i and k<j-1, BackUse(j,i)
SkipUse(j,k) AdjacencyUse(j, j-1)
Constraint (1) may be certainly satisfied when the
number of the layers of the system is very small (i.e.,
when layers are merged). However, dependencies
between clusters of the same layer are not recom-
mended unless otherwise stated (Bourquin and Kel-
ler, 2007) or when some concerns as portability need
to be addressed (Clements et al., 2003). Hence, we
subjoined to constraint (1) the following constraint
that limits the number of intra-dependencies of a
IntraUse(j) AdjacencyUse(j, j-1) (2)
The layer dependency metrics and constraints intro-
duced so far will be used to guide the process of
assigning the clusters of a given system to a set of
layers while rewarding the adjacency between layers
and keeping their intra-dependencies quite low and
minimizing the skip-calls and back-calls. For this
purpose, we define the individual layering cost
(ILC) of a given layer i of the system as follows:
ILC(i) αAdjacencyUse
i, i 1
SkipUsei, j
BackUsei, j
Where α, β, γ and δ are respectively the penalties
adjoined to the adjacent dependencies, the intra-
dependencies, the skip-call dependencies and the
back-call dependencies. For instance, in Figure 5,
ILC(3) = 2α + γ, as the third layer has two adjacent
dependencies and one skip-calls.
In order to penalize the undesired dependencies
and satisfy the two constraints defined before, the
penalty α must be lower than the other penalties. The
global layering cost LC of assigning the clusters of a
system to a set of n layers is then computed by
summing the individual layering cost for each layer i
of the system:
The lower LC is, the better the assignment of clus-
ters to layers is. Attempting to reconstruct a layered
architecture while minimizing its LC, is a problem
that can be solved by adapting a search-based algo-
rithm to reduce the search space.
Figure 5: Example of the calculation of the layer metrics
and the individual layering costs.
3.4 An Algorithm to Assign
Responsibilities to Layers
In order to build the optimal layering of software
systems, we choose to adapt the steepest ascent hill-
climbing technique (Mitchell et al., 2001) using our
LC (Eq. 4) as a fitness function. We focused on the
hill-climbing algorithm because it performs well in
the context of large systems and it has been success-
fully used in several approaches. The algorithm
works in an iterative way. It starts by an initial parti-
tion of the system’s modules into a set of clusters;
usually a randomly generated partition as in (Mitch-
ell et al., 2001). Modules are then moved between
clusters to improve the partition according to some
criterion. This criterion is based on maximizing or
minimizing a fitness function.
Figure 6 shows a high-level view of our adapta-
tion of this technique to the layering problem. It
starts with an initial partition consisting of a set of n
layers comprising the clusters resulting from the
clustering step. The uppermost layer is constituted
by the clusters having no incident dependencies; the
lowermost layer of this partition contains the clusters
having no outgoing dependencies; and the remaining
clusters are randomly assigned to intermediate lay-
ers. The so-called initial system is then considered as
the current solution of the algorithm (line 1). In the
following iterations (lines 3 to 20), all the neighbor-
ing solutions are created (line 6) and evaluated using
their cost (line 8). A neighbor solution is computed
by moving a single cluster from a layer A to a layer
B of the current solution, provided these two layers
are different. In order to compute the cost of each
neighbor, we set the values of α, β, γ and δ prior to
the application of the algorithm. The neighbor hav-
ing the lowest value of LC is considered as the best
neighbor of the iteration (lines 9 to 12) and accepted
as the current solution if its cost is lower than the
one of the current solution (lines 14 to 17). The algo-
rithm stops if the current solution cannot be im-
proved anymore (lines 18 and 19).
Figure 6: A high level view of our layering algorithm.
The validation of our approach aimed at addressing
the two following questions: i) What is the correct
granularity of responsibility to consider when clus-
tering packages of a given system? This question is
meant to investigate the appropriate granularity of
responsibility that will help addressing the issues
raised in section 2. ii) What are the values of penal-
ties (α, β, γ and δ) that generate software layers that
correspond to the as-built architecture? The user
might try many combinations values before finding
the ones that best fit the analyzed system. Hence, our
goal through the second question is to reduce the set
of penalties’ values that the user could consider
when applying our layering recovery algorithm.
To validate our approach, we implemented a tool
within the Eclipse
environment. This tool is made
of three modules. The first one is a fact extractor
built atop of the MoDisco open source tool which
enables to generate a KDM representation of the
system under analysis. The KDM representation is
then used by our extractor to retrieve the system’s
packages and the dependencies between them. The
second module implements the clustering algorithm
to generate clusters from the extracted packages
according to the second step of our approach. In
particular, this module builds a module dependency
graph where nodes are clusters of packages and
edges are dependencies between the clusters which
are inferred from the dependencies between packag-
es. The module dependency graph enables the crea-
tion of an initial partition (i.e., initial layering solu-
tion) that is the input of the third module of our tool.
This third module implements our layering algo-
4.1 Experiment
To assess our approach and answer the two research
questions discussed above, we conducted experi-
ments on five software projects. Some characteris-
tics of these projects are summarized in table 2. We
choose these projects because they are open-source
systems that are known to be layered systems. Table
3 shows the results of executing the approach on
these projects using three different setups. We indi-
cate for each setup the values of the penalties that
were used when applying the layering algorithm.
During these experiments, we set the adjacency
penalty (α) to 0 for all these setups; we reward
downward adjacent dependencies. Table 3 shows for
each setup, the best ratio (computed as the number
of adjacent dependencies over the sum of all the
dependencies in the solution as discussed in section
3) found for all the iterations of the approach on a
system and the corresponding granularity of respon-
Layered solutions obtained during the experi-
ment and that correspond to the as-built architectures
of the analyzed systems are in grayed cells in table
3. Interestingly, we can notice that setup 2 is the one
that yields the best results in terms of the ratio of
adjacent dependencies. The explanation lies in the
fact that since the clustering step has already re-
solved some cyclic dependencies, a quite high value
of the back-call penalty δ (e.g., δ =4) is sufficient to
resolve the remaining cyclic dependencies. In this
regard, having the intra-dependencies penalty β
higher than the skip-calls penalty γ in setup 2, avoids
putting the remaining cyclic dependencies in the
same layer at the expense of the adjacent dependen-
cies. This answers our second research question
regarding the set of values of penalties (α, β, γ and δ)
that generate software layers that correspond to the
as-built architecture.
Table 2: Projects statistics.
Numb. of
Numb. of
596 209711 37
310 51 801 24
JUnit 4.10 162 10 402 28
Rhino 1.7 237 132634 15
JEdit 4.3 488 138046 28
Setting the back-call penalty δ to a very high
value as in setup 3, will ensure assigning to the same
layer the majority of the clusters involved in cyclic
dependencies. Hence, we expected setup 3 to be
more appropriate for systems where the number of
cyclic dependency remains very high in spite of the
clustering step. For instance, JEdit 4.3 has a very
high number of cyclic dependencies and we ex-
pected that setup 3 would yield the best results for
that system. However, the best ratio found for JEdit
4.3 corresponds to setup 2. This discrepancy can be
explained by the fact that JEdit 4.3 has some omni-
present packages which bias the recovery process.
Among these omnipresent packages is the package
with the namespace org.gjt.sp.jedit.* which uses
many packages and is in turn used by many other
Regarding the first research question, we ob-
served that the majority of the best ratios of desired
dependencies (i.e., the ratios of adjacent dependen-
cies over the sum of all the dependencies in the solu-
tion) are obtained when the granularity of responsi-
bilities is assigned a value of 3. In fact, when the
granularity of the responsibilities is too coarse (e.g.,
granularity=1 or 2), the clustering step results in
very few clusters (e.g., 2 clusters in the case of Rhi-
no 1.7, JFreeChart 1.0.14 and jEdit 4.3) and the
layering step in a too small number of layers (i.e.,
one to two layers). Furthermore, experimentations
also showed that the more the level of responsibili-
ties considered for clustering is far from the root's
one (e.g., granularity =5), the more the ratios of
desired dependencies decrease.
Table 3: Layering results.
Rhino JHo
D. JUni
Setup 1:
α =0, β =1,
γ = 2, δ = 4
77% 85.55% 67.32 % 51.78% 53%
3 2 3 4 3
Setup 2:
α =0, β =2,
γ = 1, δ = 4
84% 84.98% 67.32 % 64.00% 59%
3 2 3 4 3
Setup 3:
α =0, β =2,
γ = 1, δ = 8
77% 84.98% 67.32 % 60.08% 55.41%
3 2 3 3 3
Figure 7: The layering results of JHotDraw 7.0.6.
This is due to the fact that the majority of the gener-
ated clusters are singletons (i.e., they contain one
package), which weakens and sometimes nullifies
the impact of the clustering process on the layering
In case of JHotDraw 7.0.6, the best layering so-
lution is obtained using setup 1 and for a granularity
of responsibilities of value 2. This solution is illus-
trated by figure 7 and it is pretty close to the one that
was built through a manual decomposition of the
source code. JHotDraw constitutes an “exception” as
it was designed as an example of a well-designed
framework. It contains less cyclic dependencies than
the other projects and its analysis yields the best
desired ratio for all setups when compared to the
ratios of the other projects. Another interesting fact
that came to our attention is that in the case of JUnit
4.10, a granularity of responsibilities equals to 3
produces the best and an identical layering organiza-
tion for each of the 3 setups. This indicates that for
this system, the clustering step led to a stabilization
of the layering results.
4.2 Threats to Validity
To validate our approach, we performed our prelim-
inary experiments on open-source systems that were
known to be layered systems. And since it was diffi-
cult to find experts to decompose these systems, we
manually verified the experimentation results. Nev-
ertheless, as future work, we need to carry out exper-
iments on industrial legacy systems to assess the
usefulness of our approach and generalize the re-
sults. Besides, the object-oriented systems we ana-
lyzed were all developed in Java. However, using
the KDM standard to represent them makes our
approach language and platform-independent and
therefore applicable to other types of systems. An-
other issue that could hinder the applicability of our
approach is its dependence on the MoDisco tool’s
robustness and scalability. Using other tools to gen-
erate the KDM representations of the analyzed sys-
tems will help addressing this threat.
Many approaches have focused on the architectural
reconstruction and they mostly rely on clustering
techniques. Various clustering-based approaches are
discussed in (Maqbool and Babri, 2007) and (Shtern
and Tzerpos, 2012). Most of these approaches aim at
finding a clustering of the system that optimizes the
modularity of resulting packages (e.g., (Lung et al.,
2004), (El Boussaidi et al., 2012)). Our work is more
related to the approaches proposed to recover or
analyze layered architectures (e.g., (Sarkar et al.,
2009); (Lague et al., 1998); (Laval et al., 2012);
(Scanniello et al., 2010); (Müller et al., 1993);
(Tzerpos and Holt, 1996)).
Laval et al., (2012) proposed an approach, called
oZone, which removes undesired cyclic dependen-
cies prior to the decomposition of a system into lay-
ers. For this purpose, they rely on two heuristics to
resolve dependencies that belong to cycles and im-
pede the finding of layers of a system. These de-
pendencies are tagged by the proposed algorithm
and they are ignored when building layers of the
system. In (Sarkar et al., 2009), the authors proposed
3 layering principles (skip-call, back-call and cyclic
dependency) and a set of metrics that measure the
violation of these principles. Although these princi-
ples are focused on detecting violations, they are
related to the layer abstraction uniformity and in-
cremental layer dependency properties as defined in
this paper. Nevertheless, unlike both (Laval et al.,
2012) and (Sarkar et al., 2009), we address the layer-
ing recovery process without relying on any heuris-
tic to resolve the cyclic dependencies problem.
Scanniello et al., (2010) proposed a semi-
automatic approach aiming at recovering software
layers. In their approach, the uppermost layer com-
prises the classes that rely on many other classes,
while the lowermost layer is made of the classes that
are used by many other classes. The middle layer
comprises in turn the remaining classes. In both
(Laval et al., 2012) and (Scanniello et al., 2010), it is
assumed that a module that does not have fan-out-
dependencies belongs to the lowest-level layer and
conversely a module that does not have fan-in de-
pendencies belongs to the highest-level layer. How-
ever, when a module represents a common subtask
exclusive to packages of a middle-level layer, this
module will not have any fan-out dependency but
still belongs to this middle-level layer. Likewise, a
module that starts some specific service of a middle-
layer may not have any fan-independency but still
belongs to this middle-level layer.
Lague et al., (1998) developed a framework for
analyzing layered systems to evaluate the coherence
between the description of the architecture given in
design documents and the actual source code's struc-
ture. Their framework relies on a set of questions for
evaluating the properties of a layered system and a
set of metrics that help answering these questions.
This empirical study has shown that strict layering is
not enforced in layered systems as skip-calls are
made extensively however there are no back-calls.
Though the framework does not support the recov-
ery of the layered architecture, its results helped us
adjust our skip-call cost parameter compared to the
intra and back-call cost parameters.
Tzerpos and Holt (1996) propose a “hybrid” pro-
cess to reconstruct software architectures. This pro-
cess is based on various steps including: selecting
the domain model; retrieving the facts from the
source code and from the files' names; clustering the
facts into subsystems based on naming conventions,
directory structure or automatic clustering tech-
niques; creating successive structural diagrams that
are refined by the developers. Müller et al., (1993)
propose an approach aiming at supporting users in
discovering, restructuring and analyzing subsystem
structures using a reverse engineering tool. The pro-
posed process involves the identification of the lay-
ered subsystem structures. The layered structure is
obtained through the clustering of system's packages
into building blocks using composition operations
among which the composition by name. Similarly to
(Tzerpos and Holt, 1996) and (Müller et al., 1993),
our layering recovery process involves a naming-
based clustering step. However, our clustering step
is focused on the recovery of the layers' responsibili-
ties while theirs targets the ease of the system's man-
ageability and understandability. Besides, in
(Tzerpos and Holt, 1996) and (Müller et al., 1993)
the maintainer has to intervene in most of the recov-
ery process's steps, while in our approach the main-
tainer only needs to validate the layering results.
In this paper, we proposed an approach that aims at
recovering the layered architecture of object oriented
systems. This approach attempts to cluster the pack-
ages of the system under analysis to build clusters of
the system’s responsibilities. The resulting clusters
are then assigned to layers so as to minimize the
layers’ dependencies that violate the layered archi-
tecture and maximize dependencies between adja-
cent layers. To do so, we introduced a set of layers
dependency metrics and we used these metrics to
formalize the layering of clusters of packages as an
optimization problem. The challenge in this context
is to find the appropriate granularity to consider
when clustering responsibilities.
We applied the approach on five open-source
systems and we manually assessed the resulting
layered architectures. The results were very promis-
ing as illustrated in section 4. Our approach has two
main advantages: 1) it does not rely on heuristics to
resolve cyclic dependencies and 2) it is language and
platform independent as it relies on the KDM speci-
fication standard. Moreover, it supports the interac-
tion with users and domain experts to refine the
layering results.
While we continue to refine the principles and
metrics of our approach, we need to perform more
experiments and analyses to properly tune the penal-
ties used by our layering algorithm. In this context,
we intend to conduct experiments on industrial sys-
tems and get the feedback from these systems' ex-
perts in order to validate the resulting layered archi-
tectures and assess the usefulness of our approach.
In the short term, we plan to apply the approach on
larger open source systems (e.g., Mozilla and Ant)
and to compare our results with other approaches.
We also envision improving our fact extractor in
order to get a richer and more accurate representa-
tion of the analyzed systems.
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