Q5: Which is the most useful to recall your
memories, D, E, or F?
Q6: Which is the most useful to recall your
memories among the six tag clouds?
Qs 1-3 compare our method and the comparative
method. Q4 and Q5 compare the source with each
method. Q6 compares all of them.
Every tag cloud displays up to 30 tags.
4.3.2 Results and Analysis
The results of experiment 2 are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Results of experiment 2.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
Subject 1 A B C A D A
Subject 2 A B C A D A
Subject 3 A B C A E A
Subject 4 A B C A D A
Subject 5 A B C B E B
Our method is better than the comparative
method regardless of the information source, based
on the results of Qs 1-3 (5/5). From the result of Q6,
one subject said that “Tag cloud A greatly displayed
important words.” Other opinions included,
“Changing the color for each source was effective.”
On the other hand, Subject 5 selected tag cloud B
and complained that “Tag cloud A has much more
noise than tag cloud B.” There were probably many
useless tweets on that day when many photos were
taken. These results suggest the overall usefulness of
our method.
This research is a part of a system called Memory-
Organizer that helps users construct “externalized-
memory” (Murakami, 2002). Murakami et al.
(Murakami, 2012) created Knowledge-space
browser from five information usages to support
human recollection. The differences between
previous research and this paper are that we selected
two important information sources for memory
support: new algorithms for weighting words using
the number of photos, and displaying tag clouds.
Much research integrated such information in the
light of personal information management
(PIM)(William, 2007).
There are many researches on tag clouds. Kuo et
al. presented PugCloud, whose tools use tag clouds
to summarize the results from queries over the
PubMed database of biomedical literature (Kuo,
2007). Eda et al. created a novel tag cloud (Eda,
2009) that uses tag entropy values to determine font
size. Many of these studies summarize the results of
searches or web pages. Our research uses tag clouds
for the recall of memory support. To the best of our
knowledge, no research uses tag clouds for human
memory recollection.
We presented a system that supports human
recollection with tag clouds created from the use of
Google Calendar and Twitter. This research’s main
feature is to weight words using the number of
photos taken by users to recall memorable events.
Preliminary experiments suggest the usefulness of
our approach. Since this is merely its first step, we
need to improve our algorithms and conduct further
experiments with more subjects. We believe our
approach is useful to recall the memories of
impressive events and should be investigated in the
Murakami, H., 2010. History Structure for Exploring
Desktop Data, In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2010
Workshop on Desktop Search (Understanding,
Supporting and Evaluating Personal Data Search),
Wikipedia, 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud.
(accessed 02-January-2014).
Mitsuhashi, K., 2011. A Human Recollection Support
System by Integrating Diverse Information and
Creating Knowledge Space. Master’s Thesis,
Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City
University. (in Japanese).
Murakami, H., Hirata, T., 2002. Information Acquisition
and Reorganization from the WWW by using
Memory-Organizer”, Bulletin of Osaka City
University Media Center, vol. 3, pp. 9-14.
Murakami, H., Mitsuhashi, K., 2012. A System for
Creating User’s Knowledge Space from Various
Information Usages to Support Human Recollection.
International Journal of Advancements in Computing
Technology, vol. 4, no. 22, pp. 496-508.
William, J., 2007. Personal Information Management,
ARIST, vol. 41, pp. 453-504.
Eda, T., Uchiyama, T., Uchiyama, T., Yoshikawa, M.,
2009. Signaling Emotion in Tagclouds. In WWW 2009,
pp. 1199-1200, ACM Press.
Kuo, B. Y-L., Hentrich, T., Good, B. M., Wilkinson, M.
D., 2007. Tag Clouds for Summarizing Web Search
Results. In WWW 2007, pp. 1203-1204, ACM Press.