the service is used. Use based on Service Level
Agreements SLA, which define obligations between
supplier and consumer. Share and Reuse, Cloud
services should be designed to share and to reuse by
many consumers. Autonomy, services should be
independent. Discovery, Cloud services must be
easily discoverable. Modularity and Composition,
Cloud services can be composed of other services.
Several authors believe that Cloud and SOA are
suitable for business outsourcing in the cloud. We
agree with (Wilkes, 2011) where the authors discuss
the modernization of business and ICT in the Cloud,
noting that both have common.
In this paper, we propose aligning the Cloud
strategy with business strategy according to the SOA
paradigm. We propose a methodology directed
towards the development and
outsourcing/externalization of business applications
using SOA. In the development process, we take a
business Model as a base from which to develop a
business process Model, we then use software
engineering tools to obtain a business services
Model, suitable for implementation. In the
outsourcing process, we propose a guide to exploit
SOA applications in the Cloud following the
Business Process Modeling BPM and SOA
government models. In the best of our knowledge
we have not found applications development
methodologies focused to its exploitation in the
This paper is structured as follows: In Section 2
we will see some studies related to the Cloud and
SOA. Section 3 presents our proposal. Section 4 we
shows a study case where we apply our
methodology. And Section 5 exposes some
conclusions and future research.
Opportunities offered by the Internet to modern
society are immense and growing on a daily basis;
constantly technological advances break new ground
towards providing society with better and faster
communications aside from new ways to interact, do
business, teach, learn and much more.
The new Cloud technologies are considered by
many authors a derivative of other technologies, as
in (Buyya, 2009) where a study on computer vision
in the XXI century is performed, covering briefly the
progress of modern society, they consider Grid
computing, Peer to Peer, and SOA technologies like
precursors of the Cloud Computing. In addition, they
establish an approach what they call “Cloud market-
oriented resource management”, these are based on
the deployment of Service Level Agreements SLAs,
between providers and users, and risk management
associated with the violation of SLAs. In (Youseff,
2010) a proposal of the Cloud ontology is shown,
which aims to unify concepts as to improve their
understanding; the authors also consider the Cloud
as a technology derived from other such as SOA,
Virtualization, Distributed architectures, Grid and
Cluster computing from which the Cloud inherits its
advantages and limitations. They present their
ontology in 5 different layers: 1) Hardware; 2)
Kernel; 3) IaaS: DaaS and computational resources
as a service CaaS; 4) PasS and 5) SaaS. Cloud
technologies are a matter of research as shown in
projects (Khan, 2012), (MacKenzie, 2006), (Wang,
2008), (Buyya, 2009), (Alvarez, 2012), (Mircea (a),
2010). We believe that SOA is a mature architecture
suitable for the Cloud, in (MacKenzie, 2006) the
OASIS Reference Model for SOA, is shown; where
the reference model is defined as a model that seeks
to provide common semantics, that can be used
without ambiguity between different
implementations. It defines the SOA essence, and
emerges with a common vocabulary and
understanding, independent from the technology that
influences the SOA deployment. According to
(MacKenzie, 2006), SOA is a paradigm for
organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities,
which may be under the control of different owners.
Entities, individuals and organizations create
capabilities to solve or support solutions to problems
they face in their businesses. Thus, the needs of
some people are met with capabilities offered by
others. A capability can be used without knowing its
details. The service is SOAs’ core,
and it is defined
in the dictionary as “The performance do work (a
function) by one for another”. Regarding SOA
services are the mechanism by which needs and
capabilities are produced together.
There are many studies that recommend using
SOA in the Cloud, all from different points of view,
as in (Wang, 2008) where the authors define the
workspace as the abstraction of an execution
environment, which can be dynamically available to
authorized clients using standard well defined
protocols. The authors think that orchestration and
service organization can be managed by SOA. In
(Buyya, 2009) new ways of locating resources,
depending on the level of service contracted between
consumers and suppliers, are presented. The authors
of (Soltani, 2012) propose using BPM and Model-
Driven Development to develop SOA architecture.
They show a method that defines how to transform a