Face Templates Creation for Surveillance Face Recognition System
Tobias Malach
and Jiri Prinosil
Department of Radio Electronics, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
EBIS, spol. s r.o., Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Telecommunications, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Face Templates, Template Database Creation, Face Recognition System Application, Real-world
Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of face templates creation for facial recognition system. The application
of a face recognition system in real-world conditions requires compact and representative face templates in
order to maintain low error rate and low classification time. Contemporary face template creation methods
are not suitable for face recognition systems with large number of users as they produce many templates per
person. These templates are often redundant and their high number requires long classification time. The
paper presents four approaches to face templates creation that produce one to three face templates per
person. The influence of different face template creation approaches was assessed on PubFig and IFaViD
database. The achieved results show that appropriate face template creation methods have a significant
influence on face recognition system performance.
The machine recognition of human faces is being
gradually implemented into various real-world
applications. In the past, face recognition algorithms
had severe limitations that prevented their usage in
practical applications. An intensive research made
feasible the partial elimination of these limitations,
Zhao & Chellappa (2006). Thus face recognition
systems have achieved acceptable results in
appropriately designed applications. Nevertheless
unsolved issues in near real-time applications with
large number of users still remain e.g. long
classification time and extensive template databases.
The face recognition research has been recently
focused on face description by efficient features and
a development of complex classifiers. There are
other aspects that influence the face recognition
system’s performance, e.g. the creation of face
templates. Face templates directly influence the
classifier’s performance, the system’s sensitivity on
a face pose and illumination, etc.
This paper presents novel approaches to face
templates creation and describes their impact on
recognition performance. The proposed approaches
aim to reduce the number of face templates per
person, which accelerates the classification process
and reduces redundancy among one individual's
templates. The face template creation research is a
part of the project IVECS (Intelligent Video
modules for Entrance Control Systems). IVECS
deals with a development of face recognition system
which is intended to be used in surveillance CCTV
(Closed Circuit Television) systems.
In an ongoing text, the developed face
recognition system is described. Subsequently new
approaches to face template creation are proposed.
The influence of different face template creation
methods is evaluated on images from the PubFig
Database and the IFaViD database described in
Bambuch, Malach & Malach (2012). The IFaViD
database was assembled from video sequences
captured by the CCTV surveillance system. Test
results are then credible considering the use in
surveillance systems. The results indicate that the
influence of face template creation has a significant
impact on a face recognition system’s performance.
1.1 Related Work
There are very few available publications describing
the implementation of face recognition systems into
real-world application. The work of Stallkamp,
Ekenel, & Stiefelhagen (2007) presents overall face
Malach T. and Prinosil J..
Face Templates Creation for Surveillance Face Recognition System.
DOI: 10.5220/0004906307240729
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2014), pages 724-729
ISBN: 978-989-758-018-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
recognition system implementation. Stallkamp et al.
used a k-means algorithm to create face templates
for K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbour) classifier. Using
k-means algorithm, 10 face templates per person
were created. However Stallkamp et al. didn’t
examine the influence of face templates on
recognition performance.
The developed face recognition system is to be part
of a surveillance camera system. There are specific
operating conditions due to the application in such a
system. Firstly frontal face images are only provided
in special cases. Generally face images are non
frontal. Secondly an illumination intensity and
sources varies. Last but not least aspect is that
significant percentage of images is of low quality.
Consequences of system’s operating conditions
introduce difficulties to the face recognition process.
The system’s design should take into account
user’s requirements e.g.: near real time recognition,
low error rate etc.
To fulfil requirements on the system and to cope
with difficulties introduced by real operating
conditions, we have utilized approaches that have
already been proved to be reliable. The tested face
recognition system is described in an ongoing text.
2.1 Face Acquisition with Viola-Jones
The Viola-Jones face detector introduced in Viola &
Jones (2001) has been used for face detection. This
algorithm makes fast and reliable face detection
feasible. After face detection, which roughly
determines face position, face alignment is
performed. We have proposed a framework, which
aligns and crops the face image according to a
position of found facial features such as eyes.
Figure 1: Example of face an alignment with relative
distances among image margins and eye centers.
2.2 Face Description with LBPH
Once the face is detected and aligned, the features
describing the face are extracted. We have applied
LBPH (Local Binary Patterns Histograms) features
presented by Ahonen, Hadid & Pietikäinen (2006).
LBPH features appear to have both high
discriminative power and low computational
complexity. We have utilized following setup of
LBPH features: radius of LBP 2, neighbors number
7, and grid 8 x 8.
A significant aspect for the practical
implementation of a face recognition system is the
length of a feature vector. The LBPH feature vector
has a length of 8192 in integer precision. When
considering a face template database consisting of
hundreds of templates, a database access time and
classification time have to be taken into account.
From this point of view, LBPH features seem to be a
compromise between discriminative power,
computational complexity and a database access
2.3 Classification Scheme
A NN (Nearest Neighbors) based classifier has been
utilized. The NN-based classifier seems to be
suitable for classifying LBPH feature vectors
because of their high dimensionality.
The NN classifier compares a feature vector
(representing an unknown individual) to all face
templates. The classifier utilized in our work uses a
threshold which defines maximum dissimilarity
between an unknown feature vector and a face
template. The feature vector is assigned to a face
template whose mutual dissimilarity is minimal and
is smaller than the threshold. If the distance among
face templates and the feature vector exceeds set
threshold, the feature vector is expected to represent
an individual without a face template – an impostor.
The NN-based classifier exploits chi square
distance χ
to express mutual relations among
feature vector and templates. The chi square metric
is defined as follows:
(, )
where T and S are feature vectors and i is the
dimensionality of T and S respectively. We have
adopted the chi square metric defined above in our
The face recognition scheme described in the
previous section has been used to conduct all tests
and remains unchanged. The investigated and
modified part of the recognition system was the face
template database. Several different face template
databases have been created using the following
3.1 The Most Similar Face Method
Many of current approaches create face templates by
projecting a training database into the feature space,
Zhao & Chellappa (2006). Each training face image
creates one face template. This approach results in a
large face template database which is not suitable for
the developed system due to the large number of
database entries, time-demanding classification.
Therefore we propose the most similar face method
that selects one face template per person out of all
available face templates of one individual.
The template having the smallest accumulated
distance (the chi square distance according to
formula (1)) to all other templates of one individual
is chosen as the ultimate template. The suggested
approach is considered as a baseline method for this
3.2 Centroid Templates
The centroid template method is based on the idea
that the feature vectors of one individual may be
represented by one point in a multi-dimensional
feature space – the cluster’s centroid. This approach
expects that all features have the same significance.
The result face template is computed as a mean
vector in all dimensions. The face template T
for an
individual i in the dimension j is determined as
, ,,
where F
is a value of the n
feature vector of the
individual in the j
dimension, and n
is the total
number of feature vectors for the i
individual. This
approach produces face templates which should be
closest to all feature vectors in one cluster.
The Centroid templates method appears to be a
simple and straightforward approach to face
template creation. This method produces face
templates which does not correspond to any real
face; face templates are synthetic. This feature may
prove impractical in cases when training face images
were captured in diverted poses. This may result in a
complex cluster which cannot be correctly
represented by its centroid. In such a case the
representation of a cluster as its centroid may be
misleading and may result in a higher error rate. The
medoid templates method is proposed to cope with
this feature.
3.3 Medoid Templates
The Medoid templates method finds the most similar
feature vector with respect to all the feature vectors
of one individual. This approach was originally
proposed in the work of Prinosil (2013). The medoid
templates method generalizes Prinosil’s formal
approach and adds an outliers removal feature. The
medoid templates method uses the following
Distances among all feature vectors extracted
from face images of one individual are calculated.
The outliers removal is maintained by thresholding
the distances D. the distances D are computed
according to formula (1); distances exceeding the
defined threshold T are excluded. The remaining
distances D(H
) are scaled using the following
(, )
'( , )
The scaled distances D‘(H
) are added for each
feature vector. The resulting face template
corresponds to the feature vector with the highest
total of scaled distances D‘(H
Face templates creation using medoids should
provide a better representation of complex clusters.
3.4 Multiple Face Templates (MFTM)
A cluster analysis of feature vectors extracted from
face images captured by surveillance camera system
indicates that clusters of one person’s features
cannot be sufficiently represented by one point – one
face template. This is caused by the cluster’s
complexity which is a consequence of real-world
conditions and an imperfect face alignment. To
cover complex clusters, we have utilized a method
producing multiple face templates for one
The multiple face templates are obtained using
the hierarchical k-means decomposition algorithm
which was presented by Muja & Lowe (2009). This
algorithm clusters feature vectors using the k-means
algorithm into B regions; B is called the branching
factor. Every region is clustered repeatedly until the
number of feature vectors is larger than B. The
application of such a recursive algorithm on the
feature vectors of one individual results in the
hierarchical tree representing distance relations
among feature vectors. Once the hierarchical tree is
constructed, the desired number of face templates
has to be extracted. For this purpose, a cut in the
hierarchical tree which produces the desired number
of clusters/face templates is taken. The cluster’s
representatives are chosen as face templates.
The influence of the proposed template creation
methods on face recognition system performance
was evaluated. Tests were conducted on images
from two datasets. The first one is the PubFig
database described in Kumar, Berg, Belhumeur &
Nayar (2009) and the second is the IFaViD (IVECS
Face Video Database). The PubFig database has
been used because of the significant variability in
face appearance. The IFaViD database has been
used because its images correspond to the intended
use of the developed face recognition system.
Therefore IFaViD test results are supposed to be
closer to the system’s performance in real-world
4.1 The PubFig Database
The PubFig (Public Figures Face Database) is a
standardized database for the performance
evaluation of face recognition systems. For testing
purposes we have divided the database into two non-
overlapping parts, the training set and the test set.
The training set consists of images of 86 different
people; each person has exactly 40 training images.
The test set consists of the images of 194 people.
The number of test images per person varies; the
total number of test images is 4,552.
4.2 The IFaViD Database
The IFaViD is a database of video sequences
captured by the CCTV surveillance system. The
original IFaViD contains 5,357 video sequences of
275 individuals. For testing purposes of this work,
single images were used instead of video sequences.
The number of single images totalled 16,442.
The video sequences have been captured by
different cameras with different placements.
Cameras captured one of the defined scenarios (a
time-ordered sequence of human actions during
video sequence capture). Images of two scenarios
were used, scenarios are defined as follows:
Scenario A: a person walking through a door
frame or a corridor.
Scenario B: a person requesting a closed door
or a gateway access via an identification
Detailed description of scenarios, video sequences
capturing and IFaViD assembly was described in
Malach, Bambuch & Malach (2012) or Bambuch,
Malach & Malach (2012).
4.2.1 The IFaViD Training Set
The IFaViD contains unique training set for each
scenario. The training set contains manually sorted
face images. The number of training images of one
individual ranges between 40 and 150 images.
Training images were extracted from video
sequences that had been captured by a CCTV
system. The training set does not overlap with the
test set.
Figure 2: Example images from IFaViD database.
The IFaViD database was used for testing
because IFaViD video sequences provide a
trustworthy representation of the environment and
operating conditions of a system’s intended
application. The results obtained are supposed to be
more credible compared to results conducted on
standard test databases.
In our research, we used face images only, not
original video sequences. The single image approach
was used in order to emphasize the impact of
different methods on face template creation. Single
face images were extracted from original IFaViD
video sequences using the Viola-Jones face detector.
The results of proposed methods for face templates
creation are presented in the form of ROC (Receiver
Operating Characteristics) curves in figure 3. ROC
curves were obtained by a sweeping classifier’s
threshold. The threshold had a range of between 0
and 10,000 with steps of 100.
The medoid template method contains a
threshold to remove outliers. This threshold was
swept in all tests in the range from 2,500 to 6,000
with the step 500. The following graphs present the
best-reached result of the medoid template method
only. Threshold values are shown on graph labels
(e.g. Medoid xxxx).
The results of the test conducted on the PubFig
database indicate, that there is a significant
performance difference when template databases
containing one face template, were used. The
centroid method outperforms both the medoid
method and the baseline approach. Results also
show that multiple template method may improve
the system’s performance.
The results in scenario A show that the medoid
method performs relatively better than in the test
conducted on PubFig. This could be caused by a
high variability in the training images for scenario
A. Multiple face template methods outperformed all
single template methods. The three multiple
template approach (MFTM 3) in particular has been
shown to increase the CCR (Correct Classification
Rate) by 10 percent compared to other methods.
Considering the results in scenario A and the
complex training database for scenario A, it can be
stated that complex clusters are represented better by
multiple-face templates.
Finally, the results in scenario B indicate that the
multiple face template method has no meaning for
training sets with low face pose variability. The
centroid method produces the same results as the
multiple face template method. The medoid method
and the baseline approach seem to perform the same
for databases with low variability.
A complex view of test results shows that
different databases or scenarios require a different
approach to the face template creation. Moreover,
performance differences among tested methods can
vary by up to 20% of the correct classification rate.
The overall system performance in all tests is
relatively low compared to the state of the art
approaches reported in recently published papers.
This is caused by the influence of real-world
conditions during the images captured by
surveillance camera systems.
Figure 3: ROC curves describing face recognition system
on different datasets. The Medoid stands for the medoid
template method followed by the threshold value. The
MFTM stands for the Multiple Face Template Method
followed by the number of created face templates. The
Baseline stands for the most similar face method.
This paper presents new approaches to face
templates creation. Proposed methods were designed
for real-world face recognition systems with large
number of users in order to enhance face recognition
system performance and to accelerate the
classification process. The proposed methods
produce one, two or three templates per person
which reduces template database access time,
classification time and redundancy among person's
templates. This results in a more efficient
recognition process. The impact of different face
template creation methods has been examined on
two databases, the PubFig database and the IFaViD
Firstly the tested face recognition system and its
key algorithms have been described in detail.
Subsequently the examined methods for face
template creation have been described. Face
template examination and optimization is a novel
step in face recognition research. Remarkable results
have been obtained despite the fact that the proposed
approaches to face template creation are only the
first step in our research.
The next section has described the IFaViD and
the PubFig testing and training databases and briefly
summarizes their properties.
Finally the test results have been presented in the
last section. The most remarkable finding is that
different methods for face template creation have a
significant influence on system recognition
performance. The next finding is that there may be
differences in recognition performance when
different one-face template methods are used. The
centroid approach outperforms the rest of one-face
template methods. Moreover it does not require any
extra setup, just like the medoid template method.
The multiple template methods have outperformed
all other methods and seem to offer a promising
approach as they enable complex cluster
Research described in the paper is financially
supported by the Ministry of industry and trade of
Czech Republic under grant IVECS, No.
FR-TI3/170 and by Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports and European Structural Funds under
grant SIX, No CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0072.
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